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H2020 projects about "predicting"

The page lists 274 projects related to the topic "predicting".

# achronym  title  year 
1 APERIM APERIM: Advanced bioinformatics platform for PERsonalised cancer IMmunotherapy 2015
2 CIRCODE Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing 2015
3 ComBoNDT Quality assurance concepts for adhesive bonding of aircraft composite structures by advanced NDT 2015
4 ALH Alternative life histories: linking genes to phenotypes to demography 2015
5 DESCRAMBLE Drilling in supercritical geothermal condition 2015
6 SolarPredict SolarPredict: An advanced predictive tool and service of the Solar 11-yr Activity Cycle 2015
7 InCeM Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility 2015
8 ACT5G Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond 2015
9 eNHANCE eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance 2015
10 CogIMon Cognitive Interaction in Motion 2015
11 GEO-RAMP Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention 2015
12 SUPERCONCRETE SUstainability-driven international/intersectoral Partnership for Education and Research on modelling next generation CONCRETE 2015
13 PROTINUS PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure 2015
14 FNPMLS Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy 2015
15 VSM Validated Surge Model 2014
16 OMNICS Observing, Modelling and Predicting in situ Petrophysical Parameter Evolution in a Geologic Carbon Storage System 2016
17 GLOBIS-B GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research 2015
18 SOS-Nano Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment 2015
19 CHENGEN An integrated framework to investigate the genetics of changing environments 2015
20 MultiFUNGtionality Fungal diversity, ecosystem services and forest management: unravelling the role and dynamics of fungal communities in multifunctional Mediterranean forests. 2016
21 QuantumLaP Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions 2015
22 ABRUPT Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change 2016
23 COCLIMAT Fusion of Alternative Climate Models By Dynamical Synchronization 2015
24 MARIS Mixotrophy among small marine phytoflagellates – prevalence and impact on prokaryotic communities 2015
25 DPaTh-To-Adapt Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean. 2016
26 EVOLMARIN Rapid evolution and geographic ranges: predicting marine species persistence and distribution in a changing ocean 2015
27 AGEISM Lifelong health, markers of ageing and senescence in a long-lived mammal. 2016
29 OPTIC BIOEM Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure 2015
30 EQUIP Elemental quota in marine phytoplankton for effective carbon sequestration, clean energy and biogeochemical modelling 2015
31 SENet Social and ecological networks supporting biodiversity and food security 2016
33 Neural Designer A high performance solution for predictive analytics 2015
34 PRIMAVERA PRocess-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment 2015
35 STRINGFLATION Inflation in String Theory - Connecting Quantum Gravity with Observations 2015
36 SmartMarker SmartMarker - Clinical Validation of Biomarkers by Smart Data Analyses 2015
37 PROTEOMICAN Discovery of breast cancer aggressiveness markers using topo-proteomics mapping 2015
38 BIOXYARN In vitro evaluation of the biocompatibility of nanofibrous yarns from an oxidative stress perspective 2015
39 BioFUNC Maintenance of species diversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning 2016
40 ExCAPE Exascale Compound Activity Prediction Engine 2015
41 Elephant Project How elephants grow old 2016
42 STEEPclim Spatiotemporal evolution of the hydrological cycle throughout the European continent during past abrupt climate changes 2015
43 HAoS Holistic Approach of Spray Injection through a Generalized Multi-phase Framework 2015
44 OPENMIND On-demand production of entirely customised minimally invasive medical devices 2015
45 INTESTINANOS Intestinal Lipoidal Nanostructures - A Lipid Bridge to Increased Drug Delivery 2015
46 SyMBioSys Systematic Models for Biological Systems Engineering Training Network 2015
47 NANOGENTOOLS Developing and implementation of a new generation of nanosafety assessment tools 2016
48 Infarnosys Novel biomarker diagnostic system for the assessment of the prognosis of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction and the effectiveness of the treatment 2015
