The page lists 300 projects related to the topic "preclinical".
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1 | FAIR-PARK-II | Conservative iron chelation as a disease-modifying strategy in Parkinson’s disease: a multicentric, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of deferiprone | 2015 |
2 | PRO-CF-MED | Clinical Proof of concept for a RNA-targeting Oligonucleotide for a Cystic fibrosis-F508del MEDication | 2015 |
3 | ENSAT-HT | Application of omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension | 2015 |
4 | PHOCNOSIS | Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases | 2015 |
5 | REGAIN | REgeneration of inner ear hair cells with GAmma-secretase INhibitors to regain hearing in patients with sensorineural hearing loss | 2015 |
6 | GLAM | Laser Multiplexed Biosensor | 2015 |
7 | MoTriColor | Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer (MoTriColor) | 2015 |
8 | GlioVac | Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule | 2015 |
9 | CorticALS | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from a cortical perspective: towards alternative therapeutic strategies | 2015 |
10 | CCMI-ARDS | Medically Licensed Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. | 2015 |
11 | EPIMAC | The next generation epigenetic medicine for inflammation | 2015 |
12 | INTEGRATE | Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets | 2015 |
13 | RADIATE | Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education | 2015 |
14 | EUROPOL | EUROPOL | 2015 |
15 | TBVAC2020 | TBVAC2020; Advancing novel and promising TB vaccine candidates from discovery to preclinical and early clinical development | 2015 |
16 | ARISE | Aortic Valve Replacement using Individualised Regenerative Allografts: Bridging the Therapeutic Gap | 2015 |
17 | SAPHELY | Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases | 2015 |
18 | DTI4micro | Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging | 2015 |
19 | ReprObesity | Overweight-induced Hypogonadism as major factor for the generation and/or perpetuation of Metabolic Co-morbidities of Obesity: Contribution of Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms | 2016 |
20 | RvD3-RAVIS | Novel Resolvin D3: its Role and Actions in the Resolution of Aortic Valvular Inflammation and Stenosis | 2015 |
21 | RejuvenateBone | Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects in elderly: Rejuvenation of bone microenvironment | 2015 |
22 | Als-on-a-chip | A tissue-on-a-chip platform for systems-level studies of ALS pathology and drug screening | 2015 |
23 | ReconsolidationDynamics | A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation | 2015 |
24 | OPTIC BIOEM | Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure | 2015 |
25 | EPI_nanoSTIM | Enabling motor control after a spinal cord injury through nanoscaled electrical | 2015 |
26 | NEUMARQ | Neurodegenerative disease biomarkers based on high quality wireless EEG. | 2015 |
27 | IF-EBOla | Control of the Ebola Oubreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy | 2014 |
28 | SUMOblock | Blocking SUMO conjugation as drug discovery strategy. | 2015 |
29 | HUMICE | AXENIS Humanized Mice – Innovation towards industrial scale-up | 2015 |
30 | HBV1 | Innate immune responses to human hepatotropic viral infections | 2015 |
31 | PREVENT | Prostate cancer extracellular vesicles as biomarkers for nanomedicine treatment | 2015 |
32 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
33 | CIRDvalid | CIRDvalid – Clinical validation of a set of 11 biomarkers and a system of diagnostic and therapeutical devices for the resuscitation of patients suffering from long-lasting cardiac arrest | 2015 |
34 | OPTIMALZ | Optical imaging of ocular pathology in Alzheimer’s disease | 2015 |
35 | BIOCAPAN | BIOactive implantable CApsule for PANcreatic islets immunosuppression free therapy | 2015 |
36 | INNOPREFAT | Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic syndrome obtained with herbal extracts | 2015 |
37 | SIRENE | Silencing miR-199b to attenuate the progression of heart failure. | 2015 |
