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H2020 projects about "si"

The page lists 142 projects related to the topic "si".

# achronym  title  year 
1 OMICON Organic Mixed Ion and Electron Conductors for High-Energy Batteries 2015
2 Nano-Tandem Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells 2015
3 LORIX Large Organic Robust Imager for X-ray sensing 2015
4 MIREGAS Programmable multi-wavelength Mid-IR source for gas sensing 2015
5 SMARTER-SI Smart Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration 2015
6 Hi-Response Innovative High Resolution Electro-Static printing of Multifunctional Materials. 2015
7 POPSTAR Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering 2015
8 Earth core Exploring Thermodynamic Properties of Earth’s Core-Forming Materials 2015
9 BUILD UPON A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level. 2015
10 SPICY Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for high energy battery 2015
11 SINHOPSI Single-Hole Pumping in Silicon 2016
12 HISTORIC High efficiency GaInP/GaAs Tandem wafer bonded solar cell on silicon 2015
13 LIB-Si anode Silicon/Carbon Nano-Hybrid Lithium-Ion Battery Anode: Green Facile Scalable Synthesis Inspired by Thermosetting Polymers 2015
14 NEXTNANOCELLS Next generation nanowire solar cells 2015
15 SiCWIRE Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Electronic and biosensing applications 2016
16 EpiSil-IBC Epitaxial silicon foil solar cells with interdigitated back contacts 2015
17 PINC Towards p-type conductivity in In0.5Ga0.5N nanocolumns on a Si (100) substrate with GaN buffer layers 2015
18 2DSi Magnetic Sensors based on Two-Dimensional Materials/Si 2015
19 STRETCHLENS Deformable platform with thin-film based circuits and ultra-thin Si chips for smart contact lens applications 2016
20 SUPERSOL Solution processed low-dimensional oxide semiconducting structures and devices 2015
21 MAPP Mosquito Antiviral piRNA Pathway 2015
22 SWInG Development of thin film Solar cells based on WIde band Gap kesterite absorbers 2015
23 ThforPV New Thermodynamic for Frequency Conversion and Photovoltaics 2015
24 CABRISS Implementation of a CirculAr economy Based on Recycled, reused and recovered Indium, Silicon and Silver materials for photovoltaic and other applications 2015
25 GRAPHICS GRAphene nonlinear PHotonic Integrated CircuitS 2015
26 RECORD-IT Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT 2015
27 VIRMETAL Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials 2015
28 PLANETDIVE Planetary diversity: the experimental terapascal perspective 2016
29 Spin-NANO Nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies 2016
30 Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems 2015
31 DEXscAn Low-cost semiconducting polymers for manufacturing 2D-digital X-Ray detectors 2015
32 cSiOnGlass Development of high-quality crystalline silicon layers on glass 2015
33 COSMICC CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost 2015
34 REMINDER Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction 2016
35 SaSHa Si on SiC for the Harsh Environment of Space 2016
36 NanoSol Accelerating Commercialization of Nanowire Solar Cell Technologies 2016
37 STREAMS Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems 2016
38 INSIGHT Integration of III-V Nanowire Semiconductors for next Generation High Performance CMOS SOC Technologies 2015
39 IONS4SET Ion-irradiation-induced Si Nanodot Self-Assembly for Hybrid SET-CMOS Technology 2016
40 ICT-STREAMS Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with Tb/s Throughput interconnect interfaces 2016
41 PLASMOfab A generic CMOS-compatible platform for co-integrated plasmonics/photonics/electronics PICs towards volume manufacturing of low energy, small size and high performance photonic devices 2016
42 In-Need III-Nitrides Nanostructures for Energy-Efficiency Devices 2016
43 DIGITAL ALFIERI Digital Alfieri. Dynamic Digital Editions: Case study Alfieri 13 2016
44 SIMRA Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas 2016
45 PLASMIC Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications 2016
46 Crystal Tandem Solar Single-Crystal Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells For High Efficiency and Low Cost 2017
47 LWIMT Main group chemistry, inorganic polymers, catalysis, silicon- and phosphorus-based polymers 2016
48 Expectancy Unveiling expectancy neuronal coding in the cerebral cortex induced by naturalistic tactile stimuli 2017
49 NanoSiAl Silica and alumina nanophases – the building blocks for the ground under our feet. 2017
