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H2020 projects about "substantial"

The page lists 646 projects related to the topic "substantial".

# achronym  title  year 
1 NLRN20142015 Netherlands Researchers' Night: using the innovative Discovery Festival to unite separate events under a new national brand with a strong European dimension 2014
2 EPoS Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis 2015
3 nextBioPharmDSP Next-generation biopharmaceutical downstream process 2015
4 ROBOX Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols (ROBOX) 2015
5 EfficienSea 2 EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea 2015
7 REDMUD European Training Network for Zero-waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) 2014
8 PLATINUM Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies.Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri 2015
9 CREMA Cloud-based Rapid Elastic MAnufacturing 2015
10 SIMDEQ SIngle Molecule DEtection and Quantification (SIMDEQ): A new platform for genetic and epigenetic analysis 2014
11 GreenDiamond Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices 2015
12 ContactLube Highly-lubricated soft contact lenses 2015
13 WETFEET Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology 2015
14 SDIN Service Design for Innovation 2015
15 SMEINNOAUSTRIA Establishing SME Innovation Management Services in the Austrian Enterprise Europe Network 2014
16 PIC2INNO Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Paris Ile-de-France Centre (PIC2) 2014
17 OpenAIRE2020 Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 2015
18 PING Printed Intelligent NFC Game cards and packaging 2015
19 DiasporaLink DiasporaLink 2015
20 FRIENDS2 Framework of Innovation for Engineering of New Durable Solar Surfaces 2015
21 PRECeDI Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases 2015
22 EXMAG Excitonic Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Materials 2015
23 PAW Automated Program Analysis for Advanced Web Applications 2015
24 SSBD Small Summaries for Big Data 2015
25 TIAMO Trapping Ions in Atoms and Molecules Optically 2015
26 HERA JRP UP HERA Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past 2015
27 PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles 2015
28 SKEMAS Share Knowledge for Effective Management of Aviation Safety 2014
29 InlinePlat InlinePlat - Innovation in metal coating through automatic high speed electroplating units, process intensification and closed water cycles fully integrated with mechanical manufacturing lines 2014
30 XERIC Innovative Climate-Control System to Extend Range of Electric Vehicles and Improve Comfort 2015
31 ACTRIS-2 Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure 2015
32 AntWatFre Hydration Dynamics of Antifreeze Proteins 2015
33 AdaptClim Genomic and epigenomic signatures of climate-mediated selection in cattle 2015
34 MycoTest Development of fast antibody-based screening tests for the detection of harmful mycotoxins in food and feed 2015
35 Q-METAPP Quantum Metrology in Applications 2015
36 CANCER-TECH Cervical cancer detection platform based on novel laser processing 2016
37 3DWISE 3D Full Waveform Inversion on seismic data at the East Pacific Rise 2015
38 ExplicitDarmonProg Explicit Methods for the Darmon Programme 2015
39 TRANSIT The daily governance of transit migration in Turkey at European Union borders: The two-way influence of Turkish-European Union border and migration management practices 2015
40 FIRSTBHs The formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe 2015
41 ECAMMETT Early Cenozoic Asian Monsoons: Mechanisms and Evolution Through Time 2015
42 LOGIVIS The logics of information visualisation 2015
43 GATEWAY Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport 2015
44 TRANSFORMER Transformation of emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment. Fate of transformation products under multiple stress conditions 2015
45 PhoLED Photonic nanostructures for Light-Emitting Devices. 2015
46 OceanLiNES Ocean Limiting Nutrients – Examination from Space 2015
47 Savage Warfare Savage Warfare: A Cultural History of British and American Colonial Campaigns 1885-1914 2015
48 ERIN Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe 2015
49 Eco-PhyloGeo Linking phylogeography to ecology: extracting rules for butterfly biodiversity at large spatial scale 2015
50 SEDiLINK Sediment linkage between land, river and sea: evaluating impacts of historic mining on sediment quality in the coastal zone 2015
51 GLOID Genetic and Lifestyle Origins of Inflammation in Depression 2015
52 AFIBROTIC Atrial Fibrillation, Fibrosis and Rotors: New Insights from Imaging and Computational Modeling 2015
53 PATRIMONiT PATRIMONiT. From Cheap Print to Rare Ephemera: 16th-Century Italian 'Popular' Books at the British Library 2016
54 MicroFert Novel Release-on-demand micronutrient fertilisers for crops 2015
55 MEMOTION Changing the course of cognitive decline in normal aging with positive emotions by training brain plasticity 2016
56 COMOVE Exploring the impact of social mobilization on cooperation in community-based natural resource management systems: Insights from water conflicts in Spain and Mexico 2016
57 CRYPTRANS Characterization of newly discovered but poorly understood fungal-driven trophic processes in freshwater lake ecosystems by metatranscriptomic 2015
58 APT-Met Atom Probe Tomography (APT) Metrology for future 3D semiconductor devices 2015
59 VIOLA Variability's Influence on Language Acquisition 2015
60 OPTIC BIOEM Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure 2015
61 Topological superfluidity Topological superfluidity in ultracold gas of Dysprosium atoms 2015
62 MIRCAB Validation of diagnostic and/or prognostic miRNAs in triple-negative breast cancer 2015
63 Phasor The World's first cost effective, electronically steerable, digital, low profile, phased array antenna to enable high speed satellite communications on the move 2015
64 Paediatric LMS Non-Invasive Quantitative Magnetic Resonance for Obese Children – the Paediatric LiverMultiScan Test 2015
65 Heat2Energy Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery 2015
66 Watergate Watergate: Development of a low-cost solar desalination technology 2015
67 iTPX In-cavity thermophotonic cooling 2015
68 EVOLHGT Selective Barriers to Horizontal Gene Transfer 2015
69 Family Justice Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society 2015
70 Riblet4Wind Riblet-Surfaces for Improvement of Efficiency of Wind Turbines 2015
71 MINERAL EYE Real-time on-line mineralogical analysis for the process optimization and more sustainable mining 2015
72 Waste to Resource Commercialisation of WarwickFBR™ technology which can recycle Mixed Plastic Waste into a hydrocarbon product, the Plaxx™ 2015
73 CEZAMAT-Environment CEZAMAT-Environment - Self-Organizing Networks for Real-Time, Wireless Monitoring of Natural Environment 2015
74 INNODIAB Innovative diagnostic device for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes patients 2015
75 CONC-VIA-RIEMANN High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point 2015
76 AQUIRE Advanced QUadrature sensitive Interferometer REadout for gravitational wave detectors 2015
77 INTRASTEM INTRASTEM: High Efficiency Delivery of Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Particles to Human Cells 2015
78 PULTAR Delivery of PULmonary Therapeutics through TARgetted Delivery using Phononics 2015
79 CySTEM Cyprus Solar Thermal Energy Chair for the Eastern Mediterranean 2015