49 DynaMech Linking Transcription Factor Binding Dynamics to Promoter Output 2016
50 DISTRACTION Design against DISTortion of metallic aerospace parts based on combination of numeRical modelling ACTivities and topology optimisatION 2016
51 FluctEvol Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments 2016
52 BroadSem Induction of Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsers 2016
53 DevTMF Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms 2016
54 DARKJETS Discovery strategies for Dark Matter and new phenomena in hadronic signatures with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider 2016
55 HUMO What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. 2016
56 SysMedPD Systems Medicine of Mitochondrial Parkinson’s Disease 2015
57 ALLEGRO unrAvelLing sLow modE travelinG and tRaffic: with innOvative data to a new transportation and traffic theory for pedestrians and bicycles 2015
58 PAAL-POC Practical Approximation Algorithms - Proof of Concept 2015
59 EurValve Personalised Decision Support for Heart Valve Disease 2016
60 NEVERMIND NEurobehavioural predictiVE and peRsonalised Modelling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Diseases with ICT-enabled self-management procedures 2016
61 KEEPFISH Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere 2016
62 RENOIR Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing 2016
63 PReDicT Predicting Response to Depression Treatment 2015
64 NICH Novel interactions and species’ responses to climate change 2016
65 SponGES Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation 2016
66 Jam Enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle maintenance and downtime costs, using real-time data from vehicle sensors (IoT) and a machine learning algorithm for big data analysis. 2016
67 EDEN2020 Enhanced Delivery Ecosystem for Neurosurgery in 2020 2016
68 N2OPNA Understanding Nitrous Oxide Production from The Mainstream Partial Nitritation and Anammox Process 2016
69 SARLEP Simulation and Understanding of the Atmospheric Radical Budget for Regions with Large Emissions from Plants 2016
70 Subfailtec Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations 2016
71 REDRAF Assessing the aerosol radiative impact employing advanced methods to reduce uncertainties in the aerosol optical properties 2016
72 UMIC Association of Uranium with Organic Matter- and Iron-bearing Colloids in Wetland Environments 2016
73 COST Discriminatory and Nondiscriminatory Trade Costs 2016
74 AlgDates Dating Plastid Endosymbiosis and Diversification in Eukaryotic Algae 2016
75 MIGRATE Cosserat phase field modelling and simulation of viscoplasticity induced grain boundary migration and recrystallisation in metallic polycrystals 2016
76 NORVAS Therapeutic and Biomarker Potential of long non-coding RNAs in Vascular Disease 2016
77 InDeal Innovative Technology for District Heating and Cooling 2016
78 EvolVir Evolution of virulence in immune-compromised hosts and the adaptation of emerging viruses 2017
79 iEcoH Integrating Ecosystem Heterogeneity to Enhance ESM Performance 2016
80 NPAD Multiregional rtfMRI Neurofeedback for the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease 2016
81 TRANSEP Flow physics and interaction of laminar-turbulent transition and flow separation studied by direct numerical simulations 2016
82 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
83 DRIVE Quantifying the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic drivers of spatial variation in vulnerability to predict species extinction risk 2016
84 DAMOCLES Simulating Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Atmospheric Multicomponent Clusters 2016
85 CompBioMed A Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine 2016
86 DART Data-driven AiRcraft Trajectory prediction research 2016
87 SOPRANO Soot Processes and Radiation in Aeronautical inNOvative combustors 2016
88 NEUROPOP Large-scale analysis of neuronal population activity 2016
89 chemech From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials 2016
90 EVERLASTING Electric Vehicle Enhanced Range, Lifetime And Safety Through INGenious battery management 2016
91 Trapview Trapview - Automated pest-monitoring system for sustainable growing with optimal insecticide use 2016
