The page lists 864 projects related to the topic "issue".
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1 | SAPHIR | Strengthening Animal Production and Health through the Immune Response | 2015 |
2 | Volcanoes Night III | Volcanoes' Night III. - Researchers' Night of the Canary Islands | 2014 |
3 | MedBioinformatics | Creating medically-driven integrative bioinformatics applications focused on oncology, CNS disorders and their comorbidities (MedBioinformatics) | 2015 |
4 | DiViNe | Sustainable downstream processing of vaccines through incorporation of nanobiotechnologies : novel affinity ligands and biomimetic membranes | 2015 |
5 | SENIORS | Safety-ENhancing Innovations for Older Road userS | 2015 |
7 | PRIMCHEM | Primitive chemistry in planetary atmospheres: From the upper atmosphere down to the surface | 2015 |
8 | Co-FACTOR | Cooperate, Communicate and Connect to boost smart Components for tomorrows Industry | 2015 |
9 | WAPITI | Water-mass transformation and Pathways In The Weddell Sea: uncovering the dynamics of a global climate chokepoint from In-situ measurements | 2015 |
10 | DNAendProtection | DNA end protection in Immunity and Cancer | 2015 |
11 | NSECPROBE | Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems | 2015 |
12 | PRCTOERC | Novel Regulatory Principles of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 | 2015 |
13 | CRASK | Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge | 2015 |
14 | CPVMatch | Concentrating Photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies | 2015 |
15 | Nano-Tandem | Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells | 2015 |
16 | IMPRESS | Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater species. | 2015 |
17 | NanoHeal | Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces | 2015 |
18 | ABWET | Advanced Biological Waste-to-Energy Technologies | 2015 |
19 | HEARTEN | A co-operative mHEALTH environment targeting adherence and management of patients suffering from Heart Failure | 2015 |
20 | openMedicine | openMedicine | 2015 |
21 | RePhrase | REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach | 2015 |
22 | AutoPost | Deformable Surface Tracking and Alpha Matting for the Automation of Post-production Workflows | 2015 |
23 | SmarterEMC2 | Smarter Grid: Empowering SG Market Actors through Information and Communication Technologies | 2015 |
24 | ENERGISE | ICT-based ENERgy Grid Implementation – Smart and Efficient | 2015 |
25 | SYMBIOSYS | Symbolic Analysis of Temporal and Functional Behavior of Networked Systems | 2015 |
26 | CWASI | Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world | 2015 |
28 | EuroMED-IMWC | EuroMED Cooperation. Inland and Marine Water Challenges | 2014 |
29 | EUENGAGE | Bridging the gap between public opinion and European leadership: Engaging a dialogue on the future path of Europe. | 2015 |
30 | TherVIS | A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation | 2014 |
31 | FINESSE | Feasibility of an INnovative, Efficient, Solid State Energy saving system | 2014 |
32 | Global PERES | Bringing a breakthrough e-nose solution on global markets for portable and reliable food safety and quality control | 2014 |
33 | POLARIS | Preventative OperationaL procedures for space weAtheR threats to CrItical InfraStructure | 2014 |
34 | RetinArt | Clinical biomarker for arterial hypertension based on micro-vascular retinal imaging | 2014 |
35 | EMEHOC | Enriched Minimal Expressivism and Higher-Order Concepts | 2015 |
36 | IECEU | Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention | 2015 |
37 | RESOLVE | Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles | 2015 |
38 | VisiOn | Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments | 2015 |
39 | EUDAT2020 | EUDAT2020 | 2015 |
40 | FLUNOVELTY | Development of novel fluorinated reagents for preparation of drugs. | 2015 |
41 | GROUPCOG | From individual cognition to collective intelligence | 2016 |
42 | FACADE FIRE | Numerical characterisation of fire growth in external facades and other vertical spaces | 2016 |
43 | MUSAL | Multi-scale modelling of waves of porous media with applications to acoustic control and biomechanics | 2015 |
45 | MuMoSiSt | Multidisciplinary approach to multilayer monumental sites studies: the case of the Quirinal Hill in Rome | 2015 |
46 | LOVe | Linking Objects to Vectors in distributional semantics: A framework to anchor corpus-based meaning representations to the external world | 2015 |
47 | HQSTS | High-Quality voice model for STatistical parametric speech Synthesis | 2015 |
48 | LIB-Si anode | Silicon/Carbon Nano-Hybrid Lithium-Ion Battery Anode: Green Facile Scalable Synthesis Inspired by Thermosetting Polymers | 2015 |
49 | 3F-FutureFreshFruit | Elucidating the molecular basis of fruit resistance to desiccation: The cuticle as a key factor | 2015 |
50 | SolHyPro | Water splitting by solar energy: From lab-scale to prototype devices | 2015 |
51 | ION-QNET | Cavity-QED Ion Quantum Network | 2015 |
52 | EBUCAI | European Banking Union and Current Account Imbalances | 2016 |
53 | PEACEFUL MIND | Effectiveness evaluation of traditional and third wave Emotion Regulation strategies in clinical and non-clinical youth population | 2016 |
54 | IPBMNES | Integrated Pedestrian Behavior Modeling under Normal and Evacuation Situations | 2017 |
55 | ClOThIlde | The Cluster Observations and Theory Intersection: Providing selection functions and scaling relations to set constraints on the physics of the accelerating universe. | 2016 |
56 | NeuArc2Fun | Biological neural networks: from structure to function | 2016 |
57 | BICSA | Biophysical Changes in the Sahel: Ground and Satellite Based Evidence Across Scales and Disciplines | 2015 |
58 | CHOCOLATE | CHanges Of CO2 Levels during pAst and fuTure intErglacials | 2015 |
59 | FE-RUS-Blast | Finite Element Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy to Characterize Maturation of Cortical Bone Elastic Properties | 2015 |
60 | REE Value Chain | Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union | 2015 |
61 | MIGMED | Migration in the early modern world: the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land as afacilitator of the circulation of people in the Mediterranean | 2016 |
62 | Neurostella | Evolutionary and developmental origin of the nervous system | 2016 |
63 | MTT | How does future thinking work? Uncovering its evolutionary and developmental origins | 2015 |
64 | MED-FARWEST | Urban Centres and Landscapes in Transition. The Mediterranean FarWest in Late Antiquity | 2015 |
65 | OSCAR | Operando study of the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles by Surface Differential Reflectivity Spectroscopy (SDRS): from plasmonic response to morphology | 2016 |
66 | HARPOCRATES | Smart phononic crystals for aircraft noise reduction | 2015 |
67 | FertilityPolicies | Fertility, Public Policies, and Women in Turkey in Comparative Perspective | 2016 |
68 | BIDAMARK | BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness | 2015 |
69 | GROUPIND | Collective personalities: from individuals to groups, and back | 2015 |
70 | ReconsolidationDynamics | A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation | 2015 |
71 | DINO_DON | Does vegetation derived organic nitrogen fuel algal blooms in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea? | 2016 |
72 | FISHNAV | Following a path of breadcrumbs: How fish recognize landmarks during navigation | 2015 |
73 | GRAPHENERGY3 | Novel Electrochemical Exfoliation Approach to the Synthesis of Large Area, Defect-Free and Single Layer Graphene and Its Application in Fuel Cells | 2015 |
74 | eADAM | Ultra-small electrochemical aptasensors for specific dopamine real-time monitoring | 2016 |
75 | MEDINI | Mechanism Design under Incomplete Information | 2015 |
76 | SMARTER | A Scalable and Elastic Platform for Near-Realtime Analytics for The Graph of Everything | 2016 |
77 | RE-DEV | Assessing the transition to renewable energy in Rapidly Developing Countries | 2015 |
80 | OLDIAS | Online Dialysis Sensor | 2015 |
81 | GRAPHEEN | Green and Straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene based-nanomaterials for energy applications | 2015 |
82 | NASTEX | Study feasibility and best route to market for telecare solution in Germany and Japan | 2015 |
83 | EMBRYON | EMBRYON - Develop and commercialize a highly innovative diagnostic-imaging product, improving success rates in the Assisted Reproduction IVF sector | 2015 |
84 | MIMO | A commercial device for mercury isotope monitoring (MIMO) | 2015 |
85 | MicroLAB | MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety | 2015 |
86 | Watergate | Watergate: Development of a low-cost solar desalination technology | 2015 |
87 | PreNANOCOAT | Metal powder coating system with nano-technology pre-treatment. | 2015 |
88 | GReen Desalination | GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent | 2015 |
89 | VALIDIAG | Validation Manager - A disruptive turnkey solution for diagnostic test validations | 2015 |
90 | PROEIPAHA | PROEIPAHA: Coordination, Support and Promotion activities in favour of EIPAHA | 2015 |
91 | DecentLivingEnergy | Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all | 2015 |
92 | VIBCONTROL | Vibronic control of organic electronic devices | 2015 |
94 | NANORESTART | NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART | 2015 |
95 | A-DIET | Metabolomics based biomarkers of dietary intake- new tools for nutrition research | 2015 |
96 | SVNanoVax | Structural Vaccinology in the design of bionanoparticles with multi-copy antigen display for vaccines with enhanced efficacy | 2015 |
97 | LineVu | A novel optical sensor platform for detection and measurement of contaminants in gas pipelines to protect critical infrastructure from disruption and damage - Linevu | 2015 |
98 | DAHDAC | DAHDAC project: Disruptive Approach to Highly Distributed Application Creation | 2015 |
99 | Project Buffer | Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. | 2015 |
100 | PROVIDE | PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry | 2015 |
101 | BIOCAPAN | BIOactive implantable CApsule for PANcreatic islets immunosuppression free therapy | 2015 |
102 | GATIPOR | Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows | 2015 |
103 | E-SPACE | European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people | 2016 |
104 | BCorp | Between Social Values and Profitable Performance: The Case of B-Corporations | 2016 |
105 | REVEN-X1 | REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary | 2015 |
106 | CREEV | Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
107 | Opti-LPS | Optimal Lightning Protection System | 2015 |
108 | ANDROTEST | Point of care test for non invasive differential diagnosis of obstrutive and non-obstructive azoospermia in male fertility | 2015 |
