The page lists 245 projects related to the topic "regimes".
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1 | Prominent | Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector | 2015 |
2 | EfficienSea 2 | EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea | 2015 |
3 | PoLiChroM | Superfluidity and ferromagnetism of unequal mass fermions with two- and three-body resonant interactions | 2015 |
4 | NSECPROBE | Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems | 2015 |
5 | HERITAGE | Cultural Heritage and Economic Development in International and European Law | 2015 |
6 | MEDEA | Molecular Electron Dynamics investigated by IntensE Fields and Attosecond Pulses | 2015 |
7 | SAF21 | Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century | 2015 |
8 | IMPRESS | Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater species. | 2015 |
9 | ERANet SmartGridPlus | ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus: support deep knowledge sharing between regional and European Smart Grids initiatives | 2015 |
10 | NEGOTIATE | Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe | 2015 |
11 | FairTax | Revisioning the ‘Fiscal EU’: Fair, Sustainable, and Coordinated Tax and Social Policies | 2015 |
12 | RentalCal | Incentives through Transparency: European Rental Housing Framework for Profitability Calculation of Energetic Retrofitting Investments | 2015 |
13 | HNSKMAP | High-order Numerical Schemes for Kinetic Models with Applications in Plasma Physics | 2016 |
14 | TentaclesOfVenom | Unravelling the enigmatic origin of venom secreting cells in sea anemone | 2015 |
15 | OPSINEVOL | Evolution of opsin genes in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) relative to male colour: a window into the genetics of mate choice | 2015 |
16 | Chinese Labour | Shifting Dynamics of Chinese Labour in a Global Perspective | 2015 |
17 | MicroEcoEvol | Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in freshwater blooms | 2015 |
18 | DEFT | Dark energy, non-linearites and effective theories | 2015 |
19 | DualNRSQNM | Fundamentals of Holographic Dualities via Non-relativistic Systems and Quasinormal Modes | 2015 |
20 | MULTICELL | Division of labour and the origin of multicellularity | 2015 |
21 | REGUCB | Regulating Umbilical Cord Blood Biobanking in Europe | 2015 |
22 | QuantumLaP | Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions | 2015 |
23 | TOP-DOL | Topological physics in tunable optical lattices | 2015 |
24 | ACTUS | ACcelerating Transition in Peri-Urban areaS in East Africa | 2016 |
25 | AfterTheIce | After the Ice: using a hybrid zone as a window into the genes underlying species formation | 2015 |
26 | DICTAPLOMACY | The international dimensions of authoritarian regime survival: comparing “dictaplomatic” strategies in post-Soviet Eurasia | 2015 |
27 | MaNET | Majorana Networks | 2015 |
28 | HESFIRE | Drivers and projections of global fire activity and intensity under future climate and societal changes. | 2015 |
29 | TransHI-Rom | Risk and MigrationA Transnational History of Romanian Migration to Western Europe (2002-2013) | 2015 |
30 | OPTWET | Finding optimal size and location for wetland restoration sites for best nutrient removal performance using spatial analysis and modelling | 2015 |
31 | TMSP | Mass accretion and ejection in transitional millisecond pulsars | 2016 |
32 | SQZOMS | Squeezed Light Enhancement of Optomechanical Systems | 2015 |
33 | ENSURE | Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr | 2015 |
34 | corr-DFT | Improving the accuracy and reliability of electronic structure calculations: New exchange-correlation functionals from a rigorous expansion at infinite coupling strength | 2015 |
35 | MEWi-B | More Efficient Wind Blades | 2015 |
36 | EUTHORITY | Conflict and Cooperation in the EU Heterarchical Legal System | 2015 |
37 | HICONO | High-Intensity Coherent Nonlinear Optics | 2015 |
38 | TRECKQUITY | Social equity goals in conservation interventions: a system thinking approach to track progress at global level | 2015 |
39 | SUSTAINABLEOCEAN | Accommodating New Interests at Sea: Legal Tools for Sustainable Ocean Governance | 2015 |
