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H2020 projects about "estimate"

The page lists 473 projects related to the topic "estimate".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CATCH ME Characterizing Atrial fibrillation by Translating its Causes into Health Modifiers in the Elderly 2015
2 EU-CaRE A EUropean study on effectiveness and sustainability of current Cardiac Rehabilitation programmes in the Elderly 2015
3 FLEXILOG Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web 2015
4 EURO-LAB Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary 2016
5 EUSTACE EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth 2015
6 STEPWISE SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry 2015
7 PROGRESS-TT PROs GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer 2015
8 AquaSmart Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service 2015
9 FlyHigh Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications 2015
10 ICI-THROUGH Intersectoral collaboration for innovation in non-invasive techniques to estimate human brown adipose tissue activity 2014
11 I3U Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union 2015
12 ENERWATER Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants 2015
13 MD-PACS A new paradigm in medical imaging systems for hospitals, clinics and professionals in spite of their size 2014
14 VEZ VEZ 2014
15 TM Field Analyzer Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition 2014
16 SliceWatch Monitoring Meat Texture To Optimize Slicing Yield And Reduce Wasted Meat In High-Speed Slicing Lines 2014
17 RepHorm A device that will dramatically improve the protection of babies during birth. It will monitor the child continuously with better acuity, resulting in better clinical outcomes at a lower cost. 2014
18 ARCGATE ARCGATE: maximizing the potential of Arctic Ocean Gateway array 2015
19 EUROLIFE Life histories of the Neolithic Transition: Estimating and modelling European life history events and human fertility rates 2015
20 DENDRONUTRIENT Disentangling the effects of CO2 fertilization, nutrient limitation and water availability on forest ecosystem processes: Estimating their long-term consequences on SW European forests 2016
21 USES Understanding Social-Ecological Systems: Coupling population and satellite remotely sensed environmental data to improve the evidence base for sustainable development 2015
22 RIDEC Rwenzori Ice Dynamics and Environmental Changes 2015
23 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
24 AspSync Unravelling mechanisms controlling asperities synchronization and triggering mega-earthquakes: insights from analog experiments and subduction zone earthquake statistics 2016
25 REZONABLE Regeneration and zonation by ZEB2 of Liver Endothelium 2016
26 DISHY Synergistic effects of DISpersant, oil and HYpoxia in a teleost fish: Investigating the impact of oil contamination in hypoxic areas and the use of dispersant as a response technique 2015
27 WATER INCENT Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas 2015
28 NanoERA Nanomaterials Ecological Risk Assessment: A study of the long-term effects and risks of nanoscale Iron Oxide used in plastic composites in the aquatic environment 2015
29 MoDATS Model-based Data Analysis of Transcription and Splicing 2016
30 LearningDeterminants Inter-individual variability in learning: an investigation of its determinants 2015
31 INAS Integra A/S – Service provider of drones for civil use 2015
32 HitSeedSME-1-09-14 HitSeed application for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument - Phase 1 2014. September 2014. 2014
33 EVIDENT Ebola Virus Disease - correlates of protection, determinants of outcome, and clinical management 2014
34 URO-BEST UROthelial carcinoma Biomarker based diagnostic tEST 2015
35 ELECTRIC_AXLE Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles 2015
36 bionic agitator Feasibility study of a bionic agitator – a prototype of this agitator has shown great potential for energy reduction of agitator technology. 2015
37 SOLID Satellite-based Observation of Land Infrastructure Deformations 2015
38 GReen Desalination GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent 2015
39 3D Reloaded 3D Reloaded: Novel Algorithms for 3D Shape Inference and Analysis 2015
40 FACTS4WORKERS Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories 2014
41 KERS-P Development of a universal kit to be installed on existing and new High Tonnage Hot ForgingPresses, for a potential strong reduction of energy consumption of the European installed fleet. 2015
42 IVMR In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs 2015
43 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases. 2015
44 ECLAIR Emulation of subgrid-scale aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models: towards a realistic representation of aerosol indirect effect 2015
45 Public Telescope Business Plan for a commercial space telescope 2015
46 MF-RADAR Multi-frequency RADAR imaging for the analysis of tropical forest structure in the Amazon 2016
47 UP-TYRE Feasibility study for scaling UP thermal conversion technology that turns scrap TYREs into high quality resources 2015
48 AutArt Clinical validation of the AutArt rheumatoid arthritis diagnostic device 2015
49 ReHeat Heat Recovery System for Professional Laundry Equipment 2015
50 BIOELECPRO Frontier Research on the Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissue 2015
51 eCAP Easy Connections Assessment Portal 2015
