The page lists 2933 projects related to the topic "services".
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1 | MACC-III | Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate -III | 2014 |
2 | MyOcean FO | Pre-Operational Marine Service Continuity in Transition towards Copernicus | 2014 |
3 | AtlantOS | Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System | 2015 |
4 | DIABOLO | Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks | 2015 |
5 | AquaSpace | Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture | 2015 |
6 | MORE-CONNECT | Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and CONNECTions | 2014 |
7 | SHIPS | Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe | 2015 |
8 | PEGASUS | Public Ecosystem Goods And Services from land management - Unlocking the Synergies | 2015 |
9 | EMPHASIS | Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species - Integrated Solutions | 2015 |
10 | MOCHA | Models of Child Health Appraised | 2015 |
11 | ICare | Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe | 2015 |
12 | PASS | Preparation for the establishment of a European SST Service provision function | 2014 |
13 | LANDMARK | LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base | 2015 |
14 | TRACE | Opening the cycling and walking tracking potential | 2015 |
15 | BRIDGES | Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Environmental Services | 2015 |
16 | SiS.net2 | Network of Science with and for Society National Contact Points | 2014 |
17 | iSQAPER | Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience | 2015 |
18 | BONVOYAGE | From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network | 2015 |
19 | DORA | Door to Door Information for Airports and Airlines | 2015 |
20 | FLOW | Furthering Less Congestion by creating Opportunities for more Walking and cycling | 2015 |
21 | Smart-Rail | Smart Supply Chain Oriented Rail Freight Services – Smart-Rail | 2015 |
23 | EuTravel | Optimodal European Travel Ecosystem | 2015 |
24 | OPTIMUM | Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility | 2015 |
25 | TIMON | Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data | 2015 |
26 | NeTIRail-INFRA | Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway | 2015 |
27 | AMANAC | Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster | 2015 |
28 | EMPOWER | EMPOWERING a reduction in use of conventionally fueled vehicles using Positive Policy Measures. | 2015 |
30 | PASSME | Personalised Airport Systems for Seamless Mobility and Experience | 2015 |
31 | EfficienSea 2 | EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea | 2015 |
32 | SocialCar | Open social transport network for urban approach to carpooling | 2015 |
34 | EXTREME | EXTREME Dynamic Loading - Pushing the Boundaries of Aerospace Composite Material Structures | 2015 |
35 | DIVERSITY | Cloud Manufacturing and Social Software Based Context Sensitive Product-Service Engineering Environment for Globally Distributed Enterprise | 2015 |
36 | EEBERS | EEB ICT ClustERS | 2015 |
37 | PSYMBIOSYS | Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems | 2015 |
38 | ICP4Life | An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle | 2015 |
39 | FALCON | Feedback mechanisms Across the Lifecycle for Customer-driven Optimization of iNnovative product-service design | 2015 |
40 | C2NET | Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) | 2015 |
41 | ProRegio | Customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements | 2015 |
42 | EGSIEM | European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management | 2015 |
43 | CREMA | Cloud-based Rapid Elastic MAnufacturing | 2015 |
44 | PROGRESS | Prediction of Geospace Radiation Environment and solar wind parameters | 2015 |
45 | HESPERIA | High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis | 2015 |
46 | GOTOFLY | Boosting the European Innovative Satellite Technologies with In-Orbit Demonstrations | 2015 |
47 | FIDUCEO | Fidelity and Uncertainty in Climate data records from Earth Observations | 2015 |
48 | NCP_WIDE.NET | Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs | 2015 |
49 | COSMOS2020 | Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services under Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
50 | BACI | Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties – towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index: BACI | 2015 |
51 | SAT406M | An EGNSS application providing an end-to-end solution based on the SAR/Galileo service and particularly using the Return-Link-Message (RLM), to improve the mobility and safety of citizens | 2015 |
52 | MIND-SETS | Mobility Innovations for a New Dawn in Sustainable (European) Transport Systems | 2014 |
53 | SUNJET II | SUstainable Network for Japan-Europe aerospace research and Technology cooperation II | 2014 |
54 | DASMT | Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation | 2015 |
55 | DEMETRA | Demonstrator of EGNSS Services based on Time Reference Architecture | 2015 |
56 | IM SME | Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
57 | ERSAT EAV | ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation | 2015 |
58 | LatinOCR | Digital Bridge: Optical Character Recognition for Early Printed Books in Latin | 2015 |
59 | European IPR Helpdesk | The European IPR Helpdesk | 2015 |
60 | FOSTER ITS | First Operational, Secured and Trusted galilEo Receiver for ITS | 2015 |
61 | GHOST | Galileo EnHancement as BoOster of the Smart CiTies | 2015 |
62 | MAGNIFIC | Multiplying In Africa European Global Navigation Initiatives Fostering Interlaced Cooperation | 2015 |
63 | mapKITE | EGNOS-GPS/GALILEO-based high-resolution terrestrial-aerial sensing system. | 2015 |
64 | EECIPInnoman | Provision of services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the East of England - 2014 | 2014 |
65 | ELAASTIC | European Location As A Service Targeting International Commerce | 2015 |
66 | G MOTIT | Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility | 2015 |
67 | e-Airport | Increase airport capacity, safety and security using European GNSS | 2015 |
68 | COREGAL | Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management | 2015 |
69 | GNSS.asia2 | Industrial cooperation across continents | 2015 |
70 | WaterWorks2014 | Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI | 2015 |
71 | Photo4Future | Accelerating photoredox catalysis in continuous-flow systems | 2015 |
72 | INMANCAP NL | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in The Netherlands | 2014 |
73 | HypoTRAIN | Hyporheic Zone Processes – A training network for enhancing the understanding of complex physical, chemical and biological process interactions | 2015 |
74 | Swennis | SweNet Innovation Specialist and Key Account Manager Service | 2014 |
75 | ESMERALDA | Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking | 2015 |
76 | NCPs CaRE | National Contact Points for Climate action, Raw materials, Environment and Resource Efficiency | 2015 |
77 | BRODISE | BROWNFIELD Decontamination In Southern Europe. Preparing PCP to R+D for efficient, cost effective and innovative solutions for brownfields decontamination | 2015 |
78 | SDIN | Service Design for Innovation | 2015 |
79 | InnovImp | Improving the Innovation Management Capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
80 | BIG4 | BIG4 - Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs | 2015 |
81 | CARISMA | Coordination and Assessment of Research and Innovation in Support of Climate Mitigation Actions | 2015 |
82 | INNOKAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2014 |
83 | GEO-C | Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities | 2015 |
84 | FIWIN5G | FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery. | 2015 |
85 | MET-A-FOR | Metabolomic analysis for the forensic detection of drugs of abuse in performance and food producing animals | 2015 |
86 | BiodivERsA3 | Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2015 |
87 | I2BENE | Innovation and Internationalisation services by BENE – I²BENE | 2014 |
88 | ICEKAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
89 | SPARCARB | Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials | 2015 |
90 | WDAqua | Answering Questions using Web Data | 2015 |
91 | IMCESA | Innovation Management Capacity Enhancement of SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt (IMCESA) | 2014 |
92 | INCAME | INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises | 2014 |
93 | EENNI_INN | Northern Ireland SME Innovation Support Services 2014 | 2014 |
94 | BigStorage | BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data | 2015 |
95 | E3Canarias | E3Canarias: Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's with the Enterprise Europe Network Canarias | 2014 |
96 | N-SUPP_INNO | Support for Enhancing Innovation Management in SME and Key Account Managementin Niedersachsen | 2014 |
97 | QoE-Net | innovative Quality Of Experience maNagement in Emerging mulTimedia services | 2015 |
98 | Innosupport | Innovation Management Support for SMEs | 2014 |
99 | Ireland-SME-Support | Establishment of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network: IRELAND | 2014 |
100 | KAMWAL | Assessing and improving the innovation management capacity of Walloon SMEs through specialized EEN services | 2014 |
101 | REGINNOVE | REGional INNOVation mananagement support in Eastern France | 2014 |
102 | iKaaS | intelligent Knowledge-as-a-Service Platform | 2014 |
103 | INNO-HUN2014 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
104 | ENIGMA | Establishing services eNhancing the Innovation MAnagement capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network in Estonia | 2014 |
105 | KAM2CY | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of Cypriot SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network - KAM2CY | 2014 |
106 | KAM EIMC SAXONY | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SAXON SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network SAXONY | 2014 |
107 | FESTIVAL | FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms | 2014 |
108 | InnoBavaria | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Bavaria | 2014 |
109 | KAM2WestPL | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in West Poland | 2014 |
110 | INNO-EEN 2014 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO-EEN 2014) | 2014 |
111 | SMEINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing SME Innovation Management Services in the Austrian Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
112 | CIPRAASME | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
113 | GalacteaplusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2014 |
114 | NoHoW | Evidence-based ICT tools for weight loss maintenance | 2015 |
115 | SCRIpT | Services provided by Cinema foR ImPlementing new acTion | 2014 |
116 | Magic SWF SMEs | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2014 |
117 | UKMidsINNOV | UKMidsINNOV | 2014 |
118 | PT Innovative | PT Innovative | 2014 |
119 | PROSME-INN | PROSME SME- Improving management of innovation processes in SMEs | 2014 |
120 | H-BISS Slovakia 2014 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of the Slovak SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network in 2014 | 2014 |
121 | Innovation Denmark | Innovation Denmark | 2014 |
123 | ALPSKAM14 | ALPS Consortium KAM and Enhancing Innovation Management Service 2014 | 2014 |
124 | KAM2SouthPL | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s – new Enterprise Europe Network services for the SMEs in four regions of the Southern Poland | 2014 |
125 | KANT | Key Account management and inNovation capacity support services for Triveneto SME’s | 2014 |
126 | SSBI-CRO-KAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Croatian SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
127 | INNO RO 4 EUROPE | Enhancing economic impact in SME's in Romania by building innovation management capacity | 2014 |
128 | SEIMED-INNOSUP | SEIMED support to enhance the innovation management of SMEs | 2014 |
129 | INNCAT | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises | 2014 |
130 | BISONet-Enh2014 | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2014 | 2014 |
132 | THURINN | Assessment and capacity building on innovation management for potential- and successful proposers of the HORIZON 2020 SME calls | 2014 |
133 | BASQUE_SME | Support Services to Basque SMEs to Enhance Innovation Management Capacities during 2014 | 2014 |
134 | VEBIN SME | “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” in Flanders | 2014 |
136 | EURACTE INNOV | Advanced support services to enhance the innovation management capacity and SME Instrument projects of northern France SMEs | 2014 |
137 | IB INNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2014 |
138 | BSNinnoSME | BSN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
139 | InnoSME-LV | SME Instrument for Innovative Companies from Latvia | 2014 |
140 | We4SMESLO | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia | 2014 |
141 | INNOVEEN | Boosting Innovation Management Capacity through EEN Services | 2014 |
142 | PIC2INNO | Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Paris Ile-de-France Centre (PIC2) | 2014 |
143 | EENLondon H2020 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network- London | 2014 |
144 | INNOV-ACTIS | INNOV-ACTIS | 2014 |
145 | BW-KAM | Innovation Management Capacity Building of SME by the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg | 2014 |
146 | NORIMS | Norwegian Innovation Management Services | 2014 |
147 | CIPOUEST H2020 | “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
148 | CESEAND INNO-ASES | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. | 2014 |
149 | INNOVSUPPWALES | Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
150 | KAMINLER | KAMINLER – KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia Romagna | 2014 |
151 | HNN 2.0 | Improving and professionalizing the Health NCP service across Europe. | 2014 |
152 | OpenAIRE2020 | Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 | 2015 |
153 | GCOF | A stepping stone approach towards the Genetics Clinic of the Future | 2015 |
154 | IN LIFE | INdependent LIving support Functions for the Elderly | 2015 |
155 | ACANTO | ACANTO: A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends | 2015 |
156 | GrowMeUp | GrowMeUp | 2015 |
157 | ENRICHME | Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly | 2015 |
158 | Do CHANGE | Do Cardiac Health: Advanced New Generation Ecosystem | 2015 |
159 | ASSESS CT | Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU | 2015 |
160 | VALUeHEALTH | Establishing the value and business model for sustainable eHealth services in Europe - VALUeHEALTH | 2015 |
161 | EoT | Eyes of Things | 2015 |
162 | EDSA | European Data Science Academy | 2015 |
163 | SWITCH | Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive cloud applications | 2015 |
165 | PICSE | Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe | 2014 |
166 | SUPERSEDE | SUpporting evolution and adaptation of PERsonalized Software by Exploiting contextual Data and End-user feedback | 2015 |
167 | TWIST DIGITAL | Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving Digital and Mobile Entrepreneurship | 2015 |
168 | STARTUP- SCALEUP | Scaling up entrepreneurial hubs to Europe | 2015 |
170 | EuroCPS | European Network of competencies and platforms for Enabling SME from any sector building Innovative CPS products to sustain demand for European manufacturing | 2015 |
171 | ECOMODE | Event-Driven Compressive Vision for Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices | 2015 |
172 | AEROWORKS | Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers | 2015 |
173 | CHOReVOLUTION | Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future internet | 2015 |
174 | IOSTACK | Software Defined Storage for Big Data | 2015 |
175 | RAGE | Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system | 2015 |
176 | ePlus Ecosystem | Fostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneurs | 2015 |
177 | Wi-5 | What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West | 2015 |
178 | LISTEN | Hands-free Voice-enabled Interface to Web Applications for Smart Home Environments | 2015 |
179 | NEAT | A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet | 2015 |
180 | MY-WAY | Strengthening the web entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe for young people by creating a pan-European network of actively engaged student networks and student entrepreneurship centres | 2015 |
181 | WITDOM | empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents | 2015 |
182 | PERGAMON | PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg | 2015 |
183 | ACE Creative | ACE Creative: Harnessing the strengths of innovation multipliers to accelerate creative industry growth through an integrated ecosystem of supports in finance, market access and technology exploitation. | 2015 |
184 | MONROE | Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe | 2015 |
185 | CPSELabs | CPS Engineering Labs - expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems | 2015 |
186 | HimL | Health in my Language | 2015 |
187 | TREDISEC | Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud. | 2015 |
188 | ProCAMS | Promoting Creativeness in Augmented Media Services | 2015 |
189 | proDataMarket | Enabling the property Data Marketplace for Novel Data-driven Business Models | 2015 |
190 | SHARCS | Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing Systems | 2015 |
191 | ESCUDO-CLOUD | Enforceable Security in the Cloud to Uphold Data Ownership | 2015 |
192 | CloudTeams | Collaborative Software Development Framework based on Trusted, Secure Cloud-based Pool of Users | 2015 |
193 | MixedEmotions | Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets | 2015 |
194 | AutoMat | Automotive Big Data Marketplace for Innovative Cross-sectorial Vehicle Data Services | 2015 |
195 | SUNFISH | SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds | 2015 |
196 | INPUT | In-Network Programmability for next-generation personal cloUd service supporT | 2015 |
197 | ODINE | Open Data INcubator for Europe | 2015 |
198 | SMARTSET | High Performance Low Cost Virtual Studios for Creative Industries SMEs | 2015 |
199 | SAFEcrypto | Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography | 2015 |
200 | KConnect | Khresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value Chain | 2015 |
201 | FREME | Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content | 2015 |
202 | PaaSword | A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a-Service Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based Applications | 2015 |
203 | VITAL | VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks | 2015 |
204 | DIGISTART | Support Ecosystems for Digital Startups | 2015 |
205 | AEGLE | AEGLE (Ancient Greek: Αá¼´γλη) – An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe | 2015 |
206 | CYCLONE | Complete Dynamic Multi-cloud Application Management | 2015 |
207 | ENDEAVOUR | Towards a flexible software-defined network ecosystem | 2015 |
208 | PRISMACLOUD | PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD | 2015 |
209 | EuConNeCts 2 | European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) | 2015 |
210 | TAPPS | Trusted Apps for open CPS | 2015 |
211 | UMOBILE | Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture | 2015 |
212 | ACINO | Application Centric IP/Optical Network Orchestration | 2015 |
213 | HOLA CLOUD | Effective collaboration for European RD and Innovation in software, services and Cloud computing: Knowledge discovery and Roadmapping | 2015 |
214 | OrganiCity | OrganiCity – Co-creating smart cities of the future | 2015 |
215 | No One Left Behind | No One Left Behind | 2015 |
216 | Idealist2018 | Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs | 2015 |
217 | EuDEco | Modelling the European data economy | 2015 |
218 | TOP HIT | Transfer-print operations for heterogeneous integration | 2015 |
219 | reTHINK | Trustful hyper-linked entities in dynamic networks | 2015 |
220 | iBROW | Innovative ultra-BROadband ubiquitous Wireless communications through terahertz transceivers | 2015 |
221 | FLOBOT | Floor Washing Robot for Professional Users | 2015 |
222 | ECRYPT-CSA | European Coordination and Support Action in Cryptology | 2015 |
223 | SSIX | Social Sentiment analysis financial IndeXes | 2015 |
224 | WeHubs | The European network of Women web Entrepreneurs Hubs | 2015 |
225 | Film265 | Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery | 2015 |
226 | PRO4VIP | Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People | 2015 |
227 | COMPLETE | Communication Platform for Tenders of Novels Transport Networks - COMPLETE | 2015 |
228 | AXIOM | Apertus° eXtendable Integrated Open Modular Cinema Camera | 2015 |
229 | INEXCA | Excellent research and expertise of quality of cancer care by internationally trained staff | 2015 |
230 | FlyHigh | Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications | 2015 |
231 | REMINE | Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications | 2015 |
232 | PROTINUS | PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure | 2015 |
233 | PARTY | Participatory Tools for Human Development with the Youth | 2015 |
234 | RISE_BPM | Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange | 2015 |
235 | WeLive | A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services | 2015 |
236 | DIGIWHIST | The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed | 2015 |
237 | YDS | Your Data Stories | 2015 |
238 | I-LINC | Platform for ICT learning and inclusion for youth employability and entrepreneurship | 2015 |
239 | ERANet SmartGridPlus | ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus: support deep knowledge sharing between regional and European Smart Grids initiatives | 2015 |
240 | EU-GREAT | European guide and recommendations for the combined funding of large-scale RDI initiatives | 2015 |
241 | NOBEL GRID | New Cost Efficient Business Models for Flexible Smart Grids | 2015 |
242 | Flex4Grid | Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management | 2015 |
243 | NETFFICIENT | Energy and economic efficiency for today’s smart communities through integrated multi storage technologies | 2015 |
244 | SmarterEMC2 | Smarter Grid: Empowering SG Market Actors through Information and Communication Technologies | 2015 |
245 | FLEXICIENCY | energy services demonstrations of demand response, FLEXibility and energy effICIENCY based on metering data | 2015 |
246 | Bioenergy4Business | Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business | 2015 |
247 | TILOS | Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage | 2015 |
248 | UPGRID | Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid | 2015 |
249 | Bin2Grid | Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network | 2015 |
250 | FLEXMETER | Flexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers | 2015 |
251 | AnyPLACE | Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange | 2015 |
252 | RICH | Research Infrastructures Consortium for Horizon 2020 | 2014 |
253 | DIMR | Data Intensive Modelling of the Rhizosphere Processes | 2015 |
254 | OCTAVE | Objective Control for TAlker VErification | 2015 |
255 | WILLOW | WIreLess LOWband communications: massive and ultra-reliable access | 2015 |
256 | STERCP | Synchronisation to enhance reliability of climate predictions | 2015 |
257 | NET4SOCIETY4 | Transnational network of National Contact Points (NCPs) of Societal Challenge 6 'Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies' (SC6) | 2015 |
258 | InnoSI | Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe (InnoSI) | 2015 |
259 | E-saving Ultrasonics | Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems | 2014 |
260 | RE-InVEST | Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments | 2015 |
261 | EUth | EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe | 2015 |
262 | SMART-UP | Vulnerable consumer empowerment in a smart meter world | 2015 |
263 | SUNShINE | Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy – towards 202020m2 of deeply renovated multifamily residential buildings | 2015 |
264 | EPC_PLUS | Energy Performance Contracting Plus | 2015 |
265 | EnPC-INTRANS | Capacity Building on Energy Performance Contracting in European Markets in Transition | 2015 |
266 | CITYnvest | Increasing Capacities in Cities for Innovative Financing in Energy Efficiency | 2015 |
267 | GreenS | GreenS – Green public procurement supporters for innovative and sustainable institutional change | 2015 |
270 | MPSAT | Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space | 2014 |
271 | COMAWARE | COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments | 2014 |
272 | ANAPRINT | Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis | 2014 |
274 | EUROCATED | Innovative services and platform for sustainable transport based on ecodriving techniques | 2014 |
275 | VEZ | VEZ | 2014 |
276 | VSM | Validated Surge Model | 2014 |
277 | APTOS | APTOS: industrial scale–up of an Advanced tube forming -Process through Thermal Optimization, enabling energy and manufacturing costs Savings | 2014 |
278 | Accellta | Accellta Market Study | 2014 |
279 | BAG-FS | Biopolus Aero Green - Feasibility Study | 2014 |
280 | POLARIS | Preventative OperationaL procedures for space weAtheR threats to CrItical InfraStructure | 2014 |
281 | POLYSOLAR | A light weight, recyclable, tracking support system, for solar photovoltaic modules based on inflatable polymer membranes | 2014 |
282 | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 2014 |
284 | odis | Ensygnia Onescan Market Disruptive Technology | 2015 |
285 | InnProBio | Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement | 2015 |
287 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source: An Economic Feasibility Study | 2014 |
288 | WINETWORK | Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector | 2015 |
289 | BioHorizon | Cooperation between NCPs for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 on “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy” and the Key Enabling Technology - Biotechnology | 2015 |
290 | Respon-SEA-ble | Sustainable oceans : our collective responsibility, our common interest. Building on real-life knowledge knowledge systems for developing interactive and mutual learning media | 2015 |
291 | RESILENS | RESILENS: Realising European ReSiliencE for CritIcaL INfraStructure | 2015 |
292 | WISER | Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework | 2015 |
293 | NEXES | NEXt generation Emergency Services | 2015 |
294 | CODECS | COoperative ITS DEployment Coordination Support | 2015 |
295 | TARGET | Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit | 2015 |
296 | ReCRED | From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control | 2015 |
297 | PRIVACY FLAG | Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments | 2015 |
298 | TYPES | Towards transparencY and Privacy in the onlinE advertising businesS | 2015 |
299 | SEREN 3 | Security Research NCP Network 3 | 2015 |
300 | CREDENTIAL | Secure Cloud Identity Wallet | 2015 |
301 | RESOLUTE | RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment | 2015 |
302 | INDIGO-DataCloud | INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation | 2015 |
303 | GuiDanCe | Support the coordination of cities’ activities via the Green Digital Charter | 2015 |
304 | VisiOn | Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments | 2015 |
305 | OPERANDO | Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance and Optimization | 2015 |
306 | EMYNOS | nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS | 2015 |
307 | FLYSEC | Optimising time-to-FLY and enhancing airport SECurity | 2015 |
308 | SafeCloud | Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture | 2015 |
309 | IPAD-MD | Research Infrastructures for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Mouse Disease Models - Promoting International Cooperation and User Engagement to Enhance Biomedical Innovation | 2015 |
310 | IMP3rove for Future | Adapting and maintaining the innovation management assessment tools and support Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs | 2014 |
311 | GLOBIS-B | GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research | 2015 |
312 | OpenMinTeD | Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data | 2015 |
313 | THOR | THOR – Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research | 2015 |
314 | EUDAT2020 | EUDAT2020 | 2015 |
315 | ACTRIS-2 | Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure | 2015 |
316 | PARTHENOS | Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies | 2015 |
317 | VULCAN | Vulnerability of soil organic carbon to climate change in permafrost and dryland ecosystems | 2015 |
318 | EGI-Engage | Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons | 2015 |
319 | EHRI | European Holocaust Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
320 | ENVRI PLUS | Environmental Research Infrastructures Providing Shared Solutions for Science and Society | 2015 |
321 | TANDEM | TransAfrican Network Development | 2015 |
322 | Sci-GaIA | Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa | 2015 |
323 | PhenoMeNal | PhenoMeNal: A comprehensive and standardised e-infrastructure for analysing medical metabolic phenotype data | 2015 |
324 | eLTER | European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
325 | ODIP 2 | Extending the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform | 2015 |
326 | JERICO-NEXT | Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories | 2015 |
327 | SIW-SAT-ANTENNAS | Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays for Broadband Satellite Data Terminals Using Substrate Integrated Waveguides enhanced with Metamaterials | 2015 |
328 | HSPACE | High Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Systems | 2016 |
329 | PreFlexMS | Predictable Flexible Molten Salts Solar Power Plant | 2015 |
330 | MicroCity | Microbes in the city: a metagenomic trait-based analysis of microbial metacommunity structure along urbanization gradients | 2015 |
331 | JELLYPACTS | Assessment of Jellyfish Socioeconomic Impacts in the Mediterranean: Implications for Management | 2016 |
332 | NNL | An exploration into the feasibility of simultaneously achieving ‘No Net Loss’ of biodiversity and ecosystem services, in an uncertain and changing world | 2015 |
333 | SmartCloudsODC | SmartClouds Orbital Dynamics and Control | 2016 |
334 | SAPFLUXNET | Towards a global database of sap flow measurements to unravel the ecological drivers of transpiration in woody plants | 2016 |
335 | WetCarb | Wetland Emissions of Carbon (CO2 and CH4) in China under Climate Change: Analysis, Development and Implementation | 2015 |
336 | MultiFUNGtionality | Fungal diversity, ecosystem services and forest management: unravelling the role and dynamics of fungal communities in multifunctional Mediterranean forests. | 2016 |
337 | BICSA | Biophysical Changes in the Sahel: Ground and Satellite Based Evidence Across Scales and Disciplines | 2015 |
338 | MobileLinks | Mobile links in fragmented landscapes: implications for biodiversity conservation | 2015 |
339 | USES | Understanding Social-Ecological Systems: Coupling population and satellite remotely sensed environmental data to improve the evidence base for sustainable development | 2015 |
340 | MINDFLY | Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems | 2016 |
341 | RareFunctions | RAREFUNCTIONS: The causes and consequences of spatial and temporal variation in rare traits. | 2016 |
342 | DISC | Distributed storage based on sparse-graph codes | 2015 |
343 | BIDAMARK | BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness | 2015 |
344 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
345 | ExMeCy | Cyclone processes leading to extreme rainfall in the Mediterranean region | 2016 |
346 | MAPS | Millimeter Wave Massive Arrays enabling RFID/Radar Applications on 5G Smartphones | 2015 |
347 | PHLOEMAP | Hydraulic functional traits as determinants of forest function and drought responses. Putting xylem and phloem attributes into the functional trait map. | 2016 |
348 | CuPESS | Catchments under Pressure: Ecosystem Service Solutions | 2015 |
349 | SCME | Selecting, Creating and Modifying Embryos: the ethics of new reproductive genetic technologies | 2015 |
350 | INVENTION | INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks | 2016 |
351 | CRYPTRANS | Characterization of newly discovered but poorly understood fungal-driven trophic processes in freshwater lake ecosystems by metatranscriptomic | 2015 |
352 | AMIABLE | Advanced MIcroscopy of Attine ant BacteriaL Endosymbionts | 2015 |
353 | WATER INCENT | Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas | 2015 |
354 | VOLES | Is rodenticide use disrupting the natural autoregulation of vole populations? | 2015 |
355 | ECOHYDRY | Advancing dryland ecohydrology: factors and mechanisms determining catastrophic shifts | 2016 |
356 | DESSART | Dynamic Energy System Services to Achieve Renewable Targets | 2015 |
357 | PE4PPI | Peer ethnography for the promotion of patient and public involvement: young people and sexual health service development. | 2015 |
358 | Greenrail | Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow | 2015 |
359 | ColdPeak | PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units | 2015 |
360 | climote | climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling | 2015 |
361 | GDAPIV | Genomics Data Analysis Pipelines with Interactive Visualizations | 2015 |
362 | GALiVMS | Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries | 2015 |
363 | ID_MOBILE | Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. | 2015 |
364 | Smartlifts | Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. | 2015 |
365 | NEW ARYEL | Advanced Solution for Smart Telemetry Machine-To-Machine applications | 2015 |
366 | SPARK | Smart PArallel Robotic Kinematics | 2015 |
367 | COLOMBUS-1 | COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 1 | 2015 |
368 | NASTEX | Study feasibility and best route to market for telecare solution in Germany and Japan | 2015 |
369 | BLACKBINDER | Black Binder, all-in System of Digital Scores | 2015 |
370 | Unbabel | Unbabel: Scalable, affordable and seamless content globalization using distributed crowd-post editing | 2015 |
371 | SOMA Analytics | Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout | 2014 |
372 | IVANCA | IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation | 2015 |
373 | ADS Project | Autonomous Dronistics for Security (ADS): optimized services with fleets of flying robots | 2015 |
374 | SPACEFIT | SPAce-CompatiblE- Filters_in_dIelectric waveguide Technology | 2015 |