38 | ENLIGHT-TEN | European Network linking informatics and genomics of helper T cells | 2015 |
39 | HaemMetabolome | Deciphering the Metabolism of Haematological Cancers | 2015 |
40 | Tendon Therapy Train | Engineering in vitro microenvironments for translation of cell-based therapies for tendon repair | 2016 |
41 | p38Cure | New breast cancer therapies based on available p38 MAPK inhibitors | 2015 |
42 | IonoChem | IonoChem: A new and highly efficient cross membrane drug delivery strategy | 2015 |
43 | NANOMED | Nanomedicine: an integrative approach | 2016 |
44 | COMbAT | Commercialization of a novel tool for designing personalized nOvel MelAnoma Therapies | 2015 |
45 | RESSTORE | REgenerative Stem cell therapy for STroke in Europe | 2015 |
46 | BOOSTB4 | Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth | 2016 |
47 | BetaCellTherapy | Beta Cell Generation by Stem Cell-Derived Implants in Diabetes | 2015 |
48 | NISCI | Antibodies against Nogo-A to enhance plasticity, regeneration and functional recovery after acute spinal cord injury, a multicenter European clinical proof of concept trial | 2016 |
49 | PRETREAT | PRoteome-based assessment of vascular disease for the Establishment of a Translational REsearch plATform | 2016 |
50 | ANAPRINT | Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis | 2015 |
51 | DILITEST | Diagnosis and Exclusion of Drug-Induced Liver Injury by using Patient Blood Samples (DILITEST) | 2015 |
52 | CODIC | COmmercializing first-in-class dCTPase Inhibitors for treatment of hematological Cancers | 2016 |
53 | BATCure | Developing new therapies for Batten disease | 2016 |
54 | VISION DMD | VISION-DMD - Phase 2 Clinical Trials of VBP15: An Innovative Steroid-like Intervention on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 2016 |
55 | TAT-CF | Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystic fibrosis based on small molecule transmembrane anion transporters | 2016 |
56 | MYOCURE | Development of an innovative gene therapy platform to cure rare hereditary muscle disorders | 2016 |
57 | UM Cure 2020 | New therapies for uveal melanoma | 2016 |
58 | LSFM4LIFE | Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for the cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes | 2016 |
59 | TECHNOBEAT | Tools and TECHNOlogies for Breakthrough in hEArt Therapies | 2016 |
60 | CleverGenes | Novel Gene Therapy Based on the Activation of Endogenous Genes for the Treatment of Ischemia - Concepts of endogenetherapy, release of promoter pausing, promoter-targeted ncRNAs and nuclear RNAi | 2015 |
61 | Bcl-Inhib | Discovery of Bcl-3 inhibitors as Potential Chemopreventive Agent for skin cancer | 2015 |
62 | ARREST BLINDNESS | Advanced Regenerative and REStorative Therapies to combat corneal BLINDNESS | 2016 |
63 | AML-VACCiN | Clinical development of a dendritic-cell vaccine therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia | 2016 |
64 | PolyDrug Discovery | Discovery of anticancer polymeric drugs that mimic the action of TRAIL | 2016 |
65 | PEPTO1 | Feasibility study of a novel treatment for cancer based on a recombinant peptide therapy | 2016 |
66 | ICARO | Colloidal Inorganic Nanostructures for Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy | 2016 |
68 | NoCanTher | Nanomedicine upscaling for early clinical phases of multimodal cancer therapy | 2016 |
69 | CanPathPro | Generation of the CanPath prototype - a platform for predictive cancer pathway modeling | 2016 |
70 | CollBioImag | Development of a cell-based system for high-throughput screening of antifibrotics | 2016 |
71 | PrecTherLSCC | Precision Therapies in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 2016 |
72 | NIR-BIO-FLU | Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes | 2016 |
73 | SUCCESS | High quality spectral CT using sparse reconstruction methods | 2016 |
74 | OPTIM | Optimized drug combinations for effective cancer treatment: a personalised approach. | 2016 |
75 | PreclinSR | Increasing clinical translation of experimental stroke research: new approaches to systematic review | 2016 |