50 a-Si PVT-ORC A novel amorphous silicon cell-based solar cogeneration system using the coupled thermal storage/organic Rankine cycle as an alternative to battery 2017
51 MODES Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices on Silicon 2016
52 SOSiC Southern Ocean Silicon Cycling: combining views of the past and present using silicon isotopes 2016
53 SiLaSpaCe Si based Layer Stacks for Rear-Side Passivation and Enhanced Reflection of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge Triple-Junction Space Solar Cells 2016
54 CLAiR-CITY Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities 2016
55 ICY-LAB Isotope CYcling in the LABrador Sea 2016
56 MAXITHERM Innovatiing textile-based heating system for technical applicatiions with a special focus on Electric Vehicles 2016
57 4PHOTON Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates 2017
58 NextBase Next-generation interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells and modules by design and process innovations 2016
59 CATAPULT Coupling ATomistics and mesoscAle Plasticity for toUghness of noveL hybrid maTerial 2017
60 USEMITE Ultimate growth characterization for development of new semiconductor technologies 2016
61 COLIBRI Carrier-selective contacts for silicon photovoltaics based on broadband-transparent oxides 2016
62 PaNDA Paleo-nutriet dynamics in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean 2016
63 InRel-NPower Innovative Reliable Nitride based Power Devices and Applications 2017
64 GaNonCMOS GaN densily integrated with Si-CMOS for reliable, cost effective high frequency power delivery systems 2017
65 PROTECT Pre-commercial lines for production of surface nanostructured antimicrobial and anti-biofilm textiles, medical devices and water treatment membranes 2017
66 Cold Energy Industrialization and path to commercialization of a patented innovative industrial kit to modify COLD cycle in order to drastically reduce ENERGY consumption 2017
67 Uniting PV Applying silicon solar cell technology to revolutionize the design of thin-film solar cells and enhance their efficiency, cost and stability 2017
68 NAROBAND Environmental friendly narrow band-gap colloidal nanocrystals for optoelectronic devices 2017
69 SIFINS Stable isotope signatures in dorsal fin spines as a non-invasive and non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life and environmental history 2017
70 NEACHA Nanoscale Earth Abundant Catalysts for Hydrosilylation of Alkenes and Industrial applications 2017
71 SCHiMAT Silicon Cluster based Hierarchical photocatalysts produced by MATrix assembly cluster source 2017
72 SiTaSol Application relevant validation of c-Si based tandem solar cell processes with 30 % efficiency target 2017
73 AMPERE Automated photovoltaic cell and Module industrial Production to regain and secure European Renewable Energy market 2017
74 INITIATE INnovation through bIg daTa and socIal enTreprEneurship 2018
75 ASTEROID ASTronomy EuROpean Infrared Detection 2017
76 FLASH Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures 2017
77 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
78 microSPIRE micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors 2017
79 MADONNA Microbial deployment of new-to-nature chemistries for refactoring the barriers between living and non-living matter 2018
80 DOIT Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative 2017
81 MiGANSOS Millimetre wave Gallium Nitride Space evaluation and application to Observation Satellites 2017
82 INFINITE-CELL International cooperation for the development of cost-efficient kesterite/c-Si thin film next generation tandem solar cells 2017
83 SERENA gan-on-Silicon Efficient mm-wave euRopean systEm iNtegration plAtform 2018
84 SiNBioSys Luminescent silicon nanocrystals as bioimaging systems 2017
85 3eFERRO Energy Efficient Embedded Non-volatile Memory Logic based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2 2018
86 MOICANA Monolithic cointegration of QD-based InP on SiN as a versatile platform for the demonstration of high performance and low cost PIC transmitters 2018
87 PICTURE High Performance and High Yield Heterogeneous III-V/Si Photonic Integrated Circuits using a Thin and Uniform Bonding Layer 2018
89 FERHAZ Multiscale Investigations on Si-integrable Ferroelectric Hafnia-Zirconia Systems: From Fundamental Understanding to Everyday Electronics 2018
90 GR-GATE Scalable graphene-gated transistors 2018
91 APOLO SmArt Designed Full Printed Flexible RObust Efficient Organic HaLide PerOvskite solar cells 2018