80 NewFert Nutrient recovery from biobased Waste for Fertilizer production 2015
81 SESAME Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services 2015
82 UP-TYRE Feasibility study for scaling UP thermal conversion technology that turns scrap TYREs into high quality resources 2015
83 NeuroNanoChip A Nano-electrode chip for high-resolution/high-throughput cellular assays in cultured neurons including synaptic tranmission 2015
84 ExaFLOW Enabling Exascale Fluid Dynamics Simulations 2015
85 BIORISE Establishment of the Bioinformatics ERA Chair at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics 2015
86 SMARTCIM Smart interoperable electronic active valve, control eco-system and service to achieve superior building efficiency and user awareness 2015
87 BNYQ Breaking the Nyquist Barrier: A New Paradigm in Data Conversion and Transmission 2015
88 NEGEVBYZ Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert 2015
89 ARPEMA Anionic redox processes: A transformational approach for advanced energy materials 2015
91 GlyCoCan Exploiting Glycosylation of Colorectal Cancer for the development of improved diagnostics and therapeutics 2015
92 I-ThERM Industrial Thermal Energy Recovery Conversion and Management 2015
93 openMOS Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components 2015
94 SENSOILS Sensing soil processes for improved crop nitrogen bioavailability 2015
95 NOC2D Nucleation of Organic Crystals onto 2D materials 2015
96 FormGram Form-frequency correspondences in grammar 2015
97 WITRO Wind and Turbulence Radar for Offshore wind energy 2015
98 SGCR Systematic Genetic Code Reprogramming 2016
99 Novel Calorimetry Exploring the Terascale at LHC with Novel Highly Granular Calorimeters 2015
100 EENINNOAUSTRIA Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2015
101 SLACC Supplying lung adenocarcinoma cell lines to the cancer research community. 2015
102 I4MS-Growth Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems 2015
103 DEXscAn Low-cost semiconducting polymers for manufacturing 2D-digital X-Ray detectors 2015
104 EO-SLR Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System 2015
105 LEAF LINE The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data 2015
106 WIDENLIFE Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing 2016
107 MARA Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays 2015
108 PI-SCALE Bringing flexible organic electronics to pilot innovation scale 2016
109 Be-IoT The business engine for IoT pilots: Turning the Internet of things in Europe into an economically successful and socially accepted vibrant ecosystem 2016
110 CWT Clearview Trade - Cloud based collaborative custom system 2015
111 MultiCoop Multidisciplinary approach to strengthen cooperation and establish novel platform for comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety 2016
112 NESTER Networking for Excellence in Solar Thermal Energy Research 2016
113 REDISH CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation 2016
114 TENSORNETSIM Accurate simulations of strongly correlated systems with tensor network methods 2016
115 QUANTUM DYNAMICS New Geometry of Quantum Dynamics 2016
116 EXC3ITE EXploring Chemistry, Composition and Circulation in the stratosphere with InnovativeTEchnologies 2016
117 IntelGlazing Intelligent functional glazing with self-cleaning properties to improve the energy efficiency of the built environment 2016
118 CryoHub Developing Cryogenic Energy Storage at Refrigerated Warehouses as an Interactive Hub to Integrate Renewable Energy in Industrial Food Refrigeration and to Enhance PowerGrid Sustainability 2016
119 REGENETHER Modeling and treating retinal degenerative disease 2015
120 CoCA Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder 2016
122 OXYGEN Quantifying the evolution of Earth's atmosphere with novel isotope systems and modelling 2016
123 WebMAT Web-based system for multi-arrangement task for rapid acquisition of subjectivejudgements. 2016
124 UniServer A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding the Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries 2016
125 Gene2Skin Gene2Skin - Roadmap for advanced genetic engineering-based skin therapies 2015
126 CENTRE-PD TWINNING for a Comprehensive Clinical Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease 2016
127 PReDicT Predicting Response to Depression Treatment 2015
128 ABRACADABRA Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation 2016
129 SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2016
130 MSTYR15 Market Surveillance Action for Tyres 2015 2016
131 RELYUBL Regulation of lymphocyte biology by ubiquitin and ubiquitin like modifiers 2016
132 TOREADOR TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORm 2016
133 GLION Investigating glial glycogen utilization for ion homeostasis in the brain and its relevance to epileptogenesis: electrophysiology and pharmacology in awake behaving mice 2016
135 Science2Society Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders 2016
136 Yamnomics Phylogenomics, evolution, biogeography and key traits for breeders in yams (Dioscorea, Dioscoreaceae) 2017
137 ROMAINE Ovid as Historian. The reception of classical mythology in medieval France and Spain 2017
138 cleanMOULD Oil, fat and contaminant free moulding through advanced low friction and fretting-resistant coating solution 2016
139 MobiLab Development of a mobile device for the quick on-site measurement of soil nutrients 2016
140 GREinGC General Relativistic Effect in Galaxy Clustering as a Novel Probe of Inflationary Cosmology 2016
141 PROVICOL Using a neonatal immunostimulant to reduce mortality and increase productivity in poultry farms 2016
142 HetScaleNet Analysis and control of large scale heterogeneous networks: scalability, robustness and fundamental limits 2016
143 WPolitical Wittgenstein and Political Theory 2016
144 PULMO PULMO: Population dynamics, trophic interactions, and human exploitation of a novel nutraceutical and pharmaceutical marine resource: the Mediterranean sea lung jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo . 2016
145 PROTECT-2 PeRsonnel lOcation and Tracking for safEty of Critical InfrasTructures 2016
146 ERA-PLANET The European network for observing our changing planet 2016
147 TOTAL Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms 2016
148 Optimal-Immunity Optimal diversity in immunity – to overcome pathogens and maximize fitness; moving from correlative associations to a more mechanistic understanding using wild songbirds. 2016
149 QuModQu Quantification and modality in the realm of questions 2016
150 TOCNeT Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks 2016
151 LEGA-C The Physics of Galaxies 7 Gyr Ago 2016
152 SocialBrain Brain growth under social pressure: mathematical modelling of brain growth when individuals face social challenges 2016
153 HARA Human-Animal Relationships in Archaeology: World Views of Hunter-gatherers in NorthernEurope 2016
154 NeuralCon Connectivity in the neural control of muscles in stroke patients. 2016
155 CKD AKI Chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury – evaluation of EU and global epidemiology 2016
156 Stim-Plast-O Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on motor learning-related neuroplasticity in healthy older adults 2016
157 MSCCC Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Cover and Climate 2016
158 NanoORC Nanofluids as working fluids for organic Rankine cycles 2017