52 PEMP Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates 2015
53 ASICA New constraints on the Amazonian carbon balance from airborne observations of the stable isotopes of CO2 2015
54 CompSCHoice A Comprehensive Approach to School Choice and Education 2015
55 MANTIS Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance 2015
56 EVOLPROOF Are HPV vaccines ‘evolution-proof’? Multilevel evolutionary ecology of human oncoviruses 2015
57 DrugsInPregnancy Effects of Medication Use in Pregnancy on Infant Neurodevelopment 2015
58 COMTESSA Camera Observation and Modelling of 4D Tracer Dispersion in the Atmosphere 2015
59 TETRA Autologous Stem Cell Seeded Tissue Engineered Trachea 2016
60 Smart Ski Smart Ski 2015
61 HYBRID_BOATS An innovative hybrid propulsion and generation system for yachts 2015
62 InDrive Automotive EGNSS Receiver for High Integrity Applications on the Drive 2016
64 MULTIPLY MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform 2016
65 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
66 MACROPMF Macroeconomic Dynamics with Product Market Frictions 2016
67 EuPRAXIA Proposal for a Horizon 2020 Design Study on the “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications“ (EuPRAXIA) 2015
68 K4U Knowledge For Use [K4U]: Making the Most of Social Science to Build Better Policies 2015
70 VocEmoApI Voice Emotion detection by Appraisal Inference 2015
71 CROWD4ROADS CROWD sensing and ride sharing FOR ROAD Sustainability 2016
72 VISION Validation of Integrated Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol 2016
73 EXO-ATMOS Exploring the Plurality of New Worlds: Their Origins, Climate and Habitability 2016
74 math4AAArisk A mathematical platform for Abdominal Aortic Aneurism risk assessment and surgical planning 2015
75 PVSITES Building-integrated photovoltaic technologies and systems for large-scale market deployment 2016
76 MAINTRAC-Auto MAINTRAC-Auto: Automatization and validation of a liquid biopsy assay “Maintrac-AUTO CTC-analyser” for predictive real time monitoring and success control of solid tumor cancer therapy 2016
77 ERESCUE e-Rescue System: the next level in Post-Accident-Safety. Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour 2016
78 Agricolus DSS Agricolus Decision Support System 2016
79 CyberWiz Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures 2015
80 MultiSens A revolutionary quality indicator platform for the food industry 2017
81 Fundsphere Terms FST Reshaping the Asset Management Industry by commercialising the first digital solution to automate preparation of legal agreements that will increase the growth of registered funds on global markets. 2016
82 ANGI Adaptive significance of Non Genetic Inheritance 2016
83 EngageME Automated Measurement of Engagement Level of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions during Human-robot Interaction 2016
84 DISCOVERING Interdisciplinary Model of Schooling: Exploring Ethical Culture in International Science Assessments 2016
85 CH4ScarabDetect Detecting and quantifying CH4 emissions from scarab larvae using stable carbon isotopes 2016
86 TETRAPODBONES Evaluations of bone strength in the evolutionary invasion of land by tetrapods 2016
87 AlgDates Dating Plastid Endosymbiosis and Diversification in Eukaryotic Algae 2016
88 RATE RATE: Respiratory Acoustics To estimate Energy in wild cetaceans 2017
89 BMC Rendering Bayesian Monte Carlo for Global Illumination 2016
90 EXTREMDRON Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for protecting soft/critical urban infrastructures, and the general public in extreme environments. 2016
91 OXM Patent pending gearboxA patent pending gearbox for ships that decrease fuel consumption with 25% (appr 500 ton fuel and 1500 ton carbon dioxide per ship and year) 2016
92 gmSCAN Automatic scanner for determing lean meat distribution in pig carcasses 2016
93 ALGLASS High Performance Cold End Coating for Glass 2016
94 OSCA Ozone Sensitivity of Crops in Africa 2016
95 CAMERA Characterizing Adaptation and Migration Events with Modern and Ancient Genomes 2016
96 NETS Networks in Time and Space 2016
97 GlobalMass Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends 2016
98 VisNav Vision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex 2016
99 AutoScan AutoScan – Rail inspection by autonomous systems 2016
100 PhononGap Heat transfer and friction between two closely spaced objects due to phonon transfer across a vacuum gap 2016
101 SOILBIODIV Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity 2016
102 MACROTRADE Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade 2016
103 MINDPICS When a Profile is worth more than a Thousand of Hashtags: Automatic Inference of Personality Traits based on Images Shared in Social Networks 2016
105 OBP One Business Place 2016
106 NIPUNA Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components 2016
107 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Software Defined Networks 2016
108 Appytalent Human Resource Management Tool Based on Emotional Intelligence 2016
109 STMS Smart Tyre Management System for Safer, Greener and More Economic Transport through Innovative Technology for Smart Infrastructure from Silent Sensors Limited. 2016
110 Glucoset Boronic acid hydrogel sensor for intravascular (arterial) blood glucose monitoring 2016
111 CUBETTO New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses 2016
112 FlexLogIC Development of a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of Flexible integrated LogIC circuits 2016