76 | DeCISIoN | Drug CandIdates ScreenINg | 2016 |
77 | BCM-UPS | Dissecting the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in the pathogenesis and therapy of B-cell malignancies | 2016 |
78 | StemHealth | Foetal Intestinal Stem Cells in Biology and Health | 2016 |
79 | GBM-CPP | Developing an anti-Myc cell-penetrating peptide for cancer treatment | 2016 |
80 | AngioResist | Coordinated Development of Inhibitors and Biomarkers for Resistance to Antiangiogenics in Cancer - AngioResist | 2016 |
81 | Syndivia | Next generation drug conjugates for cancer treatment | 2016 |
82 | ASSIMILES | Advanced Spectroscopy and Spectrometry for Imaging Metabolism using Isotopically-Labeled Endogenous Substrates | 2016 |
83 | TRANSREAD | Restoration of tumor suppressor function by induction of translational read-through of premature termination codons - a strategy for improved cancer therapy | 2016 |
84 | OcuTher | Educational Network in Ocular Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | 2016 |
85 | 1toStopVax | RNA virus attenuation by altering mutational robustness | 2016 |
86 | 1toStopVax | RNA virus attenuation by altering mutational robustness | 2016 |
87 | EMODI | Epithelial resistance modulation to treat disease | 2016 |
88 | STARS | Empowering Patients by Professional Stress Avoidance and Recovery Services | 2017 |
89 | MultimodalCellTrack | Multimodal preclinical imaging probes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies | 2016 |
90 | HYPERTRANS | HYPERTRANS: Transport of hyperpolarized substrates for metabolic MR imaging | 2016 |
91 | BIOCDx | A miniature Bio-photonics Companion Diagnostics platform for reliable cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring. | 2017 |
92 | INSPIRED | Targeting IRE1 in disease | 2017 |
93 | THERACAN | Novel therapeutic strategies to treat pancreatic and lung cancer | 2017 |
94 | BrainCom | High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces. | 2016 |
95 | 3D NEONET | Drug Discovery and Delivery NEtwork for ONcology and Eye Therapeutics | 2017 |
96 | MIMESIS | A novel systems biology approach to develop preclinical assets from innovative drug discovery starting points inspired by viruses | 2016 |
97 | NEW DEAL | New siRNA Nanotherapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, targeting Janus kinases | 2017 |
98 | Smart-4-Fabry | Smart multifunctional GLA-nanoformulation for Fabry disease | 2017 |
99 | HbMP-700 | The World's First Safe and Efficacious Human Blood Substitute: HbMP-700, a Haemoglobin based oxygen carrier, based on bovine blood. | 2017 |
100 | ReGenHeart | Clinical development and proof of principle testing of new regenerative VEGF-D therapy for cost-effective treatment of refractory anginaA phase II randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study | 2017 |
102 | TreatER | Clinical study in Parkinson's disease with two unique goals: 1) Proof-of-concept of CDNF protein for disease modification; 2) Validation of clinically tested device for intracerebral drug delivery | 2017 |
103 | ZIKAVAX | Fast track development of a Zika vaccine based on measles vector | 2016 |
104 | PACE | A multicenter phase IIb study using HLA-unmatched allogeneic placenta-derived stromal cells (PLX-PAD) for the treatment of severe critical limb ischemia accompanied by mechanistic studies | 2017 |
105 | GENE FOR CURE | Expanding and extending gene therapy of monogenic diseases of the haematopoietic system | 2016 |
106 | miRCaP | Innovative nanoparticle formulation for a miR-133 based treatment of cardiac hypertrophy | 2016 |
107 | M-CUBE | MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI | 2017 |
108 | EVOLVE | Extracellular Vesicle-Internalizing Receptors (EVIRs) for Cancer ImmunoGeneTherapy | 2017 |
109 | NOGOPROOF | Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke | 2017 |
110 | MetResistance | The role of tumour microenvironment in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer | 2017 |
111 | Bronchomycn | First in class epithelial Barrier-enhancing medicine for respiratory diseases | 2017 |