109 | DERMAE | Clinical research for the validation of a non-invasive medical imaging device for dermatological diagnoses | 2015 |
110 | RENOIR | RENal prOgenItoRs as tools to understand kidney pathophysiology and treat kidney disorders | 2015 |
111 | DEMOS | DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry | 2015 |
112 | ReactiveFronts | Mixing interfaces as reactive hotspots of porous media flows: theoretical upscaling, experimental imaging and field scale validation | 2015 |
113 | MAFRI | Molecular Ancient Fish Remains Identification | 2016 |
114 | HADE | Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations: New Challenges | 2015 |
115 | INDIMACRO | Individual decisions and macroeconomic robustness | 2015 |
116 | BIONICO | BIOgas membrane reformer for deceNtralIzed hydrogen produCtiOn | 2015 |
117 | COMNACTSS | Controlling micro- and nano-channel transport with selective solvation | 2015 |
118 | OxygenSensing | Molecular mechanisms of acute oxygen sensing. | 2015 |
119 | EVOLPROOF | Are HPV vaccines ‘evolution-proof’? Multilevel evolutionary ecology of human oncoviruses | 2015 |
120 | ESiWACE | Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe | 2015 |
121 | Privacy.Us | Privacy and Usability | 2015 |
122 | FlexHyJoin | Flexible production cell for Hybrid Joining | 2015 |
123 | EUROPINIONS | Causes and consequences of change in public opinion about Europe | 2015 |
124 | DEPICODE | Decoding the epigenetic signature of memory function in health and disease | 2015 |
125 | HYDRALAB-PLUS | HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change | 2015 |
126 | PANDORA | Probing safety of nano-objects by defining immune responses of environmental organisms | 2016 |
127 | AluSalt | Efficient Aluminium Salt cake Recycling Technology | 2015 |
129 | VIPER | VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media | 2016 |
130 | DISABILITY | Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective | 2015 |
131 | MYOP-PATH | Towards solving myopia: from genes to pathways using an integrated approach | 2015 |
132 | MYCOCHASSIS | Engineering of a minimal bacterial therapeutic chassis | 2015 |
133 | ELFBAD | L-form bacteria, biotechnology and disease | 2015 |
134 | EENINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
135 | ExpoSEED | Exploring the molecular control of seed yield in crops | 2016 |
136 | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 2015 |
137 | PLANTIBIOTICS | Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry | 2015 |
138 | IMPACT | Integrated Mobile Platform for Activity Commoditisation in the Travel market (IMPACT) | 2015 |
139 | HEAT-R | Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) | 2015 |
140 | WIDENLIFE | Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing | 2016 |
141 | MAGNEURON | Hijacking cell signalling pathways with magnetic nanoactuators for remote-controlled stemcell therapies of neurodegenerative disorders | 2016 |
142 | NANOGRANITES | Nanogranite Inclusions: New Window into the Partial Melting of the Deep Earth´s Crust | 2016 |
143 | WORKSHOP4.0 | Automated real-time production forecasting for industry | 2016 |
144 | CAT-CAM | The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR): an Historical Analysis Between US and Europe | 2016 |
145 | PELLETON | PELLETON – a device for production of pellets from biomass and agricultural waste for energy purposes | 2015 |
146 | p-DRIVE | Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines | 2015 |
147 | REDISH | CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation | 2016 |
148 | AlmaCrypt | Algorithmic and Mathematical Cryptology | 2016 |
149 | SMARTDIAGNOS | Next generation sepsis diagnosis | 2016 |
150 | DISRUPT | Development of an innovative and safe ultralight two-seater turbine helicopter | 2016 |
151 | OCProDx | Strategic planning for commercialisation of a multiplexed protein diagnostic (Dx) blood test for Organ-Confined Prostate cancer: OCProDx | 2016 |
152 | STAQAMOF | Statistical modelling across price and time scales: a quantitative approach to modern financial regulation | 2016 |
153 | PHOBIC2ICE | Super-IcePhobic Surfaces to Prevent Ice Formation on Aircraft | 2016 |
154 | SOLED | Chiral based spin organic light emitting diodes | 2016 |
155 | METAWARE | Behavioral and neural determinants of metacognition and self-awareness in human adults and infants | 2016 |
156 | HYPMED | Digital Hybrid Breast PET/MRI for Enhanced Diagnosis of Breast Cancer | 2016 |
157 | Click-It | “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics | 2016 |
158 | ALLEGRO | unrAvelLing sLow modE travelinG and tRaffic: with innOvative data to a new transportation and traffic theory for pedestrians and bicycles | 2015 |
159 | CONQUEST | Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies | 2016 |
160 | SafeLog | Safe human-robot interaction in logistic applications for highly flexible warehouses | 2016 |
161 | SavingFood | An innovative solution to tackle food waste through the collaborative power of ICT networks | 2016 |
162 | ROBUST | Robotic subsea exploration technologies | 2015 |
163 | ReTuBi | Towards outstanding research and training in tumour biology at IMM | 2016 |
164 | OncoMasTR | OncoMasTR - Novel Prognostic Assay for Early Stage Breast Cancer | 2016 |
165 | SCHISTO_PERSIST | New approaches to characterise Schistosoma mansoni infections persisting despite mass drug administration | 2016 |
166 | SONNETS | SOcietal Needs aNalysis and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector | 2016 |
167 | TOURISM ID | Design Innovation Support Scheme for Tourism Industry | 2016 |
168 | SDDM-TEA | Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications | 2016 |
169 | TomGEM | A holistic multi-actor approach towards the design of new tomato varieties and management practices to improve yield and quality in the face of climate change | 2016 |
170 | NitroPortugal | Strengthening Portuguese research and innovation capacities in the field of excess reactive nitrogen | 2016 |
171 | ERESCUE | e-Rescue System: the next level in Post-Accident-Safety. Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour | 2016 |
172 | HG | Real-time molecular diagnostic testing for human infectious diseases using LAMP (Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification) technology. | 2016 |
173 | FEMSAG | Feminist theory after sex and gender: The nature-nurture complex in contemporary feminism reconsidered in light of the Developmental Systems Theory approach to the philosophy of biology | 2017 |
174 | IMMIGRANTS | The Effects of Media News about Immigrants on Majority’s Attitudes and Behaviors towards Immigrants | 2017 |
175 | MolMap | From Tissues to Single Molecules: High Content in Situ Super-Resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT | 2016 |
176 | ANGI | Adaptive significance of Non Genetic Inheritance | 2016 |
177 | CATA-LUX | Light-Driven Asymmetric Organocatalysis | 2016 |
178 | PARTIAL-PGMs | Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials | 2016 |
179 | MALORCA | Machine Learning of Speech Recognition Models for Controller Assistance | 2016 |
181 | SAPIENT | Satcom and terrestrial architectures improving performance, security and safety in ATM | 2016 |
182 | SCD | Sexual Citizenship and Disability - Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy | 2017 |
183 | NIOBE | Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays: Theory and Phenomenology | 2017 |
184 | Supra-CNT | Supramolecular assembly of Janus Carbon Nanotubes into functional 3D microparticles | 2016 |
185 | HURIME | Human Rights in the Post-Uprisings Middle East: Emerging Discourses and Practices in Egypt and Tunisia | 2017 |
187 | FOIPO | Functional optical probes for otology | 2017 |
188 | SILYCAT | Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Silylium Cations | 2017 |
189 | MolecularEVOLUTION | Molecular Evolution of the Primary Structure of Single Chain Polymer Nanoparticles via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry | 2016 |
190 | EQUIANFUN | Equidae Hindgut Anaerobic Fungi: A key unexplored taxa of central importance to dietary fibre degradation | 2016 |
191 | PERSIST | Systematic identification of (p)ppGpp-dependent multidrug and stress tolerance factors | 2016 |
192 | Gut-InflammAge | Age-associated signatures in the composition and pro-inflammatory status of the gut microbiome in humans and mice, and the impact of a periodic fasting intervention to promote healthy aging | 2016 |
193 | NIR-BIO-FLU | Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes | 2016 |
194 | NomadicN | Niche construction on the move: how nomadic pastoralists navigate across fast-changing social-ecological systems | 2016 |
195 | RESOLVE | antibiotic RESistance and mObile genetic eLements dissemination in enVironmEntal conditions | 2016 |
196 | WORKRETHINK | Rethinking Work: Intellectual Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis in French Film and Media | 2016 |
197 | DIFIE | Direct and Indirect mechanisms of Fisheries-Induced Evolution | 2017 |
198 | ElectroMAD | The Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation: a sensitive and objective approach to identify early cognitive markers of AD | 2016 |
199 | OneClickLCA | One Click LCA – transforming the construction industry through automated, affordable and scalable solution for assessing and improving the environmental impacts of construction projects and products | 2016 |
200 | INSPUR | In-Situ Polyurethane Resins | 2016 |
201 | NEWIR | NEW WIRING for VEHICLES | 2016 |
202 | B-Ecolyol | Improving the productivity of Biodiesel plants through their adaptation for the production of polyols | 2016 |
203 | IL-E-CAT | Enhancing electrocatalysis in low temperature fuel cells by ionic liquid modification | 2016 |
204 | EvoStruc | The physics of antibiotic resistance evolution in spatially-structured multicellular assemblies | 2016 |
205 | SKYOPENER | SKYOPENER - establishing new foundations for the use of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems for civilian applications. | 2016 |
206 | High-Spin-Grav | Higher Spin Gravity and Generalized Spacetime Geometry | 2016 |
207 | DYNAMOX | Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides | 2016 |
208 | COCTA | Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM | 2016 |
209 | ESPREssO | Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union | 2016 |
210 | CLISEL | Climate Security with Local Authorities (CLISEL) From insecurity takers to security makers: mobilizing local authorities to secure the EU against the impacts of climate change in Third Countries | 2016 |
211 | TAKEDOWN | Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals | 2016 |
212 | PMTFOS | Plant metallothioneins as potential players in food security | 2017 |
213 | SHADOWBANKING | Monetary Policy and Shadow banking: global micro-evidence from ABCPs | 2016 |