113 JEM Phase 1 JEM: The world safest subcutaneous, enclosed, biocompatible implantable device, attached directly to a AV fistula or graft or vein, for chronic disease patients in need of repetitive vascular access 2016
114 LEASP Learning spatiotemporal patterns in longitudinal image data sets of the aging brain 2016
115 GUPPYSEX Evolutionary genetics of guppy sex chromosomes 2016
116 CC-TOP Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic 2016
117 DAWNDINOS Testing the locomotor superiority hypothesis for early dinosaurs 2016
118 MODERATOR autoMated radiO frequency iDEntification enabled cameRA auTOmation solution foR fencing 2016
119 RemoTech Remote technical assistance for field service operators 2016
120 LOOP Disrupting Logistics in Smart Cities and Regions through an Advanced Logistics Platform. 2016
121 SAKLAS Feasibility of Salmon and Kingfish Land-Based Aquaculture Systems, Phase 1 2016
122 ABC-S Acoustic Blood Cells Sorter 2016
123 QUIBIM QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medice 2016
124 SPLASH Sail PLAn service for energy efficient SHipping (SPLASH) - innovative and revolutionary sail planning 2016
125 TransMID Translational and Transdisciplinary research in Modeling Infectious Diseases 2016
126 CuraBone Predictive models and simulations in bone regeneration: a multiscale patient-specific approach 2017
127 HASTECS Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems 2016
128 Fundsphere Terms Disruptive Regulatory Technology for Asset Management Industry. FinTech company changes the global Asset Industry forever 2016
129 SunAqua18 Sustainable Desalination System 2016
130 CosNeD Radio wave propagation in heterogeneous media: implications on the electronics of Cosmic Neutrino Detectors 2016
131 MiMo Inference in Microeconometric Models 2017
132 Co4Robots Achieving Complex Collaborative Missions via Decentralized Control and Coordination of Interacting Robots 2017
133 CHEOPS Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System 2016
134 LiftTrain Aerodynamic Lift force of Trains subjected to cross winds—get it right! 2016
135 GRANITE GRAvitational waves from Neutron stars: Investigating Transient Emission 2016
136 OPENREQ Intelligent Recommendation Decision Technologies for Community-Driven Requirements Engineering 2017
137 TENBRIN Application of high power ultrasounds (HPUs) to improve the sustainability in meat TENderize and BRINe processes 2016
138 NOISYDECISIONS Neural decisions under uncertainty 2016
139 Neuroheart Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging for Personalized Tailored Treatment 2017
140 WeThaw Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and Consequences 2017
141 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2017
142 NOTID Novel treatment of inflammatory diseases 2016
144 StoreHero StoreHero: An AI (Artificial Intelligence) Virtual Business Coach for Physical Retailers 2016
145 LKN Linknovate – Connect with Emerging Technologies and the Key-Players Behind Them 2017
146 FLORADAPT Plant resilience and floral adaptation to pollinator change during a range expansion 2016
147 METLAKE Predicting future methane fluxes from Northern lakes 2017
148 Logist-IoT SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations 2017
149 i2factory 2.0 i2factory- Disrupting integration platform: secure and easy integration without any programming or component installation 2017
151 EPP Econometrics for Public Policy: Sampling, Estimation, Decision, and Applications 2017
152 SPG Seafarm Pulse Guard 2017
153 BikeABS Bicycle Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) for Cycling Industry 2017
154 RAINOLVE Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water 2017
156 DIGEST The impact of seed-dispersal by animals on plant distributions: an experimental and modelling approach 2017
157 Cetacean Inner Ear Cetacean Inner Ear 2017
158 FRAME Framework for the Analysis of Research and Adoption Activities and their Macroeconomic Effects 2017
159 HIVOL Herbivore-induced emissions of biogenic volatiles from arctic plants under climate warming 2018
160 MicroMechCell Precision micromechanical lever for next-generation cell culture systems 2017
161 TRANSRISK Vulnerability and risk assessment of transportation systems of assets (SoA) exposed to geo-hazards 2017
162 GeoMOP Modern Geospatial Practices for Ancient Movement Praxis 2018
163 WILDGUT GUT biota indices: a new tool for WILD animal conservation 2017
164 GlimS Patient-specific tumour growth model for quantification of mechanical 'markers' in malignant gliomas: Implications for treatment outcomes. 2017
165 Co-tRiP Dolphinfish living in a warming ocean: How global climate change is reshaping the distribution, physiology and behaviour of marine migratory species and their associated fisheries. 2018
166 BIOSTASIS BIOlogical SignaTures of AnhydrobioSIS via comparative transcriptomics on different evolutionary lineages within tardigrades 2018
167 ESPSI Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka 2017
168 RESCEU REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019 2017
169 INCEPTION Incremental Nonlinear flight Control supplemented with Envelope ProtecTION techniques 2017
170 GrIS-Melt Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on primary productivity and carbon cycling in Greenland coastal ecosystems 2017
171 NavigationCircuits Neural circuits for route planning in goal-directed spatial navigation 2017