375 | MeRIT | MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration | 2015 |
376 | GroundCLeaner | Fast and cost-effective combined remediation technology for the elimination of chlorinated and otherhydrocarbons from soil | 2015 |
378 | SMARTER | Surveillance of Maritime Surroundings through Laser Technology | 2015 |
379 | enControl-Intuo | ENergy-efficient CONTROL with INternet-of-Things connected home solUtiOn | 2015 |
380 | eco-railjacket | Total Full Ecologic Embedded Railways Jacket System | 2015 |
381 | HEALTH-TECH | Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing | 2015 |
382 | ServoTec | Fast Data Acquisition and Servo Technologies | 2015 |
383 | ADAPTIVE | Industrial implementation of adaptive computational methods for turbulent flow and fluid-structure interaction | 2015 |
384 | TRADECOM | TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system | 2015 |
385 | MIIMETIQ | Telemetry and Telecontrol for the Internet of things (IoT) | 2015 |
386 | AINARA | Automation and INtelligence solutions for Automated Road trAnsport systems | 2015 |
388 | ETA4B | Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings | 2015 |
389 | MARVIN | Independent Smart Machine-Vision Based Cargo Counting Module | 2015 |
390 | WETPaC | Water – Electricity – Telecommunication Package | 2015 |
391 | algaPLUS | Upscale and optimisation of an olive wastewater treatment photobioreactor (PBR) coupled to algae biomass valorisation as biofertilizer and treated water reuse | 2015 |
392 | Remote Sanitation | Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas | 2015 |
393 | CLEV | Most cost and time efficient EU-wide cross-border automated parcel delivery solution | 2015 |
394 | Gamesmondo | Gamesmondo Affiliation and Monetisation Ecosystem | 2015 |
395 | EeC WITUR | Efficient energy cleaning robotic platform for wind turbines (EeC WITUR) | 2015 |
397 | PCMPS | Precision Cancer Medicine Pipeline and Services | 2015 |
398 | Elistair | Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. | 2015 |
400 | OSS | OpenSMESearch (OSS) | 2015 |
401 | HIQ-Home | Advanced System for Eco, Energy and Cost Efficient, Comfortable and Secure Smart Homes | 2015 |
402 | DGC | SEPA in your pocket – development of a mobile payment solution based on a disruptive SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Credit Transfer approach for banks and the payment industry. | 2015 |
403 | SmartRay | Smart Large Scale Radio Technology for the Tactile Internet | 2015 |
404 | A2F Conference | Presidency Conference on Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and Growth | 2014 |
405 | C-ENERGY 2020 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' in Horizon 2020 | 2014 |
406 | SAFARI | Scalable And Flexible optical Architecture for Reconfigurable Infrastructure | 2014 |
407 | EENHessenInnovation | Establishing services enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network: Hessen | 2014 |
408 | UNCAP | Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People | 2015 |
409 | PROEIPAHA | PROEIPAHA: Coordination, Support and Promotion activities in favour of EIPAHA | 2015 |
410 | SLA-Ready | SLA-Ready: Making Cloud SLAs readily usable in the EU private sector | 2015 |
411 | CLOUDWATCH2 | Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research | 2015 |
412 | Q-Tales | A Collaboration Ecosystem enabling EU Creative SMEs to exchange multi-media content and create multi-plot, interactive Apps for Children, curated according to Reader ability and educational value. | 2015 |
413 | DRAGON-STAR Plus | Dragon - Sustaining Technology And Research Plus (EU-China Collaboration) | 2015 |
414 | NMP TeAm 3 | Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities | 2015 |
415 | CEPPI 2 | Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities (CEPPI) | 2015 |
416 | OPTi | OPTiOptimisation of District Heating Cooling systems | 2015 |
417 | SEDEUF | Sedicii Innovative Authentication | 2014 |
418 | AARC | Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) | 2015 |
419 | KDRP | KiWi Power Limited’s Revolutionary, Low Cost, Demand Response Platform (KDRP) | 2015 |
420 | PRACE-4IP | PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project | 2015 |
421 | HyPoGA | Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) | 2015 |
422 | EarthServer-2 | Agile Analytics on Big Data Cubes | 2015 |
423 | DecentLivingEnergy | Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all | 2015 |
425 | AfricanBioServices | Linking biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in the Great Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem (GSME) - drivers of change, causalities and sustainable management strategies | 2015 |
426 | SWOS | Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service | 2015 |
428 | MOSES | Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services | 2015 |
429 | AQUACROSS | Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies (AQUACROSS) | 2015 |
430 | WiVi-2020 | Wireless Visionaries for 2020 | 2015 |
431 | RealValue | Realising Value from Electricity Markets with Local Smart Electric Thermal Storage Technology | 2015 |
432 | iBUS | iBUS – an integrated business model for customer driven custom product supply chains | 2015 |
433 | City.Risks | Avoiding and mitigating safety risks in urban environments | 2015 |
434 | MAGIC | Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities | 2015 |
435 | NUCL-EU 2020 | Connecting EURATOM National Contact Points in a pro-active network under EURATOM Programme in Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
436 | SPRINT | SNETP Programming for Research and Innovation in Nuclear Technology | 2015 |
437 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2015 |
439 | MMAC | Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing | 2015 |
441 | OPE | Open Payments Eco-system | 2015 |
442 | Q-Room | Q-Room – Quintetto’s Holographic Telepresence Room | 2015 |
443 | PreserviX | Reshaping Digital Preservation | 2015 |
444 | FRISCO | Food Retail Industry Supply Chain Optimization (FRISCO): Food Discount Intelligence to Reduce Food Waste through the implementation of the FoodLoop Platform | 2015 |
445 | REALISE GroLaS | Runway independent automatic launch and landing system for civil UAV based on GroLaS | 2015 |
446 | BIODESERT | Biological feedbacks and ecosystem resilience under global change: a new perspective on dryland desertification | 2016 |
447 | Train-to-NZEB | Train-to-NZEB: The Building Knowledge Hubs | 2015 |
448 | ARTEMIDA | Advanced Regional Translation of Excellence into Medical Innovations for Delayed Aging | 2015 |
449 | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 2015 |
450 | IDH | Digital Health Hub Europe | 2015 |
451 | INTRANSYS | Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs | 2015 |
452 | e-Furnace | Intelligent Hot Dip Galvanizing furnace for better energy use, low environmental impact and extended kettle lifespan | 2015 |
454 | DECI | Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion | 2015 |
455 | CORAL | Cost-ORiented Agile Localisation | 2015 |
456 | 5 LIVES | Search, Challenge, Fight, Care, Rescue for Lives. | 2015 |
457 | AQUAINVAD-ED | AQUAtic INVAders: Early Detection, Control and Management | 2015 |
458 | TCBL | TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector | 2015 |
459 | BCorp | Between Social Values and Profitable Performance: The Case of B-Corporations | 2016 |
460 | TRECKQUITY | Social equity goals in conservation interventions: a system thinking approach to track progress at global level | 2015 |
461 | Invest | INtelligent Video analytics to analyse complex scenes and Enhance Security of critical infrastructure and urban soft Targets | 2015 |
462 | ToothPic | ToothPic, a large-scale camera identification system based on compressed fingerprints | 2015 |
463 | AMPYXAP3 | Commercial introduction of the first Airborne Wind Energy system: Renewable energy at costs below fully depreciated coal fired power plants | 2015 |
464 | EnvMetaGen | Capacity Building at InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics | 2015 |
465 | CEITER | Cross-Border Educational Innovation thru Technology-Enhanced Research | 2015 |
466 | SONATA | Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks | 2015 |
467 | SUPERFLUIDITY | Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system | 2015 |
468 | 5G NORMA | 5G NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture | 2015 |
469 | SESAME | Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services | 2015 |
470 | 5GEx | 5G Exchange | 2015 |
471 | COHERENT | Coordinated control and spectrum management for 5G heterogeneous radio access networks | 2015 |
472 | CHARISMA | Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access | 2015 |
473 | mmMAGIC | Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications | 2015 |
474 | FANTASTIC-5G | Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation | 2015 |
475 | METIS-II | Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society-II | 2015 |
476 | SWORD | Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation | 2015 |
477 | BIGWHEAT | An innovative approach to boost wheat yields | 2015 |
478 | NICENAV | NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology | 2015 |
479 | DABCAST | Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting | 2015 |
480 | FAST-TRACKS | Fast rAdio technologieS for uninterrupTed TRAin to traCKside communications | 2015 |
481 | ScoliosisManager | Monitoring platform for scoliosis treatment to empower kids, parents, physicians and orthotists | 2015 |
482 | FASTPRK-2 | Enhanced on-street parking management system | 2015 |
483 | AURA | Advanced Uninterrupted RAdio | 2015 |
484 | SPIN | Secure and protected interoperability | 2015 |
485 | SERVIOPTIMAL | The Global Marketplace for Optimized Field Work Delivery | 2015 |
486 | AI4REASON | Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning | 2015 |
487 | BioFUNC | Maintenance of species diversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
488 | ConservaTEAM | Evaluating the conservation effectiveness of alternative land management scenarios using a state-of-the-art eco-evolutionary modelling platform | 2015 |
489 | BIOSTASES | BIOdiversity, STAbility and sustainability in Spatial Ecological and social-ecological Systems | 2015 |
490 | INNO-SOFC | Development of innovative 50 kW SOFC system and related value chain | 2015 |
491 | ALLScale | An Exascale Programming, Multi-objective Optimisation and Resilience Management Environment Based on Nested Recursive Parallelism | 2015 |
492 | ESCAPE | Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather Prediction at Exascale | 2015 |
493 | N-Supp_INNO-15 | Innovation Enhacement and Key Account Activities iwithin EEEN Niedersachsen 2015-2016 | 2015 |
494 | ORCHEXTRA | A disruptive innovation in mobile marketing and business intelligence for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness | 2015 |
495 | EEN SACHSEN | Specific activities in the context of innovation support (HORIZON 2020) in the Free State Saxony | 2015 |
496 | PLUSH | Platform Universal Self Hosting, a hybrid-cloud Platform as a Service reducing web application development cost by 40% for SMEs | 2015 |
497 | IMCESA2020 | Innovation Management Capacity Enhancement of SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt for the period 2015-2020 (IMCESA2020) | 2015 |
498 | MPGS | A citizen context aware platform to provide mobile public services | 2015 |
499 | SoBigData | SoBigData Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
500 | EUNCL | European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory | 2015 |
501 | CORBEL | Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services | 2015 |
502 | EURAXESS TOP III | Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII | 2015 |
503 | CITRIMACC | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2015 |
504 | Innosupport | Innovation Management Support for SMEs | 2015 |
505 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2015 |
506 | WATERGUARD | Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform | 2015 |
507 | MONOFFSHORE | Autonomous Monitoring Unit for Offshore Applications | 2015 |
508 | Bio-AX | A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles | 2015 |
509 | INCAME-2 | INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises | 2015 |
510 | BW-KAM2 | Innovation Management Capacity Building of SME by the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg 2 | 2015 |
511 | InnoHessen2Europe | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity in Hessen | 2015 |
512 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2015 |
513 | INNCAT1516 | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2015-2016 | 2015 |
514 | SWENNIS2 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
515 | EEN GRAND EST INNO | Additional Innovation support services for Enterprise Europe Network in Eastern France | 2015 |
516 | KAM2WestPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in West Poland | 2015 |
517 | ELSE - SIM | Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe – Smes Innovation Management | 2015 |
518 | KAM2CentralPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland | 2015 |
519 | INNCAS4TH | Innnovation capacity analysis and services for SMEs in Thuringia | 2015 |
520 | INMANCAP2 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands 2015-2016 | 2015 |
521 | We4SMESLO | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia | 2015 |
522 | CLARIN-PLUS | Strengthening the CLARIN Infrastructure. | 2015 |
523 | EMSODEV | EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module | 2015 |
524 | HYPHEN | HYPHEN: Hybrid Photonic Engines for Massive Cloud Connectivity | 2015 |
525 | InForMed | An integrated pilot line for micro-fabricated medical devices | 2015 |
526 | CHeaP | Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans | 2015 |
527 | IntelServBus | Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport | 2015 |
528 | IPERION CH | Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
529 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
530 | ER4STEM | Educational Robotics for STEM | 2015 |
531 | EEN-Innovation PT | EEN-Innovation PT | 2015 |
532 | I2 BENE 2015-2016 | Innovation Internationalisation services by BENE 2015-2016 – I²BENE 2015-2016 | 2015 |
533 | GalacteaplusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2015 |
534 | InnoBremen | InnoBremen – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2015 |
535 | INNMADRIMASD 2 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region | 2015 |
536 | BISONet PLUS ENH | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2015-2016 | 2015 |
537 | INNOVACTIS 2015-2016 | INNOVACTIS 2015-2016 | 2015 |
538 | REP-BIOTECH | European Joint Doctorate in Biology and Technology of Reproductive Health | 2015 |
539 | HaS-DARIAH | Humanities at Scale: Evolving the DARIAH-ERIC | 2015 |
540 | Synchronverter | Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability | 2015 |
541 | AQUAEXCEL2020 | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research towards 2020 | 2015 |
542 | SINE2020 | World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 – SINE2020 | 2015 |
543 | EUCALL | European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources | 2015 |
544 | INNOKAM 2015-16 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2015 |
545 | E3Canarias 2015-2016 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's with the Enterprise Europe Network Canarias 2015-2016 | 2015 |
546 | PROSME-INN | PROSME - Improving RO3 SMEs management of innovation | 2015 |
547 | BASKAM | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2015-2016 | 2015 |
548 | EEN H2020 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network «Normandie-Picardie» | 2015 |
549 | INNO DK | Innovation Denmark 2015-2016 | 2015 |
550 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2015 |
551 | VEBIN SME 2.0 | Delivering services on behalf of H2020 for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in Flanders | 2015 |
552 | SMEntorEGE | SMEntorEGE | 2015 |
553 | KAMWAL 2.1 | EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 | 2015 |
554 | MAKEOVER | MAKEOVER - Innovation MAnagement support and KEy account serVices for Triveneto small and medium EnteRprises | 2015 |
555 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the macro-region 1 in Romania | 2015 |
556 | KAMINLER | Support services to IMProve innovation and competitiveness of business in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2015 |
557 | CESSDA-SaW | Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. | 2015 |
558 | BigDataFinance | Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management | 2015 |
559 | VI-SEEM | VRE for regional Interdisciplinary communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean | 2015 |
560 | ESiWACE | Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe | 2015 |
561 | ECCSEL | European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure | 2015 |
562 | WiBEC | Wireless In-Body Environment | 2016 |
563 | BlueBRIDGE | Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | 2015 |
564 | 5G-AURA | Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks | 2015 |
565 | West-Life | World-wide E-infrastructure for structural biology | 2015 |
566 | VRE4EIC | A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration | 2015 |
567 | OpenDreamKit | Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics | 2015 |
568 | POP | Performance Optimisation and Productivity | 2015 |
569 | NoMaD | The Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory | 2015 |
570 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
571 | EoCoE | Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications | 2015 |
572 | Symbionica | SYMBIONICA - Reconfigurable Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing of next generation fully personalized bionics and smart prosthetics | 2015 |
573 | IMPROVE | Innovative Modeling Approaches for Production Systems to raise validatable efficiency | 2015 |
574 | PERFoRM | Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery | 2015 |
575 | CAxMan | Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing | 2015 |
576 | MOEEBIUS | Modelling Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Buildings for Urban Sustainability | 2015 |
577 | MAESTRI | Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries. | 2015 |
578 | REnnovates | Flexibility Activated Zero Energy Districts | 2015 |
579 | OptEEmAL | Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for Refurbishment at District Level | 2015 |
580 | HIT2GAP | Highly Innovative building control Tools Tackling the energy performance GAP | 2015 |
581 | Indus3Es | Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency | 2015 |
582 | Loca Credibilia | Data and document integrity for services provided through critical information infrastructures | 2015 |
583 | INFINITE | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015 |
584 | GDC | A Genetic Data CUBE - An innovative business model applied to predictive and prescriptive analytics, exploring Big Data and empowering cloud-services and urgent computation | 2015 |
585 | EMBRIC | European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy | 2015 |
586 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2015 |
587 | MELIITA | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer | 2015 |
588 | H-BISS Slovakia 2016 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of the Slovak SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network in 2015-2016 | 2015 |
589 | TOPIC2INNO | TOPIC2INNO : Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network TOPIC | 2015 |
590 | InnoBavaria_2 | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Bavaria | 2015 |
591 | INNOWEST | Development of standardised innovation services through peer learning to efficiently increase innovation management capacity among SMEs | 2015 |
592 | CooExcell2015 | Collaborating for the excellence of public entities for business promotion. An example of policies aimed at the improvement of the competitiveness of the regional enterprises throughout the EFQM | 2015 |
593 | ICEYE | Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. | 2015 |
594 | THUNDHUB | ThunderMaps HomeHub | 2015 |
595 | Agro Highway | Demonstration of an Innovative concept for high quality Transport of Perishable Agro Food Liquids inducing a Modal shift to Short Sea and River transport | 2015 |
596 | WELL | Wind, Efficient, Light, Lifter | 2015 |
597 | SEMERGY | Energy efficient and sustainable building planning | 2015 |
598 | MOMENTUM | MOMENTUM - virtual, mobile CFO for small and medium enterprises | 2015 |
599 | A-BAM | Application for Broadband Availability Mapping (A-BAM) | 2015 |
600 | EUBorderCare | Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries | 2015 |
601 | Global BioImaging | Global BioImaging Project - International imaging infrastructure services for the life science community | 2015 |
602 | ERIGrid | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out | 2015 |
603 | MAGIC SWF SMEs II | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2015 |
604 | SPIDERS | Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures | 2015 |
605 | EENINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
606 | IRL-SME-Innovation | Establishment of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network in IRELAND | 2015 |
607 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
608 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED services to enhance innovation management capacity of SME's KAM services | 2015 |
609 | FINKAMIE2016 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2015-2016 | 2015 |
610 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Service Support for SMEs | 2015 |
611 | KAM2EastPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2015 |
613 | WEST-MED Innovation | WEST-MED Innovation Services | 2015 |
614 | INNOVIST | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2015 |
615 | AURASME | AURASME | 2015 |
616 | SSBI-CRO-KAM-2 | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of Croatian SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
617 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2015 |
618 | InnoSME-LV-2015-2016 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2015-2016) | 2015 |
619 | WESTinnoMAR | WESTinnoMAR | 2015 |
620 | EENinnoSMES | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2015 |
621 | SEEVCA | Self-Enforcing Electronic Voting For Commercial Applications | 2015 |
622 | XS2I4MS | Access to I4MS | 2015 |
623 | Fortissimo 2 | Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2 | 2015 |
624 | DREEAM | Demonstration of an integrated Renovation approach for Energy Efficiency At the Multi building scale | 2015 |
625 | CAMUT | Culture Aware Music Technologies | 2015 |
626 | I4MS-Growth | Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems | 2015 |
627 | MapCOM | Geographic mapping of radio signals | 2016 |
628 | Peer-BIT | Peer learning in business innovation tools for SMEs | 2015 |
629 | EISS | EISS - Eco Innovation Support Services | 2015 |
630 | COMRADES | Collective Platform for Community Resilience and Social Innovation during Crises | 2016 |
631 | OPENCARE | Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services | 2016 |
632 | EuBI PPII | Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phase II - Project | 2016 |
633 | pp2EMBRC | European Marine Biology Resource Centre preparatory phase 2 | 2015 |
634 | EUBrasilCloudFORUM | EUBrasilCloudFORUM: Fostering an International dialogue between Europe and Brazil | 2016 |
635 | ERINHA2 | European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2 | 2016 |
636 | EUBra-BIGSEA | EUrope-BRAzil Collaboration on BIG Data Scientific REsearch through Cloud-Centric Applications | 2016 |
637 | PRETREAT | PRoteome-based assessment of vascular disease for the Establishment of a Translational REsearch plATform | 2016 |
638 | ENCASE | EnhaNcing seCurity And privacy in the Social wEb: a user centered approach for the protection of minors | 2016 |
640 | MCEP | Launching the Maritime Copernicus Enablement Platform | 2015 |
641 | FishDirector | Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation | 2015 |
642 | XPRESS | XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research | 2015 |
643 | ZinkOn Growth | Advanced and smart system for optimizing the non-conformities and concession processes within the aerospace industry. | 2015 |
644 | SV2 | Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 | 2015 |
645 | VIGI-LEAK | A Smart Technology Trained for Preventing Leakages from Sewer Systems | 2015 |
646 | ANGEO2 | For cognitively-impaired or visually-impaired persons suffering from spatial disorientation, a smartphone-based navigation aid that is both reliable and safe for urban pedestrian mobility. | 2015 |
647 | ANAPRINT | Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis | 2015 |
648 | COLLOGISTICS | Express Delivery end-to-end Management System through collaborative intelligence. | 2015 |
649 | e-Safe | Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground | 2015 |
650 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
651 | HB-BROKER | An innovative business model, systems and services for market-based habitat banking in Europe | 2015 |
652 | PROMETHEUS-IOT | a versatile Platform foR delivering incremental, scalable and cOst-effective ad-hoc services froM hETErogeneoUS and collaborating objects in the Internet Of Things | 2015 |
653 | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 2015 |
654 | EXCELL | Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics | 2016 |
655 | its4land | Geospatial technology innovations for land tenure security in East Africa | 2016 |
656 | Q4HEALTH | Quality of Service and prioritisation for emergency services in the LTE RAN stack | 2016 |
657 | KAMINO | Establishing of EEN-services for supporting the Key Account Management process in the SME-instrument and enhancing the INnOvation management capacities of SMEs – KAMINO | 2015 |
658 | EEN Northern NL | EEN Northern Netherlands: enhancing the innovation capacity of SME's | 2015 |
659 | KMaaS | Key Management as-a-Service | 2016 |
660 | CHRYSOWEB | The effect of mixotrophic chrysophytes on secondary productivity in pelagic food webs | 2016 |
661 | INNO-HUN2015-16 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2015-16 | 2015 |
662 | WhoLoDancE | Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education | 2016 |
663 | GN4-1 | GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT | 2015 |
664 | KAM2CY2 | Continuation of the efforts of the local Enterprise Europe Network to further enhance the Innovation Management Capacity of Cypriot SMEs (KAM2CY 2) | 2015 |
665 | SafeAST | Continuous structural condition tank integrity monitoring of Above Ground Storage Tanks, aka “SafeAST, no entry: no empty.” | 2015 |
666 | InVID | In Video Veritas – Verification of Social Media Video Content for the News Industry | 2016 |
667 | TRIANGLE | 5G Applications and Devices Benchmarking | 2016 |
668 | COGNITUS | Converging broadcast and user generated content for interactive ultra-high definition services | 2016 |
669 | 2-IMMERSE | Creating and Delivering Shared and Personalised Multi-Screen Broadcast and Broadband Experiences | 2015 |
670 | VanderSat | High Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping | 2015 |
671 | C-Levitonics | Classical Levitonics: transposing quantum levitons to classical waves for single side band wireless data transmissions | 2015 |
672 | HiPEAC | High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation | 2016 |
673 | SoftFIRE | Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization Testbed within FIRE+ | 2016 |
674 | MPAT | Multi-platform application toolkit | 2015 |
675 | EUROPRACTICE 2016 | EUROPRACTICE training, CAD and prototyping services for European universities and research institut | 2016 |
676 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
677 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
678 | HAMLET | Heterogeneous Advancement and hybrid integration of polymer and tripLEx platform for Integrated Microwave PhoTonics | 2015 |
679 | DATA4WATER | Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Supporting Water Management | 2016 |
680 | SUPERMAT | The VIRTUAL Centre for Integration of INNOVATIVE synthesis and Processing methods for SUSTAINABLE advanced Materials operating under Extreme Conditions | 2016 |
681 | RAAI | Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems | 2015 |
683 | BEACONING | Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning (BEACONING) | 2016 |
684 | OPERA | lOw Power heterogeneous architecture for nExt generation of smaRt infrastructure and platforms in industrial and societal Applications | 2015 |
685 | EO4wildlife | Platform for wildlife monitoring integrating Copernicus and ARGOS data | 2016 |
686 | habITAT | Internet of Things Air Tester as a new standards based wearable monitoring station for personalized indoor and outdoor air quality real-time assessment | 2015 |
687 | Bsmart - Pro | Smart integrated digital contents and educational platform | 2015 |
689 | PRIFOG | PRIFOG - A technology-powered producer responsibility initiative for fat, oil and grease compliance for food service outlets | 2015 |
690 | APOLLO | Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation | 2016 |
691 | KUNAK | Sensing Anywhere IIoT Ultra-Energy Efficient | 2015 |
692 | WEAR_n_PAY | Wearables for Payment | 2015 |
693 | p-DRIVE | Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines | 2015 |
694 | MOBNET | MOBile NETwork for people's location in natural and man-made disasters | 2016 |
695 | AUDITOR | Advanced Multi-Constellation EGNSS Augmentation and Monitoring Network and its Application in Precision Agriculture | 2016 |
696 | | European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector | 2016 |
697 | CESEAND InnoAses2 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2015-16. | 2015 |
698 | STARS | Satellite Technology for Advanced Railway Signalling | 2016 |
699 | NET4TRAIN | Revamping trains with the most advanced broadband communication system | 2015 |
700 | EEN-BG InnoSupp | Innovation Support services by EEN for Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of Bulgarian SMEs | 2015 |
701 | TagItSmart | TagItSmart! - Smart Tags driven service platform for enabling ecosystems of connected objects | 2016 |
702 | ICEKAM-2 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
703 | MULTIPLY | MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform | 2016 |
704 | Loc8torHC | A disruptive healthcare monitoring solution that by nature of what and how it monitors (IoT) improves home safety, user wellbeing and provides early warning to help avoid critical admissions | 2016 |
705 | GEO-CRADLE | Coordinating and integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS | 2016 |
706 | STRONGMAR | STRengthening MARritime Technology Research Center | 2016 |
707 | HyBalance | HyBalance | 2015 |
708 | AURORA | Advanced Ultraviolet Radiation and Ozone Retrieval for Applications | 2016 |
709 | FREEZEMUD | Demonstration and development of the next generation technology for environmental dredging based on an innovative and energy-efficient freeze technology | 2015 |
710 | BIORECYGAS | Farming high value algae with industrial gas emissions | 2015 |
711 | FOVEDIS | Formal specification and verification of distributed data structures | 2016 |
712 | RemoteMyApp | Platform to efficiently stream anything (focusing on games, SME and B2B applications), anywhere (to any mobile device) | 2016 |
713 | DMAP | Data Mining Algorithms in Practice | 2016 |
715 | SenseCare | Sensor Enabled Affective Computing for Enhancing Medical Care | 2016 |
716 | SCALEFORES | SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping | 2016 |
717 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2015 |
718 | INTER-IoT | Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms | 2016 |
719 | F-Interop | FIRE+ online interoperability and performance test tools to support emerging technologies from research to standardization and market launch The standards and innovations accelerating tool | 2015 |
720 | D3 | Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite decommissioning and reentry. | 2015 |
721 | ESPRESSO | Systemic standardisation approach to empower smart cities and communities | 2016 |
722 | BlueHealth | Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment | 2016 |
723 | ISECO | Information services: competition and externalities | 2015 |
724 | COIN | Coding for Optical communications In the Nonlinear regime | 2016 |
725 | ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC | implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC | 2015 |
726 | QUANTUM | Quality management for building performance - improving energy performance by life cycle quality management | 2016 |
727 | EOMonDis | Bringing Earth Observation Services for Monitoring Dynamic Forest Disturbances to the Users EOMonDis | 2016 |
728 | SMARTBUY | Enhanced Buying Experiences in SMART CITIES | 2016 |
729 | MAZI | A DIY networking toolkit for location-based collective awareness | 2016 |
730 | SETA | SETA: An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas | 2016 |
731 | SUMMA | Scalable Understanding of Multilingual Media | 2016 |
733 | hackAIR | Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution | 2016 |
735 | NEXTLEAP | NEXTLEAP | 2016 |
736 | netCommons | network infrastructure as commons | 2016 |
737 | MSP-REFRAM | Multi-Stakeholder Platform for a Secure Supply of Refractory Metals in Europe | 2015 |
738 | Climateurope | European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 | 2015 |
739 | City4Age | Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing | 2015 |
740 | ProACT | Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care | 2016 |
741 | ICT4Life | ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly | 2016 |
742 | CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD | Self-management interventions and mutual assistance community services, helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect with others for evaluation, support and inspiration to improve the care experience | 2016 |
743 | POLYCARE | POLY-stakeholders for integrated CARE for chronic patients in acute phases | 2016 |
744 | ETNA 2020 | European Transport Network Alliance 2020 | 2016 |
745 | NANO-SUPREMI | “Tracking nano-bioprocesses using Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques” | 2016 |
746 | MIREL | MIREL - MIning and REasoning with Legal texts | 2016 |
747 | Terpsichore | Transforming Intangible Folkloric Performing Arts into Tangible Choreographic Digital Objects | 2016 |