214 | DECODE | Allele-specific Deconvolution of Tumour DNA Methylation and Expression Data toReveal Underlying Cell Populations | 2016 |
215 | SALTGAE | Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. | 2016 |
216 | FLOWERED | de-FLuoridation technologies for imprOving quality of WatEr and agRo-animal products along the East African Rift Valley in the context of aDaptation to climate change. | 2016 |
217 | SOGICA | Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge | 2016 |
218 | WHIPLASH | WHat next? an Integrated PLanetary Atmosphere Simulator: from Habitable worlds to Hot jupiters | 2016 |
219 | RomaInterbellum | Roma Civic Emancipation Between The Two World Wars | 2016 |
220 | ByoPiC | The Baryon Picture of the Cosmos | 2017 |
221 | QUENCH | Star formation quenching and feedback in galaxies throughout the cosmic epochs | 2016 |
222 | MinimalSelf | Embodiment, Intersubjectivity, and the Minimal Self | 2016 |
223 | FIMAF | Isotopic evidence for the impacts of fishing on marine foodweb structure | 2016 |
224 | EVNSMAS | An evolutionary approach to automated norm synthesis for multi agent systems | 2016 |
225 | MESO_BRAIN | Custom architecturally defined 3D stem cell derived functional human neural networks for transformative progress in neuroscience and medicine | 2016 |
226 | TIDE | Travel, Transculturality and Identity in England, c.1550 – 1700 | 2016 |
227 | SOS Jelly | An advanced biological remedy against jellyfish stings | 2016 |
228 | SpaceInvader | SpaceInvader – Gain value from empty and unused cargo space | 2016 |
229 | OWISE4EU | OWise for Europe - A feasibility study of a pan-European mobile app providing people with cancer with useful tools and treatment information in one easily accessible place. | 2016 |
230 | EEN Armenia H2020 | EEN Armenia H2020: EEN Armenia assists SMEs involved in Horizon 2020 | 2016 |
231 | SAP-Nano | A disruptive technology for vaccines manufacturing based on Self-Assembled Polymeric Nanoparticulate systems | 2016 |
232 | TRANSAFELOAD | TRANSAFELOAD: Testing the real behaviour of packaged loads during transport | 2016 |
233 | STATLEARN | The reading brain as a statistical learning machine | 2016 |
234 | EMoBookTrade | The Early Modern Book Trade: An Evidence-based Reconstruction of the Economic and Juridical Framework of the European Book Market | 2016 |
235 | Tropical lichens | Symbionts and changing environment: Lichen diversity and photobiont associations in tropical mountain ecosystems | 2016 |
236 | RiCaMo | Innovative oxygen-free wine bottling process | 2016 |
237 | CoolFarm | CoolFarm – The intelligent and flexible system that provides to plants what they need, when they need it! | 2016 |
238 | CLASS | Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Sentence Structure: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches | 2016 |
239 | MAPLE | Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis | 2016 |
240 | ImpAncCit | The Impact of the Ancient City | 2016 |
241 | CHANGE | New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry | 2016 |
242 | PETRIFYING WEALTH | Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 | 2017 |
244 | SOMA | The Smart Way to Beat Stress at Work | 2016 |
245 | FC21S | Cost-effective aluminium die casting for automotive industry | 2016 |
246 | CREEV | Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles | 2016 |
247 | Digiteal | Digiteal: European Payment and e-Invoicing platform | 2016 |
248 | RemoTech | Remote technical assistance for field service operators | 2016 |
249 | Syndivia | Next generation drug conjugates for cancer treatment | 2016 |
250 | BETASCREEN | A Unique Pancreatic Human Beta Cells to revolutionize the Diabetes Drug Discovery | 2016 |
251 | SMARTCARS | Low cots Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety | 2016 |
252 | BactInd | Bacterial cooperation at the individual cell level | 2016 |
253 | DALI | Disagreements and Language Interpretation | 2016 |
254 | Operation Condor | Operation Condor: Accountability for Transnational Crimes in Uruguay | 2016 |
255 | ProCovar | Exploring new applications of amino acid covariation analysis in modelling proteins and their complexes | 2016 |
256 | Protoeukaryotes | Multicompartmental Designs For Protocells | 2016 |
257 | Neuroimaging power | Effect size and power for neuroimaging. | 2016 |
258 | SOLAR-TRAIN | Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation | 2016 |
259 | SmartAnswer | Smart mitigation of flow-induced acoustic radiation and transmission for reduced aircraft, surface transport, workplaces and wind energy noise | 2017 |
260 | SPOTVIEW | Sustainable Processes and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage | 2016 |
261 | 5G MiEdge | 5G MiEdge: Millimeter-wave Edge cloud as an enabler for 5G ecosystem | 2016 |
262 | ALLIANCE | AffordabLe LIghtweight Automobiles AlliaNCE | 2016 |
263 | FBI | Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging | 2016 |
264 | FRESH | FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging | 2017 |
265 | RADSAGA | RADiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Avionics, on the Ground and at Accelerators | 2017 |
266 | IMPACT-1 | Indicator Monitoring for a new railway PAradigm in seamlessly integrated Cross modal Transport chains – Phase 1 | 2016 |
267 | FFL4E | Future Freight Loco for Europe | 2016 |
268 | Ascent AM | Adding Simulation to the Corporate ENvironmenT for Additive Manufacturing | 2016 |
269 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
270 | INNOVATION | Multi-wavelength regeneration technologies for advanced modulation optical signals | 2016 |
271 | WATER DROP | Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling | 2016 |
272 | MMPCURSRT | A multi-method perspective on children's use of rehearsal in serial recall tasks | 2016 |
273 | RePower | RePower: Maintenance-free and cost-efficient fuel for wireless sensors to energy- and resource-saving solutions | 2016 |
274 | NEXT-CSP | High Temparature concentrated solar thermal power plan with particle receiver and direct thermal storage | 2016 |
275 | CERERE | CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems | 2016 |
276 | SABANA | Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture | 2016 |
277 | EMEurope | ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe | 2016 |
278 | TimePROSAMAT | Time-Programmed Self-Assemblies and Dynamic Materials | 2016 |
279 | PEER FOR EXCELLENCE | Peer learning on ways to enhance good practices in SME innovation support using the Seal ofExcellence | 2016 |
280 | MiMo | Inference in Microeconometric Models | 2017 |
281 | ShipTest | Fully automated laser guided inspection robot for weld defect detection on ship hulls | 2016 |
282 | CResPace | Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease | 2017 |
283 | CROSSMINER | Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories | 2017 |
284 | SLIM | Sustainable Low Impact Mining solution for exploitation of small mineral deposits based on advanced rock blasting and environmental technologies | 2016 |
285 | TRANSNATIONALaw | Transnationalism and Unofficial Law: The Case of Kurds in Turkey and Germany | 2017 |
286 | PJ15 COSER | Common Services | 2016 |
287 | Dreams4Cars | Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars | 2017 |
288 | PJ10 PROSA | Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management | 2016 |
289 | PJ18 4DTM | 4D Trajectory Management | 2016 |
290 | KRG-250 | A fuel saving, emission reducing and cost effective Continuosuly Variable Transmission for European passenger vehicles | 2016 |
291 | FASTGRID | Cost effective FCL using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids | 2017 |
292 | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 2016 |
293 | GESINNE PRO | Intelligent Power Supply Regulator | 2016 |
294 | SAPEA | Science Advice for Policy by European Academies | 2016 |
295 | Chi2-Nano-Oxides | Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics | 2017 |
296 | LAMBDA | Learning and Analysing Massive / Big complex Data | 2017 |
297 | K.I.T.F.E.M. | Knowledge and Innovation in, to and from Emerging Markets | 2017 |
298 | CORE | An innovative web-service to securely issue, store and verify online academic credentials | 2017 |
300 | ExtremoChem | Chemically synthesised novel compounds for the stabilisation of biologics | 2016 |
301 | RSPDE | Regularity and Stability in Partial Differential Equations | 2017 |
302 | ZIKAVAX | Fast track development of a Zika vaccine based on measles vector | 2016 |
303 | GENE FOR CURE | Expanding and extending gene therapy of monogenic diseases of the haematopoietic system | 2016 |
304 | FlexNanoFlow | Ultra-flexible nanostructures in flow: controlling folding, fracture and orientation in large-scale liquid processing of 2D nanomaterials | 2017 |
305 | QD-NOMS | Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems | 2017 |
306 | GlobalCitizenshipLaw | Global Citizenship Law: International Migration and Constitutional Identity | 2017 |
307 | Safe2LPG | Device for safety and security in liquid petroleum gas systems | 2017 |
308 | SAFEnano | Effect of water and wastewater treatment on the properties of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in context of their fate, toxicity and interaction with other contaminants | 2017 |
309 | SUPRACELL_COMMUN_CCT | Supracellular contractility dynamics and cell communication during collective chemotaxis. | 2016 |
310 | MICROFOUNDATIONS | Microfoundations of International Order | 2017 |
311 | CATHDFENS | CATHode Development For Enhanced iNterfacial Studies (CATH-DFENS) | 2016 |
313 | RocketChip | High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE | 2016 |
314 | TERAWI-LESS | TERAWI-LESS : A New Ultra High Speed Network | 2017 |
315 | FLYwheel | Low-cost, High-efficiency FLYwheel Energy Recovery System for On-highway Commercial Vehicles | 2017 |
316 | ARMeD_free | Antibiotic resistance-free meat and dairy products | 2017 |
317 | MotionMapper | A real-time ground motion disaster mitigation system based on satellite, drone and ground radar images for industry safety and efficiency | 2017 |
318 | Watchity | Launching the First 360° Crowdsourced Live Video Platform. | 2017 |
319 | ECOLED | Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution | 2017 |
320 | SOCOSYS | Sensors for Oil COoling SYStem | 2017 |
321 | DIFFINCL | Differential Inclusions and Fluid Mechanics | 2017 |
322 | WISE | A novel approach to remote and real-time aircraft maintenance | 2017 |
323 | SIGROW | SIGROW AQUA: feasibility study of a disruptive Nutrient Management System for hydroponic farming | 2017 |
324 | Pitstop PLUS | RFID-based feeder for giving dairy cows access to additional mineral supplements in a restricted and targeted way during the critical transition period of the lactation cycle | 2017 |
325 | IDEA.k | Industrial Design Easy Assembly Kit | 2017 |