172 CLIMOD Integrating climate impact and spatial microsimulation modelling for improved climate change adaptation decision-making 2018
173 PROFILE How should automated profiling be regulated? 2018
174 IPUSS The initial 244Pu abundance of the Solar System 2017
175 GLOBALMACRO Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence 2017
176 SPEM Semi-Parametric Econometric Models: Health, Obesity and Patient Expenditures 2018
177 Shocks Transmission Transmission of Financial Shocks: A systemic Input-Output GVAR approach 2018
178 Domognostics Intelligent Building Automation Diagnostics 2017
179 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
180 DATATRANS PROVENTA Smart Database Transformation Framework 2017
181 FORENSICS Illicit Markets, Unobserved Competitors, and Illegal Behavior 2017
182 ENTRAP Enhanced Neutralisation of explosive Threats Reaching Across the Plot 2017
183 ATM-GTP Atmospheric Gas-to-Particle conversion 2017
184 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2017
185 MoWE Mooring of floating wave energy converters:numerical simulation and uncertainty quantification 2017
186 LETS DOHOP Leveraging the Environment of civil air TranSport with DOHOP 2017
187 Previble Previble - The Previsualization Tool 2017
188 MEDAS MedAS: a Machine learning enabled Clinical Decision Support System to prevent prescription errors and improve patient safety 2017
189 WACSWAIN WArm Climate Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the last INterglacial (WACSWAIN) 2017
190 DSGE-RD Estimating a DSGE Model with Rare Disasters 2017
191 BIOPADE Biological Impact of Oil Pollution in Arctic and Deep-sea Environment 2017
192 Sightless Touch Sightless touch infotainment system for drivers 2017
194 NOMAD Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants 2017
195 NARSIS New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS 2017
196 FastMat Fast determination of fatigue properties of materials beyond one billion cycles 2017
197 PercEvite PercEvite - Sense and avoid technology for small drones 2017
198 ISAR The world's first purpose-built professional all-terrain passenger Vehicle 2017
199 NEPTUN Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture 2017
200 NSstop Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy 2017
201 SHOKA Community-based cyclist navigation solution to increase safety of utility bikers 2017
202 UDO The ultimate commuting solution for a car-free city 2017
203 Z-BRE4K Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories 2017
204 DISCO Decoding planetary compositions using observations and modelling of planet-forming disks 2017
205 ESSIAL Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies 2017
206 CryO2 Telemetric control of oxygen delivery for therapy optimization and adherence 2017
207 UNIFY A Unified Framework for the Assessment and Application of Cognitive Models 2018
208 DRIVE Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness 2017
209 ECO-DRILLING Environmentally efficient full profile drilling solution 2017
210 EmpoweredLifeYears The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing 2017
211 FORJET2035 ATS Level Business Jet 2035 Forecast 2017
212 FORROT2035 ATS Level Rotorcraft 2035 Forecast 2017
213 FORSAT2035 ATS Level SAT 2035 Forecast 2017
214 GermlineAgeingSoma Getting to the root of ageing: somatic decay as a cost of germline maintenance 2017
215 NOESIS NOvel Decision Support tool for Evaluating Strategic Big Data investments in Transport and Intelligent Mobility Services 2017
216 SOLARIS Solaris energy tobacco for the creation of a European sustainable biojet fuel value chain 2017
218 WhiskTrackGP Real-time tracking of whisker kinematics for closed-loop neuroscientific experiments 2017
219 TarMyc Targeting the Oncogenic Function of Myc in vivo 2018
220 ALGOA Novel algorithm for treatment planning of patients with osteoarthritis 2018
221 5GRANGE Remote area Access Network for 5th GEneration 2017
222 AMBROSIA Aquaporin-Inside™ Membranes for Brackish water Reverse Osmosis Application 2017
223 PAGE Paternity leave and the gender gap in pay and earnings 2018
224 PANAMA Probabilistic Automated Numerical Analysis in Machine learning and Artificial intelligence 2018
225 activeFly Circuit mechanisms of self-movement estimation during walking 2017
226 TechTIDE Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects 2017
227 CROWDBOT Safe Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds 2018
228 PRESTIGE-AF PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation 2017
229 NoTape Measuring with no tape 2017
230 DEVTAXNET Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks 2018
231 Nunataryuk Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation 2017
232 EMERTOX Emergent Marine Toxins in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean: New Approaches to Assess their Occurrence and Future Scenarios in the Framework of Global Environmental Changes. 2018
233 SPIRIT A software framework for the efficient setup of industrial inspection robots 2018
234 SDK4ED Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination 2018
235 MENTEE MENTEE - Mastery learning in Europe through Technology Enhanced Education 2017
236 DeepSolar Artificial Intelligence-based diagnostic system for Solar PV Plants 2017
237 PLUGandFLOW VessConnect “Plug Flow” innovative technology providing patients a safer, more effective and less costly procedure for vascular anastomosis 2017
238 PMT4NIIS Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems 2018