159 EStoPARENTING Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity to Parenting 2016
160 Exile and Technology Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. 2016
161 GCG-T3 Dyslipidemia Validation and Molecular Characterization of Novel Glucagon-Thyroid Hormone Conjugates for the Efficient Management of Dyslipidemia and Fatty Liver Disease 2016
162 DIVERGE Diverging Destinies: Introducing the Role of Social Environment and Genetic Sensitivity in the Effects of Family Instability 2016
163 PopClandSATYRICON Popular readers and clandestine literature: the case of an early modern translation of Petronius’ Satyricon into Italian (17th C.) 2016
164 LAWINE Links between warming Arctic and climate extremes in northern Eurasia 2017
165 IN VIVO MOSSY Is the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse a detonator in vivo? 2016
166 CR-Compressor Centric Recipocating Compressor 2016
167 SHARE-DEV3 Achieving world-class standards in all SHARE countries 2015
168 DECOR Decorative Principles in late Republican and early Imperial Italy 2016
169 CONNECARE Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients 2016
170 COCTA Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM 2016
171 CADENT Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise 2016
172 CSP-Infinity Homogeneous Structures, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, and Topological Clones 2016
173 SOGICA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge 2016
174 GPSART Geometric aspects in pathwise stochastic analysis and related topics 2016
175 DENOVOMUT An integrated approach to understanding the impact of de novo mutations on the mammalian genome 2017
176 GoCADiSC Genomics of Chromosome Architecture and Dynamics in Single Cells 2017
177 MYCLASS Towards prevention, early diagnosis, and noninvasive treatment of uterine leiomyomas through molecular classification 2016
178 SENSE SENSE - a roadmap for the ideal low light level sensor development 2016
179 BIOCOMPLACK Eco-friendly food packaging with enhanced barrier properties 2016
180 RESOLVE REalistic Simulations and ObservationaL Validation of small-scale Energy channels on the Sun 2017
181 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
182 EPOC Understanding the molecular basis of stochastic bi-stable obesity 2016
183 IMCIS Individualised medicine in chronic inflammatory skin diseases 2016
184 MAVEN Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network 2016
185 AVELEDA Fruit Wine AVELEDA Fruit Wine 2016
186 REFOCUS ‘Plug And Play’ Forest Asset Monitoring Service For Small and Medium Forest Owners based on Sentinell 2016
187 dSense dSense – Self adapting, cost efficient method for detecting context of a mobile device and a mobile device with a context detection module 2016
188 biowater AQANAT® biowater: Advanced sustainable residue free sanitation system for post-harvest food processing resulting in a 70% reduction in water usage and a 50% reduction in post-harvest losses 2016
189 Tom PIT Studio Tom PIT Studio - platform for designing information systems 2016
190 RELIABLE Wear Resistant Lightweight Aluminium Brakes for Vehicles 2016
191 AbsZero Feasibility Study: A First-of-its-Kind Software-Defined Virtual Reality Camera 2016
193 GravBHs A New Strategy for Gravity and Black Holes 2016
194 WAVEFIL WAvelength VErsatile Pulsed Raman FIbre Lasers 2017
195 ENGINENCY A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management 2016
196 OLEUM Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil 2016
197 Self-Control Take control!Towards novel training regimes enhancing inhibition and impulse control in health and psychiatric disease 2016
198 HRMEG HRMEG: High-resolution magnetoencephalography: Towards non-invasive corticography 2016
199 EDWEL Empirical Demand and Welfare Analysis 2016
200 Persia and Babylonia Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire 2017
201 AD-VIP Alzheimer’s disease and AAV9: Use of a virus-based delivery system for vectored immunoprophylaxis in dementia. 2016
202 optiTruck optimal fuel consumption with Predictive PowerTrain control and calibration for intelligent Truck 2016
203 SES-BI SESCOM Business Intelligence platform for energy saving and smart facility management 2016
204 BMX-11 Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries 2016
205 QTOOL Commercialization of Single-Photon Light Sources 2016
206 HyPump Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pump for Canals 2016
207 ICE2LAST Innovative stunning technology based on a natural anesthetizing agent in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2016
208 TriboGlide Development of an innovative and cost-efficient friction and wear reduction solution (TriboGlide) 2016
209 ATx201 A novel class of antibiotics for treatment of infected atopic dermatitis: an innovative solution for a significant unmet medical need 2016
210 MYELOMANEXT Integrated next-generation flow cytometry and sequencing to uncover the pathway of curability in multiple myeloma 2016
211 DouxSweet Novel Flavour Delivery Technology for Sugar Reduction 2016
212 DILIPHO Diffusional limitations to C4 photosynthesis 2017
213 MARIPOSAS Macroevolutionary Rates by Integrating Phylogenomics and Ancestral character States - A study on Neotropical butterfly evolution. 2017
214 INDEED Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design 2017
215 MAESTRO Modular laser based additive manufacturing platform for large scale industrial applications 2016
216 LoCoMaTech Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles 2016
217 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
218 ENCOMPASS ENgineering COMPASS 2016
219 DREAM Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns 2016
220 DryFiciency Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes 2016
221 TAVAC Technologies for Active Vibration and Acoustic Comfort 2016
222 Hidden life Host-microbe interactions involving microbial dark matter: Biology and evolution of a ubiquitous group of intracellular bacteria. 2017
223 DiReC-IL Computer Simulation of the Dissolution and Regeneration of Cellulose from Ionic Liquids 2017
224 POWDERBLADE Commercialisation of Advanced Composite Material Technology: Carbon-Glass Hybrid in PowderEpoxy for Large (60-100m) Wind Turbine Blades 2016
225 SODA Scalable Oblivious Data Analytics 2017
226 PJ31 DIGITS Initial Trajectory Information Sharing 2016
227 iMuSciCA Interactive Music Science Collaborative Activities 2017
228 INFARM The vertical farming revolution, urban Farming as a Service. 2016
229 PLAID Peer-to-Peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration 2017
230 APPEL Approaching efficiency limits of perovskite solar cells by overcoming non-radiative recombination losses 2016
231 BIOCDx A miniature Bio-photonics Companion Diagnostics platform for reliable cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring. 2017
232 FocusLocus FocusLocus: ADHD management Gaming System for educational achievement and social inclusion 2016
233 ULPEC Ultra-Low Power Event-Based Camera 2017
234 Upstart Upgrade Speed To Accelerate Revolutionary Telecoms 2016
235 PeptiEUForce PeptiEUForce: a game-changing ingredient for the pre-diabetic population 2016
236 INNOPATHS Innovation pathways, strategies and policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe 2016
237 SupraCarrier Supramolecular hydrogels as local controlled drug delivery carriers 2017
238 PrEstoCloud PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing 2017
239 NATURVATION Nature Based Urban Innovation 2016