326 | RAINOLVE | Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water | 2017 |
327 | FluCoMa | Fluid Corpus Manipulation: Creative Research in Musical Mining of Large Sound/Gesture Datasets through Foundational Access to the Latest Advances of Signal Decomposition. | 2017 |
328 | DEXCORE | The Digest and the Exploitation of the Countryside in the Western Roman Empire (2d cent. BC-3rd cent. AD). Evidence of the water control | 2017 |
329 | Cetacean Inner Ear | Cetacean Inner Ear | 2017 |
330 | WARCAP | Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). | 2017 |
331 | TEA | Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry | 2017 |
332 | Vanrestrep | Vancomycin resistance regulation in the antibiotic-producers streptomycetes | 2018 |
333 | Perceptual Learning | Perceptual Learning | 2017 |
334 | GRIDAMUS | Greek Identity in Art Music since the Early Nineteenth Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary Methodology | 2018 |
335 | SHADOWS | SHADOWS: Tackling Undeclared Work in the European Union | 2017 |
336 | ACRoNNIM | Aerosol and Climate Response to NH3 in the NMMB/BSC Inter-Scale Model | 2017 |
337 | AGORA | Alternative Grassroots Organizations as a Response to Austerity: perspectives from Southern Europe | 2017 |
338 | NANO-DIELECTRICS | Nanostructured dielectric platforms for electric and magnetic field-enhanced spectroscopies and nonlinear photonics with low-loss characteristics | 2017 |
339 | Health1UP2 | Differentiated health impacts of primary and secondary ultrafine particles | 2017 |
340 | IKETIS | The Mediation of Climate Change Induced Migration. Implications for meaningful media discourse and empowerment of key intermediaries to raise public awareness | 2017 |
341 | ML-TEXTSUM | Multi-language text summarization | 2017 |
342 | IDENTITIES | Integrative Approaches to Dental Wear: Non-Masticatory Tooth-Use Across the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition Among Iberian Foraging and Farming Societies | 2017 |
343 | APOLLO | Assessing population health from exposure to tobacco-specific carcinogens in Belgium using an innovative wastewater-based epidemiology approach | 2017 |
344 | SRec BIPV | Smart Reconfigurable photovoltaic modules for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic applications | 2018 |
345 | CerebellumTherapy | Sensorimotor plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit and its therapeutic potential | 2017 |
346 | REALITY | Revolutionary projector platform for virtual and augmented reality eyewear | 2017 |
347 | Cynthetica | Development of tools to increase product yields in cyanobacteria using a synthetic biology approach | 2017 |
348 | WACE | Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. | 2017 |
349 | SamSD | Theoretical insides in endohedral metallofullerene based Self-Assembled Monolayers: Statics and Dynamics. | 2017 |
350 | SURGE | Social Sustainability and Urban Regeneration Governance: An International Perspective | 2017 |
351 | AgedLGBT | Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care | 2017 |
352 | MICROS | Probing local ROS distributions in Calcium signaling microdomains after myocardial infarction | 2017 |
353 | NanoAID | Advanced In-situ Techniques for the Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructures. | 2017 |
354 | MetaBiota | Crosstalk between microbiota metabolites and immune cells, the missing link to brain damage. | 2017 |
355 | VIVIR | VIsual representations of VIew Relations to support effective data analysis on large and high-resolution displays | 2017 |
356 | ODORPREP | Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 | 2017 |
357 | ALFA | Shaping a European Scientific Scene : Alfonsine Astronomy | 2017 |
358 | SEQUOIA | Robust algorithms for learning from modern data | 2017 |
359 | EENINNOAUSTRIA2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
360 | UltraSafe | Advanced modelling of ultrasonic wave interaction with damage for enhanced failure identification technologies in industrial composite structures | 2018 |
361 | LockChip | A custom lock chip for compact NMR | 2017 |
362 | PHOTOPEROVSKITES | Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells | 2017 |
363 | ATLANTIC_ANGOLA | Race, Church, and Colonial Government in the Atlantic: the case of Angola in the age of Enlightenment | 2017 |
364 | SIOMICS | SIngle-cell multi-OMICs approach to study intra-tumour heterogeneity of soft tissue Sarcomas | 2017 |
365 | TOOLBOX | Treatment of contaminated land using a biochar/media mixture | 2017 |
366 | CACHEM | CACHEM: Probing Clustering of X-ray AGN using Chandra and Semi-Empirical Models | 2018 |
367 | GaTHeR | GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research | 2017 |
368 | TinPSC | Towards Stable and Highly Efficient Tin-based Perovskite Solar Cells | 2018 |
369 | ResFrameFireSeismic | Resilient steel frame against fire and seismic hazards | 2017 |
370 | AIR | Aeroponic Inulin and Rubber | 2018 |
371 | GINGER | Perception of Eastern Religions in Europe | 2017 |
372 | EXPOZOL | Exposure of aquatic ecosystems to antifungal azoles : assessment of occurence and fate in sediment, water and aquatic organisms | 2017 |
373 | Starflict | Conflicts in start-ups: coping with stress and conflicts to promote well-being and entrepreneurial success | 2018 |
374 | THEMIS | Protecting Human Rights and Public Health in Global Pandemics: A Map of the Standards Applied by EU and US Courts | 2018 |
375 | ChildEmp | Understanding children's empathy: an ethnographic study among the indigenous Runa of the Ecuadorian Amazon | 2018 |
376 | DIGESTIVO | The DIffuse Galaxy Expansion SignaTures In Various Observables project: understanding the emergence of diffuse, low surface brightness galaxies and the link to their dark matter haloes | 2018 |
377 | PolyVac | Polysaccharide-based membrane for sublingual vaccination | 2017 |
378 | THAT IS HUNT | Triggering Haematological Adoptive T-cell Immunotherapy Strategies by HUnting Novel T-cellreceptors | 2018 |
379 | ContraNPM1AML | Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia | 2017 |
380 | EU-FER | Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe | 2017 |
381 | UVdynamicsProtection | Aligning pigmentation and repair: a holistic approach for UV protection dynamics | 2017 |
382 | Motivageing | Motivation–cognition interaction in healthy ageing and Parkinson’s disease | 2018 |
383 | TICOH | Taming Irregular Computations On Heterogeneous processors | 2017 |
384 | ASSIST | ASSIST - Support Network for Household Energy Saving | 2017 |
385 | IoBee | Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality | 2017 |
386 | ARTHUS | Advances in Research on Theories of the Dark Universe - Inhomogeneity Effects in Relativistic Cosmology | 2017 |
387 | CRITISUP2 | Criticality and Dual Superfluidity | 2017 |
388 | MOBILIMA | Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali | 2017 |
389 | UBIGNSS | GNSS for mass-market Internet-of-Things tracking applications | 2017 |
390 | CellTrack | Cellular Position Tracking Using DNA Origami Barcodes | 2017 |
391 | EpiFAT | Epigenomic Reprogramming of Adipose Tissue Function and Energy Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes | 2017 |
392 | ECM_INK | Cells-self Extracellular Matrices-based Bioinks to create accurate 3D diseased skin tissue models | 2017 |
393 | eNOTICE | European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters | 2017 |
394 | M and M | Generalization in Mind and Machine | 2017 |
395 | Steammatic | Detergent free steam cleaning system for modular conveyor belts in the food industry | 2017 |
396 | MEDAS | MedAS: a Machine learning enabled Clinical Decision Support System to prevent prescription errors and improve patient safety | 2017 |
397 | PATHS | The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order | 2017 |
398 | Group Agency | The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency | 2017 |
399 | BladeSave | Risk Based Technology for Blade Structural Assessment | 2017 |
400 | INNO PV-SWITCH | Innovative Fireman's Switch for Photovoltaic Systems: towards large-scale production | 2017 |
401 | Metamorphosis | Transformation of neighbourhoods in a child-friendly way to increase the quality of life for all citizens. | 2017 |
402 | CHANCE | Characterization of conditioned nuclear waste for its safe disposal in Europe | 2017 |
403 | ECOSHEET-PRO | An Eco-Innovative Alternative to Plywood | 2017 |
404 | ADORA | Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations | 2017 |
405 | SPIDI | Star-Planet-Inner Disk Interactions (SPIDI): unveiling the formation and evolution of inner planetary systems | 2018 |
406 | MIST | Molecules, magnetic fields and Intermittency in coSmic Turbulence – Following the energy trail. | 2017 |
407 | H2020 Armenia | EEN Armenia assists SMEs involved in Horizon 2020 | 2017 |
408 | HYDRO_RIG 3G | Development of a hydraulic installation for electro-hydraulic integration of hybrid surface actuation systems in on-ground rigs | 2017 |
409 | AccesSME | Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies for Services of Access to Finance for Innovative SMEs | 2017 |
410 | EASYTV | Easing the access of Europeans with disabilities to converging media and content | 2017 |
411 | SMARTCARS | Low Cost Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety | 2017 |
412 | SENTRY | Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Cable Monitoring and Surveying for Offshore Wind Farms providing movement, depth, surface disruption and free-span readings | 2017 |
413 | ANALYTICS | All-electrical analytic platform for digital fluidics | 2017 |
415 | CBRNE STNDS 2017 | ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487 | 2017 |
416 | INTELLICORR | Intelligent corrosion management underpinned by advanced engineering science | 2017 |
417 | IPV_Tanzania | Investigating the predictors of intimate partner violence: a mixed method longitudinal study in Tanzania | 2017 |
418 | OLDIAS2 | On-line Dialysis Sensor Phase2 | 2017 |
419 | PALMS | Plasma Additive Layer Manufacture Smoothing Technology | 2017 |
421 | PROBIOTEARS | Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis | 2017 |
423 | z-BURN | Zero-Emission Catalytic Burner for heating in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | 2017 |
424 | ADDABU | Automated detection of damage to buildings | 2017 |
425 | Eco-sleeve | Eco-sleeve is a propellant-free technology for Aerosols, generating high pressure to provide the familiar consumer experience of continuous dispensing. | 2017 |
426 | Therapnea | Therapnea: Novel Therapy to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on Thomas Oro-Pharyngeal Stent | 2017 |
427 | vCare | Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly | 2017 |
429 | MP-ORIF | Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma | 2017 |