112 | BRAINHIB | Integrated drug discovery approach to generate brain-penetrant inhibitors of glioblastoma cell proliferation | 2018 |
113 | kiNESIS | NovEl Strategies for treatIng tendon-to-bone injurieS - kiNESIS | 2017 |
114 | MSCFate | Fate of mammary stem cells during tumorigenesis and clinical implications | 2017 |
115 | MOOAC | Multi-compartmental Organ-on-a-Chip | 2018 |
116 | EBOVAC1 | Development of a Prophylactic Ebola Vaccine Using an Heterologous Prime-Boost Regimen – Sofia ref.: 115854 | 2014 |
117 | AMYPAD | Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Sofia ref.: 115952 | 2016 |
118 | TransQST | Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines - Sofia: 116030 | 2017 |
119 | PolyVac | Polysaccharide-based membrane for sublingual vaccination | 2017 |
120 | CAR ART | Chimeric Antigen Receptor to generate Alloantigen-specific Regulatory T cells and promote allograft tolerance | 2017 |
121 | LABEL-DIOX | Late-stage catalytic carboxylation techniques with labelled carbon dioxide: new opportunities for radiolabelling | 2017 |
122 | ZECARDIO | Cardiotoxicity High-throughput screening (HTS) with zebrafish embryo | 2017 |
123 | INNODIA | Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 | 2015 |
124 | iAML-lncTARGET | Targeting the transcriptional landscape in infant AML | 2017 |
125 | NGN-PET | Modelling Neuron-Glia Networks into a drug discovery platform for Pain Efficacious Treatments - Sofia ref.: 116072 | 2017 |
126 | DrugComb | Informatics approaches for the rational selection of personalized cancer drug combinations | 2017 |
127 | REPRODAMH | Extra-gonadal roles of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in the aetiology of polycystic ovary syndrome: the domino effect to reproductive neuroendocrine dysfunctions | 2017 |
128 | GenEdiDS | Rescuing Cognitive Deficits in Neurodevelopmental Disorders by Gene Editing in Brain Development: the Case of Down Syndrome | 2017 |
129 | DeShield | Hide and Seek with Cancer Drugs | 2017 |
130 | ITCC-P4 | ITCC Pediatric Preclinical POC Platform – Sofia ref.: 116064 | 2017 |
131 | iEBDD | A Software Interface for Interactive Ensemble-Based Drug Design | 2017 |
132 | DynaCOMP | Assessing compounds targeting DNA replication licensing complexes as anti-tumor agents | 2017 |
133 | NOBEL | Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem | 2017 |
134 | SOMBOT | Soft Micro Robotics | 2017 |
135 | BBCE | Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence | 2017 |
136 | SYN1002 | A New Therapeutic Option to Protect Central Nervous System against Acute Ischemic Stroke | 2017 |
137 | EQIPD | European Quality In Preclinical Data | 2017 |
138 | EuroNeurotrophin | A European training network for the discovery of neurotrophins small molecule mimetics as candidate therapeutic agents for neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation | 2018 |
139 | ARMOR-T | Armoring multifunctional T cells for cancer therapy | 2018 |
140 | eTRANSAFE | Enhacing TRANslational SAFEty Assessment through Integrative Knowledge Management | 2017 |
141 | ORBIS | Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support | 2018 |
142 | TECNEC | Preclinical concept validation of tumor endothelial cell metabolism for novel anti-angiogenic therapy | 2017 |
143 | iNanoBIT | Integration of Nano- and Biotechnology for beta-cell and islet Transplantation | 2017 |
144 | EDIReX | EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts | 2018 |
145 | GOTBONE | Novel mechanisms of site-specific regulation of bone strength for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures: a translational project | 2017 |
146 | MESI-STRAT | Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification | 2018 |
147 | CLINGLIO | A Clinical Phase IIB trial with 2OHOA in patients with newly-diagnosed malignant glioma. | 2017 |
148 | REPO-TRIAL | An in silico-based approach to improve the efficacy and precision of drug REPurpOsing TRIALs for a mechanism-based patient cohort with predominant cerebro-cardiovascular phenotypes | 2018 |