240 Quasicrystal An Optical Quasicrystal for ultracold atoms 2017
241 PROMECA PROcess intensification through the development of innovative MEmbranes and CAtalysts 2017
242 BREATH BREATH: Biomarkers for Respiratory diseases detected in Exhaled Air through a new Technological instrument for research and Healthcare markets. 2016
243 B-SMART Brain-Specific, Modular and Active RNA Therapeutics 2017
244 APACHE The innovative heat pump boiler to double energy efficiency in heat generation 2016
245 3DMP Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs 2016
246 ORBIT Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine 2017
247 FAFC Foundations and Applications of Functional Cryptography 2017
248 BEAM-EDM Unique Method for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Search using a Pulsed Beam 2017
249 BeyondBlackbox Data-Driven Methods for Modelling and Optimizing the Empirical Performance of Deep Neural Networks 2017
250 ScalABLE4.0 Scalable automation for flexible production systems 2017
251 EoC Ethics of Coding: A Report on the Algorithmic Condition 2017
252 PATH Plasma Antenna Technologies 2017
253 SMARTTS Smart Tanks for Space 2017
254 Hi GEN Marine Turbin Feasibility study into a portable wind turbine for ships which connects to the existing ships crane 2017
255 ReGenHeart Clinical development and proof of principle testing of new regenerative VEGF-D therapy for cost-effective treatment of refractory anginaA phase II randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study 2017
256 EXEDRA EXpansion of the European Joint Programming Initiative on Drug Resistance to Antimicrobials 2017
257 INLINE Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing 2017
258 Laser-Bioprint Laser-Based Bioprinter 2016
259 HyLIPS Hyperspectral Lightweight Imagers for micro-PlatformS 2016
260 EMPHASIS-PREP Preparation for EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate 2017
261 Matryoshka Fast Interactive Verification through Strong Higher-Order Automation 2017
262 time-data Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems 2017
263 NOGOPROOF Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke 2017
264 Spatialec Developing methods to model local area temporal domestic electricity demand 2017
265 ADAPTATION Predicting adaptive responses of protected species to environmental changes to optimise conservation management frameworks in Europe 2016
266 THz-FRaScan-ESR THz Frequency Rapid Scan – Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for spin dynamics investigations of bulk and surface materials (THz-FRaScan-ESR) 2018
267 DarkMix Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer 2017
268 FLYwheel Low-cost, High-efficiency FLYwheel Energy Recovery System for On-highway Commercial Vehicles 2017
269 Tail Redefining the dog collar - fresh and innovative, first all-in-one IoT platform. 2017
270 MEAQUAS Automated and objective characterization of comminuted meat properties for valorization of high quality processed meat 2017
271 REJUVENATION Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation 2017
272 NORIA Numerical Optimal tRansport for ImAging 2017
273 KIOS CoE KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence 2017
274 MULTIFLEXO Hierarchical multiscale modeling of flexoelectricity and related materials properties from first principles 2017
275 REsiliENCe Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market 2017
276 TeleoLogic Logical and Psychological Foundations for a Teleosemantic Theory of Productivity 2017
277 SCAVENGER Determining the drivers and importance of scavenging behaviors in a changing world using agent based modeling approaches. 2017
278 CerebellumTherapy Sensorimotor plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit and its therapeutic potential 2017
279 PEP An Empirical Foundation for Understanding Positive Emotions 2017
280 LABOREP Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation 2018
281 HiPPiE_at_LHC High Precision PDFs for the precision Era at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
282 ARTFUL Structure-activity relationships of an emerging family of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases 2017
283 MONSTAA Metabolism of Novel Strains of Arctic Algae 2017
284 ABISSE AB Initio Simulations for Super-Earths 2017
285 MyoBan wireless Body Area Networks for high density MYOelectric neurorehabilitation technologies 2017
286 AveTransRisk Average - Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries) 2017
287 CARBONICE Carbon – Ice Composite Materials: Water Structure and Dynamics at the Carbon Interface 2017
288 TOXANOID Pharmacological safety testing in human adult stem cell-derived organoids 2017
289 EENINNOAUSTRIA2 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2017
290 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
291 SYMBIOTIC BODY Unlocking the virtual body: Exploiting the symbiotic relationship between an avatar and its user to modify bodily experience and improve the outcome of eating disorder treatment 2018
292 SMART-WORKFLOW Development of a smart workflow based on high resolution mass spectrometry for the assessment of the performance of wastewater treatment technologies 2018
293 GaMePLAY Gut microbiota impact on brain development and plasticity. 2017
294 CDSANAB Complex Dynamics and Strange Attractors through Non-Autonomous Bifurcations 2018
295 DEBBIE A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect 2018
296 CSPIWB Learning under Conflict: Effects of political violence on the educational attainment of Palestinian students in the West Bank 2017
297 AcTaferon Revitalizing the clinical potential of type I IFNs in fighting influenza A virus infections with AcTaferon. 2017
298 VAC2VAC Vaccine lot to Vaccine lot comparison by consistancy testing - Sofia ref.: 115924 2016
299 RESCEU REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019 2017
300 ICED Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks 2017
301 INFLAMM-ALZ The Role of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease 2017
302 SusFRPRC Sustainable Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Concrete (FRP-RC) Structures 2017
303 SOLISYNTH Synthesis of Low Noise Microwaves Using Solitons Locked to an Ultra-Stable Cavity 2017
304 LessThanWagonLoad Development of ‘Less than Wagon Load’ transport solutions in the Antwerp Chemical cluster 2017
305 GEOCOND Advanced materials and processes to improve performance and cost-efficiency of Shallow Geothermal systems and Underground Thermal Storage 2017
306 IonPEFC Advanced catalyst electrodes from Ionic liquid modified PtNi nanowire arrays for PEFCs 2017
307 NUMELAT Numbers in the brain: the impact of brain lateralization on numerical abilities 2018
308 LANDRACES Exploiting the legacy of Central European wheat landraces for improving the ecological adaptation ability of wheat 2017
309 FRESCOatCNAP FrontierResearchCompentences@CNAP 2017
310 SEAL Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software 2017
311 EnFAIT Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal 2017
312 FRAGCLIM The Combined Effects of Climatic Warming and Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity, Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning 2017
313 ULP.PILAEMA Urban Landscapes of Power in the Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages 2018
314 DEEP-EST DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies 2017
316 CS-AWARE A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis 2017
