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H2020 projects about "met"

The page lists 183 projects related to the topic "met".

# achronym  title  year 
2 NIPSE Novel Integration of Powerplant System Equipment 2015
3 BINGO Breeding Invertebrates for Next Generation BioControl (BINGO) 2015
4 MINATURA 2020 Developing a concept for a European minerals deposit framework 2015
5 MET-A-FOR Metabolomic analysis for the forensic detection of drugs of abuse in performance and food producing animals 2015
6 AEOLUS4FUTURE Efficient harvesting of the wind energy 2015
7 UnCoVerCPS Unifying Control and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
8 PICSE Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe 2014
9 TREDISEC Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud. 2015
10 SMARTSET High Performance Low Cost Virtual Studios for Creative Industries SMEs 2015
11 CARDIS Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics 2015
12 TUNEMEM Externally Tuneable Separations for Membrane Reactors 2015
13 BeadCAP-DNA BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit 2014
14 BAG-FS Biopolus Aero Green - Feasibility Study 2014
15 STARMAS Structured Training and Advanced Research in Marine Active Structures 2016
16 NEUROMITO Mitochondrial Dynamics and Local Protein Synthesis in Dendrites 2016
17 PEMETH Planning and Evaluation Methodologies for Mental Healthcare Buildings 2015
18 WALKEr Robot-induced Error Augmentation for improving pre-gait and gait rehabilitation in stroke survivors 2015
19 SmartDesalt Smart Pressure Vessel for water desalination with reverse osmosis membranes 2015
20 Springwave2014 Transitioning to microalgae as a sustainable, high-quality large-scale food source through launching the first daily drink containing spirulina 2015
21 PAYPLUG LABS Next generation online payments and fraud detection API for European SMEs 2015
22 SDO-MET Automatic Rail Safety Solution 2015
23 AARC Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) 2015
24 TOSSIBERG Theory of Stein Spaces in Berkovich Geometry 2015
25 CAFES Causal Analysis of Feedback Systems 2015
26 iMETland iMETland: A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment 2015
27 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
28 OCAMIR The world’s fastest low noise infrared camera: Optic camera infrared 2015
29 CliniSenz CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring 2015
30 INNODIAB Innovative diagnostic device for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes patients 2015
31 AQUIRE Advanced QUadrature sensitive Interferometer REadout for gravitational wave detectors 2015
32 AquaSHIELD Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall 2015
33 5G NORMA 5G NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture 2015
34 TB-ACCELERATE Integrating genomics, epidemiology and evolution to accelerate tuberculosis eradication 2015
35 CORBEL Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 2015
36 BrightnESS Building a research infrastructure and synergies for highest scientific impact on ESS 2015
37 INQMINDS The Evolutionary and Developmental Origins of Inquiring Minds: Studies of Causal Reasoning; Curiosity and Executive Control 2015
38 DEPICODE Decoding the epigenetic signature of memory function in health and disease 2015
39 EMILK Food treatment process based on high voltage nanopulsed electric discharges in liquid phase 2015
40 SPIDERS Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures 2015
41 ERA-CVD ERA-NET on cardiovascular diseases to implement joint transnational research projects and set up international cooperations 2015
42 O3MET Vegetable ozone therapy for the defense of greenhouse crops 2015
43 Q-Bot Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems 2015
44 INNOHEM Innovative 5-part haematology analyser for near-patient diagnostics 2015
45 BEACON Hybrid Digital-Analog Networking under Extreme Energy and Latency Constraints 2016
46 EngiNear-IR Engineered Near-Infrared Photosynthesis 2015
47 RENOIR Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing 2016
48 DIMONTEMP Distributed Monitoring of HTF Temperature at Solar Thermal Power Plants 2016
49 SONNETS SOcietal Needs aNalysis and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector 2016