149 | HIPGEN | Placenta-expanded adherent stromal cells (PLX-PAD) as an innovative therapy for improving recovery and survival following hip fracture arthroplasty – HIPGEN, a multicenter phase III trial | 2018 |
150 | BUCKLING BRIDGES | Smart wavy patterned implants with instructive properties for tissue regeneration by controlling the degree of fibers buckling. | 2018 |
151 | N-IF | The N-IF mouse – a new and unique fibrosis model for preclinical efficacy studies | 2017 |
152 | Damocles | Modelling brain aneurysm to elucidate the role of platelets | 2018 |
153 | DifMATRIX | Ground breaking 3D cell culture platform to eliminate animal testing in pharmaceuticals | 2018 |
154 | IPACBIS | Identifying preclinical Alzheimer´s disease in the community using a panel of biomarkers among individuals with Subjective Memory Complaints | 2018 |
155 | DYNAMICE | DYNAMICE: An integrated framework for biomechanical phenotyping of arteries to disentangle mechanical causes of arterial stiffening in diabetes | 2019 |
156 | ANTILEAK | Development of antagonists of vascular leakage | 2018 |
157 | VALSL | Valorisation of splice-switching oligonucleotides for lung cancer therapy | 2018 |
158 | SenPET | Innovative cancer management: First in human senescence imaging | 2018 |
159 | Target5LO | Targeting 5-lipoxygenase in the context of Acute Myeloid Leukemia | 2018 |
160 | ASTRO_ECM | Deciphering the role of astrocytes in chronic depression. | 2018 |
161 | PREMEDiCARE | PREcision MEDicine with induced pluripotent stem cells for Cardiac Arrhythmias Risk Evaluation | 2018 |
162 | Spectro-Metrics | Advanced Data Mining Procedures Applied to Raman Spectroscopy Investigations of Interactions between Drugs and Cells. | 2018 |
163 | MECEDGE | Transgenic dissection of the neural circuitry of memory and dementia | 2018 |
164 | miVaO | Microbiota mediating Vagal communication in Obesity | 2018 |
165 | MEXOM | Development and characterization of extracellular vesicles an innovative cell-free therapeutical product for treatment of stroke | 2018 |
166 | Multiple Sclerosis | Development of a Functionalised Biomaterial Scaffold to Treat Multiple Sclerosis | 2018 |
167 | MAGNET-CELLPATCH | Multimodal magnetic cellular-patches with synergistic effects for high performance theranostics | 2019 |
168 | PORTAL | Personalized oncology for refractory and relapsed lymphoma using humanized patient derived othotopic xenografts (ImmunePDOX) | 2018 |
169 | FUTURA2020 | Focused Ultrasound Therapy Using Robotics Approaches towards 2020 | 2018 |
170 | IMI-PainCare | Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain | 2018 |
171 | ElectroGene | Electrogenetics – Shaping Electrogenetic Interfaces for Closed-Loop Voltage-Controlled Gene Expression | 2018 |
172 | Paget-Advance | Advancing knowledge to improve outcome in Paget’s disease of bone | 2018 |
173 | CardHeal | Novel strategies for mammalian cardiac repair | 2018 |
174 | MAPSYNE | Miniaturized automated patch-clamp system combined with high-density microelectrode arrays for multi-scale functional mapping of neuronal networks | 2018 |
175 | EDIT | Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma. | 2018 |
176 | LIPOMET | Dietary Influences on Metastasis: How, When, and Why | 2018 |
177 | SUMMIT | Stepping Up mRNA Mutanome Immunotherapy | 2018 |
178 | PAH-HOPE | New hope for the PAH patient: A Novel Therapeutic for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) | 2018 |
179 | MOOD | Feasibility Study for the introduction into pre-clinical study domain of the first-of-a-kind Multi Organ On Device (MOOD) technology | 2018 |
180 | KHON2bTREAT | Late Clinical Development of KH176: an innovative orphan drug to reach mitochondrial disease patients & market | 2018 |
181 | SMR | Stroke Management through RGTA®: SMR | 2018 |
182 | UNLEASHAD | Unleashing the curative potential of cancer immunotherapy | 2018 |
183 | NUTRI-NEED | Final development, clinical validation and launch preparation of NL01, an innovative health ingredient for supplements, food products and foods for special medical purposes | 2018 |
184 | ASCTN-Training | Training on Advanced Stem Cell Technologies in Neurology | 2018 |