748 | uP_running | Take-off for sustainable supply of woody biomass from agrarian pruning and plantation removal | 2016 |
749 | SMARTER TOGETHER | Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts | 2016 |
750 | ESPrIT | Strengthening the Occupational Health Expertise and Scientific Capacity of Public Health Institution of Turkey [ESPRIT] | 2016 |
751 | FOODstars | Innovative Food Product Development Cycle: Frame for Stepping Up Research Excellence of FINS - FOODstars | 2015 |
752 | MOVING | Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation | 2016 |
753 | RECAP | Personalised public services in support of the implementation of the CAP | 2016 |
754 | Mobile-Age | Mobile Age | 2016 |
755 | SIMPATICO | SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies | 2016 |
756 | SONNETS | SOcietal Needs aNalysis and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector | 2016 |
757 | OpenGovIntelligence | Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Europe through Public Administration Modernization towards Supplying and Exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data | 2016 |
758 | START2ACT | Engaging European Start-ups and Young SMEs for Action for Sustainable Energy | 2016 |
759 | VIP4SME | Value Intellectual Property for SMEs | 2015 |
760 | ABC DJ | Artist-to-Business-to-Business-to-Consumer Audio Branding System | 2016 |
761 | smarticipate | smart services for calculated impact assessment in open governance | 2016 |
762 | SEAF | Standardisation and Communication of Sustainable Energy Asset Evaluation Framework | 2016 |
763 | LockAndCharge | Ground-breaking and convenient electronic bicycle fleet management system available for the mass adoption. | 2016 |
764 | STRIKE3 | Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation | 2016 |
765 | HNSciCloud | Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud | 2016 |
766 | SuFoRun | Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty | 2016 |
767 | PremiumLight_Pro | Next-level energy efficient lighting systems in the service sector | 2016 |
768 | DOMINO | DOMINO - Connecting Europe, Saving Energy | 2016 |
769 | A3R | Air To Air Automatic Refuelling | 2016 |
770 | COMPAIR | COMPetition for AIR traffic management | 2016 |
771 | HANK | European advanced exoskeleton for rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) and/or spinal cord injury's patients. | 2016 |
772 | DEVELOP | Developing Careers through Social Networks and Transversal Competencies | 2016 |
773 | Sharing Cities | Sharing Cities | 2016 |
774 | Sim4Blocks | Simulation Supported Real Time Energy Management in Building Blocks | 2016 |
775 | EcoFunc4Cast | Forecasting Change in Vegetation Dependant Ecosystem Functions. | 2017 |
776 | SponGES | Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation | 2016 |
777 | INNO-4-AGRIFOOD | Capitalising the full potential of on-line collaboration for SMEs innovation support in the Agri-Food ecosystem | 2016 |
778 | MAGIC | Mobile Assistance for Groups Individuals within the Community - STROKE REHABILITATION | 2016 |
779 | SELECT for Cities | SELECT for Cities (Standardized, opEn, data-driven, service-oriented user-centric pLatform Enabling large-scale Co-creation, Testing validation of IoE services for Cities) | 2015 |
780 | EMPATTICS | EMpowering PAtients for a BeTTer Information and improvement of the Communication Systems | 2016 |
781 | HNV-Link | High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. | 2016 |
782 | KeyDynamics | Addressing key challenges for forecasting climate change effects on biodiversity: an assessment of dispersal limitation, priority effects and intra-species trait variation in range dynamics | 2017 |
783 | INLANE | Low Cost GNSS and Computer Vision Fusion for Accurate Lane Level Navigation and Enhanced Automatic Map Generation | 2016 |
784 | SusAn | European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems | 2016 |
785 | RICHFIELDS | Research Infrastructure on Consumer Health and Food Intake using E-science with Linked Data Sharing | 2015 |
786 | Open4Citizens | Empowering citizens to make meaningful use of open data | 2016 |
787 | VICINITY | Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects | 2016 |
788 | TOREADOR | TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORm | 2016 |
789 | SecureCloud | Secure Big Data Processing in Untrusted Clouds | 2016 |
790 | REPLICATE | REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy | 2016 |
791 | WeGovNow | Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges | 2016 |
792 | NAVISAS | Navigation of Airborne Vehicle with Integrated Space and Atomic Signals | 2016 |
793 | EVER-EST | European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes | 2015 |
794 | GenTree | Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe | 2016 |
796 | GRACE | Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects | 2016 |
797 | Co-ReSyF | Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework | 2016 |
798 | EKLIPSE | Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | 2016 |
799 | SCULTMARKET | Feasibility Study to Combat Physical Inactivity and Improve Sporting Skills through SCULT Sport Mentors and Coaches Marketplace | 2016 |
800 | ERESCUE | e-Rescue System: the next level in Post-Accident-Safety. Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour | 2016 |
801 | TrafficFlow | TrafficFlow - Analytics for Smarter Cities | 2016 |
802 | ERXOS | ElectroRheological fluid based eXOSkeleton devices for physical upper limb rehabilitation | 2016 |
803 | ALTERFOR | Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management | 2016 |
804 | bIoTope | Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects | 2016 |
805 | REACH2020 | Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare | 2016 |
806 | CMDrive | Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive-Trains via Non-Contact Acoustic Sensors | 2016 |
807 | WearMark | New approach to Wearable devices wireless performance testing | 2016 |
808 | AQUISS | Air Quality Information Services | 2016 |
809 | BASE-platform | Bathymetry Service Platform | 2015 |
810 | WEKIT | Wearable Experience for Knowledge Intensive Training | 2015 |
811 | ReProCounters | ‘Reciprocal Encounters’ - Young Adults Leaving Care | 2016 |
812 | MastCloud | Cost-efficient, 35 seconds, comprehensive mastitis management system for dairy farmers and veterinarians | 2016 |
813 | SmartNet | Smart TSO-DSO interaction schemes, market architectures and ICT Solutions for the integration of ancillary services from demand side management and distributed generation | 2016 |
814 | FutureFlow | Designing eTrading Solutions for Electricity Balancing and Redispatching in Europe | 2016 |
815 | SOFT-TISSUES | Mathematical modelling of soft tissues | 2017 |
816 | PROTECT-2 | PeRsonnel lOcation and Tracking for safEty of Critical InfrasTructures | 2016 |
818 | ERIFORE | Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy | 2016 |
819 | HELIOS | Second Generation Beacon for GALILEO/EGNOS EGNSS Search And Rescue applications | 2016 |
820 | BIG IoT | BIG IoT - Bridging the Interoperability Gap of the Internet of Things | 2016 |
821 | ERA4CS | European Research Area for Climate Services | 2016 |
822 | INSPIRE | INtegrated Support of oPen Innovation pRofessionalization initiative | 2016 |
823 | TransUP | Supporting Transnational Start-up Ecosystems | 2016 |
824 | SCD | Sexual Citizenship and Disability - Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy | 2017 |
825 | RE-FRUIT | “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” | 2016 |
826 | BEAMED | Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors | 2017 |
827 | ECO.G.U.S. | ECOsystem services for resilient and sustainable cities: an ecohydrological approach for Green Urban Spaces | 2016 |
828 | CLIMIFUN | Climatic and temporal control on microbial diversity-ecosystem functioning: insights from a novel conceptual model (CLIMIFUN). | 2016 |
829 | PAEDS | Prevalence and Experience of Diagnostic Shifts in Youth Mental Healthcare | 2017 |
830 | AQUAHYDRO | Aquatic-terrestrial linkages in Afrotropical lakes and rivers using stable hydrogen isotopes | 2016 |
831 | TERMS-Ocean | Transgenerational Ecophysiological Responses to Multiple Stressors in a changing Ocean | 2016 |
832 | PEARLE | Peers in ECEC centres: who are they and do they matter? An empirical analysis on ECEC group composition, its drivers and its effects | 2016 |
833 | PalmHydraulics | Palm hydraulics linking biodiversity and functioning of tropical forests under climate change | 2016 |
834 | DUSC3 | DUSt, Climate and Carbone Cycle | 2016 |
835 | ADVANTA | Toward a new generation of miniature multifrequency antennas using multiresonance platform based on subwavelength structures inspired by advanced metamaterials | 2017 |
836 | SustUrbanFoods | Integrated sustainability assessment of social and technological innovations towards urban food systems | 2016 |
837 | POMEGRANATE | Practice-Oriented Security Models and Granular Designs for Future-Proof Authenticated Encryption | 2017 |
838 | BuildingControls | Efficient Grid Connected Buildings: A Distributed Control Framework for Managing Flexible Loads | 2016 |
839 | OneClickLCA | One Click LCA – transforming the construction industry through automated, affordable and scalable solution for assessing and improving the environmental impacts of construction projects and products | 2016 |
840 | InnoPellet | Self-supporting biofuel sludge pellet producing system for small and medium sized sewage plants | 2016 |
841 | PW | Your digital source for medication awareness : “Your health is a choice, choose to know” | 2015 |
842 | BEST | Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training | 2017 |
843 | REP-EAT | Food quality and food innovative strategies to prevent reproductive and eating disorders | 2016 |
844 | FUNDCELERATOR | FUND raising acCELERATOR for long time-to-market path SMEs | 2016 |
845 | CALBATT - ASSET | Advanced Solutions for Smart Energy storage and electric Transportation | 2016 |
846 | COPCAR | Heart monitoring and early assistance in high risk crisis without patient intervention (COPCAR) | 2016 |
847 | ZephyCloud | Making Wind Energy More Bankable…Faster! | 2016 |
848 | Insight | An accounting integrated carbon management tool for supply chain decarbonisation of SMEs. | 2016 |
849 | REACH | Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub | 2016 |
850 | Go Fresh | Go Fresh - Fresh and Quick Prepared, Healthy and Affordable Meal Solution | 2016 |
851 | SEGU | SEwer inventory system to safeGUard waste water infrastructures | 2016 |
852 | ActiveGrid | Demonstration of an energy management and control system aggregating small-scale battery storages to a virtual balancing power facility for active grid stabilisation and renewables integration | 2016 |
853 | eoFRESH | Earth Observation freshwater monitoring services | 2016 |
854 | LINGOKIDS | LINGOKIDS: Adaptive mobile platform for language learning for early age children | 2016 |
855 | DAA | Development of mesosphere in-situ measurement tools: Atmosphere Analyser | 2016 |
856 | DAPS | Drone Alarm and Protection System | 2016 |
857 | Panatomy | Panatomy | 2016 |
858 | B-Ecolyol | Improving the productivity of Biodiesel plants through their adaptation for the production of polyols | 2016 |
859 | I.MODI | Implemented MOnitoring system for structural DIsplacement | 2016 |
860 | PSYCHOCONTEXT | Contextualising psychosocial wellbeing and mental health within sociocultural dynamics | 2016 |
861 | ARCDIV | Up-scaling Arctic diversity analysis to link community organisation and ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
862 | ForestRege | Tree generation replacement in a European natural forest– unravelling the role of canopy gaps using a spatially explicit approach | 2016 |
863 | MELASAT | Low-Cost Metasurface Leaky-Wave Antenna for Mobile Satellite Communications | 2016 |
864 | RESPONSIVENESS | The Microfoundations of Authoritarian Responsiveness: E-Participation, Social Unrest and Public Policy in China | 2016 |
865 | NIR-VANA | Networking Innovation Room for Added Value Networking Alliances | 2016 |
866 | CS2-WP714-DE | Advanced Design of Very High Power Density Piston Engine and Thermal Management Challenges for Aircraft Application | 2016 |
867 | CONNECARE | Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients | 2016 |
868 | ENSUF | ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures | 2016 |
869 | ATTO | A new concept for ultra-high capacity wireless networks | 2017 |
870 | H-DisNet | Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks | 2016 |
871 | COCTA | Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM | 2016 |
872 | PROTECTIVE | Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness | 2016 |
873 | ARIES | reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystem | 2016 |
874 | RESCCUE | RESCCUE - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas - a multisectorial approach focusing on water | 2016 |
875 | SISSDEN | Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event Network | 2016 |
876 | STORM | Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management | 2016 |
877 | SHIELD | Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment | 2016 |
878 | C3ISP | Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection | 2016 |
879 | DANTE | Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities | 2016 |
880 | CIPSEC | Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity framework | 2016 |
881 | iTRACK | Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions | 2016 |
882 | FutureTrust | Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions | 2016 |
883 | BRIGAID | BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience | 2016 |
884 | Future4Oceans | Window to the future: Understanding and assessing the vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification | 2016 |
885 | MedCoRes | Mediterranean Coastal Resources: benefits and constraints for Prehistoric hunters-gatherers | 2017 |
886 | FM-4NXTG | Characterization and Measurement of Wideband Directional Channels in FM Band For New Efficient Wireless Systems | 2016 |
887 | FUTURE-MOBILE | Distributed Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Communications | 2016 |
888 | EURAXIND | EURAXESS for Industry | 2016 |
889 | SMART-map | RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies | 2016 |
890 | MARINA | Marine Knowledge Sharing Platform for Federating Responsible Research and Innovation Communities | 2016 |
891 | UMI-Sci-Ed | Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote Science Education | 2016 |
892 | ONLINE-S3 | ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice | 2016 |
893 | EDGE | Cutting Edge Training - Cutting Edge Technology | 2016 |
894 | Peer 4 Inno Manage | Peer Learning for Innovation Management in SMEs | 2016 |
895 | OneCard | Increasing the security of access to urban critical infrastructure with a Near Field Communication micro SD smart card for mobile devices using on-chip state of the art technology | 2016 |
896 | MIDLAND | Developing middle-range theories linking land use displacement, intensification and transitions | 2016 |
897 | ConFooBio | Resolving conflicts between food security and biodiversity conservation under uncertainty | 2016 |
898 | WADI | WADI | 2016 |
899 | AquaNES | Demonstrating synergies in combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems | 2016 |
900 | MERCES | Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas | 2016 |
901 | LANDSENSE | A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring | 2016 |
902 | GROW | GROW Observatory | 2016 |
903 | DAFNE | DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries. | 2016 |
904 | ANYWHERE | EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events | 2016 |
905 | I-REACT | Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies | 2016 |
906 | BROADMAP | Mapping Interoperable EU PPDR Broadband Communication Applications and Technology | 2016 |
907 | SUCCESS | Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures SUCCESS - Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures | 2016 |
908 | RANGER | RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations | 2016 |
909 | SIFRm | Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources - mobility | 2016 |
910 | INTRANSYS | Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs | 2016 |
911 | AutoScan | AutoScan – Rail inspection by autonomous systems | 2016 |
912 | DECISIVE | A DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE | 2016 |
913 | DENSE | aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm | 2016 |
914 | POWVER | Power to the People. Verified. | 2016 |
915 | THaCH | The effects of hypercholesterolemia on tendon health (Tendon Health and CHolesterol) | 2016 |
916 | MICCO | Monetary Spaces and hierarchies in Europe. Impact of Complementary Currencies | 2016 |
917 | IMPACT | Improving parent and child interaction to enhance oral language development | 2016 |
918 | CoSMaS | Developing an interdisciplinary Collaborative Self-Management Support model: behavioural and communication tools for integrated care | 2017 |
919 | EQUAL-IST | Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions | 2016 |
920 | DRIVE | Quantifying the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic drivers of spatial variation in vulnerability to predict species extinction risk | 2016 |
921 | MicroERA | Ecological Sensitivity Distribution (ESD): integrating molecular-based structural and functional microbial community responses in a new tool for environmental risk assessment of chemicals | 2016 |
922 | Goal Attribution in Groups | Perceiving the intentions of the weakest link: How attributed individual and collective goals impact reactions to low performers in groups | 2016 |
923 | SOFIA | Situated Learning Opportunities fostered by ICT applications in Alternative Agro-Food Networks | 2016 |
924 | COMPASS | Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems | 2016 |
925 | POLICYAID | Policy, practice and patient experience in the age of intensified data sourcing | 2016 |
927 | ESASTAP 2020 | Strengthening Technology, Research and Innovation Cooperation between Europe and South Africa 2020 | 2016 |
928 | iCARE | MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy | 2016 |
929 | FOCALSTREAM | Breakthrough high performance cost competitive solar concentration system for combined heat and power generation | 2016 |
930 | BIO-AX | A novel wearable, cost-effective and non-invasive biometric body worn video solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles | 2016 |
931 | SCALABLA | SCALABLA: a platform for elastic multimedia communications enabling natural social interaction and personalization | 2016 |
932 | k-NOW-casting | k-NOW-casting | 2016 |
934 | OBP | One Business Place | 2016 |
935 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2015 |
936 | IB INNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2015 |
938 | HPEM2GAS | High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications | 2016 |
939 | TRRC | Development of advanced all-inclusive research and development services for tire manufacturers | 2016 |
940 | NIPUNA | Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components | 2016 |
941 | reNEW | Valuable product recovery from sewage sludge | 2016 |
942 | OC-Tech | OC-Tech: Innovative vessel for cleaning-up activities in marine and fluvial environments. | 2016 |
943 | SACCSCAN | SACCSCAN - personalising clinical management of major psychiatric disorders | 2016 |
944 | EEN Armenia H2020 | EEN Armenia H2020: EEN Armenia assists SMEs involved in Horizon 2020 | 2016 |
945 | SCIENCE4FUTURE | WissenSchafftZukunft in der KielRegion Nacht der Wissenschaft 2016/2017 | 2016 |
946 | MONESE | Innovative banking model for improved financial and economic inclusion of population groups that find it difficult to open a traditional bank account | 2016 |
947 | dSense | dSense – Self adapting, cost efficient method for detecting context of a mobile device and a mobile device with a context detection module | 2016 |
948 | RapeedTest | IntegRAted control technology for unparalleled high sPEED data acquisition, storage and analysis for TEST rigs | 2016 |
949 | CreativeNet | Enhancement of an advanced media sharing and networking platform to ensure connectivity among world’s creatives | 2016 |
950 | WHEKEE | Smart modular panels for hotel and retail shop construction and refurbishment which reduces embodied energy by 30% respect to state of the art systems | 2016 |
951 | Glucoset | Boronic acid hydrogel sensor for intravascular (arterial) blood glucose monitoring | 2016 |
952 | SMAPP | Smart room and Mobile APPlication Development Suite for hospitality | 2016 |
953 | shippiesbags | Hamburg Airport Feasibility Pilot for Seamless Bagshuttle Service | 2016 |
954 | GPBOX | GPBOX Energy Platform | 2016 |
955 | ResolutioNet | Resolving the Tussle in the Internet: Mapping, Architecture, and Policy Making | 2017 |
956 | CityNet | Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century | 2016 |
957 | CIVITAS ECCENTRIC | Innovative solutions for sustainable mobility of people in suburban city districts and emission free freight logistics in urban centres. | 2016 |
958 | GC2.0 | Global Change 2.0: Unlocking the past for a clearer future | 2016 |
959 | FuSEL | FUnerals as public Services in long Eighteenth century London | 2016 |
960 | LIBI | Lightning Interception Blade Implant | 2016 |
961 | StandBy-U | Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets | 2016 |
962 | | | 2016 |
963 | PRIZM2016 | Soft launch for the first thinbking music player | 2016 |
964 | EURACTE-INNOV II | Establishment, promotion and implementation of new support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Nord – Pas de Calais region | 2015 |
965 | POnTE | Pest Organisms Threatening Europe | 2015 |
967 | VITAL MEDIA | Vision, Insights and Trends for Awareness and Leadership in Media | 2016 |
968 | KATANA | KATANA - Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agrifood sector | 2016 |
969 | ACTTiVAte | PAn-European Clusters for Technology Transfer and new VAlue chains | 2016 |
970 | GeCo | Data-Driven Genomic Computing | 2016 |
971 | FLOOD-serv | Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice | 2016 |
972 | Reaching out | demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU | 2016 |
974 | NeMo | NeMo : Hyper-Network for electroMobility | 2016 |
975 | StartInnShop | StartInnShop - Startup Innovation goes to market | 2016 |
976 | INPRO | Improving IPR management services to SMEs engaging in peer learning activities | 2016 |
977 | ELECTRIFIC | Enabling seamless electromobility through smart vehicle-grid integration | 2016 |
978 | SCOUT | Safe and COnnected aUtomation in road Transport | 2016 |
979 | I-SEE | Intelligent Sensor Enabled Eyewear | 2016 |
980 | King of App | Launching the First Open Source Mobile Content Management System for Apps | 2016 |
981 | CONCEPT | CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport | 2016 |
982 | COLOMBUS-2 | COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 2 | 2016 |
983 | Digiteal | Digiteal: European Payment and e-Invoicing platform | 2016 |
984 | e-SPACE monitoring | e-Solar Performance Analysis and data Collection for Energy Monitoring: an innovative solution based on measures correlation between an autonomous ground-based solar sensor and Earth observation data | 2016 |
986 | i-movo | International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology | 2016 |
987 | SES-BI | SESCOM Business Intelligence platform for energy saving and smart facility management | 2016 |
988 | EVEARA | EVEARA: Testing a New Business Model for Digital Music Distribution | 2016 |
989 | Quotanda | Quotanda - a lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform that enables schools and lenders to set up student financing programs to make education more affordable | 2016 |
990 | Wearable4Work | Wearables for Workplace Productivity Safety | 2016 |
991 | RealtyBundles | Connecting real estate agencies with worldwide investors | 2016 |
992 | SIAN | Sense, Inform, Act, Notify - Commercialisation of the world's smallest, easiest to use, most reliable, longest lasting, Semiconductor based Wireless Sensors | 2016 |
993 | SFOOT | SFOOT - Development of single fibre data transport system | 2016 |
994 | INVENTORY | INVENTORY: Unique Online B2B Marketplace for Industrial Products | 2016 |
995 | SANZ Clima | SANZ Telematics: Wireless Innovation for Smart Maintenance in Industrial Vehicles | 2016 |
996 | AMBER | AMBER - enhAnced Mobile BiomEtRics | 2017 |
997 | ENRICH | Enriched communication across the lifespan | 2016 |
998 | QCALL | Quantum Communications for ALL | 2016 |
999 | EEN Serbia SGA | EEN Serbia (specific grant agreement): Improving competitiveness of Serbian SMEs trough implementation of integrated services focused on innovative capacities, productivity and internationalization. | 2016 |
1000 | E2D3S2 | Education and Engagement for inclusive Design and Development of Digital Systems and Services | 2016 |
1001 | SatStart | Small satellites’ strategic analysis of realization potential and commercialization techniques | 2016 |
1002 | SYNCHRONVERTER | Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability | 2016 |
1003 | Cable Sentry | Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Cable Monitoring and Surveying for Offshore Wind Farms providing movement, depth, surface disruption and free-span readings | 2016 |
1004 | Fabriscale | Fabric management for the software defined data centre | 2016 |
1005 | SKILLPOV | SKILLPOV | 2016 |
1006 | SocialAccent | The impact of foreign accent on social interaction and cognitive processes. | 2017 |
1007 | SOM | Statistical modeling for Optimization Mobility | 2016 |
1008 | PlaMatSu | Plant-inspired materials and surfaces | 2016 |
1009 | TECH4EFFECT | Techniques and Technologies for Effective Wood Procurement | 2016 |
1010 | NMP TeAm 4 | Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 4 | 2017 |
1011 | NIMBLE | Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe | 2016 |
1012 | | City Platform as a Service - Integrated and Open | 2016 |
1013 | H2ME 2 | Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 | 2016 |
1014 | Z-Fact0r | Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories | 2016 |
1015 | SPOTVIEW | Sustainable Processes and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage | 2016 |
1016 | CONNECTA | CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS and brAkes. Phase 1. | 2016 |
1017 | EUROPAH | The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space | 2016 |
1018 | 5G MiEdge | 5G MiEdge: Millimeter-wave Edge cloud as an enabler for 5G ecosystem | 2016 |
1019 | RURACTION | Social Enterpreneurship in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Analysing Innovative Troubleshooters in Action | 2016 |
1020 | CircEuit | Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network | 2016 |
1021 | SAFIRE | Cloud-based Situational Analysis for Factories providing Real-time Reconfiguration Services | 2016 |
1022 | TRuStEE | Training on Remote Sensing for Ecosystem modElling | 2016 |
1023 | PROTECTED | PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; Detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication. | 2017 |
1024 | REVOLVE | Radio Technologies for Broadband Connectivity in a Rapidly Evolving Space Ecosystem: Innovating Agility, Throughput, Power, Size and Cost | 2017 |
1025 | DISRUPT | Decentralised architectures for optimised operations via virtualised processes and manufacturing ecosystem collaboration | 2016 |
1026 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
1027 | vf-OS | Virtual Factory Open Operating System | 2016 |
1028 | FRESH | FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging | 2017 |
1029 | SESZEP | Support to Energy Stakeholders of the Zero Emission Platform | 2016 |
1030 | DIGICOR | Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains | 2016 |
1031 | Wise-IoT | Worldwide Interoperability for SEmantics IoT | 2016 |
1032 | FAR-EDGE | Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation | 2016 |
1033 | SECRET | SEcure Network Coding for Reduced Energy nexT generation Mobile Small cells | 2017 |
1034 | COMPOSITION | Ecosystem for Collaborative Manufacturing Processes – Intra- and Interfactory Integration and Automation | 2016 |
1035 | HyproCell | Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production | 2016 |
1036 | AERO-UA | Strategic and Targeted Support for Europe-Ukraine Collaboration in Aviation Research | 2016 |
1037 | EC4SafeNano | European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials Nanotechnologies | 2016 |
1038 | PlantHUB | PlantHUB - Boosting technology transfer and responsible research and innovation (RRI) in plant sciences | 2016 |
1039 | DREAM | Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns | 2016 |
1040 | AceForm4.0 | Activating Value Chains for EU leadership in FORMulation Manufacturing 4.0 | 2016 |
1041 | Co-Active | CO-modal journey re-ACcommodation on associated Travel serVices | 2016 |
1042 | HOME_EU | Homelessness as unfairness | 2016 |
1043 | FFL4E | Future Freight Loco for Europe | 2016 |
1044 | BASMATI | Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications | 2016 |
1045 | OnTrack | Innovative solutions for increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts of future wood supply | 2016 |
1046 | ENLARGE | ENLARGE – ENergies for Local Administrations: Renovate Governance in Europe | 2016 |
1047 | BuyZET | BuyZET – Procurement of innovative solutions for zero emission urban delivery of goods and services | 2016 |
1048 | enCOMPASS | Collaborative Recommendations and Adaptive Control for Personalised Energy Saving | 2016 |
1049 | MOBISTYLE | MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based tools and modular Information services on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle | 2016 |
1050 | CITADEL | Empowering Citizens to TrAnsform European PubLic Administrations | 2016 |
1051 | ATTRACkTIVE | Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services | 2016 |
1052 | ICN2020 | ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation | 2016 |
1053 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
1054 | VIPERCON | Emulating visual perception of contrast for image capture, post-production and synthesis | 2016 |
1055 | CarbSens | An ultra compact greenhouse gas remote sensing system for ranges between 500 and 2000 m | 2017 |
1056 | BiomemeDx | A study to establish the technical and economic feasibility of a mobile DNA and RNA testing tool, for use in general clinics and homecare. | 2016 |
1057 | SCR | Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers | 2016 |
1058 | IDAaaS | Trusted online service for identity assurance | 2016 |
1059 | REMINDER | Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms | 2017 |
1060 | SARAH | Increased Safety and robust certification for ditching of aircrafts and helicopters | 2016 |
1061 | ISOTIS | Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society | 2017 |
1064 | RE-SERVE | Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid | 2016 |
1065 | uPROPHET | uPROPHET: Urinary PROteomics in Predicting HEart Transplantation outcomes | 2016 |
1066 | Forwarder2020 | Smart Forwarder for sustainable and efficient forest operation and management | 2016 |
1067 | dEUdil | dEUdil: Building on open data as a new business model in the business information industry | 2016 |
1069 | PULSE | Perception Ultrasound by Learning Sonographic Experience | 2016 |
1070 | ACAP | Asset Centric Adaptive Protection | 2016 |
1071 | Inno4Grass | Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe | 2017 |
1072 | ThreatMark | Advanced Fraud Detection System - Protecting digital transactions against cyber attacks | 2016 |
1073 | ELASTEST | ElasTest: an elastic platform for testing complex distributed large software systems | 2017 |
1074 | ToyLabs | Enabling an Open Innovation Model for EU Toy Industry SMEs through Co-Creation with FabLabs, Safety Experts and Customer Communities | 2017 |
1075 | EURO-CAS | EU eHealth Interoperability Conformity Assessment Scheme | 2016 |
1076 | LINCOLN | Lean innovative connected vessels | 2016 |
1077 | MISTRAL | Communication Systems for Next-generation Railways | 2016 |
1078 | MSO4SC | Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization for Societal Challenges with Scientific Computing | 2016 |
1079 | SCOOP4C | Stakeholder community for once-only principle: Reducing administrative burden for citizens | 2016 |
1080 | SOCIALENERGY | A Gaming and Social Network Platform for Evolving Energy Markets’ Operation and Educating Virtual Energy Communities | 2017 |
1081 | ARDITO | Access to rights data via identification technologies optimisation | 2017 |
1082 | VIRT-EU | Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope | 2017 |
1083 | ReCAP | Real-time Content Analysis and Processing (ReCAP) for Agile Media Production | 2016 |
1084 | Blue-Action | Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate | 2016 |
1085 | RITMOCORE | Arrhythmias monitoring and comprehensive care | 2016 |
1086 | EUGENIUS | European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space | 2016 |
1087 | CARTRE | Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe | 2016 |
1088 | EUROSYN | Improve innovation services for SMEs by enabling synergies between RDI European funds | 2016 |
1089 | CYRail | Cybersecurity in the RAILway sector | 2016 |
1090 | OpenAIRE-Connect | OpenAIRE - CONNECTing scientific results in support of Open Science | 2017 |
1091 | EMMA | Enriching Market solutions for content Management and publishing with state of the art multimedia Analysis techniques | 2017 |
1092 | iMuSciCA | Interactive Music Science Collaborative Activities | 2017 |
1093 | AiRT | Technology transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for the creative industry | 2017 |
1095 | LOLITA | Information Theory for Low-Latency Wireless Communications | 2017 |
1096 | AFINET | Agroforestry Innovation Networks (AFINET) | 2017 |
1097 | EOMORES | Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status | 2016 |
1098 | DIANA | Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non-authorised water Abstractions using EO | 2017 |
1099 | COLA | Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application | 2017 |
1100 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
1101 | EU-MACS | European Market for Climate Services | 2016 |
1102 | FACILITATORS | Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks | 2016 |
1103 | Adapptise | Redefining the way brands and game developers reach audiences - A fresh approach to advertising and customer retention. | 2016 |