92 PROBIt Identifying Predictors of Risk and Resilience for poor neuropsychological Outcome following childhood Brain InsulTs (PROBIt) 2016
93 ProCovar Exploring new applications of amino acid covariation analysis in modelling proteins and their complexes 2016
94 OTOLOG Otoliths as metabolic loggers: Examining the physiological basis for climate resilience in wild populations of marine fish 2016
95 SAFE-FLY European industrial doctorate for damage modelling and online detection in aerospace composite structures 2017
96 TRuStEE Training on Remote Sensing for Ecosystem modElling 2016
97 ROSSINI Radial cOmpresSor Surge INception Investigation 2016
98 AceForm4.0 Activating Value Chains for EU leadership in FORMulation Manufacturing 4.0 2016
99 TRANSITION TRANSITION - Tool-Part-Interaction simulation process linked to laminate quality 2016
100 FINE 1 Future Improvement for Energy and Noise 2016
101 GEMex GEMex: Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems 2016
102 Metacontrol Cognitive control in context: Neural, functional, and social mechanisms of metacontrol 2016
103 Plan4Act Predictive Neural Information for Proactive Actions: From Monkey Brain to Smart House Control 2017
104 EMbRACe Effective Multidrug Cocktails for Cancer 2016
105 LiftTrain Aerodynamic Lift force of Trains subjected to cross winds—get it right! 2016
106 HPSuper High-Pressure High-Temperature Superconductivity 2017
107 MATERIALIZABLE MATERIALIZABLE: Intelligent fabrication-oriented Computational Design and Modeling 2017
108 FashionBrain Understanding Europe’s Fashion Data Universe 2017
109 SACCRED Structured ACCREtion Disks: initial conditions for planet formation in the time domain 2017
110 WeThaw Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and Consequences 2017
111 ILIAD Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces 2017
112 NOC Nerve-on-Chips 2016
113 RetroNets Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Networks 2017
114 SmartGuide Smart Biopsy Tool for Real-Time Cancerous Cell Characterization at the Tip of the Needle 2017
115 iTRUST iTRUST: In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke 2017
116 RHYTHMSYNC Rhythm synchronization between music and spoken language 2017
117 SHARKS-XT Shark extinctions: past and present 2018
118 PROZE Using a protein approach with Waddlia chondrophila and zebrafish as model organisms to conquer the female tubal factor subfertility market 2017
119 AMPLITUDES Novel structures in scattering amplitudes 2017
120 BMC-SVAR Developing a Bayesian technique to evaluate the validity of economic models: two applications to the Euro Area 2017
121 FreezeAlz Theoretical prediction of spectral biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease enabled by highly efficient and adaptable mutli-level response methods 2017
122 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
123 LEAF-OF-LIFE Photosynthetic energy balance, chloroplast integrity, carbon flow and epigenetic regulation of isoprenoid biosynthesis during leaf development and senescence 2017
124 SUBDECODE Dendritic encoding of movement in space 2017
125 IndiviStat Individualizing statin therapy by using a systems pharmacology decision support algorithm 2017
126 MINORG The role of minerals in the oceanic carbon cycle 2017
127 MAWAMOSCA Mass-waste modelling across scales 2017
128 DenseMatter High-density QCD matter from first principles 2017
129 PyroTRACH Pyrogenic TRansformations Affecting Climate and Health 2017
130 VISAGE Visible Attributes through Genomics: Broadened Forensic Use of DNA for Constructing Composite Sketches from Traces 2017
131 ToSubC Towards Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences 2017
132 Fibersail Fibersail: Shaping the Structures of Tomorrow 2017
133 GenTORE Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency 2017
134 PRELICAN Treatment of liver disease and cancer prevention 2017
135 PSIDESC Predictive Simulation of Defects in Structural Composites 2017
136 f-ex f-block hydrocarbon interactions: exploration; exploitation 2017
137 CARL-PdM Next Generation Holistic Predictive Maintenance Software 2017
138 BRIOAGRO Intelligent low-cost, scalable, adaptive ecosystem for intelligent irrigation and fertilization ensuring high performance and quality crops 2017
