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H2020 projects about "electromagnetic"

The page lists 234 projects related to the topic "electromagnetic".

# achronym  title  year 
1 HESPERIA High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis 2015
2 HyMoCo Hybrid Node Modes for Highly Efficient Light Concentrators 2015
3 gRESONANT Resonant Nuclear Gamma Decay and the Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis 2015
4 Dynamic Nano Dynamic Nanoplasmonics 2015
5 ROBOTAR Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents 2015
6 GalNUC Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei 2015
7 Q-CEOM Quantum Cavity Electro- and Opto-Mechanics 2015
8 NSECPROBE Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems 2015
9 FLATLIGHT Functional 2D metamaterials at visible wavelengths 2015
10 CoExAN Collective Excitations in Advanced Nanostructures 2015
11 SymplecticEinstein The symplectic geometry of anti-self-dual Einstein metrics 2015
12 CosmicDust Lighting up the dark - the evolution of dust throughout cosmic time 2015
13 QUMIN Quantum magnonics in insulators 2015
14 OpticTrainDetection Optical and Acousto-optic Sensor Technology for Railway-Applications 2014
15 SliceWatch Monitoring Meat Texture To Optimize Slicing Yield And Reduce Wasted Meat In High-Speed Slicing Lines 2014
16 FAANon A functional analytic approach for the analysis of nonlinear transmission problems 2015
17 EPINET Detection of brain patterns for the characterisation of epileptic networks 2015
18 3DNCPM Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Chiral Plasmonic Metamaterials 2015
19 ETAB Entangled Twin Atom Beams 2015
20 GRAFLEX Graphene curvature, flexibility and reactivity control by means of external fields: theory and computer simulations 2015
21 HOTSPOT Accessing hot-spots in plasmonic nanoantennas 2015
22 NanoLight Photophysics and photochemistry of light harvesting complexes in the vicinity of optical antennas 2015
23 NITEC NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search 2015
24 CREAM Control of Energy by Advanced Artificial Materials 2015
25 NANOLASER Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers 2015
26 COLDmicroWAVE Energy innovative food process for production of high quality frozen foods 2015
27 OPTIC BIOEM Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure 2015
28 NanoSmell NanoSmells: Artificial remote-controlled odorants 2015
29 NEMF21 Noisy Electromagnetic Fields - A Technological Platform for Chip-to-Chip Communication in the 21st Century 2015
30 Phonton Phon(t)on-induced phase transitions 2015
31 ULTRAQCL Ultrashort Pulse Generation from Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers 2015
32 PhotoniX PHOtonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacentres, supercomputers and homes based on VCSELs 2015
33 TGRIP Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces 2015
34 PALADIN Plasma Antenna for secure LAnDIng and Navigation 2015
35 BIOELECPRO Frontier Research on the Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissue 2015
36 DEMOS DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry 2015
37 SPIN-PORICS Merging Nanoporous Materials with Energy-Efficient Spintronics 2015
38 CTA-DEV Cherenkov Telescope Array: Infrastructure Development and Start of Implementation 2015
39 HADE Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations: New Challenges 2015
40 LAA-THz-CC Lens Antenna Arrays for Coherent THz Cameras 2015
41 JOIN-EM JOINing of copper to aluminium by ElectroMagnetic fields 2015
42 SIMUTOOL Integrated design and novel tooling and process optimisation of microwave processing of composites 2015
43 TeraClear Novel THz radiation source based on compact linear accelerator 2016
44 PLASMA Running away and radiating 2015
45 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
46 StronGrHEP Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics 2016
47 HPC4E HPC for Energy 2015
48 JOS JOS, the first electrified Energy Surface with high efficiency, high power and high energy savings for the wireless charging of all low voltage devices. 2015
49 VanderSat High Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping 2015
50 C-Levitonics Classical Levitonics: transposing quantum levitons to classical waves for single side band wireless data transmissions 2015
51 EPICEA Electromagnetic Platform for lightweight Integration/Installation of electrical systems in Composite Electrical Aircraft 2016
52 eWINE elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation 2016
53 ECO-COMPASS Ecological and Multifunctional Composites for Application in Aircraft Interior and Secondary Structures 2016
54 PEARL Periodically bent crystals for crystalline undulators 2016
55 HEMOTECT Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond 2016
56 EUROPIUM The origin of heavy elements: a nuclear physics and astrophysics challenge 2016