1104 | PolyTest | Ultrasonic Phased Array Non-Destructive Testing and In-Service Inspection System for high integrity Polyethylene Pipe Welds with automated analysis software. | 2016 |
1105 | ECoLaSS | Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data | 2017 |
1106 | Copernicus App Lab | Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data | 2016 |
1107 | MARCO | MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory | 2016 |
1108 | mF2C | Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Management Ecosystem | 2017 |
1109 | eCraft2Learn | Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch | 2017 |
1110 | STAMP | Software Testing AMPlification | 2016 |
1111 | DECIDE | DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital singlE market | 2016 |
1112 | GOAL | Games Of Active Life | 2016 |
1113 | FLAME | Facility for Large-scale Adaptive Media Experimentation | 2017 |
1114 | iRead | Infrastructure and integrated tools for personalized learning of reading skill | 2017 |
1115 | Up2U | Up to University - Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education | 2017 |
1116 | AEGIS | Advanced Big Data Value Chain for Public Safety and Personal Security | 2017 |
1117 | QROWD | QROWD - Because Big Data Integration is Humanly Possible | 2016 |
1118 | CROSSMINER | Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories | 2017 |
1119 | INJECT | Innovative Journalism: Enhanced Creativity Tools | 2017 |
1120 | GATES | Applying GAming TEchnologies for training professionals in Smart Farming | 2017 |
1121 | FocusLocus | FocusLocus: ADHD management Gaming System for educational achievement and social inclusion | 2016 |
1122 | 5GINFIRE | Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical industries | 2017 |
1123 | Data Pitch | Accelerating data to market | 2017 |
1124 | RECAP | Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications | 2017 |
1125 | MH-MD | My Health - My Data | 2016 |
1126 | GlobILS | Global Platform for Indoor Location Services | 2016 |
1127 | CLOUDSTORM | Transforming the enterprise software industry: CloudStorm open source enterprise application development and integration framework | 2016 |
1128 | ST4RT | Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation | 2016 |
1129 | GoF4R | Governance of the Interoperability Framework for Rail and Intermodal Mobility | 2016 |
1130 | OPERAS-D | Design for Open access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities | 2017 |
1131 | eInfraCentral | European E-Infrastructure Services Gateway | 2017 |
1132 | Ruggedised | Rotterdam, Umea and Glasgow: Generating Exemplar Districts In Sustainable Energy Deployment | 2016 |
1133 | WiseGRID | Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European smartGRID | 2016 |
1134 | FHP | Flexible Heat and Power, Connecting heat and power networks by harnessing the complexity in distributed thermal flexibility. | 2016 |
1135 | GOFLEX | Generalized Operational FLEXibility for Integrating Renewables in the Distribution Grid | 2016 |
1136 | SHAR-Q | Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems | 2016 |
1137 | Co4Robots | Achieving Complex Collaborative Missions via Decentralized Control and Coordination of Interacting Robots | 2017 |
1138 | PJ06 ToBeFREE | Trajectory based Free Routing | 2016 |
1139 | MARINE-EO | Bridging Innovative Downstream Earth Observation and Copernicus enabled Services for Integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security | 2017 |
1140 | SPACE-O | Space Assisted Water Quality Forecasting Platform for Optimized Decision Making in Water Supply Services | 2016 |
1141 | SENSAGRI | Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture | 2016 |
1142 | PLIS | Peer Learning Innovation Services | 2016 |
1143 | Spin-off growth | Peer learning on technology transfer companies support | 2016 |
1144 | AARC2 | Authentication and Authorisation For Research and Collaboration | 2017 |
1145 | HIRMEOS | High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure | 2017 |
1146 | AGINFRA PLUS | Accelerating user-driven e-infrastructure innovation in Food Agriculture | 2017 |
1147 | RESTASSURED | Secure Data Processing in the Cloud | 2017 |
1149 | PRODUCER | PeRsOnalized DocUmentary Creation based on Automatically Annotated Content | 2017 |
1150 | ORCA | Orchestration and Reconfguration Control Architecture | 2017 |
1151 | Bonseyes | Platform for Open Development of Systems of Artificial Intelligence | 2016 |
1152 | CloudPerfect | Enabling CLoud Orchestration, Performance and Cost Efficiency Tools for QoE Enhancement and Provider Ranking | 2016 |
1153 | KASKO | KASKO – delivering insurance as a service at the point of demand | 2016 |
1154 | Cargo Beacon | Cargo Beacons – no unexpected delays or losses in shipments of valuable cargo | 2016 |
1155 | PJ15 COSER | Common Services | 2016 |
1156 | PJ05 Remote Tower | Remote Tower for Multiple Airports | 2016 |
1157 | MONICA | Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications | 2017 |
1158 | PJ17 SWIM-TI | SWIM Technical Infrastructure | 2016 |
1159 | NAIAD | NAture Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstration | 2016 |
1160 | Water4Cities | Holistic Surface Water and Groundwater Management for Sustainable Cities | 2017 |
1161 | PJ19 CI | Content Integration | 2016 |
1162 | PJ14 EECNS | Essential and Efficient Communication Navigation and Surveillance Integrated System | 2016 |
1163 | BeeSymOverSpace | How to help the hive? Incidence and impact of heritable microbes on bee health | 2016 |
1164 | Storage4Grid | Storage4Grid | 2016 |
1165 | AUTOPILOT | AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things | 2017 |
1166 | SynchroniCity | SynchroniCity: Delivering an IoT enabled Digital Single Market for Europe and Beyond | 2017 |
1167 | ACTIVAGE | ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well | 2017 |
1168 | CyberSure | CYBER Security InSURancE — A Framework for Liability Based Trust | 2017 |
1169 | IMAGO | Image Analysis Online Services for in-vitro experiments | 2017 |
1170 | BREATH | BREATH: Biomarkers for Respiratory diseases detected in Exhaled Air through a new Technological instrument for research and Healthcare markets. | 2016 |
1171 | OvaRenew | OvaRenew as a first-line therapy in impaired egg quality treatment | 2016 |
1172 | IFM nano thruster | A highly efficient propulsion system for micro- and nano-satellites able to double the mission lifetime and to position satellites with unprecedented accuracy | 2016 |
1173 | TT | Transforming Transport | 2017 |
1174 | NextGEOSS | Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business | 2016 |
1175 | DataBio | Data-Driven Bioeconomy | 2017 |
1176 | FORCE | Formulations and Computational Engineering | 2017 |
1177 | OpenRiskNet | OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment | 2016 |
1178 | FI-GLOBAL | FI-GLOBAL: Building and supporting a global open community of FIWARE innovators and users | 2016 |
1179 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2016 |
1181 | APACHE | The innovative heat pump boiler to double energy efficiency in heat generation | 2016 |
1182 | E-SHUTTER | A novel Smart Glass integrating multi-zone switchable glass and touch panel control functions into a durable and sustainable insulated glazing to provide energy-efficiency and privacy in buildings | 2016 |
1184 | MEDimprove | A novel online service to support self-care and responsible self-medication | 2016 |
1185 | FAMILIADOS | - a marketplace for professional caregiving | 2016 |
1186 | MarketStudy-OV | Market Research for Oceanvolt zero-carbon emission marine electric propulsion system | 2016 |
1187 | 3DMP | Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs | 2016 |
1188 | SHOTL | A shared mobility On-Demand Service | 2016 |
1190 | GN4-2 | GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT | 2016 |
1191 | ARCIGS-M | Advanced aRchitectures for ultra-thin high-efficiency CIGS solar cells with high Manufacturability | 2016 |
1192 | PJ04 TAM | Total Airport Management | 2016 |
1193 | PRACE-5IP | PRACE 5th Implementation Phase Project | 2017 |
1194 | INNOLABS | INNOvative LABS for leveraging cross capacity building between ICT, Health, BIO and Medicine sectors for new emerging industries in personalized health | 2017 |
1195 | LiveDeadFossil | Life and death in Doñana National Park (Spain): palaeontological and ecological insights from the study of modern vertebrate death assemblages | 2017 |
1196 | SPONGE ENGINE | Fast and efficient sponge engines drive and modulate the food web of reef ecosystems | 2017 |
1197 | InteGrid | Demonstration of INTElligent grid technologies for renewables INTEgration and INTEractive consumer participation enabling INTEroperable market solutions and INTErconnected stakeholders | 2017 |
1198 | inteGRIDy | integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies | 2017 |
1199 | EW-Shopp | EW-Shopp - Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey | 2017 |
1200 | Fed4FIREplus | Federation for FIRE Plus | 2017 |
1201 | ILIAD | Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces | 2017 |
1202 | CO-LAB | Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services | 2017 |
1203 | FIRST | virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion | 2017 |
1204 | PROSFET | Promoting Sustainable Freight Transport in Urban Contexts: Policy and Decision-Making Approaches | 2017 |
1205 | PVCLOUD | Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries | 2017 |
1206 | CORE | An innovative web-service to securely issue, store and verify online academic credentials | 2017 |
1207 | VestdSMEProposal | Transforming the success of Startups across the EU | 2017 |
1208 | SOX2-Cloud | Integrated Safety Engineering Platform for electrical and electronic systems for transportation | 2016 |
1209 | PTO-SAFE | innovative yoke for Power Take-Off SAFEty | 2016 |
1210 | PerfectDashboard 2.0 | First single platform for efficient and security aware management of CMS based websites | 2016 |
1211 | REGMAX | An innovative process for the regeneration of acids used in the steel pickling process | 2016 |
1212 | KAROS | KAROS – Integration of a dynamic and predictive short distance carpooling offer into route planner services | 2017 |
1213 | ScaleMazeMap | Scaling MazeMap to a global provider of indoor maps | 2016 |
1214 | ReadyToSail | ReadyToSail | 2016 |
1215 | ESSI | Developing the EFAS Smart Services Initiative to introduce a game -changer in the digital tachograph market | 2016 |
1216 | PaDiCare | Patient empowered Diabetes care in ambulatory settings | 2016 |
1217 | PERIOSYSTEM | PerioSystem – smart dental practice management software | 2017 |
1218 | SHiELD | European Security in Health Data Exchange | 2017 |
1219 | AQUACOSM | Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean | 2017 |
1220 | EUROCHAMP-2020 | Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes – Towards 2020 and beyond | 2016 |
1221 | KONFIDO | KONFIDO - Secure and Trusted Paradigm for Interoperable eHealth Services | 2016 |
1222 | DESIR | DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined | 2017 |
1223 | GeoERA | Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe | 2017 |
1224 | TRUESSEC.EU | TRUst-Enhancing certified Solutions for SEcurity and protection of Citizens’ rights in digital Europe | 2017 |
1225 | HarmonicSS | HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making | 2017 |
1226 | ImpleMentAll | Towards evidence-based tailored implementation strategies for eHealth | 2017 |
1227 | TO-REACH | Transfer of Organisational innovations for Resilient, Effective, equitable, Accessible, sustainable and Comprehnsive Health Services and Systems. | 2016 |
1228 | STRENGTHS | Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis | 2017 |
1229 | SURG-Africa | Scaling up Safe Surgery for District and Rural Populations in Africa | 2017 |
1230 | qSOFC | Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks | 2017 |
1231 | QualyGridS | Standardized Qualifying tests of electrolysers for grid services | 2017 |
1232 | Demo4Grid | Demonstration of 4MW Pressurized Alkaline Electrolyser for Grid Balancing Services | 2017 |
1233 | FOMN | The impact of fertilisation on mutualistic network structure | 2017 |
1234 | RACCOON | A Rigorous Approach to Consistency in Cloud Databases | 2017 |
1235 | CSP | Cross-Layer Design of Securing Positioning | 2017 |
1236 | INFRAFRONTIER2020 | Towards enduring mouse resources and services advancing research into human health and disease | 2017 |
1237 | SeaDataCloud | SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management | 2016 |
1238 | INSTRUCT-ULTRA | Releasing the full potential of Instruct to expand and consolidate infrastructure services for integrated structural life science research | 2017 |
1239 | CLONETS | CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks | 2017 |
1240 | BINCI | Binaural Tools for the Creative Industries | 2017 |
1241 | CAPID | Capacitive Identification Tokens | 2017 |
1243 | PRO-METROFOOD | Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI | 2017 |
1244 | DNA TRUSTAG | DNA TRUSTAG - A paradigm shift in authentication technologies | 2017 |
1245 | TRUST | TRUck Suistanable Transport - Innovative project for management of Contract Logistics | 2017 |
1246 | OPTELA | Disrupting the telematics market with an ultra-low cost and high performance self-learning open platform | 2017 |
1247 | ARCC | Automated Rail Cargo Consortium: Rail freight automation research activities to boost levels of quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness in all areas of rail freight operations | 2016 |
1248 | EOSCpilot | The European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Project. | 2017 |
1249 | MARINET2 | Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies 2 | 2017 |
1250 | ACCELERATE | ACCELERATing Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures | 2017 |
1251 | TOOP | The Once Only Principle Project | 2017 |
1253 | Socialsmartgrid | Boosting Energy Efficiency Trough Social Smart Grid Network | 2017 |
1254 | NZi-VITAL | Novel Smart Motorcycle helmet with integrated health monitoring system, accident detection and eCall compliance. | 2017 |
1255 | NET-Tools | Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology | 2017 |
1256 | ALC | Aircraft Light Communication | 2017 |
1257 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
1258 | Advance_eLTER | Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI | 2017 |
1259 | U2PIA | Universal application 2 conduct Privacy Impact Assessment analysis and reports | 2016 |
1260 | AWARENET | The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks | 2017 |
1261 | ERICENA | European Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence in ChiNA | 2017 |
1262 | CEBRABIC | Centre for Europe-Brazil Business and Innovation Cooperation | 2017 |
1263 | FIBER | Understanding soil fertility impacts on terrestrial biomass production in a changing environment | 2017 |
1264 | SELAPHOR | Semiconductor laser with photonic crystal reflector for energy-efficient optical links | 2017 |
1265 | ProcessCitizenship | Processing Citizenship: Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe | 2017 |
1266 | IoTEE | Internet of Things Everywhere on Earth: a satellite based M2M solution | 2017 |
1267 | EO-VAS | Earth Observation Value Adding Services – Earth Observation Design and Publishing Service | 2017 |
1268 | TERAWI-LESS | TERAWI-LESS : A New Ultra High Speed Network | 2017 |
1269 | AgroRadar | Using Copernicus Earth Observation radar data to disrupt Precision Agriculture | 2017 |
1270 | WONOWO | Search engine for organising complete collaborative economy experiences. | 2017 |
1271 | BlueAquality | Blue Aquality | 2016 |
1272 | INNOVENTUALLY | INNOVENTUALLY, One-stop source for innovation” — A PaaS (Platform as a Service) for the management of Open Innovation Challenges and Needs. | 2017 |
1273 | DART | Feasibility study for market introduction of the T-Minus DART research rocket system | 2017 |
1274 | Logist-IoT | SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations | 2017 |
1275 | OrbEx | Innovative Low-Mass Tanks for a Low-Cost European Micro-Launch Vehicle | 2017 |
1276 | Adaptive Simulations | Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access | 2016 |
1278 | TownHall24 | A 24/7 platform providing access to services for isolated communities and reduced mobility residents | 2017 |
1279 | Satway Pro | SATWAY Pro. The Reliable and Affordable Satellite Messaging Service. | 2017 |
1280 | IoT4ALL | Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers | 2017 |
1281 | SENSCAPE | A modular, open and standards-based framework for fast, cost-effective development of sensorbasedmobile applications | 2017 |
1283 | KUDURA | Upscaling of a portable hybrid solution for power supply, smart waste-to-energy | 2017 |
1284 | HoplaCare | Advanced e-marketplace for a new way of purchasing and sharing Home Care Services and Assisted Living Technologies | 2017 |
1285 | MYSIS | A novel weaning diet to optimize performance of farmed shrimp larvae | 2017 |
1286 | Skylynx | Upgrading Railways from the Air | 2017 |
1287 | EURECA | Enhanced Human Robot cooperation in Cabin Assembly tasks | 2017 |
1288 | WISE | A novel approach to remote and real-time aircraft maintenance | 2017 |
1289 | BITRIDE BIKE SHARING | The solution for flexible bike sharing initiatives without fixed stations | 2017 |
1290 | SmartECG | The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data | 2017 |
1291 | Al-medicare | Disruptive Artificial Intelligence engine to facilitate rapid low cost development of specialist e-health applications for smart decision making in medical pre-diagnosis | 2017 |
1292 | KWIDO_TELECARE | Multidevice software platform for caring elderly patients at home | 2017 |
1293 | YawSTOP | First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe | 2017 |
1294 | iShare | iShare - a disruptive approach to vehicle sharing | 2017 |
1295 | IDEA.k | Industrial Design Easy Assembly Kit | 2017 |
1296 | APMAV | Innovative drone-based solution for agriculture | 2017 |
1297 | PRECISE | Pulsed eddy current inspection system for pipeline health monitoring | 2017 |
1299 | Steora | Steora - next step to a smart city | 2017 |
1300 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1301 | INNMADRIMASD 3 | Innovation services for enhancing SME innovation management capacities in Madrid Region | 2017 |
1302 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2017 |
1303 | KAM2WP | KAM to West Poland 2 | 2017 |
1304 | H-BISS Slovakia 2018 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of the Slovak SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1305 | INMANCAP 2017_18 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1306 | INNOVACTIS 2017-2018 | INNOVACTIS 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1307 | EURACTE-INNOV III | Deployment of support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Hauts de France region | 2017 |
1308 | INNCAT1718 | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1309 | BG_CareerDays | Bulgarian Days of Career Development and Mobility of Researchers | 2017 |
1310 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2017 |
1311 | BISONet PLUS2 ENH | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovationmanagement capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1312 | EDST | Economic Development and Structural Transformation | 2017 |
1313 | INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | 2016 |
1314 | SEACRIFOG | Supporting EU-African Cooperation on Research Infrastructures for Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Observations | 2017 |
1315 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2017 |
1317 | KAM2EastPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2017 |
1318 | VEBIN SME 2.0 | Continuing the services of enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's by the Enterprise Europe Network in Flanders | 2017 |
1319 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED Innovation Management Support | 2017 |
1320 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2017 |
1321 | PROSME-INN | PROSME-INN - Improving RO3 SMEs management of innovation | 2017 |
1322 | B.E.N.E.I2 2017-2018 | B.E.N.E.I2 2017-2018 - BENE Innovation Internationalisation services 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1323 | SMEntorEGE | SMEntorEGE | 2017 |
1324 | InnoCap Transylvania | Serces to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the macro-region 1 in Romania | 2017 |
1325 | INNO-HUN2017-18 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2017-18 | 2017 |
1326 | We4SMESLO_3 | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia | 2017 |
1327 | INNOVIST 2.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul 2.0 | 2017 |
1328 | ICE | Intelligent Control of Energy Storage for Smart Buildings and Grids | 2017 |
1329 | HCEMM | Establishing the Hungarian Center of Excellence for Molecular Medicine in partnership with EMBL | 2017 |
1330 | WHO-ITU-mHealth | WHO - ITU mHealth Hub in EU | 2017 |
1331 | KAM2CentralPoland-2 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland-2 | 2017 |
1332 | Swennis 2017-2018 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2017 - 2018 | 2017 |
1333 | 3DPD | PhD position in commercial environment: cancer immunotherapy drug screening in 3D | 2017 |
1334 | InnoSME-LV-2017-2018 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2017-2018) | 2017 |
1335 | SACCSCAN-IA-ML | Developing Machine Learning Classifier Models for Eye Movements to Diagnose Major Psychiatric Disorders | 2017 |
1336 | IA-M-SHOP | Intelligent Algorithm for M-Shop | 2017 |
1337 | ERA-MobilCar.GR | ERA Mobility and Researchers Career Days in Greece: A contribution to decrease brain drain | 2017 |
1338 | MUSA | Monitoring built-Up area from SAtellite | 2017 |
1339 | KAMWAL 2.2 | EEN Innovation services for Walloon SMEs 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1340 | FishMan | Unwanted catches of trawl fisheries: ecosystem effects and advances to an integratedmanagement approach in the Mediterranean | 2017 |
1341 | EENinnoSMES2 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2017 |
1342 | HISMACITY-pro | Historical Small Smart City Protocol for integrated interventions. | 2017 |
1343 | AfriVeg | Assessment of African Vegetation Resources: New Perspectives from Satellite Passive Microwave Datasets | 2018 |
1344 | HiddenLife | Understanding the role of environmental and climatic changes in shaping subterranean diversity to preserve Europe’s unique hidden biodiversity | 2017 |
1345 | UMAQ | Understanding Media Accessibility Quality | 2017 |
1346 | ROMA | Resource AuctiOning Engine for the Mobile Digital MArket | 2017 |
1347 | SEMCRI 2017 | Maltese Presidency Conference on Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation through Research and Innovation | 2016 |
1348 | CHINO | The Health Data Security Platform for EU Developers Enterprises | 2017 |
1349 | KAM2CY3 | Key Services for Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Cyprus through the local member of Enterprise Europe Network – KAM2CY3 | 2017 |
1350 | FINKAMIE2018 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1351 | NASCENT | Nutritional labelling software and claims: service, training and innovation offering to SMEs and industry in Europe | 2017 |
1352 | SecIoT | Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices | 2017 |
1353 | ISPEC | Imaging SPECtral deconvolution specialist | 2017 |
1354 | MILC | New system for Automatic Music identification of live events and cover versions | 2017 |
1355 | BOB | Business Opportunity for innovative Biostimulant platform | 2017 |
1356 | AFRI-SKYFOR | African Sky Forests: services, threats and management recommendations | 2017 |
1357 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2017 |
1358 | NK-52-2016 | Next generation authentication for the digital age | 2017 |
1359 | TRIM | Vulnerable trait-combinations in corals and fishes and their management | 2017 |
1360 | PERIGROWTH | States, firms and, sustainable economic growth: A view from the periphery | 2018 |
1361 | SABER CULTURAL | SAfeguarding Biodiversity and Ecosystem seRvices by integrating CULTURAL values in freshwater management: learning from MÄori | 2018 |
1362 | BROAD | Learning to bracket broadly | 2017 |
1363 | innoPROCUR | Improving support services to foster SMEs’ participation to PCP and PPI | 2017 |
1364 | DesignShots | Design Driven Innovation For SMEs | 2017 |
1365 | KEEPERS | Keepers: The Key to your Child’s Safety | 2017 |
1366 | IDEAL SENSOR | Integrated Smart Device for Emergency Management | 2017 |
1367 | <IMPACT> Connected Car | Impacting on the Emerging Connected Car VaLuE Chains | 2017 |
1368 | INCluSilver | Innovation in personalised Nutrition through Cluster cooperation in the Silver economy | 2017 |
1369 | NearUS | Network for European Research and Innovation acceleration in the US | 2017 |
1370 | EENINNOAUSTRIA2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1371 | Galactea-PlusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2017 |
1372 | PIONEER | The effect of seagrass bed habitat quality on selected ecosystem services | 2018 |
1373 | LARMAR | Land Use and Resource Management at the Agricultural - Forest Frontier | 2017 |
1374 | M-TRAIT | Modelling Tree Response to Aridity Increase with Traits | 2018 |
1375 | AFOREST | Effects of common European tree species on interactions between C and N processes in soil and soil biota | 2018 |
1376 | DEMODA | Decadal changes in the Atlantic Equatorial Mode. Origin and dynamics. | 2018 |
1377 | COMPEL | COsts and Mechanisms of Personalised Exercise and Education for chronic Low back pain | 2018 |
1378 | GAMODRONE | Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks | 2017 |
1379 | MoniTank | Underground Storage Tanks Risk Mitigation System for petrol fuel stations | 2017 |
1380 | RADAR-CNS | Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Central Nervous System Disorders - Sofia ref.: 115902 | 2016 |
1381 | RESCEU | REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019 | 2017 |
1382 | ACCLIM | Acclimatization scenarios and early warning system of temperature-related mortality in Europe | 2017 |
1383 | NI2D | NI2D: Software for nonlinear vibration analysis: From identification to design. | 2017 |
1384 | ICEKAM-3 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1385 | INNO DK | Innovation Denmark II | 2017 |
1386 | MayDay | Mobile researchers careers Attractive to Young scientists | 2017 |
1387 | SSBI-CRO-KAM3 | Services in Support for Business and Innovation in Croatia - Key Account Management | 2017 |
1388 | ELSE SIM | Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe - SMEs Innovation Management | 2017 |
1389 | DRiveR | How does dopamine link QMP with reproductive repression to mediate colony harmony and productivity in the honeybee? | 2018 |
1390 | TRANSFAIR | Unfair transitions? A critical examination low-carbon energy pathways in the EU from a domestic energy vulnerability perspective | 2018 |
1391 | InnoMedia | InnoMedia | 2017 |
1392 | CreepUT | An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry | 2017 |
1393 | FunKeyGut | Illuminating Functional Networks and Keystone Species in the Gut | 2017 |
1394 | RESCUE | Interdependent Challenges of Reliability, Security and Quality in Nanoelectronic Systems Design | 2017 |
1395 | SAFE STRIP | Safe and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications | 2017 |
1396 | LessThanWagonLoad | Development of ‘Less than Wagon Load’ transport solutions in the Antwerp Chemical cluster | 2017 |
1397 | VetBioNet | Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation | 2017 |
1398 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SME | 2017 |
1399 | ZECARDIO | Cardiotoxicity High-throughput screening (HTS) with zebrafish embryo | 2017 |
1400 | SAFER-LC | SAFER Level Crossing by integrating and optimizing road-rail infrastructure management and design | 2017 |
1401 | ENCIRCLE | European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster | 2017 |
1402 | TITANIUM | Tools for the Investigation of Transactions in Underground Markets | 2017 |
1403 | MARISA | Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness | 2017 |
1404 | Shocks Transmission | Transmission of Financial Shocks: A systemic Input-Output GVAR approach | 2018 |
1405 | ASSIST | ASSIST - Support Network for Household Energy Saving | 2017 |
1406 | T4C | PhD Technology Driven Sciences: Technologies for Cultural Heritage | 2018 |
1407 | IoBee | Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality | 2017 |
1408 | CORALASSIST | Assisting Coral Reef Survival in the Face of Climate Change | 2017 |
1409 | INNCASTHUR17 | Innovation capacity analysis and services for SMEs in Thuringia | 2017 |
1410 | | Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe | 2017 |
1411 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2017 |
1412 | MELIITA 2 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 2 [Innovation services] | 2017 |
1413 | TEAM-Coast | Toward a new generation of Ecological Assessment tools for the Management Coastal environment | 2018 |
1414 | UBIGNSS | GNSS for mass-market Internet-of-Things tracking applications | 2017 |
1415 | DATATRANS | PROVENTA Smart Database Transformation Framework | 2017 |
1416 | AIMS | Automated Integrated Monitoring System | 2017 |
1417 | MaaS4EU | End-to-End Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobility | 2017 |
1418 | SUNRISE | Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods - Research and Implementation Support in Europe | 2017 |
1419 | MyCorridor | Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor | 2017 |
1420 | COMBAT | Clearance Of Microbial Biofilms by Advancing diagnostics and Therapy | 2017 |
1421 | European Unions | Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance Regime | 2017 |
1422 | AgriLink | AgriLink. Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation. | 2017 |
1423 | TRUE | Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe | 2017 |
1424 | ECOBULK | Circular Process for Eco-Designed Bulky Products and Internal Car Parts | 2017 |
1425 | SERA | Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe | 2017 |
1426 | InGRID-2 | Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy | 2017 |
1427 | INCAME_2 | INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises | 2017 |
1428 | EEN EF4INNO | Enterprise Europe Network innovation management specific services in the two new regions of Eastern France | 2017 |
1429 | N-Supp_INNO-17 | Innovation Enhacement Management service and Key Account Management within EEN Niedersachsen 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1430 | Innosupport | Innovation Management Support for SMEs | 2017 |
1431 | IMCESA2017-18 | Innovation Management Capacity Enhancement of SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt for the period 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1432 | INNOKAM 2017-2018 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2017 |
1433 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 3 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1434 | BASKAM2 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1435 | | The European watch on cybersecurity privacy | 2017 |
1436 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2017 |
1437 | LETS-CROWD | Law Enforcement agencies human factor methods and Toolkit for the Security and protection of CROWDs in mass gatherings | 2017 |
1438 | IN-PREP | An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective inter-organisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises | 2017 |
1439 | STOP-IT | Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats | 2017 |
1441 | FORTIKA | FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems | 2017 |
1442 | COMPACT | COmpetitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security Threats | 2017 |
1443 | CS-AWARE | A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis | 2017 |
1444 | GHOST | Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control | 2017 |
1445 | EEN SACHSEN | Specific activities in the context of innovation support (HORIZON 2020) in the Free State Saxony | 2017 |
1446 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2017 |
1447 | KAIROS | KAIRÓS - Key Account services and Innovation management support for TRivenetO SME’s | 2017 |
1448 | InnoBremen2 | InnoBremen2 – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2017 |
1449 | BW-KAM3 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Feeding the Innovation Pipeline in Baden-Wuerttemberg through targeted services to SME | 2017 |
1450 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2017 |
1451 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2017 |
1452 | EUCALIVA | EUCAlyptus LIgnin VAlorisation for Advanced Materials and Carbon Fibres | 2017 |
1453 | FUSION | The effects of financial capital accumulation on employment and wealth distribution | 2017 |
1454 | Rhodoshop | Rhodoshop – a pilot programme to facilitate investment in energy efficiency by creation of One-Stop-Shop in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria. | 2017 |
1455 | QualitEE | Quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services to scale up responsible investment in the building sector | 2017 |
1456 | TestConCert | TestConCert is a future-proof fusion of automation technology using IoT communication strategies with flight test bench control and test management from requirement up to the certification document. | 2017 |
1457 | OxfordNano | Implementing Special Nanomaterials in Ultra-performance Mobile Radomes | 2017 |
1458 | DREAMS | DRone European AIM Study | 2017 |
1459 | IMPETUS | Information Management Portal to Enable the inTegration of Unmanned Systems | 2017 |
1460 | KEEN | KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector | 2017 |
1461 | MO.RE. | More: motion recognition to enable human muscles, the ultimate tom-tom of muscles for a new era of motor and sport rehabilitation. | 2017 |
1462 | Laelia Due | A smart pellet stove that combines efficient heat generation with IoT | 2017 |
1463 | PROOFY | Protecting Creations Made Easy. Unique Innovative solution to protect intellectual property of original works in digital format in an easy and cost-effective way | 2017 |
1464 | PLATGENE | Development of a platform for a new model of interaction between geneticists and patients with Mendelian diseases. | 2017 |
1465 | EHW17 | High Level eHealth Conference 2017 | 2017 |
1466 | RAVEN | Real Time Access To Virtual Earth Observation Network | 2017 |
1467 | 5G STEP FWD | 5G System Technological Enhancements Provided by Fiber Wireless Deployments | 2017 |
1468 | InnovAfrica | Innovations in Technology, Institutional and Extension Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture and enhanced Food and Nutritional Security in Africa | 2017 |