139 Ovage OvAge: an innovative, user-friendly digital methodology that quantifies ovarian reserve by integratingclinical, biochemical and 3D-sonographic data to help decision-making in all phases of woman life 2017
140 RUN2Rail Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles 2017
141 MICRONEX Microbioreactor platforms as in vivo-like systems to probe the role of Neuroblastoma-derived Exosomes in cancer dissemination 2017
142 TOPP Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions 2018
143 InsularAnxiety Insular cortical circuits controlling fear and anxiety 2018
144 MuDiLingo A Multiscale Dislocation Language for Data-Driven Materials Science 2017
145 SilkFUSION Genetically engineered human pluripotent stem cells, functionalized silk-fibroin platforms and bio-inks: a novel solution for large-scale ex-vivo platelet production, transfusion and drug research 2017
146 R-LiNK Optimizing response to Li treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder: the R-LiNK initiative 2018
147 InSilc InSilc: In-silico trials for drug-eluting BVS design, development and evaluation 2017
148 EMERTOX Emergent Marine Toxins in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean: New Approaches to Assess their Occurrence and Future Scenarios in the Framework of Global Environmental Changes. 2018
150 DeepSPIN Deep Learning for Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing 2018
151 LENSNOVA Cosmic Fireworks Première: Unravelling Enigmas of Type Ia Supernova Progenitor and Cosmology through Strong Lensing 2018
152 AFIRMATIVE Acoustic-Flow Interaction Models for Advancing Thermoacoustic Instability prediction in Very low Emission combustors 2018
154 LIMA Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials 2018
155 DARETOMODEL DAta-dRivEn, low-rank, jeT-nOise MODELling 2018
156 BTBnano Do Particle Properties Modulate bioaccumulation, Trophic Transfer and biomagnifications of engineered nanomaterials: Role of Particles size, shape and surface coating? - BTBnano 2018
157 CaLecLig Calcium-dependent Lectins in Human Pathogenic Infections: From Atomistic Understanding to Ligand Design 2018
158 SURVIVOR Historic response of a wide-ranging carnivore to climate change 2018
159 CASE-CO2 Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions 2018
160 CHEMPUFF Atmospheric surfactants Chemistry: imProving the predictions of cloUd Formation and Features (CHEMPUFF) 2018
161 Co-Inform Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies 2018
162 DeMoMet Design and modelling of metal matrix composites 2018
163 GB-CORRELATE Correlating the State and Properties of Grain Boundaries 2018
164 AMACONOE Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants 2018
165 IntEL Investigating Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes 2018
166 NERUDA Numerical and ERT stUdies for Diffusive and Advective high-enthalpy systems 2018
167 SpaceUseDrivers Unravellling the biological determinants of space use patterns in animals 2019
168 Primer Predicting the impacts of climate change and management actions for the invasiveness of alien species in Europe 2019
169 OTmeetsDFT Multi-marginal Optimal Transport and Density Functional Theory: a mathematical setting for physical ideas 2019
170 PredOpt Neural circuits for optimal prediction of timing 2018
171 TreEsilience Global patterns of intraspecific variation in tree resilience to drought 2018
172 ParAdapt Theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding Parallel Adaptation 2018
173 LISTEN Lost In translation: Strengthening communication skills between real world and climaTe modEls for seasonal to decadal predictioN 2019
174 ML Potentials Constructing Intermolecular Potentials by Combining Physics and Machine Learning 2018
175 VESTEC Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing 2018
176 PROCHIP Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy on a CHIP 2018
177 UHURA Unsteady High-Lift Aerodynamics – Unsteady RANS Validation 2018
178 BiomeRiskFactors Discovering microbiome-based disease risk factors 2019
179 APMPAL-HET Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous 2018
180 BioWings Bio-compatible electrostrictive smart materials for future generation of medical micro-electro- mechanical systems 2018
181 cGEM the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine 2018
182 SHERPA-CAR You will never drive alone 2018
183 DualMetha A cost-effective process for methanisation of unexploited agricultural waste. 2018