57 TERAULTRA Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers 2016
58 TAME-Plasmons a Theoretical chemistry Approach to tiME-resolved molecular Plasmonics 2016
60 Subfailtec Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations 2016
61 AlterMateria Designer Quantum Materials Out of Equilibrium 2016
62 ENUBET Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging 2016
63 TERAMAG Ultrafast spin transport and magnetic order controlled by terahertz electromagnetic pulses 2016
64 EQEC Engineering Quantum Error Correction 2016
65 Topological-Plasmonics Robust light manipulation in plasmonic nanostructures assisted by topological protection 2016
66 FORT2 Forward Trigger for the CMS phase-2 2016
67 SILGRAFUN Multifunctional graphene/silicone nacre-like composite films 2016
68 OFBioSens-MIP Optical fibre biomimetic sensors based on Lossy Mode Resonances with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers 2016
69 MASSS Manipulation of a Single Spin in a Superconductor 2016
70 cOMPoSe Optical Metamaterials by Polymer Self-assembly 2016
71 MIRACLS Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides 2017
72 SmartGraphene Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave 2016
73 SmartCast Smart casting of concrete structures by active control of rheology 2016
74 READCELL System for the efficient and non-invasive harvesting and RElease of ADherent CELLs controlled by light 2016
75 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
76 QSpec-NewMat Quantum Spectroscopy: exploring new states of matter out of equilibrium 2016
77 PRODRIVE Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive 2016
78 HERO High Efficiency electrical motor 2016
79 InPairs In Silico Pair Plasmas: from ultra intense lasers to relativistic astrophysics in the laboratory 2016
80 InductICE Efficient, Modular and LigthWeight Electromagnetic Induction Based Ice Protection System 2016
81 GEMex GEMex: Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems 2016
82 NonlinearMeta Controlling optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metamaterials 2017
83 PSINFONI Particle-Surface Interactions in Near Field Optics: Spin-orbit Effects of Light and Optical/Casimir Forces 2017
84 ShipTest Fully automated laser guided inspection robot for weld defect detection on ship hulls 2016
85 ECO CARS Device for reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, optimizing combustion by treatment of fuel on the vehicle 2016
86 NanoPhennec Nanophononic devices: from phonon networks to phonon CQED 2017
87 Graphene 3D Multifunctional Graphene-based Nanocomposites with Robust Electromagnetic and Thermal Properties for 3D-printing Application 2017
88 PATH Plasma Antenna Technologies 2017
90 SMARTTS Smart Tanks for Space 2017
91 MUSIC Multisystem Cell Therapy for Improvement of Urinary Continence 2017
92 VISORSURF VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces 2017
93 QHYDRO Quantum Hydrodynamics: Applications to nanoplasmonics 2016
94 M-CUBE MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI 2017
95 MIR-BOSE Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation 2017
96 CHIC On CHip terahertz frequency Combs 2017
97 MDFT Mathematics of Density Functional Theory 2017
98 SpeeDrying An Innovative and Sustainable Spray Drying Technology 2017
99 FEMTOTERABYTE Spinoptical nanoantenna-assisted magnetic storage at few nanometers on femtosecond timescale 2017
100 321 from Cubic To Linear complexity in computational electromagnetics 2017
101 BRISRES The Basal Roughness of Ice Sheets from Radio-Echo Sounding 2017
102 NAROBAND Environmental friendly narrow band-gap colloidal nanocrystals for optoelectronic devices 2017
103 HarshEnergy Perpetual Sensing in Harsh Environments: Self-powered sensors for the Oil Gas industry 2017
104 TEDE Transient Engine Driven Explosions 2017
105 PULSATES PULsar Science Across The Electromagnetic Spectrum 2017
106 TGRIP Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces 2017
107 BNSmergers Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Counterparts from Generic Binary Neutron Star Systems 2018
108 TOPONANOP Topological nano-photonics 2017
109 TECAM Theory, Computation and Application of Characteristics Modes 2018
110 NANO-MIR Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared 2018
111 FloCoS Development and Manufacturing of a Smart AFC Drive and Control System 2017
112 WIONM A novel solution to eliminate long wires during Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring [WIONM] - Phase 1 2017
113 SECURE the new gold standard for nondestructive testing in industry, using next generation electromagnetic induction techniques 2017
114 BinGraSp Modeling the Gravitational Spectrum of Neutron Star Binaries 2017
115 NEWS NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration 2017
116 AXION Axions: From Heaven to Earth 2017
117 MammoWave The first ultra-high sensitive breast imaging device based on non-ionizing safe microwave 2017