50 LPGPU2 Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2 2016
51 FORBIO Fostering Sustainable Feedstock Production for Advanced Biofuels on underutilised land in Europe 2016
52 SET-Nav Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation 2016
53 SCouT Sparse Composite Likelihood Inference in Count Time Series 2016
54 Bioinformatics4Breeding Harnessing the power of bioinformatic analysis to improve genetic selection for fertility in dairy cows 2016
55 DipInQuantum Dipolar quantum gases of Dysprosium 2016
56 poro sos Efficient numerical methods for deformable porous media. Application to carbon dioxide storage. 2016
57 ENVERESP Crosstalk between nuclear envelope and DNA Damage Response: Role of nucleoporin TPR in the maintenance of genomic integrity 2016
58 SolardeSaLt A Renewable Approach for Industrial Water Desalination by using Hybrid Photovolt 2016
59 REACH Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub 2016
60 NedraEV A lightweight, fast charging, EV platform to be utilised on Car Share and Urban Mobility Systems 2016
61 3DAM 3D Advanced Metrology and materials for advanced devices 2016
62 AMBER Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers 2016
63 DENSE aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm 2016
64 ACTECH Ancient ConstructionTECHniques between East and West. Building traditions, technological innovations and workmanship circulation: from Roman Arabia to Medieval Europe. 2017
65 SAP-Nano A disruptive technology for vaccines manufacturing based on Self-Assembled Polymeric Nanoparticulate systems 2016
66 BISS Biometric Identification Security System 2016
68 AdOMiS Adaptive Optical Microscopy Systems: Unifying theory, practice and applications 2016
69 AM4INFRA Common Framework for a European Life Cycle based Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks 2016
70 MYELOMANEXT Integrated next-generation flow cytometry and sequencing to uncover the pathway of curability in multiple myeloma 2016
71 BBDiag Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease 2017
72 HUMAN HUman MANufacturing 2016
73 ZAero Zero-defect manufacturing of composite parts in the aerospace industry 2016
74 NeoCel NeoCel – Novel processes for sustainable cellulose-based materials 2016
75 FRESH FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging 2017
76 4PHOTON Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates 2017
77 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
78 JAM JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence 2016
79 LUVMI Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrument 2016
80 EMMA Enriching Market solutions for content Management and publishing with state of the art multimedia Analysis techniques 2017
82 MonoDiaL Monolithic Diamond Raman Laser (MonoDial) 2016
83 VACCELERAID A novel vaccine technology leading to accelerated availability of vaccines and improved delivery 2016
84 BELLA-S1 BELLA-S1 Building Europe Link with Latin America 2016
85 SMART.MET PCP for Water Smart Metering 2017
86 L.I.F.E. LIVING IN A FRINGE ENVIRONMENT - Investigating occupation and exploitation of desert frontier areas in the Late Roman Empire 2016
87 ARCC Automated Rail Cargo Consortium: Rail freight automation research activities to boost levels of quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness in all areas of rail freight operations 2016
88 TOOP The Once Only Principle Project 2017
89 BIOROBURplus Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production 2017
90 RoSTBiDFramework Optimised Framework based on Rough Set Theory for Big Data Pre-processing in Certain and Imprecise Contexts 2017
91 StaGraM Stable Crosslinked Graphene Membranes for Water and Molecular Separation 2017
92 SOLACE Housing System of production and delivery self-assembly, carbon neutral, energy positive and income generating house which reduces housing overburden declining inequality gap. 2017
93 AOrbit Orbiting Journal Bearing Experiment 2017
94 Vis4Weather Improved Communication of High Impact Weather Events 2017
95 TERA Coding for terabit-per-second fiber-optical communications 2017
96 GlycoModels 3D glyco-engineered models to address the role of glycosylation in gastric cancer clinical management 2017