92 ESPResSo Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules 2018
93 XFab Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform 2018
94 GB-CORRELATE Correlating the State and Properties of Grain Boundaries 2018
95 POLY-SAAR Conjugated Hybrid Polymers from Unsaturated Heavier Group 14 Building Blocks 2019
96 SUPER PV CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems 2018
97 STELLAR multireSponsive hybrid Transition mEtaL dichaLcogenides-bAsed optoelectRonics – A European Fellowship for career development 2018
98 ICOFAS Improved Coherence Fast Swept Source Lasers for Optical Imaging Applications 2019
99 InCaSQuC Indefinite Causal Structures on an Integrated Silicon Platform for Applications in Quantum Computing 2018
100 LEAF-2D Laser EnAbled TransFer of 2D Materials 2018
101 POWERSPIN Low-power spin-wave-based computing 2018
102 SiMBiT Single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing 2019
103 TELL Towards a fast-uptake of mEdium/Low-voltage eLectric power trains 2018
104 ENUF Evaluation of Novel Ultra-Fast selective III-V Epitaxy 2019
105 MASSTART MASS manufacturing of TrAnsceiveRs for Terabit/s era 2019
106 Si-DRIVE Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. 2019
107 PAIDEIA PlAsmon InduceD hot Electron extraction with doped semiconductors for Infrared solAr energy 2019
108 KryptonInt Erasing the superintegron to understand the role of chromosomal integrons in bacterial evolution 2019
109 IQubits Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies 2019
110 FIDELIO Forecasting social Impacts of bioDiversity consErvation poLicies In EurOpe 2019
111 ReNewHydrides Renewable Hydride Donors and Their Utilization in Catalytic Reduction and Deoxygenation Reactions 2019
112 eleGaNt The first high performance gallium nitride wafers for mainstream power electronics 2019
113 Segmentum Imaging Discovery and expansion of new markets for mobile digital pathology & cell measurement tool 2019
114 MF 2019 MANUFUTURE 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing 2019
115 PLASMIONICO Plasmon-resonance driven thermionic emitters for improved solar energy harvesting 2019
116 PerSiSTanCe Low-cost and Large-Area Perovskite-Silicon Solar Tandem Cells 2019
117 LOVETandemSolar Local Optoelectronic Visualisation for Enhancing Tandem Perovskite/Silicon Solar Cells 2019
118 CE2019 The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base 2019
119 CO2RR VALCAT Valence Band Tuning of Electrocatalysts for the CO2 Reduction Reaction 2019
120 DEVOCEAN Impact of diatom evolution on the oceans 2019
121 DATENE Defect Analysis and Thermal Effects of Nanolasers and Emitters 2020
122 eleGaNt The first technology enabling large-scale gallium nitride industrialisation for mainstream power electronics and RF applications 2019
123 DESIGN-EID Defect Simulation and Material Growth of III-V Nanostructures- European Industrial Doctorate Program 2020
124 POSEIDON NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources 2020
125 Let-it-Bi Bismuth Redox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis 2020
126 POCITYF A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework 2019
128 QUANTUM E-LEAPS Toward new era of quantum electrical measurements through phase slips 2020
129 IN-FET Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment 2020
130 BioSilica Materials synthesis in vivo – intracellular formation of nanostructured silica by microalgae 2020
131 DEBIMAX Carbon coated Silicon Production Scaling Up for Li-ion batteries 2019
132 NEBULA Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications 2020
133 DEMAND Density Modulated Silicon Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries 2019
134 DEFACTO Battery DEsign and manuFACTuring Optimization through multiphysic modelling 2020
135 3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond 2020
136 COBRA CObalt-free Batteries for FutuRe Automotive Applications 2020
137 SEQUENCE Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics 2020
138 IRPV Chalcopyrite-perovskites for infrared photovoltaics 2020
139 ISOMOD Modeling Prey Isocapes in the North Atlantic for Advancement in Predator Ecology 2020
140 RL-ASTROPRO Building blocks of the molecular universe: A coordinated laboratory and theoretical study of elemental C2X (X=N, O, Si, S) molecules 2020
141 CHALLENGES Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS 2020
142 ChondroCONNECT Development of a connexon-proteoliposome delivery system to ameliorate inflammatory and mechanical stress responses in the regeneration of osteoarthritic cartilage 2020