118 XSTREAM X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies 2017
119 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2017
120 DEMETO Modular, scalable and high-performance DE-polymerization by MicrowavE TechnolOgy 2017
122 FIBRESPIN New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines 2017
123 FLASH Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures 2017
124 QuSCo Quantum-enhanced Sensing via Quantum Control 2017
125 ELECTRIC Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs 2018
126 REM Resonant Electromagnetic Microscopy: Imaging Cells Electronically 2018
127 VIDEO Versatile and Innovative Detector for Electron Optics 2018
128 LARNUEXP Searching for new physics with liquid argon time projection chambers and developing the technology for the future of neutrino physics 2018
129 NOCTURNO Non-Conventional Wave Propagation for Future Sensing and Actuating Technologies 2018
130 MATHROCKS Multiscale Inversion of Porous Rock Physics using High-Performance Simulators: Bridging the Gap between Mathematics and Geophysics 2018
131 AceLSAA optimal design of Admixtures for concrete embedded Large Scale Antenna Array 2018
132 GreatMoves General Relativistic Moving-Mesh Simulations of Neutron-Star Mergers 2018
133 ISCQuM Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials 2019
134 PhytlSigns Real-time plant monitoring based on bioelectrical signals 2017
135 CoMoCo Development of an Intelligent Controller for Electro-motors 2017
136 DarkSERS Harvesting dark plasmons for surface-enhanced Raman scattering 2018
137 SMART-DNA Single Molecule Analytical Raman Tools based on DNA nanostructures 2018
138 ICTUS Instrumented engine Cradle for the TUrboprop demonstrator ground teSt 2018
139 topDFT A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories 2018
140 I3PS Integration of Innovative Ice Protection Systems 2018
141 QUEM-CHEM Time- and space- resolved ultrafast dynamics in molecular-plasmonic hybrid systems 2018
142 TeraSHAPE Terahertz Waveform Synthesis and Analysis Using Hybrid Photonic-Electronic Circuits 2018
143 SOPMEN Correlating the 3D atomic structure of metal anisotropic nanoparticles with their optical properties 2018
144 LINKSPM Linking atomic-scale properties of 2D correlated materials with their mesoscopic transport and mechanical response 2018
145 Plasmonic Reactor Super-resolution mapping of hot carriers on plasmonic nanoparticles for enhanced photochemistry. 2018
146 SELDOM Search for the electric dipole moment of strange and charm baryons at LHC 2018
147 FLEET Flying Electromagnetic Toroids 2018
148 NEWSENs eNergy nEutral Wireless SEnsor Networks 2019
149 OPTOSENSE Optical sensing of relative humidity using photoswitchable molecules 2018
150 GRANDPA GeometRic ANalysis of Dilute PlasmAs 2018
151 GENIUS Gaussian entropic inequalities and uncertainty relations for communication and secure quantum key distribution 2018
152 WEBOING UWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring 2018
153 POLARSENSE Polarimetry with spatially coherent detection for ultrasensitive detection 2018
154 FASTMAGNETS Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source 2018
155 PLaTONE PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs 2018
156 METACTIVE Nonlinear Approaches for the Design of Active Piezoelectric Metamaterials 2019
157 NI HTS machine Developing novel high temperature superconductor rotor windings for electric aircraft propulsion machines 2018
158 QPARK A Quantitative Approach for Smart Parking 2018
160 EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices 2018
161 Topo Ins Laser Topological Insulator Laser 2018
162 SUPERTED Thermoelectric detector based on superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures 2018
163 MOLUSC Molecules under Light-Matter Strong Coupling 2018
164 Green Radar An advance Multi-Side Boating Platform working with Passive Radar technology boosting a new emerging market 2018
165 TETRHA Electro-Mechanical Haptic System: Development and implementation of a component designed to improve haptic feedback in a touch sensitive application 2018
166 BQ-Technology BrainQ, non-invasive, very low intensity, BCI-based frequency dependent electromagnetic field tailored treatment for neuro recovery (BQ). 2018
167 AQUA4D AQUA4D - For an efficient use of irrigation water 2018
168 MOVARC Modified Vacuum Rankine Cycle 2018
169 CRAM Crosstalk Analysis for Microchips – a New Market Need 2018
170 SCENT Smart Cities EMC Network for Training 2018
171 aQUARiUM QUAntum nanophotonics in Rolled-Up Metamaterials 2019
172 FACT Factorizing the wave function of large quantum systems 2019
173 In Motion Investigation and Monitoring of Time-varying Environments on Macro and Nano Scales 2018
174 Auger-Horizon A large-scale radio detector for the Pierre Auger cosmic-ray Observatory – precision measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays 2018