1469 | GenTORE | Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency | 2017 |
1471 | DiverIMPACTS | Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability | 2017 |
1472 | Diverfarming | Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation | 2017 |
1473 | Climate-fit.City | Pan-European Urban Climate Services | 2017 |
1474 | PROSNOW | Provision of a prediction system allowing for management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts | 2017 |
1475 | GROW GREEN | Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments | 2017 |
1476 | CLARITY | Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency | 2017 |
1477 | H2020_Insurance | Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment | 2017 |
1478 | CLARA | Climate forecast enabled knowledge services | 2017 |
1479 | AURASME2 | Proposal of Consortium AURASME2 for the support services Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs within the Enterprise Europe Network Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (EURORAA). | 2017 |
1480 | InnoBavaria_3 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bavaria | 2017 |
1481 | E3Canarias 2017-2018 | E3Canarias 2017-2018: Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's with the Enterprise Europe Network Canarias 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1482 | EEN-Innovate PT | EEN-Innovate PT | 2017 |
1483 | CESEAND InnoAses3 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2017-18. | 2017 |
1484 | EEN INNOS | New extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia | 2017 |
1485 | NOVICE | New Buildings Energy Renovation Business Models incorporating dual energy services | 2017 |
1486 | BladeSave | Risk Based Technology for Blade Structural Assessment | 2017 |
1487 | EuConNeCts3 | European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) | 2017 |
1488 | Smart4Europe | Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe | 2017 |
1489 | CLASS | CLear Air Situation for uaS: Maturing ground based technologies for a real-time Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management System (UTMS) to monitor and separate Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) traffic | 2017 |
1490 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republika Srpska | 2017 |
1491 | VERT | Vertex switch – the foundation for a more sustainable and reliable railway transport system | 2017 |
1492 | KLIMATOR RSI | A new road status information system for a smarter mobility thanks to an effective and sustainable winter Road Maintenance | 2017 |
1493 | SPEEDY-3D | Plugin-free easy-to-use software for high-speed virtual reality in e-commerce | 2017 |
1494 | AGRI-DRONE | Unique radar-drone used for subsurface water detection for precision agricultural irrigation | 2017 |
1495 | XTOnE | Use of Extremophile Bacterium XT1 in Biological Approach to Promote Plant Growth and Tackle Pathogens | 2017 |
1497 | BrachyDOSE | Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BranchyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool | 2017 |
1498 | Domo4mAI | Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings | 2017 |
1499 | COLLABORATRICITY | Utility-in-a- box software platform connecting local electricity producers and consumers to foster Collaborative Energy Ecosystems | 2017 |
1500 | SIMPLE FEAST | HEALTHY TAKE-AWAY ON SUBSCRIPTION - delicious, organic, plant-based food in season whenever you need it. To promote good health of the European Union’s population. | 2017 |
1501 | NINA 2.0 | Changing the rules of domestic gas metering | 2017 |
1502 | IMOVE | Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network | 2017 |
1504 | SCOTT | Secure COnnected Trustable Things | 2017 |
1505 | H2020 WP2017-2018 | Implementation of innovation in enterprise management | 2017 |
1506 | Castor EDC | Castor EDC: Unlocking the Potential of Data in Biomedical Research | 2017 |
1507 | EPSS 2 | Enabling Chemical Propulsion System for the Growing Small Satellite Market | 2017 |
1508 | ASGARD | Automatic SaaS Governing of Hybrid Networks for Growing Infrastructure Demands | 2017 |
1509 | C-MobILE | Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe | 2017 |
1510 | CAPITA | CAPITA: Child Abuse Prevention International Training and Access | 2017 |
1511 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2017 |
1512 | IRL-SME-Innovation | Establishment of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's through theEnterprise Europe Network in IRELAND | 2017 |
1513 | acteno | Industrial Energy Storage Integration - development of a new bussiness segment in the area of energy storage at the SME acteno energy | 2017 |
1514 | FIRMNET | Firms and Their Networks | 2017 |
1515 | H2020 Armenia | EEN Armenia assists SMEs involved in Horizon 2020 | 2017 |
1517 | Enhancement SGA2 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2017 |
1518 | WESTinnoMAR | WESTinnoMAR | 2017 |
1519 | QoLRO | Measuring Quality of Life in the general population and Roma minority in Romania: implications for health policies and economic evaluations | 2017 |
1520 | MOWOOT | Integral Intestinal Transit Management System for chronic constipation | 2017 |
1521 | ANDRUPOS | Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates | 2017 |
1522 | PIUR tUS | Tomographic 3D Ultrasound for Safe and More Cost Effective Vascular Diagnostics and Treatment Planning | 2017 |
1523 | ONE5G | E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for the Network Edge of 5G New Radio | 2017 |
1524 | WORTECS | Wireless Optical/Radio TErabit Communications | 2017 |
1525 | TETRAMAX | TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments | 2017 |
1526 | 5G-MoNArch | 5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond | 2017 |
1527 | CPN | Content Personalisation Network | 2017 |
1528 | 5GTANGO | 5G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps | 2017 |
1529 | SmartEEs | SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH | 2017 |
1530 | 5G-Xcast | Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems | 2017 |
1531 | NGPaaS | Next Generation Platform as a Service | 2017 |
1532 | 5G ESSENCE | Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences | 2017 |
1533 | FuturePulse | FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry | 2017 |
1534 | X5gon | X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network | 2017 |
1535 | FED4SAE | Federated CPS Digital Innovation Hubs for the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative | 2017 |
1536 | 5G-MEDIA | Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry | 2017 |
1537 | METRO-HAUL | METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency | 2017 |
1538 | HRadio | Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone | 2017 |
1539 | Hyper360 | Enriching 360 media with 3D storytelling and personalisation elements | 2017 |
1541 | ImAc | Immersive Accessibility | 2017 |
1542 | EASYTV | Easing the access of Europeans with disabilities to converging media and content | 2017 |
1543 | 5G-PICTURE | 5G Programmable Infrastructure Converging disaggregated neTwork and compUte REsources | 2017 |
1544 | BLOOMEN | Blockchains in the new era of participatory media experience | 2017 |
1545 | INVITE | Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems | 2017 |
1546 | inDemand | Demand driven co-creation for public entities. | 2017 |
1547 | ColoFast | Developing a Non-Invasive Kit for Early Colorectal Cancer Detection | 2017 |
1548 | PPPL | Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology | 2017 |
1549 | InnoSpaceComm | EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions. | 2017 |
1550 | PODAPP | Making Audio-On-Demand Accessible, Democratic and Commercially viable | 2017 |
1551 | serverChill | Server liquid cooling for Data Centres... done right! | 2017 |
1552 | SENTRY | Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Cable Monitoring and Surveying for Offshore Wind Farms providing movement, depth, surface disruption and free-span readings | 2017 |
1553 | Home of Cool | A novel environment-friendly limited space cooler for high volume food and beverage vending industries. | 2017 |
1554 | EEN Normandie h2020 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network Normandie | 2017 |
1555 | BITNET-INNOSUP | Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1556 | 3ants | Enhancing security of digital property rights and citizens’ awareness through an innovative anti-piracyframework of digital content based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence | 2017 |
1557 | QUARRYSMART | Smart software platform for the economic and sustainable exploitation of dimension stone quarries | 2017 |
1558 | BlockchainKYC | Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service | 2017 |
1559 | REDSENTRY | Proactive Operational Intelligence Cybersecurity Platform for the Financial Services Industry | 2017 |
1560 | MAGYCO | Mems based Appliance for GYro Compassing in general aviation and unmanned aircraft applications | 2017 |
1561 | DABCAST | Digital radio game changer | 2017 |
1562 | IFM Micro Thruster | The unique modular propulsion system suitable for all small satellites from 1 to 500 kg | 2017 |
1563 | INDTECH2018 | INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - innovative industries for smart growth | 2017 |
1564 | ISAR | The world's first purpose-built professional all-terrain passenger Vehicle | 2017 |
1565 | LIS-Water | Centre of Excellence (CoE) Lisbon International Centre for Water | 2017 |
1566 | Lyfta | Lyfta: an immersive educational storyworld platform | 2017 |
1567 | MARCONI | Multimedia and Augmented Radio Creation: Online, iNteractive, Individual | 2017 |
1568 | MAT_STOCKS | Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society | 2018 |
1569 | MetLeach | Feasibility study on nature based more efficient 2-step bioleaching technology producing methane gas and metal compounds from “low grade” multimetallic European ores/wastes containing organometallics. | 2017 |
1570 | PROGRAMS | PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling | 2017 |
1571 | PROPHESY | Platform for rapid deployment of self-configuring and optimized predictive maintenance services | 2017 |
1572 | PubFORWARD | Disrupting the Digital Publishing and Advertising Markets by New Digital Services | 2017 |
1573 | Quipu Cloud | A suite of software applications hosted in the cloud for medical ultrasound diagnostics | 2017 |
1574 | SAAM | Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching | 2017 |
1575 | SIMDAS | Upgrade of CaSToRC into a Center of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science | 2017 |
1576 | SNAPTAG | Unique machine to produce a revolutionary RFID TAG | 2017 |
1577 | STARS | Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS | 2017 |
1578 | SWING | Smart connected poWer continuity system enablING European industrial renaissance | 2017 |
1579 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
1581 | WE4AHA | Widening the support for large scale uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing | 2017 |
1582 | Autonomous | Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation | 2017 |
1583 | XANA | Innovative Wearable and Open Platform for a Personalized Treatment of Stress | 2017 |
1584 | Cross4Health | Collaboration among Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Energy and Medical Devices sectors in generating innovative solutions, business models and work-flows that enhance patient-centered care | 2017 |
1585 | 5G-CORAL | 5G-CORAL: A 5G Convergent Virtualised Radio Access Network Living at the Edge | 2017 |
1586 | Clear5G | Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future | 2017 |
1588 | EMME-CARE | Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre | 2017 |
1589 | CECM | Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy | 2017 |
1590 | ARIB | Advanced Research Incubator in Biosciences (ARIB): A centre of excellence for disseminating quality biomedical research and boosting the next research generation for sustainable growth | 2017 |
1591 | EPPN | European Network for Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs | 2017 |
1592 | EEN-Ukraine | Innovation capacity building in Ukrainian SMEs and enhancing cooperation with European SMEs | 2017 |
1593 | EEN Northern NL | EEN Northern Netherlands: enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs | 2017 |
1594 | HTSEmpower | The High Throughput Satellite Enabler Instrument: HTSInstrument | 2017 |
1595 | DSS | Deaf Smart Space | 2017 |
1596 | CryO2 | Telemetric control of oxygen delivery for therapy optimization and adherence | 2017 |
1597 | GOVERNOR | New-generation database capacity planning optimization | 2017 |
1598 | Garsia | Moving from Cure to Care: an integrated care delivery platform for a new person-oriented approach | 2017 |
1599 | CityBike | CityBike: A comfortable, safe, and adaptable electric-bike for everyone | 2017 |
1600 | HiJiffy | Connecting guests to hotels through Messaging Apps | 2017 |
1601 | TRANSVAC2 | European Vaccine Research and Development Infrastructure | 2017 |
1602 | UNFRAUD | An advanced online anti-fraud software equipped with deep learning Artificial Intelligence thatcan face and detect, current fraudulent techniques and their continued evolution in a cost effective man | 2017 |
1603 | UtilitEE | Utility Business Model Transformation through human-centric behavioural interventions and ICT tools for Energy Efficiency | 2017 |
1604 | vCare | Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly | 2017 |
1605 | verv | verv: advanced home electricity analytics | 2017 |
1606 | ACHIEVE | AdvanCed Hardware/Software Components for Integrated/Embedded Vision SystEms | 2017 |
1607 | AMable | AdditiveManufacturABLE | 2017 |
1608 | Amphiro en-Gage | Amphiro en-Gage: Technology for a Smart and Sustainable Use of Hot Water | 2017 |
1609 | ASSEMBLE Plus | Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded | 2017 |
1610 | BiggerDecisions | Data-driven decision making for a more efficient society | 2017 |
1611 | CaReSyAn | Combatting the CardioRenal Syndrome: towards an integrative Analysis to reduce cardiovascular burden in chronic kidney disease | 2018 |
1612 | CATALYST | Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems (CATALYST) | 2017 |
1613 | CloudiFacturing | Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing | 2017 |
1614 | COUCH | Council of Coaches | 2017 |
1615 | ELVITEN | Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks | 2017 |
1616 | EUROFLOW | A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins | 2017 |
1617 | FogGuru | FogGuru: Training the Next Generation of European Fog Computing Experts | 2017 |
1618 | GridEye | For a rapid transition to Smart Grids | 2017 |
1619 | HiReach | High reach innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty | 2017 |
1620 | Home2nite | Home2nite is an innovative guest engagement platform that aims to empower the independent hotels as AirBnb did for the travel hosts. | 2017 |
1621 | HubIT | The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research | 2017 |
1622 | i-vSAVE | Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. | 2017 |
1623 | KNOX | Cost advantageous and scalable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts | 2017 |
1624 | L4MS | Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs | 2017 |
1625 | MIDIH | Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs | 2017 |
1626 | MIP-Frontiers | New Frontiers in Music Information Processing | 2018 |
1627 | MoTiV | Mobility and Time Value | 2017 |
1628 | NESTORE | Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities | 2017 |
1629 | NOESIS | NOvel Decision Support tool for Evaluating Strategic Big Data investments in Transport and Intelligent Mobility Services | 2017 |
1630 | ONFIRE | Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation | 2017 |
1631 | PAY-ME-ATTENTION | Disrupting the Communication between Humans and Computers - Understanding the Key Message in Simultaneous Conversations Through Voice Biometrics | 2017 |
1632 | PUMP-HEAT | Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies | 2017 |
1633 | REWAM | Next generation renewable energy portfolio asset management based on predictive analytics | 2017 |
1634 | SAFER | Selective Agonists For Serotonin Receptors | 2017 |
1635 | SIADE SaaS | SIADE SaaS: Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 2017 |
1636 | Smartify | A global platform for discovery and sharing of art | 2017 |
1637 | NCore | Networking and Care: Helping young people with mental health problems through outreach and eHealth | 2017 |
1638 | SmartPhoneSmartAging | Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth | 2017 |
1639 | DIAGRASS | Differential adaptation capacity of dryland grasses to directional changes in water availability (DIAGRASS). | 2018 |
1640 | EuroAgeism | An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism | 2017 |
1641 | EPIDIVERSE | Epigenetic Diversity in Ecology | 2017 |
1642 | PERFORM | Pioneering the Digital Future for Omnichannel Retail Managers | 2018 |
1643 | ED-ARCHMAT | European Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science | 2018 |
1644 | InBetween | ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles | 2017 |
1645 | STEVE | Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases | 2017 |
1646 | DOMINOES | Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services | 2017 |
1647 | CROSSBOW | CROSS BOrder management of variable renewable energies and storage units enabling a transnational Wholesale market | 2017 |
1648 | RESOLVD | Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution grids | 2017 |
1649 | FLEXCoop | Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives | 2017 |
1651 | MAGNITUDE | Bringing flexibility provided by multi energy carrier integration to a new MAGNITUDE | 2017 |
1652 | DRIVE | Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid | 2017 |
1653 | AIM | Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem improvement | 2017 |
1654 | ATMOSPHERE | Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing | 2017 |
1655 | CONNECTIVE | Connecting and Analysing the Digital Transport Ecosystem | 2017 |
1656 | My-TRAC | My TRAvel Companion | 2017 |
1657 | Madaster | Towards a circular economy: Eliminate waste through an open platform that facilitates material passports | 2017 |
1658 | IN2DREAMS | INtelligent solutions 2ward the Development of Railway Energy and Asset Management Systems in Europe | 2017 |
1659 | NECOS | Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing | 2017 |
1660 | FAST-TRACKS | Fast rAdio technologieS for uninterrupTed TRAin to traCKside communicationS | 2017 |
1661 | Big Policy Canvas | Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector | 2017 |
1662 | HERMES | High Efficiency Real-Time Multithreading Engine for Space applications | 2017 |
1664 | 5GRANGE | Remote area Access Network for 5th GEneration | 2017 |
1665 | BILLON | Disrupting the economy – FinTech blockchain solution revolutionises direct payments. Secure, low-cost and simple bank-free payments for everyone | 2017 |
1666 | PVCI | Photovoltaic Control and Integration | 2017 |
1667 | ENERGYA | ENERGY use for Adaptation | 2018 |
1668 | EMPATHIC | Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly | 2017 |
1669 | SoCaTel | A multi-stakeholder co-creation platform for better access to long-term care services | 2017 |
1670 | Co-VAL | Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations | 2017 |
1671 | CoSIE | Co-creation of service innovation in Europe | 2017 |
1672 | Swiss EENISSME | Contribution of Swiss EEN to the implementation of the SME Instrument | 2017 |
1673 | EU-SysFlex | Pan-European system with an efficient coordinated use of flexibilities for the integration of a large share of RES | 2017 |
1674 | IRIS | Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities | 2017 |
1675 | FLEXITRANSTORE | An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources | 2017 |
1676 | CLAIM | Cleaning Litter by developing and Applying Innovative Methods in european seas | 2017 |
1677 | AfriCultuReS | Enhancing Food Security in AFRIcan AgriCULTUral Systems with the Support of REmote Sensing | 2017 |
1678 | TechTIDE | Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects | 2017 |
1679 | PerceptiveSentinel | Perceptive Sentinel – BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform | 2018 |
1680 | SINSIN | Enhanced PLB, EGNSS receiver, and MEOLUT, according but beyond the standard, significantly improving the localization in difficult conditions, paving the way to a mass market SAR/Galileo service | 2017 |
1681 | GOEASY | GalileO-based trustEd Applications for health and SustainabilitY | 2017 |
1682 | SWAMI | Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices | 2018 |
1683 | NADiRA | Nurturing Africa Digital Revolution for Agriculture | 2017 |
1685 | DCS4COP | DataCube Service for Copernicus | 2017 |
1686 | CoastObs | Commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring services based on Earth observation | 2017 |
1687 | AirQast | A commercial platform providing operational Air Quality services using EO data | 2017 |
1688 | ESSI | European Support to Social Innovation | 2017 |
1689 | Go SIV | Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart Industrial Villages (SIV), an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial areas | 2017 |
1690 | ACTPHAST 4.0 | ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator | 2017 |
1691 | NextPho21 | Developing and implementing the Next European Photonics21 industrial PPP Strategy | 2018 |
1692 | BodyPass | API-ecosystem for cross-sectorial exchange of 3D personal data | 2018 |
1693 | IoTCrawler | IoTCrawler | 2018 |
1694 | CHARIOT | Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT | 2018 |
1695 | ProteaseNter | Disseminating N-terminomics to Advance Protease Research | 2018 |
1696 | TotalControl | Advanced integrated supervisory and wind turbine control for optimal operation of large Wind Power Plants | 2018 |
1697 | SmartCow | SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector | 2018 |
1698 | ARICE | Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic | 2018 |
1699 | TERRINet | The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network | 2017 |
1700 | EDIReX | EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts | 2018 |
1701 | CLIM4CROP | Climate monitoring and seasonal forecast for global crop production | 2018 |
1702 | INNOVATE | INtelligeNt ApplicatiOns oVer Large ScAle DaTa StrEams | 2018 |
1703 | VSDN | Video streaming services with Software-Defined Networking | 2018 |
1704 | ME-WE | Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe | 2018 |
1705 | DEVTAXNET | Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks | 2018 |
1706 | ReSEED | Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century | 2018 |
1707 | FENIX | Future business models for the Efficient recovery of Natural and Industrial secondary resources in eXtended supply chains contexts | 2018 |
1708 | VIMMP | Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) | 2018 |
1709 | CORNET | Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices | 2018 |
1710 | MANU-SQUARE | MANUfacturing ecoSystem of QUAlified Resources Exchange | 2018 |
1711 | RESPOND | RESPOND: integrated demand REsponse Solution towards energy POsitive NeighbourhooDs | 2017 |
1712 | eDREAM | eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models | 2018 |
1713 | SOGNO | Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future | 2018 |
1714 | ERSAT GGC | ERTMS on SATELLITE Galileo Game Changer | 2017 |
1715 | MySustainableForest | Operational sustainable forestry with satellite-based remote sensing | 2017 |
1716 | Astropreneurs | Turning space-related ideas into viable businesses and promoting opportunities for entrepreneurs coming from space and non-space sectors. | 2018 |
1717 | SINCERE | Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch | 2018 |
1718 | FLAMINGO | Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services | 2017 |
1719 | COACCH | CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs | 2017 |
1720 | MED-GOLD | Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems | 2017 |
1721 | TWIGA | Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa | 2018 |
1722 | S2S4E | Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate forecasting for Energy | 2017 |
1723 | SECLI-FIRM | The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Integrated Risk Management Decisions | 2018 |
1724 | XDC | eXtreme DataCloud | 2017 |
1725 | DARE | Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures | 2018 |
1726 | RDA Europe 4.0 | The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance | 2018 |
1727 | DEEP-HybridDataCloud | Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud | 2017 |
1728 | KET4CleanProduction | Pan-European Access for man. SME on tech. services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access incl. EEN and discourse with policy makers on RIS3 | 2018 |
1729 | EURHISFIRM | Historical high-quality company-level data for Europe | 2018 |
1730 | FREYA | Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources | 2017 |
1731 | OpenAIRE-Advance | OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship | 2018 |
1732 | PAPILA | Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America | 2018 |
1733 | FUTURES | Forefront UAV Technology for Underpinning Rainforest Environmental Sustainability | 2018 |
1734 | CE-IOT | A Framework for Pairing Circular Economy and IoT: IoT as an enabler of the Circular Economy circularity-by-design as an enabler for IoT (CE-IoT) | 2018 |
1735 | NanoSurf | Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing | 2018 |
1736 | DNASURF | Molecular diagnostics through DNA modification and interfacial engineering | 2017 |
1737 | PDE-GIR | PDE-based geometric modelling, image processing, and shape reconstruction | 2018 |
1738 | IDEAL-CITIES | Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Trustworthy and Circular Smart Cities | 2018 |
1739 | BEHAPI | Behavioural Application Program Interfaces | 2018 |
1740 | DoCMA | Disorders of Consciousness (DoC): enhancing the transfer of knowledge and professional skills on evidence-based interventions and validated technology for a better management of patients | 2018 |
1741 | Smart-Trust | Smart Trust: Secure Mobile ID for Trusted Smart Borders | 2018 |
1742 | UPSIDES | Using Peer Support In Developing Empowering Mental Health Services | 2018 |
1743 | HYFLIERS | HYbrid FLying-rollIng with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inSpection | 2018 |
1744 | GRASSHOPPER | GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant | 2018 |
1745 | RECOVER-E | LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE | 2018 |
1746 | Haeolus | Hydrogen-Aeolic Energy with Optimised eLectrolysers Upstream of Substation | 2018 |
1747 | HYDRAITE | Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation | 2018 |
1748 | HiPEAC | High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation | 2017 |
1749 | EDI | European Data Incubator | 2018 |
1750 | SecureIoT | Predictive Security for IoT Platforms and Networks of Smart Objects | 2018 |
1751 | RobotUnion | Stimulate ScaleUps to develop novel and challenging TEchnology and systems applicable to new Markets for ROBOtic soLUTIONs | 2018 |
1752 | IRSUS | Innovation Radar Support Services | 2017 |
1753 | COVR | Being safe around collaborative and versatile robots in shared spaces | 2018 |
1754 | FENTEC | Functional Encryption Technologies | 2018 |
1755 | TheyBuyForYou | Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence | 2018 |
1756 | WADcher | Web Accessibility Directive Decision Support Environment | 2018 |
1757 | E2DATA | European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks | 2018 |
1758 | WAZIHUB | Accelerating Open IoT and Big Data Innovation in Africa | 2018 |
1759 | FABULOS | Pre-Commercial Procurement of Future autonomous bus urban level Operation Systems | 2018 |
1760 | PRIViLEDGE | Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography in Distributed Ledgers | 2018 |
1761 | SEP 2.0 | Startup Europe Partnership 2.0 | 2018 |
1762 | Easy Reading | Easy Reading: A Framework for Personalised Cognitive Accessibility when using Original Digital Content | 2018 |
1763 | SDK4ED | Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination | 2018 |
1764 | CLASS | Edge and CLoud Computation: A Highly Distributed Software Architecture for Big Data AnalyticS | 2018 |
1765 | Lynx | Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe | 2017 |
1766 | PROMETHEUS | PRivacy preserving pOst-quantuM systEms from advanced crypTograpHic mEchanisms Using latticeS | 2018 |
1767 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
1768 | Startup Lighthouse | Lighthouse: Lighting the way for European scale-ups | 2018 |
1769 | INSENSION | Personalized intelligent platform enabling interaction with digital services to individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities | 2018 |
1770 | ICARUS | Aviation-driven Data Value Chain for Diversified Global and Local Operations | 2018 |
1771 | GrassrootWavelengths | Grassroot Wavelengths: Highly Networked Grassroots Community Radio through a scalable digital platform | 2018 |
1772 | GAINS | General Aviation Improved Navigation and Surveillance | 2018 |
1773 | PODIUM | Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM Management | 2018 |
1774 | ENVISION | Enhanced Situational Awareness through Video Integration with ADS-B Surveillance Infrastructure on Airports | 2018 |
1775 | reNEW | Sustainable cleaning agent and organic fertilizer recovery from sewage sludge | 2017 |
1778 | Net4MobilityPlus | Network of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action National Contact Points for the mobile scientific and innovation community | 2018 |
1779 | I-Cuvette | Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk | 2017 |
1780 | MSH | The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility | 2017 |
1781 | VoLTE-DM | VoLTE device management platform: enabler for the transition to full-LTE mobile networks and more efficient use of the scarce radio spectrum | 2017 |
1783 | AUTTO | Unlocking intelligent workflow automation for the SME market through AUTTO, an AI powered micro-automation SaaS Platform | 2017 |
1784 | PMT4NIIS | Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems | 2018 |
1785 | NeuroPsyCAD | Artificial Intelligence for early and accurate neuropsychiatric diagnosis | 2017 |
1786 | Aerial Insights | Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions | 2017 |
1787 | Day-by-day | Day-by-Day Short-Term Traffic Forecasts for Road Concessions (top app) | 2017 |
1789 | FARSIGHTS | Fast And Reliable Surveillance and Identification of Ground asseTs from Space | 2017 |
1790 | ImmuneHunter | Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously | 2017 |
1791 | CELION | Circular Economy applied to LI-ION batteries for smart electric mobility in cities | 2017 |
1792 | EXACT-dna | EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies | 2017 |
1793 | ProtonSuite | The world’s largest secure collaboration suite | 2017 |
1795 | ECCOCAR | ECCOCAR: a disruptive car sharing platform that advances the connected cars era | 2018 |
1796 | OPNT | Enhanced Time as a Service: transforming telecom networks into a 'SuperGPS' system | 2017 |
1797 | ReIReS | Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies | 2018 |
1798 | ELEXIS | European Lexicographic Infrastructure | 2018 |
1799 | EUROVOLC | European Network of Observatories and Research Infrastructures for Volcanology | 2018 |
1800 | UNIVERSAL HEALTH | Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa | 2018 |
1801 | NanoTextSurf | Nanotextured surfaces for membranes, protective textiles, friction pads and abrasive materials | 2017 |
1802 | InnoForESt | Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services | 2017 |
1803 | ULTRA | Increasing the Spatial Correlation of Logical Units of Data to Enable an Ultra-Low Latency Internet | 2018 |
1804 | BELS-PLUS | Continuing Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS - PLUS | 2018 |
1805 | ID-EPTRI | Infradev - European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure | 2018 |
1806 | YAKSHA | Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application | 2018 |
1807 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
1808 | IDAaaS | Trusted online service for identity assurance | 2017 |
1810 | E-FIX | Developing and transferring an innovative Energy FInancing miX in order to activate private sector finance for increased investments in sustainable energy projects | 2018 |
1811 | S-PARCS | Envisioning and Testing New Models of Sustainable Energy Cooperation and Services in Industrial Parks | 2018 |
1812 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
1813 | REVOsdr | REVOsdr - taking drones beyond and bringing them safely back | 2018 |
1814 | HIGDARS | High Bandwidth Flexible Satellite communicationSystem for 1 Gigabit/sec communications | 2018 |
1815 | SPECTO Bowling | SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance | 2018 |
1816 | AIM | Augmented Reality Assisted System for Utilities Infrastructure Management | 2018 |
1817 | PRS | PRS, a disruptive technology for the industrial repair of large series of reusable plastic articles in the circular economy | 2018 |
1818 | BEE LABEL | Bee Label: A new remote beehive surveillance for better bee health and secured pollination | 2018 |
1819 | BlindTouch | Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people | 2018 |
1820 | RPS | Disruptive Radar Positioning System for trains | 2018 |
1821 | RemoRehab | Empowering the society with a cost-effective solution for remote rehabilitation | 2018 |
1822 | Verbatizer | A cutting edge transcription process and technology revolutionizing the transcription industry. | 2018 |
1823 | SME LOYALISER | SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices | 2018 |
1824 | FITT-iN | Fast IoT market take-up through The Things Networks | 2018 |
1825 | ARCADIA | Advanced platfoRm for ClimAte Data Intelligence and Action | 2018 |
1826 | SREM | Smart Renewable Energy Manager for the Industrial Prosumer Market | 2018 |
1827 | InnoForESt | Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services | 2017 |
1828 | EASY-RES | Enable Ancillary Services bY Renewable Energy Sources | 2018 |
1829 | MISSINGMIDDLE | The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital | 2018 |
1830 | FRECOM | Nonlinear-Distortion Free Communication over the Optical Fibre Channel | 2018 |
1831 | SINCERE | Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe | 2018 |
1832 | INCREdible | Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin | 2017 |
1833 | SIA | System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring | 2018 |