239 Aerial Insights Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions 2017
240 OxTube The smartest non-energy aeration system for water cleaning facilities 2017
241 HIV ECLIPSE HIV-1 acquisition and the future of prevention strategies: deciphering the eclipse phase through modelling and phylogenetics 2018
242 IPTheoryUnified Inverse boundary problems: toward a unified theory 2018
243 ASSESS Episodic Mass Loss in the Most Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe 2018
244 Pros-RODAM Hypertension Susceptibility in African Migrants: Solving the puzzle through transcontinental prospective cohort study design 2018
245 IMCUSTOMEYE IMaging-based CUSTOMised EYE diagnostics 2018
246 SPECTO Bowling SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance 2018
247 PRS PRS, a disruptive technology for the industrial repair of large series of reusable plastic articles in the circular economy 2018
248 GENAQ Replicating the Natural Rain Process for a Sustainable Distributed Water Production: More Water with Less Consumed Energy 2018
249 GENAQ Replicating the Natural Rain Process for a Sustainable Distributed Water Production: More Water with Less Consumed Energy 2018
250 SME LOYALISER SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices 2018
251 GLOMODAT Enhancing data fusion, parallelisation for hydrological modelling and estimating sensitivity to spatialparameterization of SWAT to model nitrogen and phosphorus runoff at local and global scale 2019
252 BIOPLAS-PRO high-performance BIOPLAStic PROducts for new markets and applications 2017
253 B-SOCIAL BANK SOCIALISER: BANKing platform based on SOCIAL media Interactive SERvices 2018
254 TUVOLU Tundra biogenic volatile emissions in the 21st century 2018
255 CoreSat Dynamics of Earth’s core from multi-satellite observations 2018
256 CIVICS Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions 2018
257 XQCR Electronic structure and energy descriptors for molecular crystals from quantum crystallography and X-ray charge density analysis 2018
258 CASE-CO2 Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions 2018
259 DEBT Eliciting Preferences over Saving and Borrowing 2018
260 DSMFACIL Facilitating a digital single market in Europe through cross-border alliances 2018
261 DURCWAVE amending the Design criteria of URban defences in LECZs through Composite-modelling of WAVE overtopping under climate change scenarios 2019
262 DUST.ES Addressing key uncertainties in mineral DUST EmiSsion modelling to better constrain the global dust cycle 2018
263 TrueBrainConnect Advancing the non-invasive assessment of brain communication in neurological disease 2019
264 VENUSCANCER Women’s cancers: do variations in patterns of care explain the world-wide inequalities in survival and avoidable premature deaths? 2018
265 INNOSETA Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems 2018
266 GEOCLIME Climate change and Geodetic deformation 2019
267 FEAST Fine scalE forAging Strategies of grey seals in relation to their biotic and abiotic environmenT 2019
268 NINEDOMA New insights into the ecology of the dodo using a multidisciplinary approach 2018
269 ReSPEc Towards a Remotely sensed estimation of the Photosynthetic Energy balance 2018
270 Joint-probe analyses Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution 2018
271 GEISIE Gender and Ethnic Integration in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship 2018
272 GRAINS Gravitation of Rubble-pile Asteroid with Internal N-body Structure 2018
273 MOrPhEM Mechanics of Programmable Matter 2019
274 INADEC Impacts of the North Atlantic Decadal variability on European Climate: mechanisms and predictability 2018
275 SMARTER SMAll RuminanTs breeding for Efficiency and Resilience 2018
276 UHURA Unsteady High-Lift Aerodynamics – Unsteady RANS Validation 2018
277 Couplet Transient climate change in the coupled atmosphere--ocean system 2018
278 G-Statistics Foundations of Geometric Statistics and Their Application in the Life Sciences 2018
279 ESCADA Energy-optimized Symmetric Cryptography by Algebraic Duality Analysis 2018
280 EUROVISION Self-reported vision status and associated risk factors in Europe: prevalence and temporal change 2018
281 FC-Unlimited Eco-efficient and Healthy Commercial Deep Fryer 2018
282 cGEM the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine 2018
283 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
284 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
285 PUPILOSCOPE Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. 2018
286 3DBattery 3DBattery µBattery innovative thin-film flexible Lithium-Ion battery manufacturing 2018
287 AllergyExplorer Automation of novel multi-parameter allergy test that is cost-efficient and delivers instantly correct results 2018
288 OHMIO Transparent and flexible conductive polymers to boost the photovoltaic industry in Europe 2018
289 WalkHome Functional Electrical Stimulation for at Home Rehabilitation 2018
290 Proteus 25 Developing the world’s first food wrapping machine with organic film 2018
291 SCOPIO High-resolution, all-digital microscope that applies computational methods to bring revolutionary benefits of digital microscopy to small and medium sized laboratories 2018
292 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2018
293 DG Island Mode Deep Green Island Mode 2018
294 FAIR VALUE The most accurate Fintech tool for valuation of start-ups, based on artificial intelligence 2018