184 Stoock An Innovative Integrated Field Sensor system providing a precise farming tool to reduce productioncosts and water wastage. 2018
185 MEsHH DNA MEthylation for HPV-related disease among women living with HIV 2018
186 TRIAGE TRophic state Interactions with drivers of Aquatic greenhouse Gas Emissions 2019
187 GLOBESCAPE Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization 2018
188 ILO Innovative dual cycle tracking system for contraception and conception on a single device 2018
189 CircaCHIP Development of Circadian Rhythms on Chip 2018
190 ONCOSMART ONCOlogic patient profiling and personalized treatment through SMART bedside diagnostics 2018
191 URBASIS New challenges for Urban Engineering Seismology 2018
192 REFIND Remote strategies for fossil finding: multispectral images and species distributional modelling applications for large-scale palaeontological surveys. 2018
193 mP-CSE Micro-physiological circadian platform for safety and efficacy assessment of drugs and cosmetics 2018
194 EPIC Enabling Precision Immuno-oncology in Colorectal cancer 2018
195 DEFTPORE Deformation control on flow and transport in soft porous media 2019
196 SAFETY FOREST An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time. 2018
197 FIT2GO A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution 2019
198 IM2PACT Investigating Mechanisms and Models Predictive of Accessibility of Therapeutics (IM2PACT) Into The Brain 2019
199 Fish-AI Developing an Artificial Intestine for the sustainable farming of healthy fish 2019
200 FIDELIO Forecasting social Impacts of bioDiversity consErvation poLicies In EurOpe 2019
201 DELPHIS Disrupting ELectrochemical Processes with HIgh-Performance Power Supplies 2018
202 Fine Birth Diagnosis of preterm birth risk and success of induced labour 2019
203 FanCY Flow and Deformation of Cancer tumours near Yielding 2019
204 ANTICIPATE Anticipatory Human-Computer Interaction 2019
205 Agglomerates Infinite Protein Self-Assembly in Health and Disease 2019
206 Sound Health Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. 2019
207 Plasmanorg Environmental-friendly organic chemical synthesis in plasma reactor 2019
208 ELCOCOS Enhanced Low-cost COmplex COmposite Structures 2019
209 SERAS_v4.0 Seizure Risk Asessment for Epilepsy 2019
210 BRAINSYNC Brain-environment synchrony and the auditory perception problem 2019
211 iDysChart Charting key molecules and mechanisms of human immune Dysregulation 2019
212 AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms 2019
213 IceMelt3D Tracking 3-D meltwater production and runoff from glacial bare-ice surfaces 2020
214 CINEMA Creating an Infrastructure for the Numerical Exploration of Metallurgical Alloys 2019
215 Microbial-light Illuminating black boxes in the nitrogen cycle 2019
216 HIGHWAVE Breaking of highly energetic waves 2019
217 MICROPATH The fate and persistence of microplastics and associated pathogens in lowland rivers 2020
218 SAECG Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts 2019
219 TPOINT Parasitism and climate change: A tipping point for blue mussel populations? 2019
220 PSF-2-PREDICT Predicting when plant-soil feedbacks promote or prevent alien plant invasion. 2020
221 RIPARIONS Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS 2020
222 OncoViroMRI Brain Cancer Therapy Monitoring using a Novel Quantitative and Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Method 2019
223 ChemicalWalks Reactive Transport and Mixing in Heterogeneous Media: Chemical Random Walks under Local Non-equilibrium 2019
224 NEUROSHELL Advancing knowledge and acquiring expertise in shellfish research by investigating environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of key stages in oyster aquaculture, using a rhythmic approach 2019
225 SLIP exhumed foSsiL shear zones: a key to Investigate Present middle-crustal seismicity 2019
226 ComAlive Diagnosis, prediction, communication and rehabilitation for patients with disorders of consciousness 2019
227 HealinguFE Development of an in silico model for prediction of in vivo human bone fracture healing using micro-finite element analysis 2020
228 uKNEEversal uKNEEversal: a miniaturized 3D in vitro model of human joint to gain new knowledge on Osteoarthritis pathophysiology 2019
229 SENTIMOUV Spatial and demographic dynamics of disease transfer at the wildlife-human interface 2020