430 | PreCoM | Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System | 2017 |
431 | DEVOMIND | How do infants mentalize? Bringing a neuroimaging approach to the puzzle of early mindreading. | 2018 |
432 | MNEMOSYNE | Brain computer interface to study and manipulate mamories of aversive experience during sleep | 2017 |
433 | GEM | Generalised Entropy Models for Spatial Choices | 2017 |
434 | MIDNIGHT | Neural mechanism underlying vocal interactions in duetting nightingales | 2018 |
435 | APES | Accuracy and precision for molecular solids | 2018 |
436 | ESOF2018 | EuroScience Open Forum ESOF2018 | 2017 |
437 | PhilAnd | The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. | 2017 |
438 | PASSIM | Patents as Scientific Information, 1895-2020 | 2017 |
439 | OrFuNCo | Organic Functionalisation of N2 Using Metal-Main Group and Metal-Metal Cooperativity | 2018 |
440 | CORFRONMAT | Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics | 2018 |
441 | FarCatCH | Innovative Strategies for Unprecedented Remote C-H bond Functionalization by Catalysis | 2018 |
442 | SBS3-5 | Stimulated Brillouin Scattering based RF to Optical Signal Transduction and Amplification | 2018 |
444 | NEWTON | NEw Windown inTO Earth's iNterior | 2018 |
445 | ODYSSEY | Open dynamics of interacting and disordered quantum systems | 2018 |
446 | DYNAVERSITY | DYNAmic seed networks for managing European diVERSITY | 2017 |
447 | TechTIDE | Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects | 2017 |
448 | INNOVATE | INtelligeNt ApplicatiOns oVer Large ScAle DaTa StrEams | 2018 |
449 | AniStyle | Artistic Animation Rendering with Stylization | 2018 |
450 | CLIMB | Development of a Cavity Supported Lipid Membranes Biomimetic drug permeability models (CLIMB) | 2018 |
451 | CureCN | Adeno-Associated Virus Vector-Mediated Liver Gene Therapy for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome | 2018 |
452 | AUTISMS | Decomposing Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2018 |
453 | MTrix | Mechanical Targeting as an Integrative Approach for Personalized Nanomedicine | 2017 |
454 | SOTUF | SOot in TUrbulent Flames: a new look at soot production processes in turbulent flames leading to novel models for predictive large eddy simulations | 2018 |
455 | DEVTAXNET | Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks | 2018 |
456 | ReSEED | Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century | 2018 |
457 | TRUFUS | MAZARO’s innovative transmissions for unrivalled electricity and fuel savings in transport | 2017 |
458 | GRIMASSE | General aviation Rescue capacity IMprovement for the worldwide Adoption of a Safe Solution based on European GNSS | 2017 |
459 | STriTuVaD | In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development | 2018 |
460 | OchraVine Control | Implementation of integrated and innovative Precision Agriculture management strategies to reduce the occurrence of ochratoxins along the vine value chain products: grapes, raisins/currants and wine | 2018 |
461 | SPINMULTIFILM | Physical principles of the creation of novel SPINtronic materials on the base of MULTIlayered metal-oxide FILMs for magnetic sensors and MRAM | 2018 |
462 | HYDRAITE | Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation | 2018 |
463 | ZEFER | Zero Emission Fleet vehicles For European Roll-out | 2017 |
464 | REFLEX | Reversible solid oxide Electrolyzer and Fuel cell for optimized Local Energy miX | 2018 |
465 | WADcher | Web Accessibility Directive Decision Support Environment | 2018 |
466 | EcoCurrent | Innovative water current picoturbines for the economic and sustainable exploitation of the renewable energy from rivers and estuaries | 2017 |
467 | MRP | autonomous Multi-electric Recycling Process line | 2017 |
468 | CULTURED BEEF | A cost-effective production process to open worldwide the cultured meat market | 2017 |
469 | FANDANGO | FAke News discovery and propagation from big Data ANalysis and artificial intelliGence Operations | 2018 |
470 | SPECTO Bowling | SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance | 2018 |
471 | Tangi0 | Touch and pressure sensitive material without electronic sensors for intuitive and eye-free control of a car’s features while driving | 2018 |
472 | NCN | Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste | 2018 |
473 | Meshporto_smeIns1_2 | PsstMenu allows customers to place orders directly from home or restaurant tables using only a smartphone. | 2018 |
475 | AlkFood | A disruptive cost-efficient industrial technology using bioreactor to boost compounds yields in roots, shoots, leaves for agri-food, flavors, biopesticides | 2018 |
476 | QuCIP | Qur'anic Commentary: An Integrative Paradigm | 2018 |
477 | QRES | Transforming the limits of resolution by utilizing quantum information | 2018 |
478 | CROSS-NEUROD | Transferring autonomous and non autonomous cell degeneration 3D models between EU and USA for development of effective therapies for neurodegenerative diseases (ND) | 2018 |
479 | Pewas AQS | New seed treating method - hydrostimulation - for higher crop yields in water deprived regions | 2018 |
480 | TechNovatorXE | TechNovator XE remote wireless charging | 2017 |
481 | PALACE | Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations | 2018 |
483 | cLEvER | Lightweight and rEliable Emergency exits and cabin footstep for fast Rotorcraft | 2018 |
484 | NOCO2 | Novel CO2 condensation and separation in supersonic flows contributing to carbon capture and storage (CCS) | 2019 |
485 | BJW | When saying the world is just backfires: elites' expression of the belief in a just world, perceived immorality, moral outrage and punishment wishes | 2018 |
486 | NetRom | Early Marriage between Dynamism of Social Network and Legal Autonomy: The case of transnational Romanian Roma | 2018 |
487 | SIZE | The role of size in the sustainability of irrigation systems | 2019 |
488 | US-E AntiRacism | Catholicism and the “Negro Question”: Religion, Racism, and Antiracism in a Transnational Perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968) | 2019 |
489 | PICS | Prediction in Complex Systems | 2018 |
490 | FoodLoss | Food Loss in History. Insights into the food produced but never consumed | 2019 |
492 | BHmapping | Mapping the inner flow around accreting black holes | 2019 |
493 | CABUM | An investigation of the mechanisms at the interaction between cavitation bubbles and contaminants | 2018 |
494 | CENTR-ALL | Clarifying role of the CENTROSOME in abnormal mitotic processes featuring the most commonchildhood malignancy: paediatric High Hyperdiploid Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (HHDpALL) | 2019 |
495 | CHOCOLATE4LIFE | Achieving sustainable agriculture in African cacao through DNA metabarcoding and food web models | 2019 |
496 | CLAIMS | CLAIMing land in early medieval localitieS: an interdisciplinary study of land claims and property regimes in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (9th-11th) | 2019 |
497 | Competing Forecasts | Comparing the Predictive Ability of Forecasting Models | 2018 |
498 | DeepGeo | Deep Gaussian Processes for Geostatistical Data Analysis | 2018 |
499 | DEPART | DEmocratic PARticipation in Territorial states | 2018 |
500 | Digiteal | Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone | 2018 |
501 | Divided communities | Communities Under Siege: Everyday Challenges in the Divided City of Jerusalem | 2018 |
502 | DOPANF | Dopaminergic midbrain modulations by (adaptive) neurofeedback | 2018 |
503 | DYNOS | The coupled dynamics of Southern Ocean climate change | 2018 |
504 | ECHO | Harmonization of Regulation of Abusive Non-Judicial Debt Collection in the European Union: Models, Benefits and Challenges | 2019 |
505 | ELECTRIC CHALLENGES | Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets | 2018 |
506 | EMOMETER | EMOMETER: Developing an Integrated Toolbox for the Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Dogs | 2018 |
507 | EmpowerMarginalized | Empowerment of marginalized convicted women through social enterprises | 2019 |
508 | ReConAg | Rethinking Conscious Agency | 2018 |
509 | MMED | Development of a Microfluidic Microbial Ecology Device and Mathematical Model to Study Antibiotic Response of Individual Cells | 2019 |
510 | EU-SENSE | European Sensor System for CBRN Applications | 2018 |
511 | NucleolusChromatin | Analysis of the nucleolus in genome organization and function | 2018 |
512 | SUPERA | Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia | 2018 |
513 | 2DHIBSA | Nanoscopic and Hierachical Materials via Living Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly | 2018 |
514 | AMACONOE | Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants | 2018 |
515 | RECOVERY | Water Recovery from Industrial Gas Streams at Moderate Temperatures | 2018 |
516 | Worldsoflabour | Entangled Worlds of Labour: The Advance of Flexible Capitalism in Eastern Europe | 2019 |
517 | NoSoilPV | Novel Soiling Identification Logics for Photovoltaics | 2018 |
518 | ANTICORPOL | New dimensions and approaches to anti-corruption policy | 2018 |
519 | PABLO | Power Amplifier Design Through Behavioural Modelling | 2019 |
520 | EUTERPE | Estimation of the term premium in Euro Area government bonds | 2018 |
521 | TRANS-END | Transgender and Intersex protection from gender-based violence: exploring new directions | 2018 |
522 | PPRdesign | Engineering synthetic pentatricopeptide repeat proteins for the site-specific genetic manipulation of plant organelles | 2018 |
523 | PROTEXPO | Protection and Exports | 2018 |
524 | MAGMATS | The effects of magmatic systems maturation on geophysical signals recorded in volcanic areas. | 2018 |
525 | SPECADIS | Speciation and bioavailability of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in the soil-plant system: a novel approach combining stable isotope geochemistry and experimental spectroscopy. | 2019 |
526 | VirtualSync | An embodied perspective on anosognosia | 2018 |
527 | SELFSENS | Printed SELF-power platform for gas SENSing monitoring | 2018 |
528 | FOREPAST | Past, present and future environmental, biological and social transitions in coastal ecosystems | 2019 |
529 | MATRIX-B | Triaxial Magnetic Fields for the Control of Bioactive Materials in Bone Engineering | 2018 |
530 | HOPE | HOminin Proteomes in human Evolution | 2018 |
531 | SOCELL | Self-organized biomolecular gradients for controlling cellular behaviour in cell culture | 2018 |
532 | INTIMIZ | Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar | 2018 |
533 | WONT-HATE | Online Hate against European Women Leaders: a Corpus-Assisted Multimodal Critical Analysis | 2019 |
534 | RE-HOUSING | The Refugees’ Right To Housing: State Policies and Housing Commons in Istanbul, Athens and Belgrade | 2018 |
535 | SEMSUBSET | The Grammar of Inclusion: Exploring the Boundaries of Linguistic Competence | 2019 |