295 Prodsmart Real time process tracking for production lines and job shops – across the supply chain 2018
296 PICARD Disruptive GPCR Lead Discovery Platform Delivering New and Safer Therapeutics 2018
297 AIRM A Novel Bottom-Up Sales Channel Between Travelers and Airlines 2018
298 ScienceRouter ScienceRouter: AI-powered knowledge matchmaking to boost the innovation landscape 2018
299 Composite Gloves Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care 2018
301 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2018
302 Asterix Weeding robot for precision farming reducing herbicide usage by 95% 2018
303 DualMetha A cost-effective process for methanisation of unexploited agricultural waste. 2018
304 MYFOOD An Innovative Smart Greenhouse System based on Aquaponics, Bioponics and Permaculture for Self-Production of Safe and Ultra-Fresh Food. 2018
305 Slim plus Reduced platform lift enhancing accessibility for disable citizens 2018
306 BEATIK Beatik- Collaborative Digital Scores Platform for Classical Music 2018
307 Stellar i-ris First non-invasive, reliable and quickest biometric system detecting users’ fatigue and narcotics consumption for road safety and the prevention of accidents at safety-critical workplaces in Europe 2018
308 EMPCONSFIN Empirical Analyses of Markets for Consumer Financial Products and their Effects 2018
309 SRAP Safe and Readily Authenticated Pharmaceutical dosage forms (tablets) 2018
310 BRiDGE BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe 2018
311 NextBillionMusicians The Next Billion Musicians: Leading the Digital Disruption of Music Education 2018
312 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2018
313 UpSurgeOn Academy UpSurgeOn Academy: A multilevel educational platform for neurosurgical training. 2018
314 Kissmybike No more stress about bicycle theft 2018
315 LIVECITIES Crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges 2018
316 ViSOT Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top 2018
317 Klimator-RSI Connected cars for real time smart road maintenance and increased driving safety 2018
318 CHANGE Cultural Heritage Analysis for New GEnerations 2019
319 MalopolskaRN Małopolska Researchers' Night 2018-2019 (European Researchers' Night in Małopolska) 2018
320 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
321 ACOSPECTOR The first Acoustic Chemometer for intelligent fluids analysis 2018
322 BGV1 New vaccine for a paradigm shift in Brucellosis 2018
323 UBQ Material Converting household waste into sustainable bio-based materials 2018
324 Tiimood Tiimo mood: integrating end-user’s self-assessment module in ADHD assistive technologies for the continuous enhancement of non-medical therapies 2018
325 Data Market Services / DMS Accelerator Supporting the European data market providing free support services to data-centric SMEs and start-ups 2019
326 MacroEntrepreneurs Entrepreneurs, Firms and the Macroeconomy 2018
327 ABRSEIST Antibiotic Resistance: Socio-Economic Determinants and the Role of Information and Salience in Treatment Choice 2019
328 Smart Cylinder Smart Cylinder: Breakthrough hydraulic solution to boost productivity, increase energy efficiency and lower emissions in heavy-duty industrial applications 2018
329 WingtraOne A VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) drone for mapping and surveying, uniquely combining long range, heavy payloads and ease of use. 2018
331 DigiBreakers Putting Digital Circuit Breakers at the Centre of the Smart Grid 2019
332 RADAR-AD Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
333 PRsuite Artificial Intelligence for a new generation of Public Relations (PR): smart digital assistant for start-ups and SMEs to maximise results of press releases within the EU-28 and beyond 2018
334 BDE Beyond Distance Estimates: A New Theory of Heuristics for State-Space Search 2019
335 BEBOP Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets 2018
336 GEWADI Role of Educational Systems on Entry Level Wage Differences 2019
337 SKIDLESS Enhancing car safety through accurate and real time side-slip angle assessment 2019
339 BBBhybrid Advanced in vitro physiological models: Towards real-scale, biomimetic and biohybrid barriers-on-a-chip 2019
340 Lazaero One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases 2019
341 dataFlow dataFlow: A Data-driven Fluid Flow Solving Platform 2019
342 NBEB-SSP Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes for species sampling problems: classical questions, new directions and related issues 2019
343 SUBSILIENCE Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic events in Europe during MIS3 2019
344 EQOP Socioeconomic gaps in language development and school achievement: Mechanisms of inequality and opportunity 2019
345 IMIR-UP Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. 2019
346 SeaBest Launching first large-scale organic seaweed-to-food cultivation and processing in EU 2019
347 RAINOLVE Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water 2019
348 MINT.extract Truly refreshing document digitalisation Unlock the full potential of your documents using machine learning 2019
349 MyKite Fly with Big Data 2019
350 Picterus A remote and price efficient tool for jaundice screening 2019
351 MP-101 a novel drug for prevention and treatment peripheral neuropathy symptoms 2019
352 PassiveShowerEcoTray The First Energy Saving Shower Tray with Graphene 2019
353 iLifebuoy iLifebuoy - saving human lives without endangering the lives of savers 2019