185 | VacPath | Novel vaccine vectors to resist pathogen challenge | 2019 |
186 | TRIM-NET | Training network in drug discovery targeting TRIM Ubiquitin ligases in disease | 2019 |
187 | IT4B-ALL | Therapeutic immunotherapy targeting NG2 and CD22 antigens for MLL-rearranged and MLL-germline B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | 2019 |
188 | Treat-HSP | Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases | 2018 |
189 | EPI-X4Health | Therapeutic potential of optimized derivatives of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist for the treatment of cancers and inflammatory diseases | 2018 |
190 | PROVEC | Promoting Osteogenesis through Vascular Endothelial Cells | 2019 |
191 | INTEGRATA | Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target NAD production and signaling in cancer | 2018 |
192 | MetaboliQs | Leveraging room temperature diamond quantum dynamics to enable safe, first-of-its-kind, multimodal cardiac imaging | 2018 |
193 | AIMS-2-TRIALS | Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials | 2018 |
194 | NEFERTITI | NEFERTITI: A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs | 2018 |
195 | PanCaVax | Personalised Pancreatic Cancer Vaccination Therapy derived from Autologous Tumor Cells and Neoantigens | 2018 |
196 | LIPOBITS | Liposome-based Biomimetic Treatment for auto-immune diabetes (T1D) | 2018 |
197 | EVERBONE | Mechano-activated Extracellular Vesicle Based Repair of Bone | 2019 |
198 | CONQR | Translation and Commercialization of a QSOX1-inhibitory Antibody Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment in Breast Cancer | 2018 |
199 | RESHAPE | Reshaping undesired Inflammation in challenged Tissue Homeostasis by Next-Generation regulatory T cell (Treg) Approaches – from Advanced Technology Developments to First-in-Human Trials | 2019 |
200 | Notid | Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases | 2018 |
201 | RADAR-AD | Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Alzheimer’s Disease | 2019 |
202 | ADMAIORA | ADvanced nanocomposite MAterIals fOr in situ treatment and ultRAsound-mediated management of osteoarthritis | 2019 |
203 | VHFMoDRAD | Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics | 2019 |
204 | SELNET | Sarcoma as a model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network | 2019 |
205 | WEAR | Behaviour Phenotyping using Inertial Sensors | 2019 |
206 | MycoVAP | Bacterial chassis for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) | 2019 |
207 | PHIVIDIAS | Preclinical Human In Vitro Drug Immune Response Analysis Platform | 2019 |
208 | SINSTRO | Unique approach to improving neurological function after stroke with SIN020 | 2019 |
209 | CardioReGenix | CardioReGenix: Development of Next-Generation Gene Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
210 | Homo.symbiosus | Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbes symbiosis | 2019 |
211 | EPIORGABOLISM | Diabetic nephropathy modelling in hESC-derived 3D kidney organoids | 2019 |
212 | NU-SPINE | Training innovative future leaders in research and development of materials and implants for the spine | 2019 |
213 | 3DLT | 3D Living Tissues | 2019 |
214 | Brain Health Toolbox | The Brain Health Toolbox: Facilitating personalized decision-making for effective dementia prevention | 2019 |
215 | Ima-Go | A High-throughput, Functional Imaging Platform to Accelerate Drug Discovery | 2019 |
216 | iPC | individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology | 2019 |
217 | AllergyVAX | Next generation allergen immunotherapy based on specifically modified recombinant hypoallergens | 2018 |
218 | NeuroDeRisk | Neurotoxicity De-Risking in Preclinical Drug Discovery | 2019 |
219 | PsychAID | Psychiatric Disorders: ATX-inhibiting drugs as a new therapeutic option: Proof-of-Concept | 2019 |
220 | CRC-MTOs | Colorectal Cancer Mouse Tumor Organoids as Pre-clinical Models for Therapeutical Testing | 2018 |
221 | BABHY-CART | Self-Healing Hydrogels for Material-Assisted Cell therapy in Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