1834 | ID-EPTRI | Infradev - European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure | 2018 |
1835 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
1836 | Submer | Highly Efficient, Eco-friendly Immersion Cooling for Data Centres | 2018 |
1837 | InnovOleum | An innovative business model: turning domestic used cooking oil into renewable “fuel” for education and entrepreneurship | 2018 |
1838 | EIDOS - API | Earth Images Discovery Order Shop API. | 2018 |
1839 | INSPECTO | INSPECTO: A disruptive portable device with an innovative Method for Pesticides and contaminants Detection in Food | 2017 |
1840 | AMFIL | Autonomous magnetic field-based indoor location | 2018 |
1841 | POWERSWAP | Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. | 2018 |
1842 | Perfect Fresh | Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste | 2018 |
1843 | OSMOSE | Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity | 2018 |
1844 | SINCERE | Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe | 2018 |
1845 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
1846 | cLEvER | Lightweight and rEliable Emergency exits and cabin footstep for fast Rotorcraft | 2018 |
1847 | PublicApp | Revolutionise and enhance citizen engagement through a unique dedicated public platform | 2018 |
1848 | LiLa | Linking Latin. Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin | 2018 |
1849 | SPIKE | Specialization in the Knowledge Economy | 2018 |
1850 | OASES | Outcomes Assessment of Sensory Education in Schools | 2018 |
1851 | Cross-CPP | Ecosystem for Services based on integrated Cross-sectorial Data Streams from multiple Cyber Physical Products and Open Data Sources | 2017 |
1852 | FINSEC | Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures | 2018 |
1853 | RESISTO | RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators | 2018 |
1854 | SAFECARE | SAFEguard of Critical heAlth infrastructure | 2018 |
1855 | C-SERVEES | Activating Circular Services in the Electric and Electronic Sector | 2018 |
1856 | CANDELA | Copernicus Access Platform Intermediate Layers Small Scale Demonstrator | 2018 |
1857 | CINDERELA | New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction | 2018 |
1858 | CIRC4Life | A circular economy approach for lifecycles of products and services | 2018 |
1859 | COBADIM | Characterizing Congo Basin Drought resilience: an Integrative Modelling approach | 2019 |
1860 | CODIS | Co-create Design Innovation Services | 2018 |
1861 | ComRad | Combining MIMO Radar with MU-MIMO Communications: More than Coexistence (ComRad) | 2018 |
1862 | Construye2020_Plus | A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability | 2018 |
1863 | DeepSym | Understanding the drivers of the genetic and functional structure of deep-sea sponge symbiont communities | 2018 |
1864 | DeepPatient | Deep Understanding of Patient Experience of Healthcare from Social Media | 2018 |
1865 | Digiteal | Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone | 2018 |
1866 | DIVA | Boosting innovative DIgitech Value chains for Agrofood, forestry and environment | 2018 |
1867 | Divided communities | Communities Under Siege: Everyday Challenges in the Divided City of Jerusalem | 2018 |
1868 | ECOINTELS | The Economics of the Intelligent Transportation Services | 2018 |
1869 | ELITE-S | Future Leadership in ICT Standards in Europe “ELITE-S” | 2018 |
1870 | PIXEL | Port IoT for Environmental Leverage | 2018 |
1871 | SuPerCom | Sustainable Performance for High-Performance Embedded Computing Systems | 2018 |
1872 | GlacialLegacy | Glacial Legacy on the establishment of evergreen vs. summergreen boreal forests | 2018 |
1873 | RUBIZMO | Replicable business models for modern rural economies | 2018 |
1874 | LIVERUR | Living Lab research concept in Rural Areas | 2018 |
1875 | INNOSETA | Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems | 2018 |
1876 | DELTA | Future tamper-proof Demand rEsponse framework through seLf-configured, self-opTimized and collAborative virtual distributed energy nodes | 2018 |
1877 | HYDROUSA | Demonstration of water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region | 2018 |
1878 | AnNuVitE | Animal and Human Nutrition Benefits of Nature Identical Vitamin E | 2018 |
1879 | Mind4Stormwater | Innovative stormwater asset management in future cities | 2018 |
1880 | PoSeID-on | Protection and control of Secured Information by means of a privacy enhanced Dashboard | 2018 |
1881 | CONNEXIONs | InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services | 2018 |
1882 | INCARE | Social and gender inequalities in care: childcare-related policies and parenting practices in the post-Yugoslav countries and the role of policy ideas | 2018 |
1883 | CIVILnEXt | Next generation of information systems to support EU external policies | 2018 |
1884 | ASTRID | AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services | 2018 |
1885 | PDP4E | Methods and tools for GDPR compliance through Privacy and Data Protection Engineering | 2018 |
1886 | DEFeND | Data Governance for Supporting GDPR | 2018 |
1887 | WaSH-UPP | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice | 2018 |
1888 | IMMIGINTEGR | The Role of the Welfare State in the Integration of Immigrants: Comparative Analysis of Latino Communities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States | 2018 |
1889 | MarHIST | Historical dynamics of coastal and marine ecosystem services. | 2018 |
1890 | SCALINGS | Scaling up Co-creation: Avenues and Limits for Integrating Society in Science and Innovation | 2018 |
1891 | REDESIGN | distRibutED, sElf-adaptable, and Scalable wIreless foG Networks | 2019 |
1892 | Work-STeP | Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform | 2018 |
1893 | PHILOS | PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks | 2019 |
1894 | IntEL | Investigating Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes | 2018 |
1895 | FBD_BModel | A Knowledge-based business model for small series fashion products by integrating customized innovative services in big data environment (Fashion Big Data Business Model) | 2017 |
1896 | AirSens | High-Accuracy Indoor Tracking and Augmented Sensing using Swarms of UAVs | 2018 |
1897 | TUBEURB | Tunnelling beneath piled structures in urban areas | 2018 |
1899 | Med-N-Change | Assessing the Interactive Effects on N Addition and Climate Change on Soil Processes through the Biological Soil Crust in Mediterranean Ecosystems | 2019 |
1900 | SHINE | Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device | 2019 |
1901 | RCADE | Reversible causally-consistent debugging of concurrent programs | 2018 |
1902 | FANC | A Faster Approach to Network Control | 2019 |
1903 | FOREPAST | Past, present and future environmental, biological and social transitions in coastal ecosystems | 2019 |
1904 | FUNDra | Remote sensing to model spatiotemporal distribution of functional diversity in the tundra | 2018 |
1905 | ADAPT | An adaptation-based approach to understand resilience after job loss: Identifying the underlying mechanisms leading to adaptive coping and re-employment | 2019 |
1906 | ADAM5 | ADvanced multicarrier wAveforms based Massive MIMO with full-duplex capability for green 5G and beyond | 2018 |
1907 | HEALSEA | Innovative indicators of resilience to protect the health status of seagrass meadows: from ecological theory to conservation | 2018 |
1908 | TreEsilience | Global patterns of intraspecific variation in tree resilience to drought | 2018 |
1909 | TEMPNET | Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks | 2018 |
1910 | VARIO | The influence of natural pH VARIability on ecosystem response to Ocean acidification | 2019 |
1911 | LHCBIGDATA | Exploiting big data and machine learning techniques for LHC experiments | 2018 |
1912 | SEU-FER | Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution | 2018 |
1913 | PATGOV | The governance of the European patent system | 2018 |
1914 | Piql-GO | Ultra-secure data storage - and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data | 2018 |
1915 | HCR | Market maturation of the first on-board autonomous biofouling cleaning system to keep ship’s hull clean at all times | 2018 |
1916 | Ventura Habitat | Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity | 2018 |
1917 | LANDSUPPORT | Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment | 2018 |
1918 | BRESOV | Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production | 2018 |
1919 | HOMED | HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases | 2018 |
1920 | RUSTWATCH | RustWatch: A European early-warning system for wheat rust diseases | 2018 |
1921 | LIFT | Low-Input Farming and Territories - Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming | 2018 |
1922 | SUPER-G | Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies | 2018 |
1923 | PoshBee | Pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation Of Stressors on the Health of BEEs | 2018 |
1924 | GreenCharge | GreenCharge | 2018 |
1925 | MEISTER | Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models | 2018 |
1926 | RESIST | RESilient transport InfraSTructure to extreme events | 2018 |
1927 | LOGISTAR | Enhanced data management techniques for real time logistics planning and scheduling | 2018 |
1928 | NewsEye | NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers | 2018 |
1929 | SCATTERERID | Analysis and synthesis of wideband scattered signals from finite-size targets – aspect-independent RF analog footprint | 2018 |
1930 | LawsOfSocRep | Laws of Social Reproduction | 2018 |
1931 | IMPAQT | Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture | 2018 |
1932 | The Blue Growth Farm | Development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry | 2018 |
1933 | E-LOBSTER | Electric LOsses Balancing through integrated STorage and power Electronics towards increased synergy between Railways and electricity distribution networks | 2018 |
1934 | BETTER | Big-data Earth observation Technology and Tools Enhancing Research and development | 2017 |
1935 | SPACE-UP | Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP | 2018 |
1936 | CIRCUSOL | Circular business models for the solar power industry | 2018 |
1937 | EdiCitNet | Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities | 2018 |
1938 | HOUSEFUL | Innovative circular solutions and services for new business opportunities in the EU housing sector | 2018 |
1939 | CarE-Service | Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services | 2018 |
1940 | EOSC-hub | Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud | 2018 |
1941 | ROBINS | Robotics Technology for Inspection of Ships | 2018 |
1942 | SAFEDRONE | Activities on drone integration and demonstration in VLL operations | 2018 |
1943 | EURAXESS TOP IV | Open EURAXESS – To strengthen the effectiveness and optimize the services of all partners in an innovative and open EURAXESS network | 2018 |
1944 | SEREN 4 | SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4 | 2018 |
1945 | NO FEAR | Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care | 2018 |
1946 | IMPRODOVA | Improving Frontline Responses to High Impact Domestic Violence | 2018 |
1947 | IntelliAQ | Artificial Intelligence for Air Quality | 2018 |
1948 | Ecol of interactions | Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time | 2018 |
1949 | HealthcareLabour | Empirical evidence on the impact of the labour market on the production of healthcare and health | 2018 |
1950 | EUROVISION | Self-reported vision status and associated risk factors in Europe: prevalence and temporal change | 2018 |
1951 | SocEn | Peer Learning on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Support | 2018 |
1952 | CyCAT | Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency | 2018 |
1953 | PORTWIMS | Portugal Twinning for innovation and excellence in marine science and Earth observation | 2018 |
1954 | VALORTECH | ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences | 2018 |
1955 | JUMP2Excel | Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence | 2018 |
1956 | CUDAN | Cultural Data Analytics | 2019 |
1957 | BiodivScen | Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2017 |
1958 | COEXIST | Bacteria-phage-antibiotic interactions in variable environments: a community ecology perspective | 2018 |
1959 | AXIS | Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation | 2018 |
1960 | GALILEO 4 Mobility | Fostering the adoption of GALILEO for Mobility as a Service | 2017 |
1961 | MONOCLE | Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries | 2018 |
1962 | PROCESS | PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale ChallengeS | 2017 |
1963 | Made4You | Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication | 2018 |
1964 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
1965 | RISE | Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health | 2018 |
1966 | Have a BLaST | Disruptive Bike Logistic Smart Trailer for efficient, painless and zero nuisance last mile delivery in cities | 2018 |
1967 | BIOCOPY | BIOCOPY: the new biomolecule copying and screening solution for diagnostics and therapeutics | 2018 |
1968 | Roksnet | e-Society Interconnections Software | 2018 |
1969 | Nomoko | A Digital Copy of the Earth | 2018 |
1970 | PAWES | Predictive Analysis on the Worldwide Energy Sector | 2018 |
1971 | VOLTCLOUD | VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery | 2018 |
1972 | UNIVO-NG | Driving greater business value by unleashing hidden capacity of mobile systems | 2018 |
1973 | STETHOTELEPHONE | Device for improving the value of the Classic/Mechanic stethoscope – An innovative device for improvement, digitization and recording of the sound. | 2018 |
1974 | EXOTRAIL | Miniaturised Hall effect propulsion for small satellites | 2018 |
1975 | NETinfoPAY | NETinfoPAY: a world of finance in your pocket | 2018 |
1976 | Community Cloud | Cubbit. The first distributed data-center. | 2018 |
1977 | Datumate | Field data analytics cloud platform using drone-photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms for construction infrastructure planning, execution and delivery | 2018 |
1978 | REGMAX | An innovative and sustainable process for reducing the environmental impact of stainless steel production, enabling impressive recovery rates and cost savings. | 2018 |
1979 | EcoStack | Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity | 2018 |
1980 | PrEDICTS | Optimizing Container Load for Parcel and Pallet Transport Networks | 2018 |
1981 | Cupris | The first smartphone-connected medical device for a secure remote diagnosis of ears, nose, eyes and skin conditions | 2018 |
1982 | SCOPIO | High-resolution, all-digital microscope that applies computational methods to bring revolutionary benefits of digital microscopy to small and medium sized laboratories | 2018 |
1983 | FACT | Falex Application Center for Tribology | 2018 |
1984 | SMARTRIOX | Disruptive targeted drug delivery system via synergistic combination of intelligent DNA molecular machines and gated mesoporous nanoparticles | 2018 |
1985 | Achilles | Overcoming specific weaknesses in tendon biology to design advanced regenerative therapies | 2018 |
1986 | FASTER | Farmers’ Adaptation Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research: FASTER | 2018 |
1987 | ALTOM | Ground-breaking two-phase cooling solution for Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles | 2018 |
1988 | SafeZone | Fully integrated CBRN incident management system for public safety and private venues with large crowds | 2018 |
1989 | PulSAR | The incident management tool to use when everything goes wrong | 2018 |
1990 | AuriGen | Next Generation Left Atrial Appendage Implant to Treat Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | 2018 |
1991 | ADDPRIME | Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces | 2018 |
1992 | TRANSDAT | From the space communication to the drone industry | 2018 |
1993 | PICARD | Disruptive GPCR Lead Discovery Platform Delivering New and Safer Therapeutics | 2018 |
1994 | STET CLEAN | Disinfecting the Stethoscope membrane through a hi-tech UV device | 2018 |
1995 | Pangea Aerospace | Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market | 2018 |
1996 | RF Beamformer | Ultra-low-cost terminals that meet the special requirements of all satellite operators allowing them to access markets currently inaccessible due to terminal economics. | 2018 |
1997 | Hybrid Drive | The worldwide first hybrid multi-functional municipal vehicle for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fine particles and noise pollution in cities | 2018 |
1998 | BrewiePro | The first fully automated brewing machine for the bar and restaurant industry | 2018 |
1999 | WeShare | Innovative Platform for horizontal collaboration in Road freight transportation | 2018 |
2000 | AQRATE | Breakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteBreakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteeing transparency, savings and quality | 2018 |
2001 | XIMOFILM | The first ultra-low extractable silicone film release liner for electronics, silicone adhesive market and medical applications | 2018 |
2002 | Blocknetwork | Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions | 2018 |
2003 | UFine | An innovative ultra-fine bubble engineered nozzle for sustainable cost-effective water aeration | 2018 |
2004 | NegaWh EXchange | Balancing demand-response platform for an efficient, reasonably-priced and sustainable electricity market | 2018 |
2005 | XR_Advertising | NATIVE XR ADVERTISING PLATFORM | 2018 |
2006 | BRAIN | The Digital Insurance Assistant for European consumers | 2018 |
2007 | TreeVoice | Artificial Intelligence and IoT for tree health monitoring | 2018 |
2008 | MoDELS | Metadata Distillery and ExpLoitation System | 2018 |
2009 | SQ Building | SQ Building – Solving the Trilemma of Comfort, Energy and Operational Costs in Buildings | 2018 |
2010 | LTT | Long-term testing of airtightness to increase energy efficiency in buildings. | 2018 |
2011 | AI4EMS | Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Medical Services: a smart digital assistant for faster and more accurate cardiac arrest recognition during emergency calls | 2018 |
2012 | MEMBio | Application of Microbial Fuel Cells for waste water treatment | 2018 |
2013 | E-FREE | E-FREE (Smart Solutions): Towards a more ECO, HEALTHY and SAFE environment in every single lighting scenario. | 2018 |
2015 | ADAFARM | Small scale farmers’ sustainable adaptation strategies to climate change based on ecosystem services | 2018 |
2016 | LiionFire | Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System | 2018 |
2017 | | PROBE.LY - Web Application Vulnerability Scanning Suite for Agile Teams | 2018 |
2018 | GLOBESCAPE | Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization | 2018 |
2019 | BRiDGE | BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe | 2018 |
2020 | Airline Team NCM | Airspace User support to the development of Network Collaborative Management | 2018 |
2021 | IoT4ALL | Ultimate connectivity platform for global IoT devices: boosting the competitiveness of IoT device makers | 2018 |
2022 | OR4.0 | Development of an intelligent and multi-hospital end-to-end surgical process management system | 2018 |
2023 | MAGIT | Magnesium and Aluminium Gas Injection Technology for High Pressure Die Casting | 2018 |
2024 | ENCODE | EfficieNtly manage COntent across Devices lifEtyme | 2018 |
2025 | twiner | An open, global, business directory with social networking tools for advanced leads discovery and online visibility in B2B digital marketing | 2018 |
2026 | EnergyMate | EnergyMate, the first energy efficiency-based software providing users an easy way to understand their energy consumptions | 2018 |
2027 | bubbleOn | Transforming the Customer Experience through Smart, Interactive and Pervasive Proximity Services | 2018 |
2028 | PGplant | The Facade of Industrial Internet | 2018 |
2029 | | POM: Peace of Mind for everyone's invoice administration | 2018 |
2030 | LIVECITIES | Crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges | 2018 |
2031 | ERC-OAPEN-2017 | Support towards the OAPEN initiative (2018-2019) | 2018 |
2032 | ViSOT | Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top | 2018 |
2033 | SmartDtd | Smart Household Waste Management | 2018 |
2034 | BEYOND | Best in class Deep Learning Predictive Model | 2018 |
2035 | MOBIUS | MØBIUS: Transforming medication management for improved patient safety | 2018 |
2036 | StarLink | StarLink: The World's First Intelligent Vacuum Pump System | 2018 |
2037 | WayLink | One Way , Your Link! | 2018 |
2038 | Takeafile | Takeafile: A peer-to-peer online platform to transfer files of any size at maximum speed and in a secure way. | 2018 |
2039 | DETER | A Decision Support Tool to Manage Earthworks along Road and Rail Networks | 2018 |
2040 | MSCA 2018 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Beyond 2020 | 2018 |
2041 | FlowShield | Securing Web Applications by Information Flow Tracking | 2018 |
2042 | M-Sec | Multi-layered Security technologies to ensure hyper connected smart cities with Blockchain, BigData, Cloud and IoT | 2018 |
2043 | 5G-Enhance | 5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband Access Networks in Crowded Environments | 2018 |
2044 | 5G ALL-STAR | 5G AgiLe and fLexible integration of SaTellite And cellulaR | 2018 |
2045 | PriMO-5G | Virtual Presence in Moving Objects through 5G | 2018 |
2047 | REAL-NET | REAL-time monitoring and mitigation of nonlinear effects in optical NETworks | 2019 |
2048 | AirPlatform | An open integration platform for professional displays | 2018 |
2049 | Ammune | Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution | 2018 |
2050 | IMPLAGUIDE | Smart & Autonomous Guidance System for Citizen Security in Public Transport and large facilities | 2018 |
2051 | GOVERNOR | New-generation database capacity planning optimization | 2018 |
2052 | AROBMACH | Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining | 2018 |
2053 | SCIENCE4FUTURE | Nacht der Wissenschaft in der Kiel Region 2018/2019 | 2018 |
2054 | ADDITAC | Innovative virtual Real-Time Quality Control System to create a new line of business, accelerating and broadening growth of the market for the additive manufacturing of metals. | 2018 |
2055 | TESLA | Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications | 2019 |
2056 | OpenDoTT | Open Design of Trusted Things | 2019 |
2057 | APRICOT | Artificial PeRceptIon Chip for the Intelligence Of Things | 2018 |
2058 | DRIMPAC | Unified DR interoperability framework enabling market participation of active energy consumers | 2018 |
2059 | RAIS | RAIS: Real-time Analytics for the Internet of Sports | 2019 |
2060 | 5G EVE | 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials | 2018 |
2061 | ETIP PV - SEC II | Support to all stakeholders from the Photovoltaic sector and related sectors to contribute to the SET-Plan | 2018 |
2062 | ENTWINE | The European Training Network on Informal Care | 2018 |
2063 | AVENUE | Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to a New Urban Experience | 2018 |
2064 | DISARM | Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management | 2019 |
2065 | STABLE | STructural stABiLity risk assEssment | 2018 |
2066 | INCOGNITO | IdeNtity verifiCatiOn with privacy-preservinG credeNtIals for anonymous access To Online services | 2019 |
2067 | BRIEFING | Bridging the FET Innovation Gap | 2018 |
2068 | GAMMAVISION | Gamut mapping technology based on vision models | 2018 |
2069 | FISRAD | Organizing FISA and EuradWaste Conference under the Romanian Presidency of EU Council | 2018 |
2070 | NEAT | Neutron based Elemental Analysis Technology | 2018 |
2071 | QSAREACH | QSAR computational models' self-using platform for EC Regulation-REACH | 2018 |
2072 | piqlFilm-GO | Scale-up and demonstrate the production of a novel High Resolution piqlFilm for Ultra-secure data storage and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data | 2018 |
2073 | WeldGalaxy | Digital Dynamic Knowledge Platform for Welding in Manufacturing Industries | 2018 |
2074 | MARKET4.0 | A Multi-Sided Business Platform for Plug and Produce Industrial Product Service Systems | 2018 |
2075 | REACH | Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub | 2018 |
2076 | TRA2020 | The Transport Research Arena 2020 in Helsinki | 2018 |
2077 | sEEIngDOM | Ecological and Evolutionary Importance of Molecular Diversity in Dissolved Organic Matter | 2019 |
2079 | ProMeTeus | Membrane protein integrated technologies development for drug design | 2019 |
2080 | GenRes Bridge | Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management | 2019 |
2081 | PREVENTOMICS | Empowering consumers to PREVENT diet-related diseases through OMICS sciences | 2018 |
2082 | AquaIMPACT | Genomic and nutritional innovations for genetically superior farmed fish to improve efficiency in European aquaculture | 2019 |
2083 | FAIRshare | FAIRshare. Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared | 2018 |
2084 | BIM4REN | Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies for fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings | 2018 |
2085 | MIGPACT | The impact of neighbourhoods, peers and families on psychiatric disorders, substance usedisorders and crime in first- and second-generation immigrants | 2018 |
2086 | A-WEAR | A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints | 2019 |
2087 | SemanticCity | Structuring Raw Scans | 2018 |
2088 | EDIFY | European Doctorate in Indium Phosphide PIC Fabrication Technology | 2018 |
2089 | ICT4CART | ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport | 2018 |
2090 | PERF-AI | Enhance Aircraft Performance and Optimisation through utilisation of Artificial Intelligence | 2018 |
2091 | Stance4Health | Smart Technologies for personAlised Nutrition and Consumer Engagement | 2018 |
2092 | RedStroke | Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke | 2018 |
2093 | 5G-VINNI | 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure | 2018 |
2094 | TAWNY | TAWNY - An Artificial Intelligence Project to Make Things Empathic | 2018 |
2095 | SmartAgriHubs | Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector | 2018 |
2096 | REWOCRYPT | Theoretically-Sound Real-World Cryptography | 2019 |
2097 | BlueBio | ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the potential of aquatic bioresources | 2018 |
2098 | QFlag | Quantum Technology Flagship Coordination and Support Action | 2019 |
2099 | MERLON | Integrated Modular Energy Systems and Local Flexibility Trading for Neural Energy Islands | 2019 |
2100 | TInnGO | Transport Innovation Gender Observatory | 2018 |
2101 | DroneGrid | Simplifying Aerial Intelligence | 2018 |
2102 | includeOS | The Operating System for the Internet of Things | 2019 |
2103 | MPA | Mobile Application for Hybrid Internet | 2018 |
2104 | c4c | conect4children (COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children) | 2018 |
2105 | FINDER | Fostering Innovation Networks in a Digital Era | 2018 |
2106 | e-IRGSP6 | e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 6 | 2019 |
2107 | DIAMOND | Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems | 2018 |
2108 | REDDCopernicus | Capacity for Copernicus REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Services | 2019 |
2109 | EROSS | European Robotic Orbital Support Services | 2019 |
2110 | EO4AGRI | Bringing together the Knowledge for Better Agriculture Monitoring | 2018 |
2111 | KEPLER | Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness | 2019 |
2113 | COMPRISE | Cost-effective, Multilingual, Privacy-driven voice-enabled Services | 2018 |
2114 | EMBEDDIA | Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media | 2019 |
2115 | SocialTruth | Open Distributed Digital Content Verification for Hyper-connected Sociality | 2018 |
2116 | NGI4ALL | Next Generation Internet for All - Promoting Global Visibility on the Human-Centric Internet | 2019 |
2117 | CO3 | Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens | 2019 |
2118 | QualiChain | Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation | 2019 |
2119 | EnviroLENS | Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support | 2018 |
2121 | CoRdiNet | Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network | 2018 |
2122 | MASTER | Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise | 2019 |
2123 | BEACON | Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data | 2019 |
2124 | Our Space Our Future | Our Space our Future: making careers in the space industry an inspiring reality for all | 2018 |
2125 | IMPRESSIVE | Integrated Marine Pollution Risk assessment and Emergency management Support Service In ports and coastal enVironmEnts | 2018 |
2126 | PRE-LEAP-RE | PREparing for a Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy | 2018 |
2127 | HPC-GIG | High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering | 2018 |
2128 | SELECTOR | Smt compatible ELECTroMechanical relay for cOmpact redundancy Ring | 2019 |
2129 | ForestFlux | Forest Carbon Flux and Storage Mapping Service | 2018 |
2130 | C2C4LMB | Gigstarter — A C2C Solution for Live Music Bookings | 2018 |
2131 | OFF-WEGO | OFF-network Wireless communications for Emergencies and General Operations | 2018 |
2132 | Ceres | Proactive system to forecast and reduce environmental footprint while maximising agriculture performance | 2018 |
2133 | STADY | STADY: Autonomous intelligent cleaning robot for stables | 2018 |
2134 | Unispotter | International higher education student recruitment going mobile | 2018 |
2135 | Tiimood | Tiimo mood: integrating end-user’s self-assessment module in ADHD assistive technologies for the continuous enhancement of non-medical therapies | 2018 |
2136 | SmartWork | Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment | 2019 |
2137 | PRIMAGE | PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers | 2018 |
2138 | | Raising Awareness on Cybersecurity in Hospitals across Europe and Boosting Training Initiatives Driven by an Online Information Hub | 2018 |
2139 | DIH² | A Panâ€European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production | 2019 |
2140 | RIMA | Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance | 2019 |
2141 | DIH-HERO | Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics | 2019 |
2142 | 5G-CARMEN | 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN | 2018 |
2143 | Data Market Services / DMS Accelerator | Supporting the European data market providing free support services to data-centric SMEs and start-ups | 2019 |
2144 | 5GCroCo | Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control | 2018 |
2145 | NEXTS | Next Europractice eXtended Technologies and Services: “The access point for the future generation of electronic components and systems” | 2019 |
2146 | ARTICONF | smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment | 2019 |
2147 | TRINITY | Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems | 2019 |
2148 | LEDGER | decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet | 2018 |
2149 | HELIOS | HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework | 2019 |
2150 | CREATINNO | Innovating support ecosystem of creative SMEs at regional level | 2019 |
2151 | SFERA-III | Solar Facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase | 2019 |
2152 | PaNOSC | Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud | 2018 |
2153 | RI-VIS | Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships | 2019 |
2154 | OCRE | Access to Commercial Services Through the EOSC-hub | 2019 |
2155 | EXCELLERAT | The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications | 2018 |
2156 | FocusCoE | Concerted action for the European HPC CoEs | 2018 |
2157 | RESEARCH | REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology | 2018 |
2158 | ESiWACE2 | Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, Phase 2 | 2019 |
2159 | ERINHA-Advance | Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents | 2019 |
2160 | ESCAPE | European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures | 2019 |
2161 | POP2 | Performance Optimisation and Productivity 2 | 2018 |
2162 | HiSea | High Resolution Copernicus-Based Information Services at Sea for Ports and Aquaculture | 2019 |
2163 | REBUILD | REBUILD - ICT-enabled integration facilitator and life rebuilding guidance | 2019 |
2164 | MIICT | ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration | 2018 |
2165 | MAIA | Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) | 2018 |
2166 | ASCLEPIOS | Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare | 2018 |
2167 | ELG | European Language Grid | 2019 |
2168 | Citrus | End-to-End Remote Site Monitoring and Clinical Trial Management Solution | 2018 |
2169 | CHILD-UP | Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading Policies of Participation | 2019 |
2170 | DIHNET.EU | Next Generation European DIH Network | 2018 |
2171 | ChEESE | Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth | 2018 |
2172 | ELASTIC | A Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems | 2018 |
2173 | CatRIS | Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services | 2019 |
2174 | SMAART | The breakthrough laser machining intelligence as saver of jobs and competitiveness for Europe's manufacturing business | 2018 |
2175 | PD_Pal | Palliative care in Parkinson’s disease | 2019 |
2176 | CLASSIC | Clusters of Aerospace Suppliers Share Innovation Capabilities | 2018 |
2177 | CriticalMaaS | Concepts, theories and models for planning , operating and evaluating the dynamics of Mobility as a Service | 2019 |
2178 | SSFZEP | Support stakeholders in zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry | 2018 |
2179 | USIS | U-Space Initial Services | 2018 |
2180 | LEXIS | Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society | 2019 |
2181 | SPRINT | Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport – SPRINT | 2018 |
2182 | ProTego | Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers | 2019 |
2183 | TinniMizer | TinniMizer : A Patient-specific Novel Approach for Tinnitus Treatment | 2018 |
2184 | Wotan | One orchestrator for all kinds of clouds | 2018 |
2185 | AW-Drones | Contributing to a well-reasoned set of Airworthiness Standards for mass-market drones | 2019 |
2186 | eFactory | European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing | 2019 |
2188 | SCUBY | SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium | 2019 |
2189 | RoRePower | Robust and Remote Power Supply | 2019 |
2190 | INTE-AFRICA | Integrating and decentralising diabetes and hypertension services in Africa | 2019 |
2191 | PerformB | Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. | 2018 |
2192 | Predictix Antidepres | a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects | 2018 |