317 M and M Generalization in Mind and Machine 2017
318 GEECCO Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment 2017
319 ENVISION Enabling Visual IoT Applications with Advanced Network Coding Algorithms 2018
320 BLUE Innovative fungal strains for producing blue cheeses 2017
321 EU-China-Safe Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership 2017
322 FeedSax Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: The Bioarchaeology of an Agricultural Revolution 2017
323 ALEXANDRIA Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician 2017
324 PyroProf Chemical Profiling of Inorganic and Pyrotechnic Explosives 2017
325 MediaRoad MediaRoad – European Media Ecosystem for Innovation 2017
326 FeetWell Innovative diagnostic and eHealth monitoring system for diabetic foot complications 2017
327 EDU EggDetect Unit, the first non-invasive technology to detect egg fertility pre-incubation and thechicken's gender pre-hatching 2017
328 PET-Yield A new manufacturing method, monitoring platform and material equipment to carry out a more efficient production of plastic bottles, reducing its waste. 2017
329 Beacon Bentonite mechanical evolution 2017
330 ADSNeSP Active and Driven Systems: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics 2017
331 IRiMaS Interactive Research in Music as Sound:Transforming Digital Musicology 2017
332 ImmortaSTEM ImmortaSTEM: Transient Immortalisation for Patient Stem Cell Expansion and Therapeutic Application 2017
333 WORTECS Wireless Optical/Radio TErabit Communications 2017
334 MobiLab Development of a mobile device for the quick on-site measurement of soil nutrients 2017
335 N2N European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures 2018
336 NEUROCLOUD A neural network builder with remotely controlled parallel computing 2017
337 INTERSTELLAR The Interstellar Medium of High Redshift Galaxies 2017
338 LAY2FORM Efficient Material Hybridization by Unconventional Layup and Forming of Metals and Composites for Fabrication of Multifunctional Structures 2017
339 CETOCOEN Excellence CETOCOEN Excellence 2017
340 CHAMPP Czech Hamburg Advanced Medical and Photonics Project 2017
341 eSHORE Shore Connection Solution for an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe electric power supply to vessels 2017
342 TURBO-REFLEX TURBOmachinery REtrofits enabling FLEXible back-up capacity for the transition of the European energy system 2017
343 HERA-JRP-PS HERA Joint Research Programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe 2017
344 STEMS Spatiotemporal multimode complex optical systems 2017
345 BEFINE mechanical BEhavior of Fluid-INduced Earthquakes 2018
346 NANOSTEM New nanomaterials for neural stem cells drug delivery 2018
347 CONTRA Computational ONcology TRaining Alliance 2018
348 TRACT TRAvelling Ceramic Technologies as markers of human mobility in the Aegean 2017
349 MULTIEPIGEN Ancestral environmental exposures and offspring health – a multigenerational epidemiologic cohort study across 3 generations 2017
350 SCALAR Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment 2018
351 LITMUS Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis 2017
352 INVICTUS IN VItro Cavitation Through UltraSound 2017
353 GlypStx Glycoprotein-based inhibitors of shiga-like toxin 2018
354 TTNPred Development of novel computational biology pipeline for the efficient classification of titin SNPs for clinical use 2018
355 mrSANE Magnetic Resonance Shimming Applications with Near-magnet Equipment 2017
356 ScaleOpt Scaling Methods for Discrete and Continuous Optimization 2018
358 LubSat Unravelling Multi-scale Oral Lubrication Mechanisms (macro-to-nano): A Novel Strategy to Target Satiety 2017
359 SVIS Supervised Verification of Infinite-State Systems 2018
360 EPIC Energy transfer Processes at gas/wall Interfaces under extreme Conditions 2017
361 DOMUS Design OptiMisation for efficient electric vehicles based on a USer-centric approach 2017
362 SYMBIOSIS A Holistic Opto-Acoustic System for Monitoring Marine Biodiversities 2017
363 Hi-FLY High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems For Leading EU IndustrY 2018
364 ACTPHAST 4.0 ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator 2017
365 SCCD Structure and classification of C*-dynamics 2018
366 ChromoCats The geometry of chromatic categories 2018
367 NEWMAN NExt-generation WDM Metro and Access Networks 2018
368 CAREANDWORK Male Family Caregiver’s Well-being: Balancing Work and Long-Term Care in France and Japan 2018
369 ME-WE Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe 2018
370 CONVINCE The Comparison of High-Dose Heamodiafiltration (HDF) versus Haemodialyse 2018
371 MyPeBS International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70 2018
372 AUTISMS Decomposing Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
373 VIMMP Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) 2018
374 PANBioRA Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment 2018
375 OpenGTN Open Ground Truth Training Network : Magnetic resonance image simulationfor training and validation of image analysis algorithms 2018
376 OaSIS Optimizing Support for Innovating SMEs 2017
377 COMED Pushing the boundaries of Cost and Outcome analysis of Medical Technologies 2018
378 RECOVER-E LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE 2018
379 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
380 EDI European Data Incubator 2018
381 TheyBuyForYou Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence 2018
382 3eFERRO Energy Efficient Embedded Non-volatile Memory Logic based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2 2018
383 NEOMENTO Redefining Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders 2017
384 HyPump Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pumps for Canals 2017
385 BIRAN IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs 2018
386 EpiCBiome Development of an innovative Airway-on-Chip microbiome cell culture model to investigate host-microbiome interactions at the airway epithelial surface 2018
387 PISSARRO Photonic integrated devices for second order nonlinear optical processes 2018
388 MYCO-CARB FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF PLANKTONIC MARINE FUNGI – Revealing the mechanistic basis of the roles of mycoplankton in the marine carbon cycle 2018
389 EMERGE Epigenetic and metabolic regulation of endothelial heterogeneity 2018
390 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2017
391 M-Benefits Valuing and Communicating Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Measures 2018
392 peLabDisk Point-of-care molecular diagnostics of psoriasis and eczema – peLabDisk 2018
393 SRSensor A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control in the biogas production industry 2018
394 SREM Smart Renewable Energy Manager for the Industrial Prosumer Market 2018
395 MISSINGMIDDLE The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital 2018
396 PALEoRIDER Human health and migration in prehistory 2018
397 ENIGMA Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement 2018
398 INTELLICONT Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container 2018
399 NovInDXS Development of novel inhibitors of the anti-infective target DXS using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) 2018
400 StringHom String topology and group (co)homology 2018
401 ThromboSLE Accurate assessment of thrombosis risk in systemic lupus erythematosus 2018
402 VILT-DEV Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program 2018