175 HERMES-SP High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder 2018
176 SELECTOR Smt compatible ELECTroMechanical relay for cOmpact redundancy Ring 2019
177 EMWORK EMWORK – The fully automated EMC filter designer 2018
178 DiSCo MRI SFN Developing Integrated Susceptibility and Conductivity MRI for Next Generation Structural and Functional Neuroimaging 2019
179 SMARTUNNEL The longest-life & energy-saving emergency LED lighting system for underground infrastructures 2018
180 kINPen Developing a high-innovative portable cold plasma device for efficient healing of chronic wounds in veterinary medicine 2019
181 NEXT Neutron-rich, EXotic, heavy nuclei produced in multi-nucleon Transfer reactions 2019
182 RESTORE User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair 2019
183 JetNS Relativistic Jets in Astrophysics -Compact binary mergers, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Beyond 2019
184 NMRT Using Nano-Magnetic Resonance to deliver the world’s most cost-efficient system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater 2019
185 ImpactVision A new standard for food safety and quality 2019
186 Aladyn System Ph1 A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply 2018
187 NeuroMag The Neurological Basis of the Magnetic Sense 2019
188 cFLOW Coherent ultraFast Long Wave infrared communications 2019
189 PETER Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement 2019
190 QuantumBirds Radical pair-based magnetic sensing in migratory birds 2019
191 THOR TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics 2019
192 GRAMS GRavity from Astrophysical to Microscopic Scales 2019
193 TIMP Ultrahigh-speed nanometer-scale microscopy 2019
194 Predistroke Portable solution for prehospital diagnosis of stroke in the ultra-acute phase 2019
196 DENOX Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines 2019
197 TAURUS Theory for A Unified descRiption of nUclear Structure 2019
198 ENTRAP Energy Harvesting for Precision Agriculture Applications 2019
200 GW Analysing the heavy element factories of the Universe : photometric and spectroscopic sample study of kilonovae 2019
201 multiQCD time-like observables from multi-level lattice QCD 2019
202 LEANOR Detecting Low-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos with KM3NeT/ORCA: the Transient Neutrino Sky at the GeV Scale 2019
203 PERICLeS PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources 2020
204 UHMob Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors 2019
205 GammaRayCascades Probing the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays with gamma-ray cascades 2019
206 RAPTOR RIS And Purification Traps for Optimised spectRoscopy (RAPTOR) 2019
207 5G-SMART 5G for Smart Manufacturing 2019
208 THINK THINK: TeraHertz emitting INK 2019
209 DECONIZER Disrupting the food safety chain. The decontamination unit that removes more than 99% of pathogenic bacteria during poultry meat slaughtering and processing 2019
210 SpreadMRI Ultra-Fast, Spread-Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2019
211 AQUA4D AQUA4D, for an efficient use of irrigation water 2019
212 GreenVerter Greenverter a revolutionary power converter technology to reduce environmental and economic losses due to electro pollution 2019
213 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2019
214 SPIAKID SpectroPhotometric Imaging in Astronomy with Kinetic Inductance Detectors 2020
216 NIRD Nanoelectromechanical Infrared Detector 2019
217 Extr3Me Extreme Mechanics of Metamaterials: From ideal to realistic conditions 2020
218 AUTO-MEA AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines 2019
219 MULTIMAG Multiscale Magnetic Models for Emerging Energy Conversion Applications 2020
220 QUANTUM E-LEAPS Toward new era of quantum electrical measurements through phase slips 2020
221 ADDIMOT ADDitively manufactured limited angle torque MOTor for Smart Active Inceptors 2019
222 STRAIN2EXTREME Straining electromechanical coupling in layered crystals to new extremes 2019
223 PAGER Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic Radiation 2020
224 DNA DS DNA Data storage 2019
225 DORNA Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications 2020
226 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
227 TANDEng Engineering catalyst interoperability in next-generation tandem reactions for intensified chemical processes 2020
228 SPEAR Standard model Precision Electroweak tests at Acute Rapidities 2020
229 SILENT Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope 2020
230 MAESTRO Magneto-Acoustically Engineered Steerable Robots 2020
231 STMICRO Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy 2020
232 SAInTHz Structuration of aqueous interfaces by Terahertz pulses: A study by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation 2020
233 MaP Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime 2021
234 EASIER Electric Aircraft System Integration Enabler 2020