2193 | Multi RoboDOP | Multi-camera autonomous robotic cameramen at the fingertips of all live video productions | 2018 |
2195 | ForeCast | Ground-Breaking Software for Sustainable Smart City Planning | 2018 |
2196 | ZDMP | Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform | 2019 |
2197 | EURIPHI | EURopean wide Innovative Procurement of Health Innovation | 2019 |
2198 | Smart4Health | Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health | 2019 |
2199 | ARCHIVER | Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments | 2019 |
2200 | MIGPSC | Shaping the European Migration Policy: the role of the security industry | 2018 |
2202 | ReaxPro | Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes | 2019 |
2203 | SimDOME | Digital Ontology-based Modelling Environment for Simulation of materials | 2019 |
2204 | OASIS | Open Access Single entry point for scale-up of Innovative Smart lightweight composite materials and components | 2019 |
2205 | BIM4EEB | BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings | 2019 |
2206 | RISIS 2 | European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2 | 2019 |
2207 | ELIOT | Enhance Lighting for the Internet of Things | 2019 |
2208 | i-TRIBOMAT | Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services | 2019 |
2209 | LAA-START | Left Atrial Appendage Electrical Isolation via Bio-photonic Optical Confirmation to Treat Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | 2019 |
2210 | FOG | Frequency protector generator for honeybees | 2019 |
2211 | TRAXEN tracking | TRAXEN – Ultra low power, long life tracking sensor | 2019 |
2212 | LEE-BED | Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics | 2019 |
2213 | TETRA | Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative | 2019 |
2214 | EVOLVE | HPC and Cloud-enhanced Testbed for Extracting Value from Diverse Data at Large Scale | 2018 |
2215 | SCENE | Smart City on the Edge Network Enhancements | 2018 |
2216 | EHDEN | European Health Data and Evidence Network | 2018 |
2217 | QU4LITY | Digital Reality in Zero Defect Manufacturing | 2019 |
2218 | NMRT | Using Nano-Magnetic Resonance to deliver the world’s most cost-efficient system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater | 2019 |
2219 | PHIVIDIAS | Preclinical Human In Vitro Drug Immune Response Analysis Platform | 2019 |
2220 | IBERIA XRF | Compact X-Ray Fluorescence borehole probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and complete underground material analysis | 2019 |
2221 | MAMSCAN | New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection | 2019 |
2222 | MAMMO1 | Deep learning for mammography: Improving accuracy and productivity in breast cancer diagnosis. | 2019 |
2223 | SensifAI | Understanding Videos Automatically with the SensifAI Deep Learning Technology | 2018 |
2224 | VerifiedID | The online platform for Identity Verification that gives back personal data ownership to the citizens | 2018 |
2225 | SPHINX | A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry | 2019 |
2226 | Homes4Life | Certified smart and integrated living environments for ageing well | 2018 |
2227 | Pret-a-LLOD | Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors | 2019 |
2228 | NGI Godfathers Prog. | Next Generation Internet Godfathers Programme | 2019 |
2229 | Think NEXUS | Think tank for the collaboration on NEXt generation internet between EU-US | 2018 |
2230 | RELAX-MAX | Launching high-resolution relaxometry - A powerful new analytical tool for industry | 2019 |
2231 | PRACE-6IP | PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project | 2019 |
2232 | MICADO | Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards | 2019 |
2233 | iGame | Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products | 2019 |
2234 | TIGER | Tidal marshes: bio-geomorphic self-organization and its implications for resilience to sea level rise and changing sediment supply | 2019 |
2235 | MOCCA | Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications | 2019 |
2236 | ARIADNEplus | Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus | 2019 |
2237 | SYNTHESYS PLUS | Synthesis of systematic resources | 2019 |
2239 | UNICORE | A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments | 2019 |
2240 | InPulse | Indium-Phosphide Pilot Line for up-scaled, low-barrier, self-sustained, PIC ecosystem | 2019 |
2241 | TBMED | A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices | 2019 |
2242 | BrightnESS-2 | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) | 2019 |
2243 | EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE | Ensuring long-term sustainability of excellence in chemical biology within Europe and beyond | 2019 |
2244 | QuidProQuo | True digitalisation of all transactional administration in the trade value chain through smart legal contracts. | 2018 |
2245 | LOQR | Digital Identity Management Platform: Verifying, Authenticating and Managing the end-to-end Digital Identity Lifecycle | 2019 |
2246 | INCYPRO | A Technology for the Generation of Stable Enzymes | 2019 |
2247 | SYMELS | Symbol Elimination in Reliable System Engineering | 2019 |
2248 | SafeWaterpark | Ensuring the safest conditions in waterparks, public pools and hotel pools and facilitating crowd-based prevention across the world | 2019 |
2250 | Scanfly | Scanfly – The payload lidar not for UAS | 2019 |
2252 | PROSME-INN | Coordination and support actions | 2019 |
2254 | INNOKAM 2019 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2019 |
2255 | EEN-Innovate Plus PT | EEN-Innovate Plus Portugal | 2019 |
2256 | MELIITA 3 H2020 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer [3] | 2019 |
2257 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2019 |
2258 | H2020 Armenia | The overall objective of the Project is to increase the innovation management capacity of the innovative Armenian SMEs with potential of growth by provision of innovation support services. | 2019 |
2259 | KAM2EastPoland2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2019 | 2019 |
2260 | N-Supp_INNO-19 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen | 2019 |
2261 | EEN Northern NL | EEN Northern Netherlands: enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs | 2019 |
2262 | BITNET-INNOSUP | Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2019 |
2263 | KAM2CY4 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2019 |
2264 | KAIROS | Key Account services and Innovation management support for TRivenetO SME’s | 2019 |
2265 | VEBIN SME 3.0 | Securing the innovation management capacity of Flemish SMEs thourgh KAM and EIMC services within the Enterprise Europe Network | 2019 |
2266 | SwissEENissme2.0 | Innovation support actions for Swiss SMEs in the frame of the European Innovation Council programme 2019 by the Swiss EEN consortium | 2019 |
2267 | InnoManage BB 2019 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019) | 2019 |
2268 | We4SMESLO_4 | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia | 2019 |
2269 | CESEAND InnoAses4 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2019. | 2019 |
2270 | PEPLUM | Development of a fully customised, repairable and recyclable polypropylene umbrella that is easy to assemble | 2019 |
2271 | BeeHome | Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. | 2019 |
2272 | M-NBS | Smart, flexible, decentralized water treatment | 2019 |
2273 | RayVS1 | A unique radar sensor system to monitor movement and vital signs for elderly people in care homes | 2019 |
2274 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument, FTI and FET-Open beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2019 |
2275 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2019 |
2276 | KAM2CentralPoland-3 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland-3 | 2019 |
2277 | WEST-MAR H2020.2019 | WESTinnoMAR 2019 | 2019 |
2278 | INNOVACTIS 2019 | INNOVACTIS 2019 | 2019 |
2279 | KAM2WP2019 | KAM2WestPoland 2019 – Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the area of West Poland in 2017-2018 | 2019 |
2280 | EEN InnoS Journey | The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN InnoS Journey | 2019 |
2282 | FINKAMIE2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2019 | 2019 |
2283 | GalacteaPlusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions ofAsturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2019 |
2284 | FLEXDYM | FLEXDYM, the material revolution for microfluidics | 2019 |
2285 | AMIGOclimate | Customised climate index insurance services for agriculture | 2019 |
2286 | TEApot | AI-based, Hardware-agnostic, Predictive Wi-Fi Network Management Software | 2019 |
2287 | E3Canarias 2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs with the Enterprise Europe Network Canarias 2019 | 2019 |
2288 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation amangement capacity of SMEs in Roamania macro-region 1 | 2019 |
2289 | BASKAM3 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2019 | 2019 |
2290 | INNOVACCION | Supporting Innovation actions in SMEs | 2019 |
2291 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Entreprise Europe Ouest H2020 | 2019 |
2292 | SMEntorEGE | SMEntorEGE | 2019 |
2293 | EENINNOAUSTRIA3 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2019 |
2294 | BW-KAM 4 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Targeting Innovation from Baden-Württemberg for Europe | 2019 |
2295 | BISONet PLUS3 ENH | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovationmanagement capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2019 | 2019 |
2296 | INMANCAP_2019 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands in 2019 | 2019 |
2297 | Innovation.NRW_1 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 | 2019 |
2298 | HBP SGA2 | Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 | 2018 |
2299 | ICEI | Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project | 2018 |
2300 | MARSoluT | Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network | 2019 |
2301 | ENCORE | ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context | 2019 |
2302 | ESTEEM3 | Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy | 2019 |
2303 | SSHOC | Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud | 2019 |
2304 | ENVRI-FAIR | ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research | 2019 |
2305 | IS-ENES3 | Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 | 2019 |
2306 | EJP RD | European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases | 2019 |
2307 | AI4EU | A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem | 2019 |
2308 | Swennis 2019 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2019 | 2019 |
2309 | InnoHessen2Europe_19 | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2019 |
2310 | BENEI2 2019 | BENE Innovation Internationalisation services 2019 | 2019 |
2312 | H-BISS Slovakia 2019 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of the Slovak SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network in 2019 | 2019 |
2313 | Ireland-SME-2021 | Establishment of Services enhancing the innovation managemtn capacity of SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network Ireland | 2019 |
2314 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SMEs | 2019 |
2315 | INNCAT19 | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2019 | 2019 |
2316 | INNODK2019 | Innovation Denmark 2019 | 2019 |
2317 | EEN SACHSEN | Specific activities in the context of innovation support (HORIZON 2020) in the Free State Saxony 2019 | 2019 |
2319 | INNOVIST 3.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2019 |
2320 | MAGIC SWF SMES 2019 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West ofFrance SMEs in 2019 | 2019 |
2321 | ICEKAM-4 | Providing Key Account Management services to H2020 SME Instruments, FET and FTI beneficiaries, and enhance innovation management capacity of selected SME's. | 2019 |
2322 | InnoBremen3 | InnoBremen3 – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2019 |
2323 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2019 |
2324 | SSBI-CRO-KAM4 | Services in Support for Business and Innovation in Croatia - Key Account Management - SSBI-CRO-KAM4 | 2019 |
2325 | IMCESA2019 | Innovation Management Capacity Enhancement of SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt for the period2019 | 2019 |
2326 | INNCAS4Thuer | Services addressing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Thuringia | 2019 |
2327 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2019 |
2328 | InnoBavaria_4 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bavaria | 2019 |
2330 | METADESIGN | On demand design of reversible shape changing metamaterials | 2019 |
2331 | OMNIUS | SaaS platform for automated categorisation and mapping of digitised documents using machine intelligence semantic extraction | 2019 |
2332 | MyKite | Fly with Big Data | 2019 |
2333 | Joey | Democratizing humanoid robots in customer service | 2019 |
2334 | Bitwala | Next generation banking tools for the blockchain economy | 2019 |
2335 | EDE | The Sustainable Renovation Hub for Existing Buildings | 2019 |
2336 | SoundID | The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System | 2019 |
2337 | SIGNALL | The only technology to successfully translate between signed and spoken languages | 2019 |
2338 | BitBox | BitBox Enterprise - Enterprise-grade Solution for Digital Assets Custody | 2019 |
2339 | AutoRay | New solution for fully automated analysis and reporting of routine musculoskeletal X-rays | 2019 |
2340 | BLAPP | Blapp, A fun game for the child, an effective tool for the therapist! | 2019 |
2341 | e-SPECS | Market maturation of the first electric superbike with digital technology for tuning control and improved safety | 2019 |
2342 | SECONDS | On Time Emergency Response System | 2019 |
2343 | MontEENegro | MontEENegro | 2019 |
2344 | EENinnoSMES3 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs EENinnoSMEs3. | 2019 |
2345 | InnoSME-LV-2019 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2019) | 2019 |
2346 | AURASME3 | Proposal of Consortium AURASME3 for the support services Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs within the Enterprise Europe Network Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (EURORAA) | 2019 |
2347 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republic of Srpska | 2019 |
2348 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2019 |
2349 | INNMADRIMASD 4 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2019 | 2019 |
2350 | EEN EF4 INNO 2019 | Enterprise Europe Network Eastern France services for Innovation | 2019 |
2351 | INNO-HUN2019 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2019 | 2019 |
2352 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2019 |
2353 | EEN Normandie H2020 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Normandy - EEN Normandy H2020 | 2019 |
2354 | Net4Society5 | National Contact Points (NCPs) Network of Societal Challenge 6 'Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies' (SC6) | 2019 |
2355 | NCP Academy | Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues | 2018 |
2357 | SERAS_v4.0 | Seizure Risk Asessment for Epilepsy | 2019 |
2358 | CATTLECHAIN 4.0 | Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN | 2019 |
2360 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2019 |
2361 | Enhancement SGA3 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2019 |
2362 | 2021 GRIP | Crouzet Next Grip Generation | 2019 |
2363 | BlockchainKYC | Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service | 2019 |
2364 | Solar QUEST | QUalitative Electricity STorage for Solar energy | 2019 |
2365 | SOMA | Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis | 2018 |
2366 | GoURMET | Global Under-Resourced MEedia Translation | 2019 |
2367 | AIRWAVES | Automated high resolution water sampler for environmental monitoring | 2019 |
2368 | ERGOVIAkinematix | New wearable measurement devices for Industry 4.0 based on gaming motion-capture system | 2018 |
2369 | FANVIS | Development of new optical absorption filters for application in Night Vision Imaging Systems | 2018 |
2370 | ASSET | A holistic and Scalable Solution for Research, Innovation and Education in Energy Transition | 2019 |
2371 | ProtonSuite | The most secure collaboration suite in the world | 2019 |
2372 | RATIOS | Regional Aircraft breakThrough InteriOr Solution | 2019 |
2373 | Shift2MaaS | Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience | 2018 |
2374 | Time Machine | Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe | 2019 |
2375 | INTERRFACE | TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system | 2019 |
2376 | FOCUS | Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity | 2019 |
2377 | RENASCENCE | The Role of European National Health Services in the enhancement of sustainable food systems | 2019 |
2378 | CoordiNet | Large scale campaigns to demonstrate how TSO-DSO shall act in a coordinated manner to procure grid services in the most reliable and efficient way | 2019 |
2379 | FAIR4Health | Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data | 2018 |
2380 | NeuroAPA | Neurodevelopmental outcome in offspring conceived by parents at advanced parental age | 2019 |
2382 | GiFlex | GridEye flexibility service to distribution systems through distributed technologies | 2019 |
2383 | DICE | Dynamic Interconnections for the Cellular Ecosystem | 2019 |
2384 | NEWCOMERS | New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) | 2019 |
2385 | FLEX-RAIL | Paradigm shifts for railway – Technology uptake strategies for a lean, integrated and flexible railway system | 2018 |
2386 | GROWING | Geophysical Roots Observation for Water savING in arboriculture, viticulture and agronomy | 2020 |
2387 | NEURONET | Efficiently Networking European Neurodegeneration Research | 2019 |
2388 | HyTunnel-CS | PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces | 2019 |
2389 | SUaaVE | SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle | 2019 |
2390 | MOMENTUM | Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility | 2019 |
2391 | RENAISSANCE | RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs | 2019 |
2392 | | | 2019 |
2393 | C-Energy 2020 V2 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020 | 2019 |
2394 | PoS | The price of success: what is the impact of improving patients’ survival on utilisation of care? | 2019 |
2395 | CoCoUnit | CoCoUnit: An Energy-Efficient Processing Unit for Cognitive Computing | 2019 |
2396 | EU4IPBES | The European Union's Support to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | 2019 |
2397 | NucSat | Satellites and nuclear information. Production, communication and reception of nuclear-related information generated with satellites. | 2019 |
2398 | BI-SDMoF | Bit-interleaved sigma-delta modulation over fiber | 2019 |
2399 | PRISENODE | PRISENODE: Privacy- and secuRity-aware solutIons in SoftwarE-defiNed fOg Data cEnter | 2020 |
2400 | TPOINT | Parasitism and climate change: A tipping point for blue mussel populations? | 2019 |
2401 | SENSE | BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates | 2019 |
2402 | RES | Rights for Ecosystem Services (RES): a framework to protect the environment and sustainable local communities in the EU. | 2020 |
2403 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
2405 | SecureGas | Securing The European Gas Network | 2019 |
2406 | iProcureNet | innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services | 2019 |
2407 | InfraStress | Improving resilience of sensitive industrial plants & infrastructures exposed to cyber-physical threats, by means of an open testbed stress-testing system | 2019 |
2408 | iProcureSecurity | Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement | 2019 |
2409 | INGENIOUS | The First Responder (FR) of the Future: a Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response, increasing protection and augmenting operational capacity | 2019 |
2410 | GUARD | A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains | 2019 |
2411 | COMPASS2020 | Coordination Of Maritime assets for Persistent And Systematic Surveillance | 2019 |
2412 | FASTER | First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficienT Emergency Response | 2019 |
2413 | SLIPPED | Maintenance and relapse in long-term desistance from crime and recovery from addiction | 2019 |
2414 | SOTER | cyberSecurity Optimization and Training for Enhanced Resilience in finance | 2019 |
2415 | ScalableControl | Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems | 2019 |
2416 | RIPARIONS | Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS | 2020 |
2417 | MarshFlux | The effect of future global climate and land-use change on greenhouse gas fluxes and microbial processes in salt marshes | 2020 |
2418 | STARCloud | Bringing Quality of Service to Blockchain-Based Clouds | 2019 |
2419 | U-CERT | Towards a new generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center | 2019 |
2420 | GAII | Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services | 2020 |
2421 | SIPODET | Simultaneous imaging using planar optode and diffusive equilibrium in thin-film (DET) | 2020 |
2422 | FAB | Functional Agricultural Biodiversity : Optimising ecosystem service provision via functional agricultural biodiversity | 2019 |
2423 | FreeDigital | The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws | 2019 |
2424 | SocioEcoFrontiers | Frontiers in social-ecological research: achieving the promise of integration in Marine Spatial Planning for resilient social and environmental outcomes | 2020 |
2425 | VDGSEGUR | Gender Violence and Security in the Interoceanic Industrial Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: A Critical Examination of Policies and Practices | 2019 |
2426 | LTCpolicies | Optimizing access to long-term care? Impact of long-term care policies on use, health and equity among the elderly | 2020 |
2427 | cesmine | Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying | 2020 |
2428 | NGOST | NGOization of school-to-work transition among Roma youth | 2019 |
2429 | RenoBooster | RenoBooster - the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna | 2019 |
2430 | AmBIENCe | Active managed Buildings with Energy performaNce Contracting | 2019 |
2431 | OCTAV | A novel approach to non-invasive and personalized skin cancer diagnosis | 2019 |
2432 | P2B | PEERS TO BLOCKCHAIN | 2019 |
2433 | DestinationUX | Improve SMEs experience from Innovation Support Programmes | 2019 |
2434 | GIoT | Nano-satellites based Global Infrastructure to Enable IoT/M2M Networks - GIoT (Global IoT) | 2019 |
2435 | DFS | Democratized Financial Services | 2019 |
2436 | | Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities | 2019 |
2437 | AIRCARRUS | AIRCARRUS - Autonomous Drone Delivery System | 2019 |
2438 | BREEDER | Adaptative laboratory experiment at industrial scale | 2019 |
2439 | MLS | Multi Lawn Care System Robotic mower fleets to take care of large green areas and replace the fossil-fuel powered mowers | 2019 |
2440 | forecast | The next generation of forest inventory | 2019 |
2441 | ROBIRD | A truly and unique robotic bird of prey for a long-term effective and safe bird control management of airports | 2019 |
2442 | FS-UNIT | FS-UNIT: Light-weight, portable medical Field Suction Unit to disrupt the pre-hospital market | 2019 |
2443 | RAPID | The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease | 2019 |
2444 | Infobel | Infobel Business Data Hub = GET + USE + IMPROVE | 2019 |
2445 | SURE2050 | SUstainable Real Estate 2050 | 2019 |
2446 | MOBILISE-D | Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement | 2019 |
2447 | PALAEMON | PALAEMON – A holistic passenger ship evacuation and rescue ecosystem | 2019 |
2448 | MODALES | MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS | 2019 |
2449 | AGRICORE | Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies | 2019 |
2450 | CHICKENSTRESS | Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments | 2019 |
2451 | PAsCAL | Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes | 2019 |
2452 | BESTMAP | Behavioural, Ecological and Socio-economic Tools for Modelling Agricultural Policy | 2019 |
2453 | MIND STEP | Modelling INdividual Decisions to Support The European Policies related to agriculture | 2019 |
2454 | TRIATLAS | Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management | 2019 |
2455 | IPM Decisions | Stepping-up IPM decision support for crop protection | 2019 |
2456 | SoildiverAgro | Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase | 2019 |
2457 | FF-IPM | In-silico boosted, pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies ('OFF-Season' FF-IPM) | 2019 |
2458 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
2459 | SCOREwater | Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management | 2019 |
2460 | NAIADES | A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector | 2019 |
2461 | E-SHAPE | EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe | 2019 |
2462 | SUMMER | Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources | 2019 |
2463 | Fiware4Water | FIWARE for the Next Generation Internet Services for the WATER sector | 2019 |
2464 | RISE | Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe | 2019 |
2465 | NAVIGATE | Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making | 2019 |
2466 | CLEARING HOUSE | CLEARING HOUSE - Collaborative Learning in Research, Information-sharing and Governance on How Urban tree-based solutions support Sino-European urban futures | 2019 |
2467 | InnoRate | Data-driven tools for supporting and improving the decision-making processes of investors for financing innovative SMEs | 2019 |
2468 | PARSEC | Promoting the internAtional competitiveness of European Remote Sensing companies through Cross-cluster collaboration | 2019 |
2469 | AI4DI | Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry | 2019 |
2470 | Arrowhead Tools | Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions | 2019 |
2471 | MYFUN | The contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to multifunctionality in global drylands | 2020 |
2472 | DRIVE 0 | Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process | 2019 |
2473 | ISAC | International Study on Age-related disparity in Cancer patient survival | 2019 |
2474 | CORRELATION | Characterization and prediction of service-level traffic for future sliced mobile network | 2020 |
2475 | MegaBiCycle | The role of megafauna in biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gas fluxes: implications for climate and ecosystems throughout history | 2019 |
2476 | SocialWatt | Connecting Obligated Parties to Adopt Innovative Schemes towards Energy Poverty Alleviation | 2019 |
2478 | SPEEDIER | SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and Implementation of EneRgy Audits | 2019 |
2479 | LABEL 2020 | New Label driving supply and demand of energy efficient products | 2019 |
2480 | INNOVEAS | INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs | 2019 |
2481 | ODYSSEE-MURE | Monitoring EU energy efficiency first principle and policy implementation | 2019 |
2482 | IDEAS | Immersive Datacentre ExplorAtion and Supervision | 2019 |
2483 | Peer2Scale-Health | Peer2Scale-Health: Peer-learning action to improve innovation support to health SMEs in their scale-up process | 2019 |
2484 | FABLABIA | FabLab as Entrepreneurship supporting tool for innovation agencies | 2019 |
2485 | Nocturne | The eye as a window to the brain, extending lifelong brain health | 2019 |
2487 | TSS | The definitive solution to prevent fuel theft in road goods transport | 2019 |
2488 | TalentMondo | Connecting families with optimal homecare providers through a real-time machine learning matching platform. | 2019 |
2489 | Forsway Next Gen | Hybrid Networks for Global Internet Access | 2019 |
2490 | KYLUS | Fully autonomous real-time inventory management system, based on drone technology with high precision indoor localization | 2019 |
2491 | DRONECOP | The first integral control and command system for managing missions which delivers 3D cartography and georeferenced data in real-time | 2019 |
2492 | Foresight | Foresight: Autonomous machine monitoring and prognostics system for the Oil and Gas and Maritime sectors | 2019 |
2493 | DLIVER | DLIVER - Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery | 2019 |
2494 | DC-IR | AI based software platform | 2019 |
2495 | SentiSquareCX | Qualitative Jump in Customer Experience: Omnichannel Impact of Distributional Semantics | 2019 |
2496 | UDIGITAL | The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation | 2019 |
2497 | Goodwall | The Professional Development Network for the Next Generation | 2019 |
2499 | ARtwin | An AR cloud and digital twins solution for industry and construction 4.0 | 2019 |
2500 | REGREEN | Fostering nature-based solutions for smart, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China | 2019 |
2501 | CGACE | Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers | 2019 |
2502 | Pearls Constellation | A next generation telecommunication platform based on a nano-satellites constellation | 2019 |
2503 | 5G-VICTORI | VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials fOr Rail, energy and media Industries | 2019 |
2504 | EuConNeCts4 | European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) | 2019 |
2505 | 5GhOSTS | 5th GeneratiOn Security for Telecom Services | 2019 |
2506 | Fair4Fusion | Fair for Fusion - open access for fusion data in Europe | 2019 |
2507 | 5G-SOLUTIONS | 5G Solutions for European Citizens | 2019 |
2508 | 5G!Drones | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vertical Applications' Trials Leveraging Advanced 5G Facilities | 2019 |
2509 | 5G-HEART | 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials | 2019 |
2510 | OvaVAx | 100% Bacteria free eggs for use in production of human and animal vaccines | 2019 |
2511 | TaxiDriver | The EU platform to reinforce traditional taxi drivers and face the challenging competition of digital era | 2019 |
2512 | fonYou | Technology platform for telecom carriers to identify and predict mobile user behaviour by means of analytics and deep learning | 2019 |
2513 | EBiSC2 | EBiSC2 – A sustainable European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells | 2019 |
2514 | RESpECT | RESpECT - Public Actions, Private Rules at the Margins: Ensuring Respect for Human Rights by Private Security Companies | 2019 |
2515 | G20LAP | G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking | 2019 |
2516 | Usersnap Suite | Analyzing Smart Bug Tracking and Customer Experience Feedback to Create and Evolve Software Products Users Love | 2019 |
2517 | P2Med | IMIBIC Fellowship Programme for Personalised and Precision Medicine | 2019 |
2518 | EmpowerMed | Empowering women to take action against energy poverty in the Mediterranean | 2019 |
2519 | EDRA | Hardware-Assisted Decoupled Access Execution on the Digital Market: The EDRA Framework | 2019 |
2520 | RICH-2 | The Research Infrastructures Consortium of NCPs for H2020 | 2019 |
2521 | 5GROWTH | 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries | 2019 |
2522 | 5G-TOURS | SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS | 2019 |
2523 | PAV-DT | A disruptive technology that enables low cost real-time monitoring of road pavement condition by any ordinary vehicle circulating on the road, and automatically designs plans for predictive maintenance. | 2019 |
2524 | COSMOS2020plus | Continuation of the Cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services under Horizon 2020 | 2019 |
2525 | E-RESCUE | E-RESCUE - Changing forever the way we rescue crash victims - Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour | 2019 |
2526 | EEENIMAC | Enhancing Innovation Management Assessment Capacity of Enterprise Europe Network partners and Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs | 2019 |
2527 | HeartService | ECG patch and diagnostic service center for efficient and accurate ECG home monitoring | 2019 |
2528 | Pexaconnect | The First Global Renewable Trading Platform | 2019 |
2529 | Evo Constructor | A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery | 2019 |
2530 | EVERIFIN | EU-wide internet banking application for managing more accounts from multiple banks in one place | 2019 |
2531 | Plant-FATE | Predicting global vulnerability of forests to drought using plant functional trait evolution | 2019 |
2532 | ATLAS | Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System | 2019 |
2533 | PALAEOCON | Conservation palaeobiology of terrestrial and marine carbon sinks | 2019 |
2534 | EPSETECH | From Hazardous Waste to Reusable Raw Materials | 2019 |
2536 | TODO | Twinning Open Data Operational | 2019 |
2537 | TWIND | Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership | 2019 |
2538 | PROTECT | Protecting Personal Data Amidst Big Data Innovation | 2019 |
2539 | ANDROMEDA | An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems | 2019 |
2540 | InterConnect | Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids | 2019 |
2541 | eCARE | Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults | 2019 |
2542 | PRIME | Innovative Low-Mass Tanks for a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon European Micro-Launch Vehicle | 2019 |
2543 | InSoMa | Feasibility study for lancing an innovative software tool based on mathematical methods in the B2B market | 2019 |
2544 | PANTROP | Biodiversity and recovery of forest in tropical landscapes | 2019 |
2545 | DigiPLACE | Digital Platform for Construction in Europe | 2019 |
2546 | EOSC-Nordic | EOSC-Nordic | 2019 |
2547 | EOSC-Pillar | Coordination and Harmonisation of National Inititiatives, Infrastructures and Data services in Central and Western Europe | 2019 |
2548 | ExPaNDS | EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Services | 2019 |
2549 | MaaSive | Enabling MaaS in the IP4 Ecosystem | 2018 |
2550 | DESTINI | Smart Data ProcESsing and SysTems of Deep INsIght | 2019 |
2551 | MIA-Portugal | Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing - Portugal | 2020 |
2552 | Sano | Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy | 2019 |
2553 | ECePS | ERA Chair in E-Governance and Digital Public Services | 2019 |
2554 | TROPIBIO | Expanding potential in TROPIcal BIOdiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land | 2019 |
2555 | CyRaCo Box | The next-generation digital inspection platform for fully remote supply chain monitoring | 2019 |
2556 | iNNOGING | Remote and Offline Ultrasound Image Analysis Platform | 2019 |
2557 | GN4-3N | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 Topic [b] Increase of Long-Term Backbone Capacity | 2019 |
2558 | GN4-3 | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 (Topic [a] Research and Education Networking) | 2019 |