40 | PanEur1970s | Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community | 2015 |
41 | WATU | Wave turbulence: beyond weak turbulence | 2015 |
42 | AdaptoSCOPE | Using cis-regulatory mutations to highlight polygenic adaptation in natural plant systems | 2015 |
43 | EPOS IP | EPOS Implementation Phase | 2015 |
44 | COSFORM | Cosmological Structure Formation in the Multiverse | 2015 |
45 | DOQS | Many-Body Physics with Driven Open Quantum Systems of Atoms, Light and Solids | 2016 |
46 | QnanoMECA | Quantum Optomechanics with a levitating nanoparticle | 2015 |
47 | SM-GRAV | Gravity, Holography and The Standard Model | 2016 |
48 | HPC4E | HPC for Energy | 2015 |
49 | COAT | Collapse Of Atmospheric Turbulence | 2016 |
50 | MicMactin | Dissecting active matter: Microscopic origins of macroscopic actomyosin activity | 2016 |
51 | DYNAMIQS | Relaxation dynamics in closed quantum systems | 2016 |
52 | AFRIGOS | African Governance and Space: Transport Corridors, Border Towns and Port Cities in Transition | 2016 |
53 | globalfertilitychain | Tracing the global fertility chain- A new political economy of outsourced reproduction | 2017 |
54 | PERFORM | Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision | 2016 |
55 | TAME-Plasmons | a Theoretical chemistry Approach to tiME-resolved molecular Plasmonics | 2016 |
56 | TeX-MEx | Time resolved X-ray probing of Matter under Extreme conditions | 2016 |
57 | PRILA | Prisons: the Rule of Law, Accountability and Rights | 2016 |
58 | Optimal-Immunity | Optimal diversity in immunity – to overcome pathogens and maximize fitness; moving from correlative associations to a more mechanistic understanding using wild songbirds. | 2016 |
59 | FAMSIZEMATTERS | Family size matters: How low fertility affects the (re)production of social inequalities | 2016 |
60 | HOMER | Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms Elucidated from Radical scavenging | 2016 |
61 | ANCIENT_TEETH | An integrative analysis of shifting trends in dental traits in human populations from Neolithic to Iron Age | 2016 |
62 | TopOutEq | Topological and Correlated Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium | 2017 |
63 | MSCCC | Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Cover and Climate | 2016 |
64 | TwUnaGas | Two-dimensional Uniform Gas with tunable interactions | 2016 |
65 | SPINSOCS | Spin Transport in Interacting Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems | 2016 |
66 | MetricIMo | The Econometrics of Intergenerational Mobility | 2017 |
67 | CHODIA | Cultural Heritage of Dictatorship in Albania | 2016 |
68 | RESPONSIVENESS | The Microfoundations of Authoritarian Responsiveness: E-Participation, Social Unrest and Public Policy in China | 2016 |
69 | GravityLS | Large Scale Structure Constraints of General Relativity | 2016 |
70 | CITADEL | Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILS | 2016 |
71 | EvolVir | Evolution of virulence in immune-compromised hosts and the adaptation of emerging viruses | 2017 |
72 | COTCA | Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia | 2016 |
73 | PhyMeBa | The Physical Mechanics of Swimming Bacteria | 2016 |
74 | BioMIC-FUEL | Bio-inspired photonics for enhanced microalgal photosynthesis in biofuels | 2017 |
75 | DomEQUAL | A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities | 2016 |
76 | NEWFAMSTRAT | The New Shape of Family-Related Gender Stratification | 2016 |
77 | ULT-MAS-DNP | Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at ultra-fast sample spinning and ultra-low temperature | 2016 |
78 | BrainModes | Personalized whole brain simulations: linking connectomics and dynamics in the human brain | 2016 |
79 | NaTuRe | Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity | 2017 |
80 | CROSSLOCATIONS | Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning | 2016 |
81 | PolEc | The Political Economy of Power Relations | 2016 |
82 | GUPPYSEX | Evolutionary genetics of guppy sex chromosomes | 2016 |
83 | INFIMOP | International Finance and Monetary Policy | 2016 |
84 | SMALLDIS | The impact of small-scale disaster events: an exploration of disaster related losses, extensive risk management and learning at the institutional and community level in Italy | 2016 |