536 | SINDIA | Sulphide INclusions in DIAmonds: A Window into The Earth’s Interior Through Time | 2019 |
537 | ARTEMIS | Graphene Molecule Interfaces for Spintronics | 2019 |
538 | EUSKOR | Europe, the United States and the Crisis on the KORean Peninsula: Between a Rock and a Hard Place | 2018 |
539 | PATCHES | Protein Adsorption onTo CHarged surfacES | 2018 |
540 | SABIR | Dynamic sustainability assessment tool for the case studies of biorefinery supply chains from agricultural wastes | 2018 |
542 | MRRI-MENA | Migrant and Refugee Rights Index for the Middle East and North Africa | 2019 |
543 | PLaTONE | PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs | 2018 |
544 | LangRev | European Best Practices for Endangered Language Revitalisation | 2018 |
545 | PreSTO | Pilot scale hybrid Photocatalytic Processes for the simultaneous removal of Pathogens and Pharmaceuticals from wastewaters | 2018 |
546 | NoPHAME | Novel PHAge MEthods for improved virus inactivation | 2019 |
547 | GeoFodder | The scale and significance of early animal husbandry in SW Europe: development of aninterdisciplinary high-resolution approach to the investigation of livestock diets and herding practices. | 2019 |
548 | KaIROS | Keeping and Increasing Resilience Opportunities and Sustainability of communities against earthquakes | 2018 |
549 | ML Potentials | Constructing Intermolecular Potentials by Combining Physics and Machine Learning | 2018 |
550 | IDEAA | Techniques, methods and tools for Issue-Driven European Arena Analytics: supporting citizens to easily explore the trove of publicly available data to build a viewpoint on a specific issue. | 2018 |
551 | PERIL | Post ERuption Incision of Landscapes (PERIL) | 2019 |
552 | RECIPE | REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems | 2018 |
553 | ICE2LAST | Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish | 2018 |
554 | EuroXpand | EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND | 2018 |
555 | XCell | A reliable, effective ballast water management system through unique in situ biocide production | 2018 |
556 | PoshBee | Pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation Of Stressors on the Health of BEEs | 2018 |
557 | RUMBLE | RegUlation and norM for low sonic Boom LEvels | 2017 |
558 | HRP-IAEA | Living with Radiation: The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the History of Radiation Protection | 2019 |
559 | ChildRescue | ChildRescue - Collective Awareness Platform for Missing Children Investigation and Rescue | 2018 |
560 | NO FEAR | Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care | 2018 |
561 | IslamAnimals | Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World | 2018 |
562 | MAESTRO | Middleware for memory and data-awareness in workflows | 2018 |
563 | VALORTECH | ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences | 2018 |
564 | ULTRACEPT | Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance | 2018 |
565 | BiodivScen | Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2017 |
566 | COVOPRIM | A Comparative Study of Voice Perception in Primates | 2019 |
567 | ENPMUC | Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). | 2018 |
568 | eDrop | Droplet Photoelectron Imaging | 2018 |
569 | HyArchi | Targeting Root Hydraulic Architecture to improve Crops under Drought | 2018 |
570 | SELF-UNITY | The Unity of the Bodily Self | 2019 |
571 | GLOBEGOV | The Rise of Global Environmental Governance:A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship | 2018 |
572 | GALILEO 4 Mobility | Fostering the adoption of GALILEO for Mobility as a Service | 2017 |
573 | STETHOTELEPHONE | Device for improving the value of the Classic/Mechanic stethoscope – An innovative device for improvement, digitization and recording of the sound. | 2018 |
574 | HypoSkin | Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs | 2018 |
575 | REPLICATE | The Revolutionary Tooth Replacement System for Minimally Invasive Immediate Dental Implants | 2018 |
576 | BEMYEYES | Be My Eyes - The mobile platform that allows sighted people to lend their eyes to the blind and visually impaired | 2018 |
577 | Is it fresh | Is it fresh. Keeping it fresh digitally | 2018 |
579 | PrEDICTS | Optimizing Container Load for Parcel and Pallet Transport Networks | 2018 |
580 | Be12 | A cyphered cloud based DataBank for the corporate sector | 2018 |
581 | RE-WATER | REvitalising tap WATER for reduced consumption of plastic water bottles | 2018 |
582 | EASYFISH | Development of a new biomolecule to better control reproduction in fish | 2018 |
583 | MOTIONMAPPER | A real-time slope stability and subsidence monitoring service to improve productivity and to prevent catastrophic events in the mining industry | 2018 |
584 | QTrobot | QTrobot Autism Therapy Store | 2018 |
585 | SALLY R | Securing a healthy indoor air climate while saving energy in buildings with space technology | 2018 |
587 | AQRATE | Breakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteBreakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteeing transparency, savings and quality | 2018 |
588 | Olfactomics | Bringing Surgery to the 21st Century: Feasibility Verification of Real-time Tissue Analysis During Surgery | 2018 |
589 | EGgPLANT | Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT | 2018 |
590 | DART Diagnostics | Saving Time, Money and Lives Through Rapid Plug & Play Salmonella Diagnostics | 2018 |
591 | AirBrush | A fast non-intrusive vapour detection system that rapidly identifies explosives in public areas | 2018 |
592 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects. | 2018 |
593 | Global-assembly | Building up the Milky Way Halo in the era of multiple stellar populations | 2018 |
594 | Governmigration | Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach | 2018 |
595 | MAGDEx | Unmet MAGnetic properties in micro and nano-particles by synthesis through gas-diffusion electrocrystallisation (GDEx) | 2018 |
596 | DUSTCOMB | A Novel Technology to Reduce Industrial Dust Pollution and to Enable Most Efficient Energy Recovery | 2018 |
597 | SmartTrans | A real-time Voltage controlled distribution transformer for power grid stabilization in the smart-grid era allowing for 100% adoption of sustainable power sources | 2018 |
598 | MARS | ModulAR Plug-in Mechatronic DeviceS for vibration suppression in manufacturing equipment | 2018 |
599 | DeCAS | The first real-time monitoring device able to determine the impact area of space vehicles’ fragments during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and minimize risks for people and property | 2018 |
600 | SWIRL | Short, weakly interacting RNA ligands for the development of high-concentration monoclonal antibody therapeutics | 2018 |
601 | IMPLAGUIDE | Smart & Autonomous Guidance System for Citizen Security in Public Transport and large facilities | 2018 |
602 | SCENT | Smart Cities EMC Network for Training | 2018 |
603 | INVI | INVI self-defense bracelet: feel empowered | 2018 |
604 | ENDONANO | Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches | 2019 |
605 | ELDORADO | Electrophilicity-Lifting Directed by Organochalcogen Redox-Auxiliaries and Diversiform Organocatalysis | 2019 |
606 | PROTECT | Predictive mOdelling Tools to evaluate the Effects of Climate change on food safeTy and spoilage | 2019 |
607 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects | 2018 |
608 | LPPDS | A portable peritoneal dialysis system for home use that monitors for infection | 2018 |
609 | ARTTOUCH | Generating artificial touch: from the contribution of single tactile afferents to the encoding of complex percepts, and their implications for clinical innovation | 2019 |
610 | READIT | Reading Literature in a Digital Culture | 2018 |
611 | aQUARiUM | QUAntum nanophotonics in Rolled-Up Metamaterials | 2019 |
612 | HR-Recycler | Hybrid Human-Robot RECYcling plant for electriCal and eLEctRonic equipment | 2018 |
613 | QSAREACH | QSAR computational models' self-using platform for EC Regulation-REACH | 2018 |
614 | COCLICAN | COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer | 2018 |
615 | CLARA | Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels | 2018 |
616 | CEWASTE | Voluntary certification scheme for waste treatment | 2018 |
617 | ENeRAG | Excellency Network Building for Comprehensive Research and Assessment of Geofluids | 2018 |
618 | RETOPEA | Religious Toleration and Peace | 2018 |
619 | POWER4BIO | emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of european BIOeconomy | 2018 |
620 | Fed4IoT | Federating IoT and cloud infrastructures to provide scalable and interoperable Smart Cities applications, by introducing novel IoT virtualization technologies | 2018 |
621 | BREAK BIOFILMS | Breaking Bad Biofilms. Innovative Analysis and Design Rules for Next-Generation Antifouling Interfaces | 2019 |
622 | I-DireCT | Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy | 2019 |
623 | SHIVADHARMA | Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia | 2018 |
624 | DYMOLAMO | Dynamic Modeling of Labor Market Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation | 2018 |
625 | ODESSA | Obstruction DEtection Sensor for Surveillance on Aircraft | 2018 |
626 | SUSTINNO | Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy | 2018 |
627 | FEASIBLe | Finding how Earthquakes And Storms Impact the Building of Landscapes | 2019 |
628 | Snowless | Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. | 2018 |
629 | MIDA | Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions | 2019 |
630 | GEORISK | Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks. | 2018 |
631 | DIAMOND | Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems | 2018 |
632 | DYMO | Dynamic dialogue modelling | 2019 |
633 | SIMBA | Sustainable innovation of microbiome applications in food system | 2018 |
634 | HD4HF | Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure | 2018 |
635 | Cyanobacteria | Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria | 2018 |
636 | p38_InTh | Innovative therapeutic tools to ameliorate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity | 2018 |
637 | ELG | European Language Grid | 2019 |
638 | MeaningfulMobility | Meaningful Mobility: a novel approach to movement within and between places in later life | 2019 |
639 | BEATS | Beamline for Tomography at SESAME | 2019 |
640 | SEREEL | Safe and easy retrofit with energy efficient LED-tubes | 2018 |
641 | Affects | Mobilising Affects: Politics of Security and the Withdrawal of Citizenship | 2019 |
642 | DIDONE | The Sources of Absolute Music: Mapping Emotions in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera | 2019 |
643 | DaPhNIs | Role of the Maternal Gut Microbiota in Immune Activation at the Maternal-Foetal Interface: Impact on Preeclampsia and Offspring's Immune Development | 2019 |