97 FLUDD Late Stage Fluorination and its Applications to Drug Discovery 2017
98 UMAQ Understanding Media Accessibility Quality 2017
99 QSB Quantum Sensing for Biology 2017
100 CHAOSPIN Chaos-based information processing using spintronic nano-oscillators 2018
101 IMPRiND Inhibiting Misfolded protein PRopagation in Neurodegenerative Diseases - Sofia ref.: 116060 2017
102 COMSYN Compact Gasification and Synthesis process for Transport Fuels 2017
103 UPMab Unlocking the Potential of deep-sea Marine Algae and Bacteria 2017
104 ALMAGIC Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys Green Innovative Coatings 2017
105 MaaS4EU End-to-End Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobility 2017
106 TryptoBoost Boosting tryptophan fluorescence with optical nanoantennas to watch label-free protein dynamics with single molecule resolution at high concentration 2017
107 B-shelf Edible coating for preventing loss of water and fungi proliferation in fruits and vegetables 2017
108 COMPASS COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope 2017
109 LATTE Full Fairing for Main Rotor Head of the LifeRCraft demonstrator 2017
110 VERT Vertex switch – the foundation for a more sustainable and reliable railway transport system 2017
111 RELATE Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity 2017
112 FormulaGP FormulaGP - Recruitment plan for a skilled associate to help developing the patent pending IRIS GreenPlasma device 2017
113 MATRIX CHARGING Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2017
114 Clear5G Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future 2017
115 Fertissimo A ground-breaking medical system selecting the most viable embryo for successful IVF pregnancy 2017
116 Heat-To-Fuel Biorefinery combining HTL and FT to convert wet and solid organic, industrial wastes into 2nd generation biofuels with highest efficiency 2017
117 MINOA Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation Applications 2018
118 PD UpReg Gene knock-up via 3’UTR targeting to treat Parkinson’s disease 2017
119 A4B Analytics for Biologics 2017
120 onCOMBINE Towards evidence-based combinations of approved and novel cancer drugs 2017
121 soundproof4win Soundproof window with ventilation function 2017
122 INFINITE-CELL International cooperation for the development of cost-efficient kesterite/c-Si thin film next generation tandem solar cells 2017
123 CHARIOT Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT 2018
124 INLINETEST In-line quality inspection system for smart production of micro and nanoelectronic components 2018
125 WorkOD Work on Demand: Contracting for Work in a Changing Economy 2018
126 Warmest loW Altitude Remote sensing for the Monitoring of the state of Cultural hEritage Sites: building an inTegrated model for maintenance. 2017
127 PLABOR Platform Labor: Digital transformations of work and livelihood in post-welfare societies 2018
128 LIPOFABRIK LIPOFABRIK: A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management. 2018
129 IRIDOX The Synergistic Merging of Iridium-Catalysed Hydrogen Borrowing and Asymmetric Catalysis in the Pursuit of Enantioenriched Small Molecules 2018
130 HIPERFAN HIgh PERformance Journal Bearing Technology for new geared TurboFAN generations 2018
131 GoldTrace GoldTrace: tracking the origin and transport of gold beneath seafloor arc volcanoes 2018
132 MultiphysMicroCaps Multiphysics study of the dynamics, resistance and targeted therapy potential of deformable Micro-Capsules 2018
133 RE-IMMUNE Intelligent Nano-encapsuled siRNA for Restoring Immune Cell Response to Cancer 2019
134 HPC-rotors Disrupting the global e-mobility sector by production of application-specific rotors for the automotive industry with an innovative and unique vertical laminar squeeze-casting process 2018
135 HyFiSyn Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools 2018
136 ENABLEH2 ENABLing cryogEnic Hydrogen based CO2 free air transport (ENABLEH2) 2018
137 GRECO Fostering a Next Generation of European Photovoltaic Society through Open Science 2018
138 IMMUNEDIVERSITY Defining of human adaptive immune gene diversity and its impact on disease 2018
139 UNIVO-NG Driving greater business value by unleashing hidden capacity of mobile systems 2018