85 | PemredTech | Innovative Particle Emissions Reduction device for internal combustion engines, facilitating compliance with the present and future automotive particle emissions regulations. | 2016 |
86 | INCLUDE | Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation | 2016 |
87 | FUEL DEOX | Optimisation of an on-board adsorbent/catalyst unit for aviation fuel thermal stability improvement | 2016 |
88 | DeMAnD | Dynamic aircraft MAterial property Database | 2016 |
89 | SUPUVIR | SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications | 2016 |
90 | IMPACT | The giant impact and the Earth and Moon formation | 2016 |
91 | urban-rev politics | The Urban Revolution and the Political | 2016 |
92 | C2Phase | Closure of the Cloud Phase | 2017 |
93 | SweetAim | Selective glycoimmuno-targeting for cancer therapy | 2016 |
94 | POWERICE | Organic Rankine Cycle Cogeneration Plant of one-farm size using rice straw as single fuel | 2017 |
95 | RARE | Dipolar Physics and Rydberg Atoms with Rare-Earth Elements | 2016 |
96 | TARICA | PoliTical And socioinstitutional change in NoRth AfrICA: competition of models and diversity of national trajectories | 2017 |
97 | INFERNET | New algorithms for inference and optimization from large-scale biological data | 2017 |
98 | EmergingWelfare | The New Politics of Welfare: Towards an “Emerging Markets” Welfare State Regime | 2017 |
99 | FLORADAPT | Plant resilience and floral adaptation to pollinator change during a range expansion | 2016 |
100 | Spiders | Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries | 2017 |
101 | GIANTCLIMES | Giants through Time: Towards a Comprehensive Giant Planet Climatology | 2017 |
103 | FIRESCAPE | Firescape genomics: predicting plant responses to changing fire regimes | 2018 |
104 | BIRTHBRAZIL | Birthing Abolition: Reproduction and the Gradual End of Slavery in Brazil | 2017 |
105 | AFFINITY | Amplitudes and form factors via integrability | 2018 |
106 | COEXIST | Coexistence on the boundary of chaos | 2017 |
107 | HiProLoop | Scattering Amplitudes for Higgs Production at High-Order as touchstone for Automated Multiloop Feynman Calculus | 2018 |
108 | UCOC | Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime | 2018 |
109 | METRO | International Organisations and the Rise of a Global Metrological Field | 2017 |
110 | FLIGHT | The true costs of bird flight: From the laboratory to the field | 2017 |
111 | INCEPTION | Incremental Nonlinear flight Control supplemented with Envelope ProtecTION techniques | 2017 |
112 | POLARGOV | From an environmental to a resource regime? Institutional innovation for the management of Tourism and Marine Protected Areas within the Antarctic Treaty governance | 2017 |
113 | GrIS-Melt | Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on primary productivity and carbon cycling in Greenland coastal ecosystems | 2017 |
114 | QUSON | Quantum Sensing with Quantum Optical Networks | 2018 |
115 | EnFAIT | Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal | 2017 |
116 | NANO-MIR | Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared | 2018 |
117 | MIGRANT LAW RUSSIA | Migration, Shadow Economy and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia | 2018 |
118 | SEDNA | Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case | 2017 |
119 | ITHACA | An Information Theoretic Approach to Improving the Reliability of Weather and Climate Simulations | 2017 |
120 | TIMEJ | Time in Medieval Japan | 2017 |
121 | COMPASS | COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope | 2017 |
122 | BaSaR | Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier Zones and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro-Eurasian World Region, 300 BCE to 300 CE | 2017 |
123 | FastBio | A genomics and systems biology approach to explore the molecular signature and functional consequences of long-term, structured fasting in humans | 2017 |
124 | VERSUS | Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress | 2017 |
125 | ADORA | Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations | 2017 |
126 | BIRD RELEASE | BIRD RELEASE: REpelLEnt Auto-SystEm | 2017 |