403 ImageToSim Multiscale Imaging-through-analysis Methods for Autonomous Patient-specific Simulation Workflows 2019
404 Treat2ReUse Treatment of Animal Waste to Reduce Gaseous Emissions and Promote Nutrient Reuse 2019
405 WISDOM The autonomous floral pathway: a WIndow to Study the tight link between non-coDing RNA and chrOMatin regulation 2018
406 KurdishWomen From Kurdistan to Europe: Kurdish Literary, Artistic and Cultural Activism by Kurdish Women Intellectuals 2018
407 CAPSICE CAPSizing ICE caps: identifying tipping points through global modelling 2019
408 RSCmemory Network representations of contextual memory in a neocortical circuit 2018
409 CHEM2D Chemistry of 2D materials: Intercalation and surface functionalization 2019
410 CPA-EST Mind-wandering in everyday event comprehension: Memory, attention, and the brain 2018
411 DYNaMIC DiarY by Nurses' iMplemented in the Intensive Care unit 2018
412 ECHOE An Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English 2018
413 FoTran Found in Translation – Natural Language Understanding with Cross-Lingual Grounding 2018
414 THIRST Third Strategy in Tissue Engineering – Functional microfabricated multicellular spheroid carriers for tissue engineering and regeneration 2018
415 VORTEX Plastic in the Ocean: Microbial Transformation of an ‘Unconventional’ Carbon Substrate 2018
416 DeepInternal Going Deep and Blind with Internal Statistics 2018
417 Work-STeP Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform 2018
418 MAGIC Multimodal Agents Grounded via Interactive Communication 2018
419 NEOTERP Development of novel synthetic strategies for the synthesis of bioactive meroterpenoids 2018
421 Particle-bound ROS Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in atmospheric aerosols: exploring formation, sources and dynamics of a new air pollution toxicity metric 2018
422 HifLICs Acute Myeloid Leukemia Leukemic Initiating Cells: Contribution of hypoxia/HIF pathway to chemoresistance and relapse 2019
423 OttMed Reassessing Late Ottoman Literatures within a Mediterranean Framework 2018
424 PFC-AMY Functional networks underlying emotion processing 2018
425 SEARCh SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts 2018
426 PALEOMADA Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in Madagascar 2019
428 HYBSPN Hybrid Learning Systems utilizing Sum-Product Networks 2018
429 ROBBINS breaking frontiers for the utilisation of ROBust BIopolymer NanocompoSite materials through flow-induced and nanofiller-assisted tailoring of biomimetic structure and morphology 2019
430 VISSATO Visual Search and Cognitive Control of the Speed-Accuracy Trade-off 2018
431 MAGIC Magnification of Asthma by human memory Group 2 Innate lymphoid Cells 2018
432 MAJORdom Intersections of class and ethnicity in paid domestic and care work: theoretical development and policy recommendations based on the study of 'majority workers' in Italy and in the USA 2018
433 PCaProTreat Multi-omics molecular treatment targets for Prostate Cancer 2018
434 ICE2LAST Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2018
435 Leaf Line The First Global Ground Station Network to Fully Exploit Microsatellites Data 2018
436 MUSIC-haic 3D MUltidisciplinary tools for the Simulation of In-flight iCing due to High Altitude Ice Crystals 2018
437 MEISTER Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models 2018
439 TrAM Transport: Advanced and Modular 2018
440 CHIEF Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe's Future 2018
441 EdiCitNet Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities 2018
442 CarE-Service Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services 2018
443 PRECISE4Q Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modeling in Stroke for better Quality of Life 2018
444 HiPERFORM High performant Wide Band Gap Power Electronics for Reliable, energy eFficient drivetrains and Optimization thRough Multi-physics simulation 2018
445 5G_GaN2 Advanced RF Transceivers for 5G base stations based on GaN Technology. 2018
446 GrapheneCore2 Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 2018
447 PaVeS Parametrized Verification and Synthesis 2018
448 IntelliAQ Artificial Intelligence for Air Quality 2018
449 BioNanoMagnets Capturing the biomineralization of magnetite nanoparticles with magnetotactic bacteria in vivo using microfluidic conditions and synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy 2018
450 EUROLAB4HPC2 Consolidation of European Research Excellence in Exascale HPC Systems 2018
451 PanScales Spanning TeV to GeV scales for collider discoveries and measurements 2018
452 CARAMBA SLAMF7-CAR T cells prepared by Sleeping Beauty gene-transfer for immunotherapy of multiple myeloma – a rare hematologic disease 2018
453 SOLUPORE Solupore® - Enabling the Manufacture of Affordable New Treatments to Cure Cancer 2018
454 mTAP Taking to market a novel filtration system for air purification 2018
455 Usewaste Patented modified-immobilized enzymes used in the production of biodiesel at commercial scales using any type of feedstock. 2018
456 WalkHome Functional Electrical Stimulation for at Home Rehabilitation 2018
457 SCOPIO High-resolution, all-digital microscope that applies computational methods to bring revolutionary benefits of digital microscopy to small and medium sized laboratories 2018
458 SMARTRIOX Disruptive targeted drug delivery system via synergistic combination of intelligent DNA molecular machines and gated mesoporous nanoparticles 2018
459 MOTIONMAPPER A real-time slope stability and subsidence monitoring service to improve productivity and to prevent catastrophic events in the mining industry 2018
460 reinventing the tyre A disruptive innovation improving functionality, increasing product life span and removing the need for tyre change through a patented modular tyre system. 2018
462 MICAWA Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Associated Wave Activity 2019
464 MM Mister Maginky The new product which solves men’s incontinency problem 2018
465 MiRAGE Enhanced mission autonomy through on-board Artificial Intelligence for next generation spacecraft 2018
466 PLATELYS PlateLys: The innovative human platelet lysate especially designed to maximize the effectiveness of cell-based therapies 2018
467 DIGIMAN4.0 DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production 2019
468 Set-to-change Set to change: early life factors restricting and promoting neurocognitive plasticity through life 2018
469 FrictionHarmonics Automated scanner for kissing bond detection in friction stir welded materials 2018
470 MISTRAL Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy And sociaL acceptance 2019
471 CATALIGHT Exploiting Energy Flow in Plasmonic-Catalytic Colloids 2019
472 WHILYAS Wound healing ILYA-style 2018
473 DNAProteinCrosslinks DNA-protein crosslinks: endogenous origins and cellular responses. 2019
474 PIONEERS Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology 2019
475 GONDOLA Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation for motor rehabilitation in people living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) 2018
476 CatRIS Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services 2019
477 TinniMizer TinniMizer : A Patient-specific Novel Approach for Tinnitus Treatment 2018
478 ALL Animated Language Learning Ltd 2018
479 RESTORE User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair 2019
480 LOPRE Lossy Preprocessing 2019