140 SmartHire Online and unbiased skills assessment for a smarter hiring process 2018
141 HiVOLT HIGH-VOLTAGE LITHIUM STORAGE - secure + efficient battery storage solution of the next generation 2018
142 EUVPLASMA Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography 2019
143 ANGULON Angulon: physics and applications of a new quasiparticle 2019
144 5G-VINNI 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure 2018
145 Matrix Charging Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2018
146 StarT European Training Network to Diagnose, Understand and Treat Stargardt Disease, a Frequent Inherited Blinding Disorder 2018
147 PULSE High-Power Ultrafast LaSErs using Tapered Double-Clad Fibre 2019
148 EBRA European Brain Research Area 2018
149 evaGuide Security Management Platform for enhanced situation awareness and real-time adaptive evacuation strategies for large venues for sports and entertainment 2018
150 eFactory European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing 2019
151 PRO-Heritage PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills – PRO-Heritage 2019
152 BoostCrop Boosting Crop Growth using Natural Product and Synthesis Enabled Solar Harvesting 2019
153 PACA-MET Genome-wide surveys and functional analysis of pancreatic cancer metastasis drivers 2019
154 TwingTec Unlocking the Full Power of Wind 2019
155 CloudCT Climate CT- Cloud Tomography by Satellites for Better Climate Prediction 2019
156 DNA-bots Enzyme-powered DNA nanorobotic devices 2019
157 NarrowbandSSL Development of Narrow Band Blue and Red Emitting Macromolecules for Solution-Processed Solid State Lighting Devices 2019
158 Trustonomy Building Acceptance and Trust in Autonomous Mobility 2019
159 MODSIM Modelling of Twin Screw Granulation on Micro-Macro Scales 2019
160 ProEMiBiL Ethanol production from microalgae and lignocellulosic biomass. 2019
161 SUMP-PLUS Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems 2019
162 GreenArc500 The first effective oil and water pre-separator, enabling clean water release and fuel efficiency onboard ships 2019
163 MIRAGE Independence and quality of mass Media in the InteRnet AGE 2018
164 SchiSTOP Beyond mass drug administration: understanding Schistosomiasis dynamics to STOP transmission 2020
165 MAXIPLAN Cultivated barnacle offspring – the solution for realizing marine aquaculture growth 2019
166 Terra SmartHDD Worldwide unique automated mixing and dosing technology for precise dosed and homogenous mixed drilling fluids for horizontal directional drilling with AI-based soil type and wear detection 2019
167 zEPHYR Towards a more efficient exploitation of on-shore and urban wind energy resources 2019
168 PAVE A nanovaccine Approach for the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer 2019
170 FORCOAST Earth Observation Services for Fishery, Bivalves Mariculture and Oysterground Restoration along European Coasts 2019
171 IPT-Core New dimension of fibre optics – bringing 5G to your town with IPT-Core 2020
172 SafeGlov Safety Gloves for Protection of Health Care Professionals 2019
173 ORGANTRANS Controlled Organoids transplantation as enabler for regenerative medicine translation 2020
174 PICSOHF PICSOHF, A minimally invasive cardiac intervention medical device to regenerate a damaged heart and extend the life of patients with Heart Failure 2020
175 ESS-SUSTAIN-2 Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) 2020
176 eLTER PPP eLTER Preparatory Phase Project 2020
177 ULIGHT Bright and Compact Deep Ultraviolet Light Sources for Healthcare and Industry 2020
178 DISIPO Decarbonisation of carbon-intensive industries (Iron and Steel Industries) through Power to gas and Oxy-fuel combustion 2021
179 REGIOFLU Regioselective Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transfer Catalysis 2020
180 RoCCAA Roman Coin Circulation in Ancient Armenia 2020
181 SkinMicrobiome Paradigm Change in Skin Health: Novel Microbiome-based Cosmetics for Acne and Other Skin Conditions 2020
182 ICG68-PROG Imaging of c-Met aberrant cancers with Gallium-68 chelators for positron emission tomography 2020
183 ELECTRAMMOX Bioelectrochemical anaerobic oxidation of ammonia for sustainable N removal from wastewater 2020