127 | POWERSHIFTS | Shifting political power: the nature and consequences of distributed renewable energy transitions | 2017 |
128 | DIAGRASS | Differential adaptation capacity of dryland grasses to directional changes in water availability (DIAGRASS). | 2018 |
129 | FORMICA | Microclimatic buffering of plant responses to macroclimate warming in temperate forests | 2018 |
130 | ALGOCom | Novel Algorithmic Techniques through the Lens of Combinatorics | 2018 |
131 | SBS3-5 | Stimulated Brillouin Scattering based RF to Optical Signal Transduction and Amplification | 2018 |
132 | CASTLES | Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States | 2018 |
133 | CEASEVAL | Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development | 2017 |
134 | MAGSPEC | Spectra of Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields | 2018 |
135 | TOPODY | Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium | 2018 |
136 | FLAVE | Energetics of natural turbulent flows: the impact of waves and radiation. | 2018 |
137 | AGEnTh | Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories | 2018 |
138 | BETLIV | Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the ‘Good Life’ in Times of Crisis | 2018 |
139 | Lynx | Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe | 2017 |
140 | IntelHeat | Intelligent control system for railway points heating with supreme saving of electicity | 2017 |
141 | TFM | The First Integrative Fisheries Management System | 2018 |
142 | GenTime | Temporal structures of gender inequalities in Asian and Western welfare regimes | 2018 |
143 | QSIMCORR | Quantum Simulation of Strongly-Correlated Systems | 2018 |
144 | LINKSPM | Linking atomic-scale properties of 2D correlated materials with their mesoscopic transport and mechanical response | 2018 |
145 | KurdishWomen | From Kurdistan to Europe: Kurdish Literary, Artistic and Cultural Activism by Kurdish Women Intellectuals | 2018 |
146 | REJREG | Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes | 2018 |
147 | NL2LPV | Nonlinear system modelling for linear parameter-varying control design | 2018 |
148 | MAPGenome | Mapping migration and adaptation in genomes | 2018 |
149 | BEMAR | Protection-induced selection and evolution of behavior within marine reserves and the impact on fisheries sustainability | 2018 |
150 | CLAIMS | CLAIMing land in early medieval localitieS: an interdisciplinary study of land claims and property regimes in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (9th-11th) | 2019 |
151 | DESlRE | Data-Efficient Scalable Reinforcement Learning for Practical Robotic Environments | 2018 |
152 | JUSTEMOTIONS | The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making | 2018 |
153 | NOMLI | NanoOptoMechanics in classical and quantum Liquids | 2018 |
154 | DREAM | Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today | 2018 |
155 | OPEN3GEN | Opening the Third Generation: The Search for Long-Lived Fundamental Particles | 2019 |
156 | GuEst | New Directions in Guaranteed Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Their Applications toChemical Engineering Problems | 2018 |
157 | MAGIC | Multimodal Agents Grounded via Interactive Communication | 2018 |
158 | FunGraW | Fundamental physics in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy | 2019 |
159 | GenderQuotas | Gender Quotas and the Democratic Quality of Local Decision-Making Processes in Clientelistic Regimes | 2018 |
160 | NeuPES | Inducing Neural Plasticity Using Electrical Stimulation Delivered by Nano-Structured Electrodes: A Critical Step Toward Post-Stroke Recovery | 2018 |
161 | ARTDEL | The Art of Deleting: A Study of Erasure Poetry, Practices of Control, Surveillance, and Censorship | 2018 |
162 | TENUMECA | The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal | 2019 |
163 | QQT | Identification of quantum resources in thermodynamic systems | 2018 |
164 | InDyMag | Internal Dynamics and Magnetic field generation in rocky bodies: planets and large moons in the solar system | 2019 |
165 | GEOBACTICON | The efficiency of bio-self-healing concrete within ground conditions | 2018 |
166 | LISTEN | Lost In translation: Strengthening communication skills between real world and climaTe modEls for seasonal to decadal predictioN | 2019 |