355 SECONDS On Time Emergency Response System 2019
356 SteriWeed The first bioherbicide blocking germination of herbicide-resistant weeds 2019
357 ABT AXVIRIUM BIOACTIVE TECNOLOGY_ The first medical device able to eliminate the fluids biological hazard 2019
358 ASSALA Advanced Simulation Solutions Applied to Quality Control of Laser Deposited Metals 2019
359 PANEDA High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data 2019
360 RESOLVE tPA-Nanoconstructs for Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Technical and Commercial Analysis 2019
361 ESTiMatE Emissions SooT ModEl 2018
362 QoSIoTSmartCities Quality of Service for the Internet of Things in Smart Cities via Predictive Networks 2019
363 FundaMentalHM FundaMentalHM: Innovative methods for better estimation of Fundamental Health Metrics associated with Mental disorders and other general medical conditions 2019
364 DRYSOM Unraveling long-term soil organic matter dynamics under drought in forest soils and their link to ecosystem properties 2019
365 PLEDGEDEM Pledges in democracy 2019
366 BigTime Big Time Series Analytics for Complex Economic Decisions 2019
367 STAND4HERITAGE New STANDards for seismic assessment of built cultural HERITAGE 2019
368 CHES Resilience of Coastal Human-Environment Systems 2020
369 CarbEx Tracing carbon exchanges/fluxes between Arctic and Atlantic basins 2019
370 GENDANGERED Measuring GENomic diversity change over time in avian enDANGERED species 2020
371 DLH Disability benefits, labour force participation, and health: Evaluating the effect of social protection policies 2020
372 CLIMB Calibrating and Improving Mechanistic models of Biodiversity 2019
373 CLOSeR Contribution of Land water stOrage to Sea-level Rise 2019
374 FRUITFUL On the evolution of fleshy fruits: An integrative test to assess the relative role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in shaping fruit type 2019
375 diFUME Urban carbon dioxide Flux Monitoring using Eddy Covariance and Earth Observation 2019
376 NumBraInf The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Functional Brain Organization of Number Processing in Infants 2019
377 TCFLAND2SEA Thawing Carbon From LAND to SEA: Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter and Response to Thawing Permafrost in the Northeast Siberian Land-Shelf System 2020
378 WetSlide WEaThering in bedrock landSLIDE deposits 2019
379 HYDROBLOCK Discrete Multi-physics modeling of hydrate blockage in pipelines 2020
380 SSF-value Valuing the socio-cultural and economic contributions of small-scale fisheries to coastal communities 2020
382 SMEmPower Efficiency A holistic framework for Empowering SME's capacity to increase their energy efficiency 2019
383 Everfill Improving the Quality of Life of Millions through the Revolutionary Approach in Dermal Regeneration Care 2019
384 QCAux Optimized auxiliary electronics system for Quantum Computing (QC) research 2019
385 MEESO Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries 2019
386 TiPES Tipping Points in the Earth System 2019
387 SUMMER Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources 2019
388 Resonances Resonances and Zeta Functions in Smooth Ergodic Theory and Geometry 2019
390 GRID Spreadsheets run the world. We run spreadsheets. 2019
392 O-POINTED Osteoarthritis patient cohorts in the dish - personalised cellular drug development tools for osteoarthritis precision medicine 2019
393 RealHands Revolutionize the way humans interact with technology 2019
394 DIABETESMART The first Clinically Validated AI-powered Diabetes Assistant 2019
396 FLAMINCO Flameless affordable and high efficency micro turbine system for sustainable residential cogeneration 2019
397 HIBOO HIBOO, the data platform to visualize and predict the industrial world 2019
399 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2019
400 EggSorter Device and method for automatized egg cell inspection and sorting 2019
401 iTrust In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke 2019
402 HIGH HYDRAULIC High-efficient digitalized portable hydraulic equipment 2019
403 ZENEO ZENEO® Adrenaline Needle-free adrenaline pre-filled autoinjector rescues you from an anaphylactic shock 2019
406 ETIMan ETIMan: Emergency and Triage Information Manager, disrupting the Emergency Medicine industry 2019
407 XPRESS Support for Public Procurements to facilitate the collaboration between SMEs and public sector for the development and adoption in renewables in regions 2019
408 cloudsensing Internet of Things (IoT) platform for concrete strength measurement and Machine Learning (ML) predictions in construction. 2019
409 Pregnolia A Diagnostic Medical Device Determining the Risk of Preterm Birth 2019
410 HydSOS Irrigation water saving by replacing the traditional irrigation system by an Adjusted Regulated Deficit Irrigation one 2019
411 RetinDR RetinDR: The first topical ophthalmic formulation (eye drops) that effectively prevents and/or treats the retinal neurodegeneration induced by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) and/or aging 2019
413 WineALaCarte Commercial appliance for an on-demand & custom reduction of alcohol in wine 2019
414 BEMYEYES Specialized Help from Be My Eyes – harnessing technology to connect companies directly with their blind and visually impaired users 2019
415 Biztribution Towards a fully decentralized distribution for next generation of travel and tourism distribution 2019
416 FertiCycle New bio-based fertilisers from organic waste upcycling 2020