222 | NPsVLCD | Natural Product-Inspired Therapies for Leishmaniasis and Chagas Disease | 2019 |
223 | PolyBiota | Polyphenols and Gut Microbiota interaction in Cardiovascular Health | 2020 |
224 | META2 | METAbolism of bone METAstasis (META2): Metabolic interactions between disseminated breast cancer cells and osteoblast lineage cells drive bone metastases formation | 2019 |
225 | iMIND | iPS-derived MIcroglia and Neuroinflammation in Dementia | 2020 |
226 | CRUZIVAX | Vaccine for prevention and treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection | 2019 |
227 | CARDIATEAM | CARdiomyopathy in type 2 DIAbetes mellitus | 2019 |
228 | STOPFOP | Saracatinib Trial tO Prevent FOP | 2019 |
229 | SiGNATURE | Selection of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes by sinGle cell geNe expression and pAtch clamp for a maTUre caRdiac modEl | 2020 |
230 | HealinguFE | Development of an in silico model for prediction of in vivo human bone fracture healing using micro-finite element analysis | 2020 |
231 | CVD in RA | Mechanistic links between rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular complications: investigation on inflammation induced alterations in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes | 2020 |
232 | MS4Drug | An Innovative Mass Spectrometry-Based Workflow for Drug Discovery | 2019 |
233 | BITFORM | Multiplexed biosensing and tissue-on-a-chip integrated platform for breast cancer biomarkers monitoring | 2019 |
234 | LIBSED | Libiguins: a remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions | 2019 |
235 | RAPID | The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease | 2019 |
236 | Vacc-iNTS | Advancing a GMMA-based vaccine against invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis through Phase 1 trial in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa | 2019 |
237 | HELP | Collaboration for innovation: Establishment of a pan-nematode drug development platform | 2019 |
238 | His-Li mouse | His-Li mouse, the unique humanized mouse model resembling human liver and immune systems | 2019 |
239 | ZeNewCardio | ZeNewCardio: Discovering Heart Regeneration Therapies Through Zebrafish | 2019 |
240 | 3DBrainStrom | Brain metastases: Deciphering tumor-stroma interactions in three dimensions for the rational design of nanomedicines | 2019 |
241 | MECADISTEM | A new and innovative method to extract adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction: Application in post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction | 2019 |
242 | Anti-L1CAM | Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients | 2019 |
243 | RASImmune | Targeting RAS driven tumour immune evasion | 2019 |
244 | SPELITEC | Sequence sPecific ELImination of shiga-Toxin E. Coli | 2019 |
245 | INVADERS | Mucus-Penetrating Microbiota: Characterization, Mechanism and Therapeutic in Metabolic Disease | 2019 |
246 | FAT4BRAIN | Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders | 2019 |
247 | TWO-BIRDS | A feasibility study for SYT-510, a first-in-class drug to treat neuropsychiatric disorders through restoring overall balance in brain chemistry | 2019 |
248 | SSB | Surgify Safety Burr | 2019 |
249 | Perfuze | A simple, repeatable way to completely remove a clot from the brain in one pass | 2019 |
250 | IPUD | An Implantable Peritoneal Ultrafiltration Device that actively and continuously prevents fluid overload in congestive heart failure patients | 2019 |
251 | SINERGIA | advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse | 2019 |
253 | INSPIRE | INnovation in Safety Pharmacology for Integrated cardiovascular safety assessment to REduce adverse events and late stage drug attrition. | 2020 |
254 | TranSYS | Translational SYStemics: Personalised Medicine at the Interface of Translational Research and Systems Medicine | 2019 |
255 | 3DCanPredict | Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using 3D-bioprinted tumor models for personalized therapy | 2019 |
256 | mRNA NanoDeli | Application of RNA nanotechnology for delivery of mRNA therapeutics | 2019 |