481 BDE Beyond Distance Estimates: A New Theory of Heuristics for State-Space Search 2019
482 PODIUM PODIUM™ - A home device and cloud-based software and algorithm for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring 2019
483 memetis Modular fluidic platform with Shape Memory Alloy miniature valves to disrupt medical technology industry (memetis) 2019
484 SINSTRO Unique approach to improving neurological function after stroke with SIN020 2019
485 ACTION Participatory science toolkit against pollution 2019
486 CARe Career Advancement for Refugee Researchers in Europe 2019
487 Think NEXUS Think tank for the collaboration on NEXt generation internet between EU-US 2018
488 SELECTIONDRIVEN Gaining insights into human evolution and disease prevention from adaptive natural selection driven by lethal epidemics 2019
489 SOLID Suppression of Organelle Defects in Human Disease 2019
490 Mu-MASS Muonium Laser Spectroscopy 2019
491 Fish-AI Developing an Artificial Intestine for the sustainable farming of healthy fish 2019
492 PETER Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement 2019
493 PrefrontalMap Organization and learning-associated dynamics of prefrontal synaptic connectivity 2019
494 HydraMechanics Mechanical Aspects of Hydra Morphogenesis 2019
495 SCrIPT Stable Chromium Isotopes as a Productivity Tracer 2019
496 EENINNOAUSTRIA3 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria 2019
497 URBAG Integrated System Analysis of Urban Vegetation and Agriculture 2019
498 FirmIneq Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies 2019
499 DREAM Distributed dynamic REpresentations for diAlogue Management 2019
500 iHEAR Gene therapy of inherited and acquired hearing loss 2019
501 MorSR Integrating morpho-phonology in speech recognition 2019
502 Wi-MCA Wireless for Mission Critical Applications 2019
503 MP-101 a novel drug for prevention and treatment peripheral neuropathy symptoms 2019
504 IntelliGen Advanced control platform for next generation Free Piston Engines (FPEs) for clean and efficient power generation 2019
505 ARSS Accessible, Reliable and Simple Screening of stress- and memory-related diseases 2018
506 Enhancement SGA3 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs 2019
507 BlockchainKYC Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service 2019
508 AgroShelf Extending fresh food shelf-life through novel plant-derived biofungicides for post-harvest treatments 2018
509 HepEDOT Conductive, self-doping and biodegradable oligoEDOT-heparin biomaterial for improved electromechanical coupling, cardiac cell retention and delivery of paracrine factors 2019
510 Solar Cofund 2 SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 2018
511 RACOON High-reliability Low-latency Communications with Network Coding 2019
512 oLife The origin and evolution of Life in the universe 2019
513 Humane AI Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us 2019
514 Natural BionicS Natural Integration of Bionic Limbs via Spinal Interfacing 2019
515 TransBioLine Translational Safety Biomarker Pipeline (TransBioLine): Enabling development and implementation of novel safety biomarkers in clinical trials and diagnosis of disease 2019
516 2019
517 ULTRADISS Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts 2019
518 DEBOGAS Dilute Bose Gases at Positive Temperature 2019
519 PhotoWann Bulk Photovoltaic effect via Wannier functions 2019
520 FromObjectsToScenes Exploring the continuum between objects and scenes: The neural basis of object-constellation processing 2019
521 MCRD Development Of Microfluidic Based Low Cost Industrial Cryo-Ready Devices For Preservation Of Living Cells 2020
522 PATH Preservation and Adaptation in Turkish as a Heritage Language (PATH) - A Natural Language Laboratory in a Small Dutch Town 2019
523 EEPLIANT3 Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3 2019
524 CROWDY Toward the microscopic simulations of cell-like environments. 2019
525 GRASAD Uncovering the genetic roots of ASD and ADHD 2020
526 LTCpolicies Optimizing access to long-term care? Impact of long-term care policies on use, health and equity among the elderly 2020
527 JDIL Joint Dynamics During Infant Learning 2020
528 RenoBooster RenoBooster - the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna 2019
529 FuSy The world’s first Full-System Simulation tool to revolutionize software programming in autonomous driving, aviation, embedded vision and further highly innovative applications 2019
530 SRSensor A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control and energy optimization 2019
531 LIBSED Libiguins: a remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions 2019
532 TARGLIO Improved glioblastoma treatment through targeted, local drug delivery 2019
533 hystrix A cost efficient, transparent and affordable digital procurement marketplace that allows MedTech industry and Hospitals to accelerate everyday processes 2019
534 ISACS Improving Safety and comfort for kidney transplanted patients by enabling Accurate therapeutic drug monitoring through quantitative Capillary home Sampling 2019
536 HighResCells A synergistic approach toward understanding receptor signaling in the cell at very high resolution 2019
537 MODALES MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS 2019
538 CIRCULAR FLOORING New products from waste PVC flooring and safe end-of-life treatment of plasticisers 2019
539 CompBioMed2 A Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine 2019
540 Arrowhead Tools Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions 2019
541 CASCAT Catalytic cascade reactions. From fundamentals of nanozymes to applications based on gas-diffusion electrodes 2019
542 MISSION Multifunctional aIrcraft power network with Solid-State electrIcal pOwer SwitchiNg 2019
543 CanISeeQG Can I see Quantum Gravity? 2019
544 eCOCO2 Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor 2019
545 CSP ERANET Joint programming actions to foster innovative CSP solutions 2019
546 NIVA A New IACS Vision in Action 2019
547 ISAC International Study on Age-related disparity in Cancer patient survival 2019
548 PEMB The Political Economy of Media Bias 2019
549 THEIAUAS Threod THEIA Vertical Take-Off and Landing UAS: Solving unmanned aircraft challenges at sea and elsewhere 2019
550 AI for a faster web An automatic approach for creating faster websites using HTTP/2, machine learning, and AI 2019
551 SentiSquareCX Qualitative Jump in Customer Experience: Omnichannel Impact of Distributional Semantics 2019
552 IP-SMS The Augnet Platform - Using Internet Protocol as the SMS Data Communication System 2019
553 Patwiser A revolutionary patent drafting tool powered by cutting-edge AI algorithms 2019
554 MigrantLife Understanding Life Trajectories of Immigrants and Their Descendants in Europe and Projecting Future Trends 2019
555 ScleroTest A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management 2019
556 MELLODDY MachinE Learning Ledger Orchestration for Drug DiscoverY 2019
557 M-POWER The Aggregate Implications of Market Power 2019
558 CHINAWHITE The Reconfiguration of Whiteness in China: Privileges, Precariousness, and Racialized Performances 2019
559 ROAR Role of endocycle in Acute Kidney Injury Response and Chronic Kidney Disease development 2019
560 Thorkelin An Icelander among the Gaels: A Study of Grímur Thorkelin (1752-1829) and his Gaelic Manuscripts 2020
561 SKILLS Unpacking Skills at the Cradle: A Machine Learning Approach to Construct Infant Skill Measures 2019