417 SoundParticles Sound Particles - The Revolution in 3D Audio Software 2019
418 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2019
420 EDEM Experimentally Validated DNS and LES Approaches for Fuel Injection, Mixing and Combustion of Dual-Fuel Engines 2019
421 RTExD Intelligent acoustic sensor for real-time monitoring of large infrastructures 2019
422 NAOS a disruptive implantable neurostimulator for the treatment of epilepsy 2019
423 SKELETONID Fast, Unbiased & Accurate Human Identification: Artificial Intelligence at the service of Physical and Forensic Anthropology 2019
424 FieldTwin First centralized data platform for efficient and collaborative development of offshore energy projects 2019
425 UpTrop Fundamental understanding of reactive nitrogen in the global upper troposphere 2019
426 AVANT Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials 2020
427 MASCOT Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage 2019
428 Pilot3 A software engine for multi-criteria decision support in flight management 2019
429 ADAPTOS ADAPTOS - Changing the way bone voids are treated 2019
430 EPIMP Epistemic Utility for Imprecise Probability 2020
431 Aware Aiding Antibiotic Development with Deep Analysis of Resistance Evolution 2019
432 GAIA A Genomic and Macroevolutionary Approach to Studying Diversification in an Insect-Plant Arms Race 2020
433 SHExtreme Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate 2020
434 CompBat Computer aided desing for next generation flow batteries 2020
435 BioTrace World's First Real-Time Monitoring System for Ablation Procedures 2019
436 Memorix Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques 2019
437 XEERPA The Nº1 Social Media Profiling Solution: understanding customer preferences through their activity in social media 2019
438 Green-Insulation Green-Tech Fibre Insulation 2019
439 B6VitaStat A diagnostic device for personalized determination of vitamin B6 status and health 2019
440 Contunity Radically Simplifying Electronics Engineering 2019
441 Siner An online data management tool to implement industrial symbiosis projects towards a circular economy 2019
442 Dezyne Enterprise The easiest way to build complete, correct and consistent embedded software for cyberphysical systems 2019
444 PRO-S PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings 2019
445 KEYNESGROWTH Economic Fluctuations, Productivity Growth and Stabilization Policies: A Keynesian Growth Perspective 2020
446 FORCEDMIGDEV Forced Migration and Development 2020
447 STEPforGGR Solar up-draft tower to enable atmospheric photocatalysis for non-CO2 greenhouse gases removal: an emerging negative emission technology 2020
448 AI-Inspect AI-Inspect - an artificial intelligence tool for instant inspection of commercial properties 2020
449 LONGITOOLS Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases 2020
451 E-Optimum Energy leading-edge technology for high performance gear shaping machines 2020
452 PURA PURA - a chemical- free water purification and disinfection solution. 2020
453 AVIAZE The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper 2020
454 WireVision Intelligent electronic automotive systems repair support tool for auto repair technicians 2020
455 MAGNIFISCENT mesoscale multi-mode MRI of molecular targets 2020
456 DESPO De-industrializing Societies and the Political Consequences 2020
457 PROMISE PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics 2020
458 RTTT Real-Time ThermoTronics: handling fluctuations, dynamics and dissipation for smart radiative thermal management 2020
459 METABONE A new approach of metastatic bone fracture prediction using a patient-specific model including metastatic tissue, daily-life activities and local failure criteria 2020
460 MEANINGFEEL Just noticeable differences in affect: Estimating the minimum change in positive and negative affect that meaningfully impact people’s subjective experience of emotions 2021
461 POSEIDON Petrographic and vOlatile SignaturEs of prImitive and Differentiated achONdrites 2020
462 GEOLAKE Exploring the onset of Anthropocene in the Upper Jordan valley (Hula lake) 2020
463 LEAF-2-TBM From LEAF to Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Integrating multi-scale observations of highly diverse tropical ecosystems for global scale simulations 2020
464 MITafterVIT Unravelling maintenance mechanisms of immune tolerance after termination of venom immunotherapy by means of clonal mast cell diseases 2020
465 WeCanIt We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective 2020
466 CICLE Unveiling the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters through the intracluster light and multidisciplinar techniques of image processing and big data analysis 2020
467 THRESHOLD Thresholds and tipping points in ecosystem responses to global warming 2021
468 APRIL multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes 2020
469 BioScal Monitoring functional traits by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data to assess biodiversity across Europe 2021
470 GENCARGAP Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition 2020
471 MICROSCOPE Molecular dIffusion of organiCs in secondaRy Organic aeroSols and impaCts On Particle chEmistry 2020
472 MMAP-VEX Measuring and Modelling Air Pollution Within Vehicles – Implications for daily EXposure and Human Health. 2020
473 FLAMINCO FLAmeless, affordable & high efficiency MIcro turbine system for sustainable residential COgeneration 2020