257 | FLIX | FLow chemistry for Isotopic eXchange | 2020 |
258 | GoSafe | Restoring complete sensory ability for natural walking of amputees | 2019 |
259 | NOVA-MRI | Novel Applications in 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2020 |
260 | FIDELIO | Training network for research into bone Fragility In Diabetes in Europe – towards a personaLised medIcine apprOach | 2019 |
261 | CYPNASH | Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis | 2019 |
262 | TRS | A paradigm change in the treatment of blinding ocular diseases | 2019 |
263 | CAST | Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery | 2019 |
264 | SLAM-Dx | Diagnostic drug response-profiling using SLAMseq | 2019 |
265 | PLS | Perinatal Life Support System: Integration of Enabling Technologies for Clinical Translation | 2019 |
266 | THERAUTISM | New molecular targets and proof-of-concept therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2020 |
267 | Cenya | Ex vivo cell labelling for in vivo imaging applied to cell therapeutics | 2019 |
268 | PROT-RESIST | Toward the Commercialization of a Proteolytically Resistant APPI Variant for Inhibiting Metastasis in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer | 2019 |
269 | FIDA | Scale-up of our disruptive antibody analytical platform based in flow-induced dispersion analysis (FIDA) to increase efficiency in the research of new antibodies and vaccines | 2019 |
270 | InflaCare | An exosome-based therapeutic approach against chronic inflammation | 2020 |
271 | HominAb | Discovering novel antibodies derived from the human body itself to treat neurodegenerative diseases | 2019 |
272 | GO-DS21 | Gene overdosage and comorbidities during the early lifetime in Down Syndrome | 2020 |
273 | TheraLymph | Gene Therapy to restore lymphatic flow lymphedema | 2020 |
274 | cmRNAbone | 3D Printed-Matrix Assisted Chemically Modified RNAs Bone Regenerative Therapy for Trauma and Osteoporotic Patients | 2020 |
276 | PROTEOFIT | Adapting protein fate for muscle function and fitness | 2019 |
277 | COMBINE | Collaboration for Prevention and Treatment of MDR Bacterial Infections | 2019 |
278 | MEPHOS | Shaping the Mechano-Pharmacological properties of Microparticles and Extracellular Vesicles for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
279 | PRISAR2 | proactive monitoring of cancer as an alternative to surgery | 2020 |
280 | AutoCRAT | Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
282 | IP-cure-B | Immune profiling to guide host-directed interventions to cure HBV infections | 2020 |
283 | miniNO | Associative mechanisms linking a defective minipuberty to the appearance of mental and nonmental disorders: infantile NO replenishment as a new therapeutic possibility | 2020 |
286 | TO_AITION | A high-dimensional approach for unwinding immune-metabolic causes of cardiovascular disease-depression multimorbidities | 2020 |
288 | PREMSTEM | Brain injury in the premature born infant: stem cell regeneration research network | 2020 |
289 | DPR-VAX | Dipeptide-Repeat Vaccine to prevent ALS and FTD in C9orf72 mutation carriers | 2020 |
292 | SENATOR | Staff Exchange for Novel applications in 19f magnetic resonance imaging | 2020 |
293 | MyeRIBO | Deconstructing the Translational Control of Myelination by Specialized Ribosomes | 2020 |
294 | PreventALL | Prevention of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia immunology links oncology | 2020 |
295 | CTS-TEs-ADprogress | Cell type-specific molecular analysis of epigenetic changes and transposable element derepression in Alzheimer's disease progression | 2020 |
296 | TAVI4Life | A lifelong transcatheter aortic valve prosthesis | 2020 |
297 | MicroILCs | "MicroILCs: Deciphering how the gut Microbiota influences Innate Lymphoid Cells in obesity""" | 2021 |
298 | FluAttack | Validation of a novel antiviral drug candidate against influenza | 2020 |
299 | ANTIBIOCLICKS | BioInspired Clicked Siderophore-Antibiotics | 2020 |
300 | ICG68-PROG | Imaging of c-Met aberrant cancers with Gallium-68 chelators for positron emission tomography | 2020 |