230 MIRAGE Measuring Interstellar Reactions of Aromatics by Gas-phase Experiments 2019
231 TyphiNET A global multi-institutional Typhoid fever genomic surveillance network to improve global public health outcomes 2020
232 KATA The therapy app for more air and health 2019
233 MOBILISE-D Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement 2019
234 CALIPER Creating Granular Materials Experts by Developing Experimental Calibrations for Computational Methods 2019
235 4D_REEF Past, present and future of turbid reefs in the Coral Triangle 2019
236 EAVESDROP Experimental access to volcanic eruptions: Driving Observational Potential 2019
237 CORRELATION Characterization and prediction of service-level traffic for future sliced mobile network 2020
238 Prognolite The first holistic restaurant forecasting tool to reduce food waste by predicting future demand 2019
239 ScleroTest A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management 2019
240 PolarNon Automated super-resolution polarimetric nonlinear microscope 'PolarNon' 2019
241 PREVISION Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information 2019
242 Waterjade Waterjade: the global platform to predict water resources 2019
243 CLIMFOR Accurate Seasonal Forecasts for Boosting Renewable Energy Generation and Improving Current Disaster Risk Management 2019
244 CHRONO Chronotype, health and family: The role of biology, socio- and natural environment and their interaction 2019
245 EGG1 Making distributed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation with zero pollution convenient 2019
246 ESPS Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. 2019
247 RDNA Empowering New Venture Growth - RDNA 2019
248 EvolSpliceKinetics From co-transcriptional splicing kinetics to the evolutionary impact of exon and intron definition 2020
249 3DCanPredict Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using 3D-bioprinted tumor models for personalized therapy 2019
250 PAROST Disruptive technology for the identification, quantification and prediction of the evolution of damages in civil engineering structures that increases safety while reducing maintenance costs. 2019
251 SLAM-Dx Diagnostic drug response-profiling using SLAMseq 2019
252 TAILTEST Development of a multipurpose test rig and validation of an innovative rotorcraft vertical tail 2019
253 MIMATOM Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micro-Magnetic Tomography 2020
254 FAITH a Federated Artificial Intelligence solution for moniToring mental Health status after cancer treatment 2020
255 ySKILLS Youth Skills 2020
256 PRYSM Early recognition of intracranial aneurysms to PRevent aneurYSMal subarachnoid hemorrhage 2020
257 RheoCare Rheological Monitoring of Chronic Respiratory Diseases 2019
258 OhmMAT-NANO Next Generation Composite Material Heating 2019
259 SMA-TB A novel Stratified Medicine Algorithm to predict treatment responses to host-directed therapy in TB patients. 2020
261 ExpectBG Elucidating the Basal Ganglia Circuits for Reward Expectation 2020
262 DC-ren Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes (DC-ren) 2020
263 ISLET Advancing Innovative Stem Cell-based Therapy for Diabetes in Europe 2020
264 GyroSCoPe Geomorphic and Sedimentary responses to Climate Periodicity 2020
265 Niche4NbS Beyond assuming co-benefits in Nature-based Solutions: Applying the niche concept for optimizing social and ecological outcomes 2020
266 PIPE Learning Pixel-Perfect 3D Vision and Generative Modeling 2020
267 PLECTRA Revealing mechanisms of plant-soil feedback in search of trait indicators 2020
268 SNeX The origins of thermonuclear supernova explosions 2020
269 THEOCORPES Theoretical Methods for Better Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy 2021
270 DLD-PI Developmental Language Disorder - Prevention and Intervention 2021
271 EconCell Aligned one-dimensional nanostructure electrodes from Electrically Conductive pOrous coordiNation polymer for proton exChange mEmbrane fueL celLs 2021
272 ARMISTICE Analysis and Risk Mitigation measures for Induced Seismicity in supercriTICal gEothermal systems 2021
273 MAP-AD A multimodal approach to accelerate drug discovery and development in Alzheimer’s disease 2021
274 BoRiS uncovering the anatomical archive of annual RINGS to understand abiotic and biotic drivers of SHRUB growth at the range BORDER 2020