167 | PaDC | Property and Democratic Citizenship: The Impact of Moral Assumptions, Policy Regulations, and Market Mechanisms on Experiences of Eviction | 2018 |
169 | TRENSCRYBE | TRapped ENSembles of Circular RYdBErg atoms for quantum simulation | 2018 |
170 | ReAct | Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe | 2019 |
171 | ZooRoMed | Supplying ancient empires and medieval economies: Changes in animal husbandry between the Late Roman period and the Early Middle Ages in the Rhine Valley | 2018 |
173 | IPaDEGAN | Integrable Partial Differential Equations: Geometry, Asymptotics, and Numerics. | 2018 |
174 | CRYOSOCIETIES | Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies | 2019 |
175 | DLEDA | Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? | 2018 |
176 | ELDORADO | Electrophilicity-Lifting Directed by Organochalcogen Redox-Auxiliaries and Diversiform Organocatalysis | 2019 |
177 | GREASE | Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives | 2018 |
178 | TerraNova | The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools | 2019 |
179 | MaMBoQ | Macroscopic Behavior of Many-Body Quantum Systems | 2019 |
180 | LeviTeQ | Levitated Nanoparticles for Technology and Quantum Nanophysics: New frontiers in physics at the nanoscale. | 2019 |
181 | PhoG | Sub-Poissonian Photon Gun by Coherent Diffusive Photonics | 2018 |
182 | PhoQuS | Photons for Quantum Simulation | 2018 |
183 | FemtoSurf | Functional surface treatments using ultra-short pulse laser system FemtoSurf | 2019 |
184 | ERINHA-Advance | Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents | 2019 |
185 | TOXICROP | Cyanotoxins in Irrigation Waters: Surveillance, Risk Assessment, and Innovative Remediation proposals | 2019 |
186 | LIGHTMATT-EXPLORER | Experimental determination of the paraxial-vectorial limit of light-matter interactions | 2019 |
187 | StratifiedGRANULAR | Modelling of rheologically stratified granular flows by a multi-layer depth-averaged approach | 2019 |
188 | OFF-SITE | Violence, State formation and memory politics: an off-site ethnography of post-revolution Iran | 2019 |
189 | HQMAT | New Horizons in Quantum Matter: From Critical Fluids to High Temperature Superconductivity | 2019 |
190 | GLOBE | Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios | 2019 |
191 | EXTREME | The Rise and Fall of Populism and Extremism | 2019 |
192 | Atto-Zepto | Ultrasensitive Nano-Optomechanical Sensors | 2019 |
193 | ReNewQuantum | Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory | 2019 |
194 | i-Weld | Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for Duplex Stainless Steel joininginnovation | 2019 |
195 | PhoQuS-G | Phononic Quantum Sensors for Gravity | 2019 |
196 | COART-INT | Decentralizing Conceptual Art's Internationalism: Latin American artists in Western Europe, 1968-1979 | 2019 |
197 | CLaQS | Correlations in Large Quantum Systems | 2019 |
198 | SpeSex | Does natural selection align with sexual selection to promote reproductive isolation in different environments? An experimental approach | 2020 |
199 | FEM-RESIST | Women, Photography and Resistance in Transnational Perspective | 2019 |
200 | BODICON | BODIes of CONtact: Identity negotiations and biocultural effects in the Roman colonies of Macedonia, Greece | 2020 |
201 | EEURSOCFEM | The Intellectual Heritage of Feminist Political Thought during Early State Socialism. The Cases of the GDR, Hungary and Yugoslavia | 2019 |
202 | SPELEOTOLIA | Holocene climate reconstructions from western Anatolia based on speleothem data | 2019 |
203 | SEDILAND | Sediment regime disturbance of river catchments in a changing land cover context: Geoenvironmental and population dynamics | 2019 |
204 | AGRUMIG | ‘Leaving something behind’ - Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa | 2019 |
205 | IELECTRIX | Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. | 2019 |
206 | Sus.Post-Med | Tracking the path of the Agricultural Revolution from England to Continental Europe: changes in pig husbandry from the Late Medieval to Early Modern period as a marker of socio-economic transformation | 2020 |