562 ANDANTE AttributioN of DynAmic and thermodyNamic components in exTreme weather and climate Events 2020
563 LAUNCH LAUNCH: sustainable energy assets as tradable securities 2019
564 ADFU Novel anaerobic digestion fertiliser unit 2019
565 MECADISTEM A new and innovative method to extract adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction: Application in post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction 2019
566 VagX Diagnostic tool for Vaginitis 2019
567 EPSETECH From Hazardous Waste to Reusable Raw Materials 2019
568 UNIFIER19 Community Friendly Miniliner 2019
569 SCANOVIS Contactless, non-invasive scanner to detect, visualise, capture, and digitally preserve fingerprints and trace evidence in forensic investigations in one rapid, quality-proof step 2019
570 NaviFlu Navigating the evolutionary routes of influenza viruses 2019
571 GATHERS Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk 2019
572 SiNfONiA Safety in NanOmaterials & NAnotechnology 2019
573 InDx InDx - an innovative implant that restores natural motion to patients with thumb base joint arthritis 2019
574 TRYPTISSUE Characterising Trypanosoma tissue tropism: new perspectives for variant surface glycoproteins 2019
575 InSoMa Feasibility study for lancing an innovative software tool based on mathematical methods in the B2B market 2019
576 Minor Universality Minor Universality. Narrative World Productions After Western Universalism 2019
577 SOFIE Southern Ocean Overtuning Fingerprint Experiment 2019
578 ALGABOOSTER Marine microalgae immunostimulant complex to boost the competitiveness of the EU aquaculture sector 2019
579 DAICY Design and AI for sustainable and safe motorCYcles 2019
580 DepoSIt Development and testing of the European Innovation Audit tool for Social Innovation 2019
581 SMark2.0 SMark2.0, our next level product authentication, anti-counterfeiting and track and trace system 2019
582 THERADNET International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation 2019
583 LNETN Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change 2020
584 Shape-IT Supporting the interaction of Humans and Automated vehicles: Preparing for the EnvIronment of Tomorrow 2019
585 CLARIFY CLoud ARtificial Intelligence For pathologY 2019
586 CANCERPREV Innovative strategies for cancer prevention with focus on sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation 2019
587 CyberSANE Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures 2019
588 EUROVA European Oocyte Biology Research Innovation Training Net 2019
589 EUCF European City Facility 2019
590 Schrott24 Leveraging online services to enhance the efficiency and transparency of recycling and trading of metal throughout the EU. 2019
591 PreMeDosE Precision Medicine via Diagnostic Enzyme Activity Testing 2020
592 Mendel KBASE Developing Natural Language Processing and machine learning algorithms for the most comprehensive knowledge base to speed up diagnosis of rare disease patients 2019
593 QUARTET Quantum readout techniques and technologies 2019
594 FreeATPOC Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care 2020
595 e-LADDA Early Language Development in the Digital Age 2019
596 GW4SHM Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring 2020
597 SEMANTIC end-to-end Slicing and data-drivEn autoMAtion of Next generation cellular neTworks with mobIle edge Clouds 2020
598 Smart4RES Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets 2019
599 Smarter Vision Micro The most accurate 3D sensor in the world 2019
600 CHANCE Structure guided inhibition of IDOL to treat atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome 2019
601 SysAgria SysAgria – integrated solution for smart agriculture 2019
602 TeraSlice Terahertz Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Using Photonic Chipscale Soliton Frequency Combs and Massively Parallel Spectrally Sliced Detection 2020
603 ATLANTIS Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment 2020
604 Fotokite Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter 2019
605 HYPOS HYdro-POwer-Suite 2019
606 ISEProD Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence 2020
607 TiGRE Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe 2020
608 inDICEs Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE 2020
609 VARIXIO Medical Device for automatic preparation of high quality foam for sclerotherapy of varicose veins 2019
610 Dyme Dyme gives its users complete control over their financial situation. The Dyme application provides insight into users’ spending and subscriptions, and lets users cancel, negotiate, or switch any cont 2019
611 ReCreo Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention 2019
612 DigiPharm Value-based Healthcare Platform Secured with Blockchain Technology 2019
614 PEPPER Industrial-scale plant-based protein production in a cell-free platform 2019
615 REDIM Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies 2020
618 T-SKIN Shaking-up user experience by introducing the first-in-kind arduino-programmable AI-driven gesture control wearable 2019
619 ABI Energy Energy Efficiency Technology for Pipeline Transportation 2019
620 InVivoRuBisCO In vivo Directed Evolution of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using an Orthogonal DNA Replication System 2020
622 Magnet4Europe Magnet4Europe: Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Health Care Workplace 2020
623 ATLANTIS The Atlantic Testing Platform for Maritime Robotics: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures. 2020
624 ENDOWAVE ENDObronchial microWAVE Ablation for the minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer 2019
625 PSYDISC Developing and Testing the Psychological Distance to Science Model 2020
626 RAGT Robust Algorithmic Game Theory 2020
627 PIVOT2 Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 2019
628 UnDark New Approaches to Uncover Dark Matter in the post-WIMP Era 2020
629 CCedit Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing 2020
630 EENINNOAUSTRIA4 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria 2020
631 GrapheneCore3 Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 2020
632 learNoise The neurobiological and computational origins of behavioral variability 2020
633 OLI.VAS The Oligo-Vascular interface: understanding its properties and functions 2020
634 PHERA PHEromones for Row crop Applications 2020
635 EvolInfome The sources of historical signal in the genomes of birds 2021
636 RE-NUP Spousal Reunification and Integration Laws in Europe 2020
637 AquaLub A new high-performance aqueous lubricant formulation for soft bio-contact surfaces 2020
638 TRANSFA Translating the 'Father of Translation'. Linguistic and Cultural Transfers in Byzantium 2021
639 MXTRONICS MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices 2020
640 APPLICAL Assessing the technical and business feasibility of Callose Enriched Plant Biomass as a solution for improving Biorefinery Industry processes and profit margins 2020
641 CARBOFLOW Streamlined carbon dioxide conversion in ionic liquids – a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry 2020
642 SWEET The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) 2020
643 FairPersonalization Personalized commercial practices and digital market manipulation: enhancing fairness in consumer protection 2020
644 RECYCALYSE New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers 2020
645 POPP Putting Offence Prevention into Practice 2020
646 GeMeTIC Gestural Meanings: Typology and Interface Constraints 2020