644 | InOutBioLight | Advanced biohybrid lighting and photovoltaic devices | 2020 |
645 | InDivEU | Integrating Diversity in the European Union | 2019 |
646 | EU3D | EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy | 2019 |
648 | EMPORIGIN | What are the origins of empathy? A comparative developmental investigation | 2019 |
649 | CeraText | Tailoring Microstructure and Architecture to Build Ceramic Components with Unprecedented Damage Tolerance | 2019 |
650 | SKIDLESS | Enhancing car safety through accurate and real time side-slip angle assessment | 2019 |
651 | Smart Certificate | The trusted solution for issuing certified documents to the blockchain, checkable in just a click | 2018 |
652 | HYDROMA | Origin and evolution of organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites: influence of hydrothermal processes | 2019 |
653 | FUMI | Future Migration as Present Fact | 2019 |
654 | EENINNOAUSTRIA3 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2019 |
655 | MetAction | The motor hypothesis for self-monitoring: A new framework to understand and treat metacognitive failures | 2019 |
656 | F-ELEMENT_ARCHITECT | Building Precise Molecular Architectures to Unlock Remarkable f-Element Properties | 2019 |
657 | NewMonEc | Monetary Economics and Communication: New Data, New Tools, New and Old Questions | 2019 |
658 | uCARE | Understanding Circumventing Antibiotic REsistance | 2019 |
659 | iLIVE | Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end | 2019 |
660 | STEADIEST | Design, development and flight qualification of a supercritical composite shaft drive line for tiltrotor main drive system | 2019 |
661 | Branbox | Biodegradable and waterproof take-away containers made of wheat bran | 2019 |
662 | IPC | Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation | 2019 |
663 | HMCS | Handheld Molecular Contaminant Screener | 2019 |
664 | EPS55 | Electric Propulsion System for the Air Transportation of Tomorrow | 2019 |
665 | ARFM | Automated Remote Foetal Monitoring | 2019 |
666 | CULTSONG | Culture as an evolutionary force: Does song learning accelerate speciation in a bat ring species? | 2019 |
667 | CATTLECHAIN 4.0 | Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN | 2019 |
668 | ComfDemo | COMFort in the cabin DEMOnstrator | 2019 |
669 | BlockchainKYC | Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service | 2019 |
670 | i-Weld | Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for Duplex Stainless Steel joininginnovation | 2019 |
671 | CARB-City | Physico-Chemistry of Carbonaceous Aerosol Pollution in Evolving Cities | 2020 |
672 | PICModForPCa | Personalised Image-based Computational Modelling Framework to Forecast Prostate Cancer | 2020 |
673 | PLASTICERA | Plastic ceramic films to improve safety of modern nuclear energy | 2019 |
674 | REDEBA | Revamping the Desalination Battery | 2020 |
675 | FIVER | Innovative solution for FMS computed trajectories validation by means of pilot actions emulation, comparison with PANS-OPS criteria and data mining techniques. | 2018 |
676 | SSST-BD | Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data | 2019 |
677 | CHEMICROS | CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata | 2019 |
678 | ChOLLATERAL | Generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing of chemicals. | 2019 |
679 | COLIBRI | Click chemistry Options for Live Immuno Brain Imaging | 2019 |
680 | MAGYC | MigrAtion Governance and asYlum Crises | 2018 |
681 | BIONA4ART | BIO-inspired NAcre-like materials FOR the next generation of conservation treatments in stone ART works | 2019 |
682 | WiPASS | Wireless Power for Autonomous Sensor Systems | 2019 |
683 | DriveToTheFuture | Needs, wants and behaviour of 'Drivers' and automated vehicle users today and into the future | 2019 |
684 | LUBARTWORLD | Migration and Holocaust: Transnational Trajectories of Lubartow Jews Across the World (1920s-1950s) | 2019 |
685 | STAND4HERITAGE | New STANDards for seismic assessment of built cultural HERITAGE | 2019 |
686 | FORMSofLABOUR | Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy | 2019 |
687 | kelbus2 | Experimental and numerical study of long runout landslides | 2020 |
688 | AllergenDetect | Comprehensive allergen detection using synthetic DNA libraries | 2019 |
689 | PROTEAS | Programming Terpene Cyclization Through Iterative Precursor Assembly | 2019 |
690 | SAECG | Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts | 2019 |
691 | FEM-RESIST | Women, Photography and Resistance in Transnational Perspective | 2019 |
692 | MolecularControl | Harvesting out-of-equilibrium forces for molecular control | 2020 |
693 | Affects | Mobilising Affects: Withdrawal of Citizenship and Politics of Security | 2019 |
694 | JBinBA | Joint Bodies in Bilateral Agreements | 2019 |
695 | EndoReproTox | Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing | 2019 |
696 | FED | Feeding, Educating, Dieting: a Transnational Approach to Nutrition Discourses in Children’s Narratives (Britain and Italy, 1850-1900) | 2019 |
697 | COHESiV | Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks | 2020 |
698 | Ultra-LightCon-3D | Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies | 2019 |
699 | PPPCM | The Impact of Political Parties on Public Claim Making in European Democracies | 2020 |
700 | INFORM | Innovative Electrochemical Multiplex Biosensor for Detection and Quantification of Clinically Relevant Circulating miRNAs | 2020 |
701 | Dielec2DBiomolecules | Dielectric measurement of two-dimentionally confined biomolecules at the nanoscale | 2019 |
702 | GAlBs | Novel porous graphite as cathodes for advanced aluminium-ion batteries | 2019 |
703 | 2D_PHOT | Two Dimensional Materials for Photonic Devices | 2020 |
704 | MISTRUST | Correcting misinformation: The role of source (un)trustworthiness on the effects of repetition and contradiction in judgments of information’s truth-value. | 2020 |
705 | SCRIBSCIE | Scribal Science: Naturalists' Paper Empire in France ca. 1660-1770 | 2019 |
706 | MitoQuant | Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction | 2019 |
707 | VoiCED | VOtIng Citizens and the Ethics of Democracy | 2019 |
708 | UNCERTHAIN | Unraveling the consequences of early cerebellothalamic dysfunction and its role in autism spectrum disorder symptoms | 2019 |
709 | FUNTRICAN | Functional analysis of thyroid hormone nuclear receptors TRs in human Intestinal Cancer stem cells | 2019 |
710 | LION | L'industrie oubliée de Néandertal - The forgotten industry of Neanderthal | 2019 |
711 | BIZPOL | Business as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracy (BIZPOL) | 2019 |
712 | MEDPOL | The fourth estate? media, frames and political behaviour towards the EU in comparative perspective | 2019 |
713 | InterTJRPB | The Interplay between Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Peacebuilding | 2019 |
714 | GW | Analysing the heavy element factories of the Universe : photometric and spectroscopic sample study of kilonovae | 2019 |
715 | MIMIC | Deciphering how microbiota modulate anti-tumor immune responses in checkpoint therapy | 2020 |
716 | NUTRIENT | Identification of physiological and molecular mechanisms mediating the response of Nitrogen nutrition to eCO2 | 2020 |
717 | multiQCD | time-like observables from multi-level lattice QCD | 2019 |
718 | RADIOFREPOLIS | An Innovative and Energy-Efficient Radio Frequency Pretreatment on Emerging Micropollutants and Transformation Products in Anaerobic Sludge Digestion for Waste Reuse | 2019 |
719 | ETE SPEAKER | Robust End-To-End SPEAKER recognition based on deep learning and attention models | 2019 |
720 | HomoPolitics | Greek Homonationalism: Entanglement of Sexual Politics with Issues of Race and Nationalism in the Case of Lesbian and Gay Movements and Queer Activist Groups in Greece | 2019 |
721 | SPFPs | Photo-Fenton degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants present in Real Contaminated Waters using Solar pilot plant Reactors | 2020 |
722 | IMPRESS | Integrated Modular Power Conversion for Renewable Energy Systems with Storage | 2019 |
723 | GLOBALGUNS | Guns for a Global Empire: Deployment of Artillery Technology in the Iberian Colonial Space (1580-1640) | 2019 |
724 | SymCO | Asymptotic Symmetries: from Concepts to Observations | 2020 |
725 | ECO-DEKS | External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria | 2019 |
726 | LitRivus | Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment | 2020 |
727 | OCTAV | A novel approach to non-invasive and personalized skin cancer diagnosis | 2019 |
728 | CB-103 | First effective targeted therapy for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and other NOTCH pathway driven cancers | 2019 |
729 | STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO | Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived | 2019 |
730 | BIOsens | BIOsens – cutting-edge portable device for precise and rapid analysis of crops | 2019 |
731 | PALAEMON | PALAEMON – A holistic passenger ship evacuation and rescue ecosystem | 2019 |
732 | REACT | REcycling of waste ACrylic Textiles | 2019 |
733 | Robust | Robust and Energy-Efficient Numerical Solvers Towards Reliable and Sustainable Scientific Computations | 2019 |
734 | HubCities | Governing urban diversity through culture and higher education: Learning from Doha and Singapore. | 2019 |
736 | MRI PADS | Dielectric pads for high field MRI | 2019 |
737 | GRAPHENE WATER | High-Quality Graphene Dispersion in Water for Anti-Corrosion Applications | 2019 |
739 | BrainMatter | Enterprise Grade Lean AI platform | 2019 |
740 | Human Jigsaw | The Human Jigsaw: Matching articulating skeletal elements from mass burials | 2019 |
741 | GAMMA | The Artificial Intelligence Code Analysis & Recommendation Engine to drive software development speed & reliability for global corporations | 2019 |
742 | MigrantLife | Understanding Life Trajectories of Immigrants and Their Descendants in Europe and Projecting Future Trends | 2019 |
743 | MANMAX | Managing forage fisheries and marine predators to maximise conservation gains | 2020 |
744 | RealHands | Revolutionize the way humans interact with technology | 2019 |
745 | ScleroTest | A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management | 2019 |
746 | COMP4DRONES | Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications | 2019 |
747 | MICADO | Measurement and Instrumentation for Cleaning And Decommissioning Operations | 2019 |
748 | APIIP | API-Enabled Invoice Protection in Europe | 2019 |
749 | PantEOn | A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates | 2020 |
750 | DyCLE | Dynamics of Cadmium concentrations in Leaves in response to a challenging Environment | 2019 |
751 | RETRY | Resilience and Resignation among Transnational Roma and non-Roma Youths | 2019 |