2559 | Innovation Principle | Developing an Innovation-Friendly Legislative Culture – the Innovation Principle at Work | 2019 |
2560 | YesElf | We help employees to adopt digital solutions | 2019 |
2561 | XFLEX | Hydropower Extending Power System Flexibility | 2019 |
2562 | HYPOSO | Hydropower solutions for developing and emerging countries | 2019 |
2563 | HIVE-TECH | Artificial Intelligence revolution in beekeeping sector: the “Internet of Bees” | 2019 |
2564 | Fluidly | Intelligent cashflow management and forecasting platform providing insights for financial decision making of SMEs | 2019 |
2565 | QUESTPAIR | Pairing Business with Scientific Expertise | 2019 |
2566 | SAAFE | Soil quality Assessment in Agriculture For life cycle assessment-based Eco-design | 2020 |
2567 | EOSC-synergy | European Open Science Cloud - Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities | 2019 |
2568 | 3 | Network of Science with and for Society National Contact Points 2019-2020 | 2019 |
2569 | NI4OS-Europe | National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe | 2019 |
2570 | Igentify | The disruptive personalized machine-based genetic counseling platform | 2019 |
2571 | ActLight | Delivering a new, key enabling technology that will drive the development of far-reaching advances in photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing | 2019 |
2572 | Terra SmartHDD | Worldwide unique automated mixing and dosing technology for precise dosed and homogenous mixed drilling fluids for horizontal directional drilling with AI-based soil type and wear detection | 2019 |
2573 | 321NOW | 321NOW: The Now Booking Channel | 2019 |
2574 | SIGUEMED | The first affordable and easy-to-use IoT system that tracks pill intake with printed circuits technology | 2019 |
2575 | BLACK HAT | An eco-friendly ultrasonic system to control and prevent algal blooms and zebra mussel invasion in small and large water surfaces | 2019 |
2576 | HYGGii | The therapist in your pocket - AI assisted ecosystem for enabling a patient-centric approach to mental health | 2019 |
2577 | GluttonZen | The First Driver-Minded Electric Compact Street-Sweeper | 2019 |
2578 | Smart Farm 4.0 | the eye and ears of the farmer - Smart monitoring system for intensive livestock farming management | 2019 |
2579 | MAAS | MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. | 2019 |
2580 | QI | AI-powered image forgery detection | 2019 |
2581 | GOODMOD | Generic phOtOnic Design MODules | 2019 |
2582 | DepoSIt | Development and testing of the European Innovation Audit tool for Social Innovation | 2019 |
2583 | DCS-iSMEs | Design Customized Support for Innovative SMEs | 2019 |
2584 | DIHnamic | Digital Innovation Hubs: dynamic facilitation and thrust from regional innovation agencies | 2019 |
2585 | ViAjeRo | ViAjeRo: Virtual and Augmented Reality passenger experiences | 2019 |
2586 | InnoCAP | Innovation Capacity Building in SMEs (InnoCAP) | 2019 |
2587 | EuroSheep | European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders | 2020 |
2588 | BEMYEYES | Specialized Help from Be My Eyes – harnessing technology to connect companies directly with their blind and visually impaired users | 2019 |
2589 | BIKEINSIDE | Automated modular vertical parking for bicycles: guard your bike inside! | 2019 |
2590 | Pacefish | GPU-accelerated CFD software - Highest accuracy in unparalleled speed | 2019 |
2591 | OPENQKD | Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed | 2019 |
2592 | ArtMoMa | Artificial Molecular Machines | 2020 |
2593 | NEANIAS | Novel EOSC services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater and Space Challenges | 2019 |
2594 | INODE | INODE - Intelligent Open Data Exploration | 2019 |
2595 | CS3MESH4EOSC | Interactive and agile/responsive sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for EOSC | 2020 |
2596 | COS4CLOUD | Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud | 2019 |
2597 | ATRA | Aerial Transport for Remote Areas | 2019 |
2598 | UPTEKO | First Fully Integrated Drone System for Maritime Operations | 2019 |
2600 | BatteryCheck | Take the mystery out of battery life. | 2019 |
2601 | BlockStart | Helping SMEs take the first steps into the Blockchain | 2019 |
2602 | CANCERPREV | Innovative strategies for cancer prevention with focus on sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation | 2019 |
2603 | D3T | Data Driven Digital Transformation | 2019 |
2604 | CyberSANE | Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures | 2019 |
2605 | NL4XAI | Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence | 2019 |
2606 | BiD4BEST | Big Data applications for Black hole Evolution STudies | 2020 |
2607 | P4PLAY | People, Place, Policy and Practice for Play | 2020 |
2608 | MUSICA | Multiple-use-of Space for Island Clean Autonomy | 2020 |
2609 | EUCF | European City Facility | 2019 |
2610 | OPEN_NEXT | Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services | 2019 |
2611 | EXCESS | FleXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS | 2019 |
2612 | DIMOFAC | Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories | 2019 |
2613 | DEMS-Nixus | Creating a new paradigm of business value creation by fostering collaboration and data sharing while minimising the cost of business transformation | 2019 |
2614 | Contentflow | Video Livestreaming Has Never Been Easier | 2019 |
2615 | SCAN and WORK | Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work | 2019 |
2616 | VAL | tle Easy identification of optimal translators in a global digital marketplace | 2019 |
2617 | preSENSE | IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration | 2019 |
2618 | Mag-ID | Magnetic identification | 2019 |
2619 | SMART BEAR | Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home | 2019 |
2620 | PHArA-ON | Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing | 2019 |
2621 | Euraxess-AM | Setting up Armenian Euraxess Service Network | 2019 |
2622 | DigiJourney | Digital transformation journey for SMEs | 2019 |
2623 | KOMP Pro | KOMP Pro - The one-button screen connecting care providers and family with non-digital seniors through pictures, messages, video, apps and services. | 2020 |
2624 | SWIFTLY | Sharing-economy matching platform to revolutionize last-mile logistics | 2019 |
2625 | ImpAct Agencies | Impact Actions for social innovation agencies | 2019 |
2626 | EuGeNeS | Euraxess Georgia Network Startup | 2019 |
2627 | SCF | Smart Cash Flow – Getting back on track | 2019 |
2628 | PersonalizeAF | Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach | 2020 |
2629 | DEFOG | Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG | 2019 |
2630 | WoRShIP | Wearable chemical sensors for public health-based business models | 2019 |
2631 | ADDI-OPTIMISE | ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing | 2019 |
2632 | VACDIVA | A safe DIVA vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication | 2019 |
2633 | FNS-Cloud | Food Nutrition Security Cloud | 2019 |
2634 | FLEXGRID | A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high RES penetration through innovative markets towards efficient interaction between advanced electricity grid management and intelligent stakeholders | 2019 |
2636 | FlexPlan | Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning | 2019 |
2637 | SPARCs | Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS | 2019 |
2638 | Smart4RES | Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets | 2019 |
2639 | PACE | The leading manufacturer-independent connected-car platform, disrupting value creation and customer communication in the automotive aftermarket | 2019 |
2640 | UNLOCK-EDD | UNLOCKing next generation computer-guided Enzyme Discovery and Design. | 2019 |
2641 | GLISS | Gliding epitaxy for inorganic space-power sheets | 2020 |
2642 | 3D-SE | Innovative digital, multi-parametric and predictable calculation model for the production of fibre reinforced 3D printed parts for aviation applications according to ISO9100 | 2019 |
2643 | Blue Cloud | Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy | 2019 |
2644 | EuroSea | Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans | 2019 |
2645 | i2connect | Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry | 2019 |
2646 | POCITYF | A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework | 2019 |
2647 | SmartMap | Technology maturation of global first-movers in automated indoor map generation | 2019 |
2648 | IPANEMA | Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications | 2020 |
2650 | OriginIoT | OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development | 2019 |
2651 | Community Cloud | Cubbit - the first distributed data-center recycling the internet resources we waste into the most competitive cloud provider. | 2019 |
2652 | ONEedge | A Software-defined Edge Computing Solution | 2019 |
2653 | SUNSTONE | OMTLAB’s Real time positioning system for smart & flexible manufacturing | 2019 |
2654 | ONEIO | The Intelligent Service Network Operator | 2019 |
2655 | SmaCS | Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness | 2019 |
2656 | vACCINE | AeronautiCal Cyber INtrusion dEtection mechanism | 2019 |
2657 | PHAROS | Physical Architecture Optimization System | 2019 |
2658 | Digital Wallpaper | The wafer thin, flexible, lightweight and endless scalable LED screen for dynamic ambient lighting and outdoor video walls | 2019 |
2659 | ATLANTIS | Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment | 2020 |
2660 | Scale-up Champions | Scale-up Champions: Scale up innovative businesses across the EU | 2019 |
2661 | SafeNcy | SafeNcy - the safe emergency trajectory generator | 2019 |
2663 | Fotokite | Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter | 2019 |
2665 | CHINEQUALJUSTICE | Testing the Chinese Development Model under the Capabilities Approach: The Effects of Preferential Policies and Special Economic Zones on Inequality and Social Justice | 2020 |
2666 | HiPEAC | High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation | 2019 |
2667 | CMD-COAT | Bioactive coating to prevent catheter infection and thrombosis | 2019 |
2668 | | Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain | 2020 |
2669 | IOTI4.0 | Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 | 2019 |
2670 | ALPHA | Assessing Legacies of Past Human Activities in Amazonia | 2020 |
2671 | LOCUS | LOCalization and analytics on-demand embedded in the 5G ecosystem, for Ubiquitous vertical applicationS | 2019 |
2672 | SHAPES | Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems | 2019 |
2673 | TERAWAY | Terahertz technology for ultra-broadband and ultra-wideband operation of backhaul and fronthaul links in systems with SDN management of network and radio resources | 2019 |
2674 | Smart4Europe2 | Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe | 2020 |
2675 | H-CLOUD | Horizon Cloud – The Forum for Strategy Focused Cloud Stakeholders | 2020 |
2676 | TeNDER | affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life | 2019 |
2677 | 5GZORRO | Zero-touch security and trust for ubiquitous computing and connectivity in 5G networks. | 2019 |
2678 | FORCOAST | Earth Observation Services for Fishery, Bivalves Mariculture and Oysterground Restoration along European Coasts | 2019 |
2679 | 5G-CLARITY | Beyond 5G multi-tenant private networks integrating Cellular, WiFi, and LiFi, Powered by ARtificial Intelligence and Intent Based PolicY | 2019 |
2680 | WaterSENSE | Making SENSE of the Water value chain with Copernicus Earth Observation, models and in-situ data | 2020 |
2681 | MonB5G | Distributed management of Network Slices in beyond 5G | 2019 |
2682 | PRS | PRS, an industrial repair system for large series of reusable plastic articles in a circular economy | 2019 |
2683 | IPT-Core | New dimension of fibre optics – bringing 5G to your town with IPT-Core | 2020 |
2684 | Schneeberger | IoT PTO Generators for Emergency Power Supply | 2019 |
2685 | HEAT2VALUE | Increased energy efficiency, flexibility and reduction of green-house gases using thermal battery | 2019 |
2686 | TRUSTS | Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space | 2020 |
2687 | TheFSM | The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification | 2020 |
2688 | i3-MARKET | Intelligent, Interoperable, Integrative and deployable open source MARKETplace with trusted and secure software tools for incentivising the industry data economy | 2020 |
2689 | BD4OPEM | Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace | 2020 |
2691 | LifeChamps | A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions | 2019 |
2693 | MULTIPLE | Multimodal spectral sensors and orchestrated deep models for integrated process optimisation | 2019 |
2694 | PLATOON | Digital PLAtform and analytic TOOls for eNergy | 2020 |
2695 | TEACHING | A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence | 2020 |
2696 | ASCAPE | Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe | 2020 |
2697 | PLMSAT | Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery | 2019 |
2698 | DV SUPPORT | Building an evidence base to support Polish women victims of domestic violence in the UK. | 2020 |
2699 | PLATFORM DISCOURSES | Platform Discourses: A Critical Humanities Approach to the Texts, Images, and Moving Images Produced by Tech Companies | 2019 |
2700 | Go2Space-HUBs | Generating new sOlutions 2 and from Space through effective local start-up HUBs | 2019 |
2701 | SnapEarth | Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2019 |
2702 | ESCF | European Social Catalyst Fund | 2020 |
2703 | DataPorts | A Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future | 2020 |
2704 | BIGPROD | Addressing productivity paradox with big data: implications to policy making | 2019 |
2705 | EASYRIGHTS | Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights | 2020 |
2707 | WELCOME | Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU | 2020 |
2708 | KRAKEN | Brokerage and market platform for personal data | 2019 |
2709 | FleXunity | Scaling-up Power Flexible Communities business models empowered by Blockchain and AI | 2019 |
2710 | G3P | Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product | 2020 |
2711 | CURE | Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe | 2020 |
2712 | CERTO | Copernicus Evolution – Research for Transitional-water Observation | 2020 |
2713 | SURPRISE | SUper-Resolved comPRessive InStrument in the visible and medium infrared for Earth observation applications | 2020 |
2714 | KYKLOS 4.0 | An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on rapid reconfigurable manufacturing process and individualized consumer preferences | 2020 |
2715 | DE4A | Digital Europe for All | 2020 |
2716 | TOKEN | Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services | 2020 |
2717 | reCreating Europe | Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe | 2020 |
2718 | HECAT | Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market Decision Making | 2020 |
2719 | SMARTDEST | Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement | 2020 |
2720 | inDICEs | Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE | 2020 |
2721 | SO-CLOSE | Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations | 2020 |
2722 | GRECA | GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions | 2019 |
2723 | ARM and AWC | Disrupting Global Trade Risk Management & Working Capital Solutions | 2019 |
2724 | TIMAN262O | A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers | 2019 |
2725 | ID Ward | ID Ward: blockchain-based universal ID for privacy-preserving personalisation | 2019 |
2726 | Self-Brett 2.0 | Self-test2, wine analysis kit for Brettanomyces yeast identification | 2019 |
2727 | TECHEYE | Artificial Intelligence beyond quality | 2019 |
2728 | TRESCA | Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches | 2020 |
2729 | BALIHT | Development of full lignin based organic redox flow battery suitable to work in warm environments and heavy multicycle uses. | 2019 |
2730 | Lost-Biodiv | Predicting changes in species interactions following species loss in hydroelectric reservoir islands | 2019 |
2731 | BTSys | Biosolids treatment system for transformation of industrial organic wastes into sustainable and efficient fertilizer with zero emissions | 2019 |
2732 | Contunity | Radically Simplifying Electronics Engineering | 2019 |
2733 | STREAMLINE | Sustainable research at micro and nano X-ray beamlines | 2019 |
2734 | ERIGrid 2.0 | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out – Second Edition | 2020 |
2735 | EENClientInnoJourney | The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN Client Inno Journey | 2020 |
2736 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2020 |
2737 | InnoSME-LV-2020-2021 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2020-2021) | 2020 |
2738 | SAAT2020 | Scoring crops with Agricultural Artificial intelligence Technologies | 2019 |
2739 | ICPstatu | Non-Invasive Technology for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement | 2019 |
2742 | REVERT | taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients | 2020 |
2743 | EPOS SP | European Plate Observing System Sustainability Phase | 2020 |
2744 | OPERAS-P | Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication | 2019 |
2745 | XEUROPE | X-Europe | 2020 |
2747 | ARCAone | Next generation security platform to safeguard critical applications and sensitive digital assets | 2019 |
2748 | SmartCLIDE | Smart Cloud Integrated Development Environment supporting the full-stack implementation, composition and deployment of data-centered services and applications in the cloud | 2020 |
2750 | FogProtect | Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum | 2020 |
2751 | Pledger | Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service | 2019 |
2752 | DELOREAN | Drones and Egnss for LOw aiRspacE urbAN mobility | 2019 |
2753 | GALIRUMI | Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming | 2019 |
2754 | HELMET | High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation | 2020 |
2755 | ARIADNA | Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services | 2019 |
2756 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2020 |
2757 | METROFOOD-PP | METROFOOD-RI Preparatory Phase Project | 2019 |
2758 | ENDofLIFE | Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life | 2020 |
2759 | BANYAN | Big dAta aNalYtics for radio Access Networks | 2019 |
2760 | GEOCEP | Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies | 2020 |
2761 | GEONAV IoT | Galileo dual frequency, 5G, IoT devices and services for Drones, Assets Management and Elite sport | 2019 |
2762 | PREPARE Ships | PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS | 2019 |
2763 | GISCAD-OV | Galileo Improved Services for Cadastral Augmentation Development On-field Validation | 2019 |
2764 | EOSC Enhance | Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds | 2019 |
2765 | TESTBED2 | Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling scalablE smart griD Deployment | 2020 |
2766 | UNDERTREES | Creating knowledge for UNDERsTanding ecosystem seRvicEs of agroforEStry systems through a holistic methodological framework | 2020 |
2767 | CoastCarb | Coastal ecosystem carbon balance in times of rapid glacier melt | 2020 |
2768 | OPTIMIST | OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures | 2020 |
2769 | NGTax | Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept | 2020 |
2770 | RECOMBINE | Research Collaboration and Mobility for Beyond 5G Future Wireless Networks | 2020 |
2771 | PRODIGEES | Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development | 2020 |
2772 | PJ05-W2 DTT | PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower | 2019 |
2773 | PJ13 - W2 ERICA | Enable RPAS Insertion in Controlled Airspace | 2019 |
2774 | PJ10-W2 PROSA | Separation Management and Controller Tools | 2019 |
2775 | PJ14-W2 I-CNSS | Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance System | 2019 |
2776 | PROSME INN | PROSME INN- Improving RO3 SMEs management of innovation | 2020 |
2777 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2020 |
2779 | InnoBavaria_5 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bavaria | 2020 |
2780 | OPTIMA | cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator | 2019 |
2781 | RIDE2RAIL | Travel Companion enhancements and RIDE-sharing services syncronised to RAIL and Public Transport | 2019 |
2782 | IMMERSION | Immersive marketplace for the European real estate sector | 2019 |
2783 | Motionlab | Motionlab: Data driven SaaS platform that made the complex video-personalization accessible and easy | 2019 |
2784 | NOVOBIOME-1 | Development of a novel human derived probiotic species platform - Phase 1 | 2020 |
2786 | SafePort | A Novel Smart System for the safe Management of Nautical operations | 2019 |
2787 | AMBRPAY | Decentralized subscription payments with cryptocurrency | 2019 |
2789 | IVObility | Revolutionizing ground-handling procedures and increasing airport efficiency, economy, and safety | 2019 |
2790 | ROG | Real Organ Generation | 2019 |
2791 | ahead | ahead, The Intelligent Digital Workspace as a Service | 2019 |
2792 | QUALI-DEC | Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers | 2020 |
2793 | Magnet4Europe | Magnet4Europe: Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Health Care Workplace | 2020 |
2794 | IMPACT DIABETES B2B | Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes | 2020 |
2795 | GC_1000 | GROUP CARE FOR THE FIRST 1000 DAYS (GC_1000): If it takes a village to raise a child, group care is the first step | 2020 |
2796 | 4-IN THE LUNG RUN | 4-IN THE LUNG RUN: towards INdividually tailored INvitations, screening INtervals, and INtegrated co-morbidity reducing strategies in lung cancer screening | 2020 |
2797 | MedPhab | Photonics Solutions at Pilot Scale for Accelerated Medical Device Development | 2020 |
2798 | PHABULOUS | Pilot-line providing highly advanced & robust manufacturing technology for optical free-form micro-structures | 2020 |
2799 | DigiFed | Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) federation for large scale adoption of digital technologies by European SMEs | 2020 |
2802 | SHOP4CF | Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories | 2020 |
2803 | DigiPrime | Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks | 2020 |
2804 | PJ19-W2 CI | PJ.19 W2 Content Integration, Performance Management and Business Case Development | 2019 |
2806 | INDIMO | Inclusive digital mobility solutions | 2020 |
2807 | EEN SACHSEN | Specific activities in the context of innovation support in the Free State Saxony 2020-21 | 2020 |
2808 | BW-KAM 5 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Targeting Innovation from Baden- Württemberg for Europe | 2020 |
2809 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2020 |
2810 | SSBI-CRO-KAM5 | Services in Support for Business and Innovation in Croatia - Key Account Management - SSBI-CRO-KAM5 | 2020 |
2811 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source | 2020 |
2812 | Codasip | RISC-V Digital Architecture for the Next Generation of Connected Era | 2020 |
2813 | IURIO | Artificial Intelligence for optimal contract management and enhanced legal teams' collaboration | 2020 |
2814 | GAF | The First non-cancerogenic Glyoxal Acid-Free fixative for a Formalin-free hospital | 2020 |
2815 | Reexen | Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications | 2020 |
2817 | mecasa-AI | Inclusive innovation bringing the digitalizing world to the changing care needs and preferences of Europe’s ageing population | 2020 |
2818 | INCIT-EV | Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and long-range charging solutions to boosT an engaging deployment of Electric Vehicles in Europe | 2020 |
2819 | AquaGen | Water quality biomonitoring combining AI and environmental genomics | 2019 |
2820 | PSOTI | Privacy-preserving Services On The Internet | 2020 |
2821 | FEVER | Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation | 2020 |
2822 | SAMMBA | Standard And Modular Microlauncher BAsed services | 2020 |
2823 | EATRIS-Plus | Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine | 2020 |
2824 | IPERION HS | Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science | 2020 |
2825 | iNEXT-Discovery | Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology | 2020 |
2826 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2019 |
2827 | PREP-IBISBA | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Preparatory Phase | 2020 |
2828 | IS_MIRRI21 | Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century | 2020 |
2829 | Apollo | Apollo: developing a powerful and easy to use platform for choice model estimation and application with full user-customisation | 2020 |
2830 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Entreprise Europe Ouest H2020 | 2020 |
2831 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 20-21 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2832 | DAN | High-performance, kiosk-solution for forensic darknet analysis to gain cyber threat intelligence for companies and greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities | 2019 |
2833 | X2Rail-4 | Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers | 2019 |
2834 | METAFOAM | Towards acoustic metafoams for broad-range sound insulation | 2020 |
2835 | EJP SOIL | Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils | 2020 |
2837 | AQ-WATCH | Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health | 2020 |
2838 | Scaleup4Europe | The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. | 2020 |
2839 | uDEVOPS | Software Quality Assurance for Microservice Development Operations Engineering | 2020 |
2840 | Innovation.NRW | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 | 2020 |
2841 | N-Supp_INNO-20-21 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen / Lower-Saxony | 2020 |
2842 | BASKAM4 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2843 | FINKAMIE2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2020-21 | 2020 |
2844 | EURACTE-INNOV III | EURACTE-INNOV III 2020-21 | 2020 |
2845 | INNCAT2021 | Enhancing INNovation managament capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2020 – 2021 | 2020 |
2846 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2020 |
2847 | ELSE SIM 2020-21 | Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe Smes Innovation Management 2020-21 | 2020 |
2848 | INCAME_2 | INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises | 2020 |
2849 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in macro-region 1 in Romania | 2020 |
2850 | INNMADRIMASD5 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2851 | INMANCAP 2020_21 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2852 | MELIITA 4 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 4 | 2020 |
2853 | ICKEAM-5 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2020 |
2854 | INNODK IV | Innovation Services for Danish SMEs IV 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2855 | BISONet PLUS4 ENH | Business Innovation Support Network PLUS Enhancing the innovation management capacities | 2020 |
2856 | INNCASTHUR-20_21 | Services addressing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Thuringia | 2020 |
2857 | VEBIN SME 3.1 | Continuation of the EEN activities on behalf of H2020 cq. Horizon Europe in the region of Flanders (Belgium) | 2020 |
2858 | EEN EF4 INNO 20-21 | Enterprise Europe Network Innovation specific services in the two regions of Eastern France | 2020 |
2859 | EEN-InnovationJourne | EEN-InnovationJouney PT | 2020 |
2860 | INNOKAM 2020-21 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2020 |
2861 | H2020 SGA4 | EEN Northern Netherlands - H2020 SGA4 - Period 2020/21 | 2020 |
2862 | APII-H2020-GA4-20-21 | Establishing services to “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs that are members of the EEN Tunisia. | 2020 |
2863 | E3Canarias 2020-2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs with the Enterprise Europe Network Canarias 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2864 | INNOVACTION 2020-21 | Actions in support of innovation in SMES | 2020 |
2865 | INNOVACTIS 2020-2021 | INNOVACTIS 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2866 | INNO-HUN 2020-21 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network – 2020-21 | 2020 |
2867 | Swennis 2020-2021 | Sweden EEN consortium Innovation Support 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2868 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2020 |
2869 | InnoBremen 4 | InnoBremen4 - Establishing Services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2020 |
2870 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2020 |
2872 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
2873 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the EIC Pilot beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2020 |
2874 | EENINNOAUSTRIA4 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2020 |
2875 | KAM2CY5 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2020 |
2876 | KAM2EastPoland2020-2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2020 |
2877 | H2020 Armenia | Provision of innovative support services to Armenian SMEs which potential for growth and innovation development. | 2020 |
2878 | NOREIC | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services – NOREIC 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2879 | IMCESA-2021 | Innovation Management Capacity Enhancement of SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt for the period 2020-21 | 2020 |
2880 | KAM2WP_2020_2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in West Poland | 2020 |
2881 | STRATEGY-CKD | System omics to unravel the gut-kidney axis in Chronic Kidney Disease. | 2020 |
2882 | DiSSCo Prepare | Distributed System of Scientific Collections - Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
2883 | INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | 2020 |
2884 | ELIXIR-CONVERGE | Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services | 2020 |
2885 | JERICO-S3 | Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 | 2020 |
2886 | KAM2CentralPoland-4 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland - 4 | 2020 |
2887 | SMEntorEGE | SMEntorEGE | 2020 |
2888 | COALA | COpernicus Applications and services for Low impact agriculture in Australia | 2020 |
2889 | PrimeWater | Delivering Advanced Predictive Tools form Medium to Seasonal Range for Water Dependent Industries Exploiting the Cross-Cutting Potential of EO and Hydro-Ecological Modeling | 2019 |
2890 | InnosuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2020 |
2891 | EENinnoSMES4 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2020 |
2893 | AURASME4 | Proposal of Consortium AURASME4 for the support services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs within the Enterprise Europe Network Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes (EURORAA4) | 2020 |
2894 | IRL-SME-Innovation | Establishment of Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network Ireland | 2020 |
2895 | INNOVIST 4.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2020 |
2896 | IBERIA XRF | Compact X-Ray Fluorescence probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and accurate underground material analysis | 2020 |
2897 | EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | 2020 |
2898 | BENE I2 2020-2021 | BENE Innovation Internationalisation services 2020-2021 | 2020 |
2899 | InnoManage BB 20-21 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2020-2021) | 2020 |
2900 | bsnEA | Business Support Network – East Anatolia | 2020 |
2902 | NanoFabNet | NanoFabNet - International Hub for sustainable industrial-scale Nanofabrication | 2020 |
2903 | CESEAND InnoAses5 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2020/2021. | 2020 |
2904 | B-HUB FOR EUROPE | Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth | 2020 |
2905 | RAIKA | A.I. enabled knowledge analysis automation to increase resilience, security and performance of Enterprise ICT systems. | 2019 |
2906 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2020 |
2907 | ClimateWeb | The Effects Of Climate Change on the Web of Life | 2020 |
2908 | Ether | Development ecosystem intended for engineers and researchers looking to invent, build, verify, evaluate, and release application-tailored storage systems faster and more reliably | 2020 |
2909 | Project Racoon | Ultra-Fast Reliable Radio Control Systems for Avionics | 2020 |
2910 | DELIGHT | Device-Centric Low-Complexity High-Frequency Networks | 2020 |
2911 | FIRE | An industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation | 2019 |
2912 | AQUACOSM-plus | Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond | 2020 |
2913 | AQUAEXCEL3.0 | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0 | 2020 |
2914 | Colorifix | A revolutionary dyeing process to help the textile industry reduce its environmental impact | 2020 |
2915 | SoBigData-PlusPlus | SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics | 2020 |
2917 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SME | 2020 |
2918 | PJ09-W2 DNMS | Digital Network Management Services | 2019 |
2919 | PLanTra | Plain language for financial content: Assessing the impact of training on students' revisions and readers' comprehension | 2020 |
2920 | WeCanIt | We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective | 2020 |
2921 | BFHA 2020 | Innovation for better ageing | 2019 |
2922 | THRESHOLD | Thresholds and tipping points in ecosystem responses to global warming | 2021 |
2923 | SleekShip | Spectral Imaging Powered Ship Hull Biofouling Detection and Cleaning | 2020 |
2924 | NextGenMicrofluidics | Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes | 2020 |
2925 | FAST-SMART | FAST and Nano-Enabled SMART Materials, Structures and Systems for Energy Harvesting | 2020 |
2926 | FAIR | Forest transitions in the Anthropocene and their Implications for Restoration values – a global assessment based on remote sensing | 2020 |
2927 | SURGE | Sinofinancialization and urban change in Addis Ababa and Nairobi: an ethnography of private Chinese capital in African cities. | 2020 |
2928 | BioScal | Monitoring functional traits by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data to assess biodiversity across Europe | 2021 |
2929 | UNTWIST | UNraveling the knoT of the Water-energy-food nexus usIng ecosySTems services | 2021 |
2930 | DECRYPT | Drivers of Ecosystem Collapse and RecoverY across the Permo-Triassic | 2021 |
2931 | Drones4Safety | Inspection Drones for Ensuring Safety in Transport Infrastructures | 2020 |
2932 | RAPID | Risk-aware Automated Port Inspection Drone(s) | 2020 |
2933 | TroPeaCC | Tropical Peatlands and the Carbon Cycle | 2020 |