207 | SolarIC | A New Monitor for Cosmic Rays in the Solar System: Inverse-Compton Emission from Cosmic-Ray Electrons Scattering with Sunlight | 2019 |
208 | SHOR | Social History of Riding in Late Medieval Spain and the Early Modern Americas (13th-16th c.) | 2020 |
209 | ExCOM-cCEO | Extremely Coherent Mechanical Oscillators and circuit Cavity Electro-Optics | 2019 |
210 | VAPP | Virtual Anthropology of Prehistoric Portugal | 2020 |
211 | GHZ-BURST | Industrial GHz repetition rate, burst mode, ultrashort pulsed fiber laser for high speed volume-ablation micromachining applications | 2019 |
212 | QuSLAM | Quantum simulation of strong interaction of light and matter | 2019 |
213 | RESpECT | RESpECT - Public Actions, Private Rules at the Margins: Ensuring Respect for Human Rights by Private Security Companies | 2019 |
214 | DIGIACT | Digital Authoritarian Practices: Internet Surveillance and Repression against Transnational Activist Networks | 2019 |
215 | ANDANTE | AttributioN of DynAmic and thermodyNamic components in exTreme weather and climate Events | 2020 |
216 | Plant-FATE | Predicting global vulnerability of forests to drought using plant functional trait evolution | 2019 |
217 | DEMOSERIES | Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series | 2020 |
218 | DREAM | The Brainstem-Hippocampus Network Uncovered: Dynamics, Reactivation and Memory Consolidation | 2019 |
219 | UNITED | Multi-Use offshore platforms demoNstrators for boostIng cost-effecTive and Eco-friendly proDuction in sustainable marine activities | 2020 |
220 | StarDestroyers | Realizing the Potential of the Transients Boom: A Consolidated Study of Stellar Demise | 2020 |
221 | RRUSHES-5 | Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life | 2019 |
222 | MAGIC | Architectured Soft Magnetoactive Materials: Beyond Instabilities | 2020 |
223 | Corr-NEQM | Correlated Non-Equilibrium Quantum Matter: Fundamentals and Applications to Nanoscale Systems | 2019 |
224 | DEMETER | Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations | 2020 |
225 | WorkYP | Working, Yet Poor | 2020 |
226 | TiGRE | Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe | 2020 |
227 | VULNER | Vulnerabilities under the Global Protection Regime: how does the law assess, address, shape, and produce the vulnerabilities of protection seekers? | 2020 |
228 | trainABL | Turbulence-Resolving Approaches to the Intermittently Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer | 2020 |
229 | DISSECT | DISSECT: Evidence in International Human Rights Adjudication | 2020 |
230 | AtlanticExiles | Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s-1820s | 2020 |
232 | WACONDY | Waves and concentration dynamics in biology | 2021 |
233 | EXTREMA | Engineering Extremely Rare Events in Astrodynamics for Deep-Space Missions in Autonomy | 2020 |
234 | HumanLand | Human Landscapes: agricultural intensification and peasant resilience in medieval Southern Greater Syria. | 2021 |
235 | DEEP3P | Three-photon fluorescence imaging deep inside scattering media | 2020 |
236 | WaspCLIM | A continental-scale test of the climate hypothesis for the evolution of altruism in insects | 2021 |
237 | LSSgrav | Testing the law of gravity with novel large-scale structure observables | 2020 |
238 | MIGKNOW | Migrating Knowledge: The Global Knowledge Networks of German Medic, Botanist and Migration Commissioner Wilhelm Hillebrand in Hawai‘i (1821-1886) | 2020 |
239 | RightsLab | Towards Transnational Labour Rights? Temporary Work Agencies and Third Country National Workers in the EU. | 2021 |
240 | STMICRO | Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy | 2020 |
241 | CitIndus | The ‘Citizenship Industry’: Commodified citizenship, the corporate sector and global inequality | 2020 |
242 | CriLiN | An Atomic Quantum Simulator with long-range, multi-body interactions | 2020 |
243 | InProSMod | Cholinergic and NMDAR-dependent recruitment of Layer 1 Interneuron shapes cortical motor Processing through network States Modulation | 2021 |
244 | MaP | Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime | 2021 |
245 | SOCIENTITY_PR | The Role of Social Identity on Preferences for Redistribution | 2020 |