752 | DEEPDREAM | A Data-drivEn computational mEthod for PersonalizeD healthcare in chronic REspiratory diseases through big-dAta analytics and dynamical Modelling. | 2020 |
753 | ADFU | Novel anaerobic digestion fertiliser unit | 2019 |
754 | E-RESCUE | E-RESCUE - Changing forever the way we rescue crash victims - Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour | 2019 |
755 | Pexaconnect | The First Global Renewable Trading Platform | 2019 |
756 | ADOPT GRANDPARENTS | Creating value by bridging the Intergenerational Gap | 2019 |
757 | STREPUNLOCKED | Unlocking the antibiotic production potential in soil bacteria Streptomyces coelicolor | 2019 |
759 | EPSETECH | From Hazardous Waste to Reusable Raw Materials | 2019 |
760 | MatManager | MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency | 2019 |
761 | FAT4BRAIN | Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders | 2019 |
762 | MicroRepro | Medical microbots to support new assisted reproduction techniques | 2019 |
763 | Chaperon | ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology | 2019 |
764 | InterConnect | Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids | 2019 |
765 | Optainer | An unprecedented water-recycling system for washing, rinsing and drying of thermal insulated containers within the Food Industry | 2019 |
766 | REMODEL | Research models in infection, cancer and regeneration: replacement and translation | 2019 |
767 | Sislum | Smart signaling system to increase road safety | 2019 |
768 | Faze | Development and commercialisation of a safe, comfortable, adjustable and breathable body protector for dangerous sports industries. | 2019 |
769 | REGATRACE | REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe | 2019 |
770 | NEEMO | Networking for Excellence in Electric Mobility Operations | 2019 |
771 | Warrick X1 | Safe home-based portable peritoneal dialysis system that offers simpler dialysis and improved quality of life for patients | 2019 |
773 | ORIGAMI | cOmpRession of Genomic dAta to facilitate precision MedIcine | 2019 |
774 | WorkPilots expansion | Preventing EU Youth Unemployment - One Gig at a Time | 2019 |
775 | Dust BioSolutions | Weed control in row crop farming through natural biocementation | 2019 |
776 | EHS | Thermo-adjustable endoscope heater system to solve problems of fogging during surgical interventions | 2019 |
777 | CITRUS-PORT | Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers | 2019 |
778 | HELoS | Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative | 2019 |
779 | VALIDATE | Verifying Authenticity with Liquid crystal-Derived Anti Theft Encoding | 2019 |
780 | Zero1 | A unique suite of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to battle cashflow problems in SMEs | 2019 |
781 | C-PlaNeT | Circular Plastics Network for Training | 2020 |
782 | LimnoPlast | Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions | 2019 |
783 | 3TR | Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions | 2019 |
784 | Comm4CHILD | Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development | 2020 |
785 | RISE-WELL | Critical solutions for elderly well-being | 2020 |
786 | zEPHYR | Towards a more efficient exploitation of on-shore and urban wind energy resources | 2019 |
787 | STREAM | Simulation of Turbulence and RoughnEss in Additive Manufactured parts | 2019 |
789 | SAFEBIO | Safe and Complete Algorithms for Bioinformatics | 2020 |
790 | UpTrop | Fundamental understanding of reactive nitrogen in the global upper troposphere | 2019 |
791 | UNITED | Multi-Use offshore platforms demoNstrators for boostIng cost-effecTive and Eco-friendly proDuction in sustainable marine activities | 2020 |
792 | MEMO | The Memory of Solitons | 2020 |
793 | AT2 | Asynchronous Trustworthy Transactions | 2019 |
794 | IN-FET | Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment | 2020 |
795 | NEUROPA | Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology | 2020 |
796 | FOCALSPEC | Solving the Root Cause of Battery Short Circuits:FocalSpec high-speed 3D imaging sensors revolutionise industrial quality control | 2019 |
797 | CRACKNP | Finding Cracks in the Wall of NP-completeness | 2020 |
798 | REFOCUS | Chip-Scale Self-Referenced Optical Frequency Comb Sources | 2020 |
799 | Mereodao | Mereological Reconstruction of the Metaphysical System in the Daodejing | 2020 |
800 | THERAUTISM | New molecular targets and proof-of-concept therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2020 |
801 | MABSTER | Monoclonal Antibodies with Binding Sensitive To Environmental Regulation | 2020 |
802 | TeNDER | affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life | 2019 |
803 | TheCoroRevolution | The Coro: a revolutionary product to bring breastfeeding into the 21st century | 2019 |
804 | LifeChamps | A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions | 2019 |
805 | Obsidian | Obsidian Anastomotic SafeGuard – A powerful and efficient tissue sealant method for reducing the anastomotic leak rate in colorectal surgery | 2019 |
806 | DV SUPPORT | Building an evidence base to support Polish women victims of domestic violence in the UK. | 2020 |
807 | HumMingBird | Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective | 2019 |
808 | Preemie | Personalised nutrition of low-birth-weight infants | 2019 |
809 | CERTO | Copernicus Evolution – Research for Transitional-water Observation | 2020 |
810 | EVIE 2.0 | A slow release insemination that doubles the success rate of the most common first line treatment of infertility. | 2019 |
811 | rumicon | The first holistic & preventive monitoring system of dairy cows’ health | 2019 |
812 | EQUAL4EUROPE | Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe | 2020 |
813 | ParCos | Participatory Communication of Science | 2020 |
814 | ELDICO ED | ELDICO ED, Shaping the Future of Crystallography - The First Pure Electron Diffraction Equipment for Nano-Crystallography | 2019 |
815 | Numii | Numii: A real-time and non-invasive monitoring tool for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders | 2019 |
816 | Evolift | Evolift - Getting people out of harms way | 2019 |
817 | NORATEST | NORATEST: An e-Health solution for a better Alzheimer's diagnosis and management | 2019 |
818 | AUTHEVOO | DNA-Authenticity & Traceability for Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Τrust the DNA, the label. | 2019 |
819 | stalkIT | NB-IoT Robust Tracking and Monitoring Solution | 2019 |
820 | CoMorMent | Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms | 2020 |
821 | UNITI | Unification of treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus patients | 2020 |
822 | GALIRUMI | Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming | 2019 |
823 | ARIADNA | Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services | 2019 |
824 | TESTBED2 | Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling scalablE smart griD Deployment | 2020 |
825 | PJ10-W2 PROSA | Separation Management and Controller Tools | 2019 |
826 | PERMIT | PERsonalised MedicIne Trials | 2020 |
827 | PROTECHT | Providing RObust high TECHnology Tags based on linear carbon nanostructures | 2020 |
828 | RoBUTCHER | A Robust, Flexible and Scalable Cognitive Robotics Platform | 2020 |
830 | GREAT | Greener Air Traffic Operations | 2020 |
831 | Savesight | Contact lens embedded sensor for ocular hypertension and glaucoma monitoring | 2020 |
832 | NEOSIGHT | Bringing to the market a new generation of AI-powered Media Monitoring Tools | 2020 |
833 | CIPHRA | CIPHRA | 2020 |
834 | SingStocDispDyn | Singular Stochastic Dispersive Dynamics | 2020 |
835 | RAGT | Robust Algorithmic Game Theory | 2020 |
836 | MKD | Mine Kafon Drone: An Unmanned Airborne Demining System | 2020 |
837 | HyCat | In-situ fabricated hydrogen evolution catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis | 2020 |
838 | EENINNOAUSTRIA4 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2020 |
839 | AGILEFLIGHT | Low-latency Perception and Action for Agile Vision-based Flight | 2020 |
840 | EduWell | Education and Wellbeing of Youths in Secondary Schools: A Comparative Analysis of Teaching Styles and Happiness in Japan, France, and Finland | 2021 |
841 | TRAPS-2D | Understanding The Role of the defects to Accomplish high Performance and Stable Two Dimensional Devices | 2020 |
842 | AIDE | Archaeology, Inequalities and DiEt (AIDE) : Archaeology assisted by stable isotopes | 2020 |
843 | Micro-GIFT | Microrobotic Gamete/Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer | 2020 |
844 | PROPERTY[IN]JUSTICE | Land, Property and Spatial Justice in International Law | 2020 |
845 | Net2Gel | Double network hydrogels for topical drug delivery applications | 2020 |
846 | BRAVO | Establishing Blend Repair limit of blisks –from A perspective of Vibration amplificatiOn | 2020 |
847 | DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA | A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data | 2020 |
848 | PlaGE | Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrants' Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area | 2020 |
849 | ACU-AHvE | Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. | 2021 |
850 | Smart-WiFi | Proposal title SMART Wi-Fi : Management of the Wi-Fi Spectrum and Performance | 2020 |
851 | CIRCULAR X | Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models | 2020 |
852 | NanoCPPs | Manufacture of nanostructured Conjugated Porous Polymers for energy applications | 2020 |
853 | EURARCTIKA | The European Union in the Arctic | 2020 |
854 | RED-OPEN | Unravelling Discoloration Mechanisms of Red Organic Pigments in Historical Art Works. | 2021 |
856 | MinusMicro | Biopolymer Assisted Remediation of Microplastics from Fresh and Saline Water Environments using an Integrated Technology of Coagulation-Ultrasonication/Cavitation | 2020 |
857 | WAVES | TRAVELING WAVES: Defining the mechanisms allowing attention to occur in space and in time | 2020 |
858 | ARENHA | Advanced materials and Reactors for ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia | 2020 |
859 | USHPP | Unassisted photochemical water oxidation to solar hydrogen peroxide production | 2020 |
860 | PROMET-H2 | Cost-effective PROton Exchange MEmbrane WaTer Electrolyser for Efficient and Sustainable Power-to-H2 Technology | 2020 |
861 | ELECTRAMMOX | Bioelectrochemical anaerobic oxidation of ammonia for sustainable N removal from wastewater | 2020 |
862 | Pept-AGE | Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of age-related muscle loss to inform Artificial Intelligence-based discovery of novel peptide therapeutics for sarcopenia. | 2020 |
863 | Quad2BIM | A cooperative approach which brings completeness and inclusiveness to the scan-to-BIM modeling process within the historical buildings life cycle. | 2020 |
864 | GeMeTIC | Gestural Meanings: Typology and Interface Constraints | 2020 |